Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

Sorry, but the Disney example proves you wrong. I've worked side-by-side with H1-B employees almost my entire careers. Corporations hire them because they are cheaper and already trained.
Sorry but the plural of anecdote is not evidence.
How can they be cheaper? They live in the same place as Americans, have equivalent training as Americans, and obviously can figure out what Americans get paid.

I have to disagree.
When I started machining in the mid eighties hispanics made up maybe 3% of the employees in any given machine shop. When I retired 4 years ago they made up around 80%.
These were good jobs you could support a family on. Wages stagnated because hispanics would work for far less than their American counterparts.
Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and diversified or I never would have been able to retire.
And that is the plan for America....keep everyone working until they die to feed the monster.

I will say however that I now use the influx of cheap labor to my advantage.
I didnt bring em here,and I damn sure dont want them here,but since they're here I'm going to take advantage.....to the detriment of the the American worker unfortunately.
Sorry but machinists are not part of H1B visas.

The end result is the same. Immigrants taking jobs from Americans for less pay.
Thank you. Your opinion is now officially irrelevant on this issue.

And what part isnt true?
Immigrants,no matter how they get here,undermine wages.
Sorry but the plural of anecdote is not evidence.
How can they be cheaper? They live in the same place as Americans, have equivalent training as Americans, and obviously can figure out what Americans get paid.

I have to disagree.
When I started machining in the mid eighties hispanics made up maybe 3% of the employees in any given machine shop. When I retired 4 years ago they made up around 80%.
These were good jobs you could support a family on. Wages stagnated because hispanics would work for far less than their American counterparts.
Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and diversified or I never would have been able to retire.
And that is the plan for America....keep everyone working until they die to feed the monster.

I will say however that I now use the influx of cheap labor to my advantage.
I didnt bring em here,and I damn sure dont want them here,but since they're here I'm going to take advantage.....to the detriment of the the American worker unfortunately.
Sorry but machinists are not part of H1B visas.

The end result is the same. Immigrants taking jobs from Americans for less pay.
Thank you. Your opinion is now officially irrelevant on this issue.

And what part isnt true?
Immigrants,no matter how they get here,undermine wages.

There have been noisy cowards like you at every stage of the nation's history. You are always found irrelevant.
Sorry but the plural of anecdote is not evidence.
How can they be cheaper? They live in the same place as Americans, have equivalent training as Americans, and obviously can figure out what Americans get paid.

I have to disagree.
When I started machining in the mid eighties hispanics made up maybe 3% of the employees in any given machine shop. When I retired 4 years ago they made up around 80%.
These were good jobs you could support a family on. Wages stagnated because hispanics would work for far less than their American counterparts.
Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and diversified or I never would have been able to retire.
And that is the plan for America....keep everyone working until they die to feed the monster.

I will say however that I now use the influx of cheap labor to my advantage.
I didnt bring em here,and I damn sure dont want them here,but since they're here I'm going to take advantage.....to the detriment of the the American worker unfortunately.
Sorry but machinists are not part of H1B visas.

The end result is the same. Immigrants taking jobs from Americans for less pay.
Thank you. Your opinion is now officially irrelevant on this issue.

And what part isnt true?
Immigrants,no matter how they get here,undermine wages.
That isnt true. It is never true. It wasnt true for blacks movng up north, it wasnt true for Germans entering the country in the 18th century, or Irish and Jews in the 19th century or Hispanics in this century.
People are resources, not liabilities. They increase the pool of talent and create markets.
Sure, change makes for disruptions and not everyone will benefit. Too bad. Show me someplace with no change in their economy.
I have to disagree.
When I started machining in the mid eighties hispanics made up maybe 3% of the employees in any given machine shop. When I retired 4 years ago they made up around 80%.
These were good jobs you could support a family on. Wages stagnated because hispanics would work for far less than their American counterparts.
Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and diversified or I never would have been able to retire.
And that is the plan for America....keep everyone working until they die to feed the monster.

I will say however that I now use the influx of cheap labor to my advantage.
I didnt bring em here,and I damn sure dont want them here,but since they're here I'm going to take advantage.....to the detriment of the the American worker unfortunately.
Sorry but machinists are not part of H1B visas.

The end result is the same. Immigrants taking jobs from Americans for less pay.
Thank you. Your opinion is now officially irrelevant on this issue.

And what part isnt true?
Immigrants,no matter how they get here,undermine wages.
That isnt true. It is never true. It wasnt true for blacks movng up north, it wasnt true for Germans entering the country in the 18th century, or Irish and Jews in the 19th century or Hispanics in this century.
People are resources, not liabilities. They increase the pool of talent and create markets.
Sure, change makes for disruptions and not everyone will benefit. Too bad. Show me someplace with no change in their economy.

This is self inflicted damage.
Like I said earlier,it no longer effects me other than to bring down my cost of services. It's the Americans still in the work force who are getting screwed.
I have to disagree.
When I started machining in the mid eighties hispanics made up maybe 3% of the employees in any given machine shop. When I retired 4 years ago they made up around 80%.
These were good jobs you could support a family on. Wages stagnated because hispanics would work for far less than their American counterparts.
Thank God I saw the writing on the wall and diversified or I never would have been able to retire.
And that is the plan for America....keep everyone working until they die to feed the monster.

I will say however that I now use the influx of cheap labor to my advantage.
I didnt bring em here,and I damn sure dont want them here,but since they're here I'm going to take advantage.....to the detriment of the the American worker unfortunately.
Sorry but machinists are not part of H1B visas.

The end result is the same. Immigrants taking jobs from Americans for less pay.
Thank you. Your opinion is now officially irrelevant on this issue.

And what part isnt true?
Immigrants,no matter how they get here,undermine wages.
That isnt true. It is never true. It wasnt true for blacks movng up north, it wasnt true for Germans entering the country in the 18th century, or Irish and Jews in the 19th century or Hispanics in this century.
People are resources, not liabilities. They increase the pool of talent and create markets.
Sure, change makes for disruptions and not everyone will benefit. Too bad. Show me someplace with no change in their economy.

It may have been true up until WW II, but that was before we had things like welfare, free healthcare and public schooling. The immigrants in those days also came from a culture on a similar level to ours. They weren't the refuse of third world countries that had no use for them.

Things are different now. Women come over the border just so they can have a baby and create a burden for the taxpayers. They pay for the birth of the baby and then they pay to house, cloth and feed it. We gain nothing from third world immigration to our shores.
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Sorry but machinists are not part of H1B visas.

The end result is the same. Immigrants taking jobs from Americans for less pay.
Thank you. Your opinion is now officially irrelevant on this issue.

And what part isnt true?
Immigrants,no matter how they get here,undermine wages.
That isnt true. It is never true. It wasnt true for blacks movng up north, it wasnt true for Germans entering the country in the 18th century, or Irish and Jews in the 19th century or Hispanics in this century.
People are resources, not liabilities. They increase the pool of talent and create markets.
Sure, change makes for disruptions and not everyone will benefit. Too bad. Show me someplace with no change in their economy.

It may have been true up until WW II, but that was before we had things like welfare, free healthcare and public schooling. The immigrants in those days also came for a culture on a similar level to ours. They weren't the refuse of third world countries that had no use for them.

Things are different now. Women come over the border just so they can have a baby and create a burden for the taxpayers. They pay for the birth of the baby and then they pay to house, cloth and feed it. We gain nothing from third world immigration to our shores.
Gee, tell that to the Vietnamese, Cambodians, Thais and Chinese that have come here in the last 40 years. My son's freshman hall at U.Illinois was filled with their chidlren.
H1Bs are for workers with significant academic achievement. Programmers and other tech workers. We clearly do not have enough in this country otherwise companies would be hiring Americans.

And yet, they can and are used to fill low level line positions.
The end result is the same. Immigrants taking jobs from Americans for less pay.
Thank you. Your opinion is now officially irrelevant on this issue.

And what part isnt true?
Immigrants,no matter how they get here,undermine wages.
That isnt true. It is never true. It wasnt true for blacks movng up north, it wasnt true for Germans entering the country in the 18th century, or Irish and Jews in the 19th century or Hispanics in this century.
People are resources, not liabilities. They increase the pool of talent and create markets.
Sure, change makes for disruptions and not everyone will benefit. Too bad. Show me someplace with no change in their economy.

It may have been true up until WW II, but that was before we had things like welfare, free healthcare and public schooling. The immigrants in those days also came for a culture on a similar level to ours. They weren't the refuse of third world countries that had no use for them.

Things are different now. Women come over the border just so they can have a baby and create a burden for the taxpayers. They pay for the birth of the baby and then they pay to house, cloth and feed it. We gain nothing from third world immigration to our shores.
Gee, tell that to the Vietnamese, Cambodians, Thais and Chinese that have come here in the last 40 years. My son's freshman hall at U.Illinois was filled with their chidlren.

And they are taking jobs from Americans.
Thank you. Your opinion is now officially irrelevant on this issue.

And what part isnt true?
Immigrants,no matter how they get here,undermine wages.
That isnt true. It is never true. It wasnt true for blacks movng up north, it wasnt true for Germans entering the country in the 18th century, or Irish and Jews in the 19th century or Hispanics in this century.
People are resources, not liabilities. They increase the pool of talent and create markets.
Sure, change makes for disruptions and not everyone will benefit. Too bad. Show me someplace with no change in their economy.

It may have been true up until WW II, but that was before we had things like welfare, free healthcare and public schooling. The immigrants in those days also came for a culture on a similar level to ours. They weren't the refuse of third world countries that had no use for them.

Things are different now. Women come over the border just so they can have a baby and create a burden for the taxpayers. They pay for the birth of the baby and then they pay to house, cloth and feed it. We gain nothing from third world immigration to our shores.
Gee, tell that to the Vietnamese, Cambodians, Thais and Chinese that have come here in the last 40 years. My son's freshman hall at U.Illinois was filled with their chidlren.

And they are taking jobs from Americans.
Idiot. They ARE Americans.
LMAO That's it. ball up your little man digits and call me gay. Losing.....fraud

Well, I called your lover gay, not you...I would imagine whatever gender you claim to be, you'll turn him/her off of it forever.

Get lost old man, you're just being stupid LOL Come on, own up dude,you're some 50 something retard pissed off the man shit all over you your entire life, huh?

I love that my success makes you the angry little person you've become.

LOL @ success, now shush , catfish
If it were not true, you could list the GOP "accomplishments" and their resumes. But you can't, you won't. You're a scared little fuckstain whose scent is the only thing that last.

I would dare say that John Kasich has by far the best resume of the current brood, and at least as far back as Bush 41.

-Nine term Representative, got out in 2001 (has avoided the shit-show of the 21st century)
-Had a pivotal role in balancing the budget
-Was Chair of the House Budget committee
-Was involved in foreign affairs during tenure in House
-Has a history of working across aisle to get things done

-Was on board of several major corporations after Congressional service
-Currently serving second term as Governor
-Successfully tackled major budgetary deficit upon being elected Governor
-Reduced total taxation while reducing spending and increasing state's rainy day fund
-Significant job growth and reduction of unemployment
-Maximized state education funding to highest all time levels
-Instituted criminal justice reforms with a focus on treating addiction instead of punishing it, resulting in lowest recidivism rate in the country

Red ones are not accomplishments according to the right wing here. See, it's not enough to get 5-10 million people to vote for you (for some reason).

Blue ones don't matter either since there is no skin to tack to the wall.

The black ones are great. He should run on them. These are the jobs of governors. There are other things he did as governor that are not so great. He'll have to run on them too.

Don't let dumbasses like Rabbi be the yard stick that the rest of us are measured. For that matter, don't let half the so called conservatives of the USMB be part of that yardstick either.

While act of being elected might not be a job accomplishment, the experience is still a noteworthy resume consideration. If we are considering people's resumes, Kasich has an extensive one, loaded with many accomplishments.
Idiot. They ARE Americans.

There you have it, folks. Rabbi says that foreigners are Americans.
Do they become American citizens? Are their children American citizens?
Yes and yes.
You are a dumbass. And a racist.

I helped a Polish woman with gaining her US citizenship, that woman is more American now than any left loon on this board. She is so proud to be able to say she is a US citizen
Idiot. They ARE Americans.

There you have it, folks. Rabbi says that foreigners are Americans.
Do they become American citizens? Are their children American citizens?
Yes and yes.
You are a dumbass. And a racist.

So people who are not Americans are Americans, because someone else became a citizen in the past. And I'm the dumbass?

Yeah dumb ass it's the legal and correct pathway to US citizenship, been going on for a couple of centuries now
Idiot. They ARE Americans.

There you have it, folks. Rabbi says that foreigners are Americans.

Foreigners can become Americans, I got Rabbi's point, you didn't

No, Rabbi's point is that all people are inherently America, because there is no America. Just a place that belongs to the whole world. That's Rabbi's position on all of this.

Rabbi's post was not even remotely akin to that. Stop making shit up

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