Televise All School Classes

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Having the bandwidth to provide video from every classroom requires fiber optics and a good server. Allowing a few hundred parents to sign in and select a specific classroom is not going to be done with some CPU they have lying around. Having the recording capability, to avoid lawsuits when someone claims they saw something, would require even more technology.
We are talking about LIVE TELEVISION, not video recording. That also has already been covered in the thread, which you would know if you read it.

Also, if someone sued a school, they would have to provide their own recording to make their case, and would likely need a full recording of the entire class, to be acceptable in court. The court would have the recording of the class.

Who in the hell told you they only work 6 hours a day?

Allow me to educate you on the reality of a teacher's day. I Get Paid for 180 Days of Work Each Year, but I Actually Work More Than 250

And schools usually have students arriving at 7:30am. You think teachers don't get to work until 9am? You really are an idiot. And when do they grade work? When do they plan the curriculum? You are clueless.
I have always known classes to go from 9 AM to 3 PM as mine were when I was a kid, and my kids classes too. And teachers grade work, while students are taking tests, drawing or painting in art classes, and in many schools, tests are graded by teachers' aides, not by them.

And yes, 9 months a year.

I have had 4 kids go through public schools. Not one of them had the school start at 9am. Not one.

Most of the time students are arriving between 7am and 7:30am. Once teh students arrive, the teachers are responsible for them.
I actually teach in the classroom and talk to hundreds of teachers and parents.

First hand experience. Never had a single parent, student, or teacher discuss this.

Your hearsay means squat.
YOU are the one who is spouting the "hearsay" YOU said most parents don't want televising of their kids' classes, without a shred of evidence to back that up.

Also interesting that the posters in this thread who oppose the idea of televising teachers, happen to be teachers. LOL.. A bit of vested interest, could we suspect ? :biggrin:

Looks like these teachers are a bunch of spoiled brats, who have been working unsupervised all along (contrary to just about all other occupations), and they want to keep it that way. I say >> Hell no. Time to become ACCOUNTABLE.

The OP never suggested how we PAY for your pipedream of cameras in the classroom.
:puhleeze:I did suggest it 2 days ago, and this is the 3rd time I'm telling you, Mr Dense. :rolleyes:

Yes, by taking money from programs that should never have been funded to begin with.

But will the federal gov't be prepared to fund it? Or will it fall to the individual school districts, as most school funding does?
The money that you want spent on this insane surveillance system could provide better facilities and more qualified teachers. And THAT would be a guaranteed improvement in the education system.
More "qualified" teachers at doing what ? Teaching CRT ? Which is exactly what they WILL do, if they are not supervised by parents and the community, the best way being television of their classes. Ho hum.

More unfounded claims. Teachers have enough on their plate teaching the subjects in which they specialize. Unless you have some evidence that teaching CRT is particularly widespread, your fears are just the result of manipulation by a certain segment of politicians and news media.
can afford to spend a little time each day talking to their children to see what happened and how they are doing. If they can't, they shouldn't have children.
The children may not understand or recognize propaganda or how to relate it to adults

Children can relate things to their parents better than you assume. And parents, good parents, can understand what they mean.
The curriculum is decided by someone well above the teacher's pay grade.
Wherever. Whoever. What the children need are professional teachers not teaching CRT.

And I answered this previously also. In some case, teachers interject their own CRT, with or without input from others. Read the thread, lazy bones.
No, you ignorant twit. The entire CRT is a boogieman used to manipulate you.

But if you have any evidence that it is being taught in a lot of schools, feel free to share that evidence.
I have had 4 kids go through public schools. Not one of them had the school start at 9am. Not one.

Most of the time students are arriving between 7am and 7:30am. Once teh students arrive, the teachers are responsible for them.
Must be something new.
Having the bandwidth to provide video from every classroom requires fiber optics and a good server. Allowing a few hundred parents to sign in and select a specific classroom is not going to be done with some CPU they have lying around. Having the recording capability, to avoid lawsuits when someone claims they saw something, would require even more technology.
We are talking about LIVE TELEVISION, not video recording. That also has already been covered in the thread, which you would know if you read it.

Also, if someone sued a school, they would have to provide their own recording to make their case, and would likely need a full recording of the entire class, to be acceptable in court. The court would have the recording of the class.

If the video would be able to be used for complaints or lawsuits, the school would have to maintain a master copy. Otherwise, they would be at the mercy of any decent editing job or manipulation. Anything that is recorded, especially of kids, will be recorded and the records kept.
I have had 4 kids go through public schools. Not one of them had the school start at 9am. Not one.

Most of the time students are arriving between 7am and 7:30am. Once teh students arrive, the teachers are responsible for them.
Must be something new.

I was dropped off at Northington Elementary at 7:30 every school day, starting in 1966. No, not new.

It must hurt when I can hit the target ever time with the first attempt.

You can't stay away just in case I stumble and you get a chance to put the boots in.
Yes, by taking money from programs that should never have been funded to begin with.

But will the federal gov't be prepared to fund it? Or will it fall to the individual school districts, as most school funding does?
Yes, by taking money from programs that should never have been funded to begin with. That's right. So what's your complaint ? You asked a question. You got answers (plural).

YES, the federal govt is prepared to fund it, and why do you ask such a stupid question, when you have repeatedly been given answersssssss. Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle)
Children can relate things to their parents better than you assume. And parents, good parents, can understand what they mean.
The streets are full of moron rioters who were fed a steady diet of CRT when they were in school. You are not seeing what's happening.

Good post, Mac-7.
No, you ignorant twit. The entire CRT is a boogieman used to manipulate you.

But if you have any evidence that it is being taught in a lot of schools, feel free to share that evidence.
That has also been addressed earlier in the thread, you ignorant lazy-bonehead. I shouldn't have to repeat. (Post # 437)
Yes, by taking money from programs that should never have been funded to begin with.

But will the federal gov't be prepared to fund it? Or will it fall to the individual school districts, as most school funding does?
Yes, by taking money from programs that should never have been funded to begin with. That's right. So what's your complaint ? You asked a question. You got answers (plural).

YES, the federal govt is prepared to fund it, and why do you ask such a stupid question, when you have repeatedly been given answersssssss. Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle) View attachment 506979:rolleyes:

How in the hell do you know what the federal gov't is prepared to fund? They haven't been prepared to fund other programs for schools.

You are just talking out your ass now.
No, you ignorant twit. The entire CRT is a boogieman used to manipulate you.

But if you have any evidence that it is being taught in a lot of schools, feel free to share that evidence.
That has also been addressed earlier in the thread, you ignorant lazy-bonehead. I shouldn't have to repeat. (Post # 437)

Post #437
"That is doubtful, due to the large number of parents over the whole country, who are up in arms, due to what they saw on their kids' computers. And remember that those parents are probably a fraction of the total, because for every one of them that goes to a school board hearing, there are probably many more who are upset too, but they don't speak out.

I'm going to look into the quantity aspect, and see what data there is, but by the response showing so far, it is like to be big (and all over).

Another thing to consider is that it's common to find schools that are teaching CRT, and not admitting it. If asked, they deny and hide it."

That is not evidence. That is pure supposition and paranoia.
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