Televise All School Classes

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They want to be able to do whatever and be unaccountable I guess......but then they insist that the police must wear bodycams.

Yup. They are spoiled by being unaccountable for many years. Now they go by > "do as I say, not as I do."
Sounds to me like what you want is homeschooling or a private school that shares your outlook.
Televising classrooms, besides being totally paranoid, rings of 1984 like nothing else I've heard before. Get lost, Big Brother.
MisterBeale Early education is the libs beginning the indoctrination process----EARLY education btw has been shown to provide no long term benefits for the kids. Basically the HEADSTART programs have been nothing but a giant waste of money for taxpayers. #1 factor in how well a kid does academically---isn't the government, but who the kids parents are.
Sounds to me like what you want is homeschooling or a private school that shares your outlook.
Televising classrooms, besides being totally paranoid, rings of 1984 like nothing else I've heard before. Get lost, Big Brother.
The only thing that's paranoid is the strange idea that somehow a television monitoring system will be harmful to the classroom. Fully 30 to 40% of instruction today is done online over a screen. Online colleges are growing in number and in popularity. With this particular medium there is a constant monitoring of all things said and done in the classroom and it hasn't seemed to hinder it one bit. During the hybrid session at the end of the school year my grandson's teachers were visible throughout the entire class on his screen. The other students who were physically present at school were audible even if they weren't visible. 1984 has arrived where have you been?
Sounds to me like what you want is homeschooling or a private school that shares your outlook.
Televising classrooms, besides being totally paranoid, rings of 1984 like nothing else I've heard before. Get lost, Big Brother.
The only thing that's paranoid is the strange idea that somehow a television monitoring system will be harmful to the classroom. Fully 30 to 40% of instruction today is done online over a screen. Online colleges are growing in number and in popularity. With this particular medium there is a constant monitoring of all things said and done in the classroom and it hasn't seemed to hinder it one bit. During the hybrid session at the end of the school year my grandson's teachers were visible throughout the entire class on his screen. The other students who were physically present at school were audible even if they weren't visible. 1984 has arrived where have you been?
It's a totally different thing to video a class for online instruction than it is to have a monitoring 'eye' watching to make sure the teacher (or students) do not cross the sanctioned ideological lines. It's so fascist I can't even believe it's being taken seriously by some of the fruitcakes here. Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised....but anyway
If a parent wants to know the material covered, get active in the PTA, with the school board, just read your kids' text books. Or, here's a thought, Ask them what they're learning. Bring up the issues of the day in an age appropriate way, nonjudgmentally, and listen to what they say.
How the fuck do you know that? The last time you went through a classroom door was when they hurled you out for being over-age in middle school!
One could easily surmise that he knows it, just by seeing and knowing lots of those little marxists OUTSIDE the classroom. Now go wash out your mouth with soap, and come back and report to me. :biggrin:

Not likely.
Sounds to me like what you want is homeschooling or a private school that shares your outlook.
Televising classrooms, besides being totally paranoid, rings of 1984 like nothing else I've heard before. Get lost, Big Brother.
The only thing that's paranoid is the strange idea that somehow a television monitoring system will be harmful to the classroom. Fully 30 to 40% of instruction today is done online over a screen. Online colleges are growing in number and in popularity. With this particular medium there is a constant monitoring of all things said and done in the classroom and it hasn't seemed to hinder it one bit. During the hybrid session at the end of the school year my grandson's teachers were visible throughout the entire class on his screen. The other students who were physically present at school were audible even if they weren't visible. 1984 has arrived where have you been?
It's a totally different thing to video a class for online instruction than it is to have a monitoring 'eye' watching to make sure the teacher (or students) do not cross the sanctioned ideological lines. It's so fascist I can't even believe it's being taken seriously by some of the fruitcakes here. Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised....but anyway
If a parent wants to know the material covered, get active in the PTA, with the school board, just read your kids' text books. Or, here's a thought, Ask them what they're learning. Bring up the issues of the day in an age appropriate way, nonjudgmentally, and listen to what they say.

He is obviously thinks the PTA and school board are fascist organizations. His kids will probably not bring textbooks home, if they have any. His kids have no idea what they are learning because they did not fall far from the nut tree. The last one he could probably do, since he possesses a lower level of education than his kids!
Get off your dumb ass and go observe.
I prefer the cameras because parents have jobs and cannot spend their working hours in the classrooms
You think an employer will let you gawk at little kids all day on your laptop, stealing his bandwidth and using up company time?

Do you have any idea how many people work at night? My daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and many of my friends all work at night, as do I.
Having the bandwidth to provide video from every classroom requires fiber optics and a good server. Allowing a few hundred parents to sign in and select a specific classroom is not going to be done with some CPU they have lying around. Having the recording capability, to avoid lawsuits when someone claims they saw something, would require even more technology.
We are talking about LIVE TELEVISION, not video recording. That also has already been covered in the thread, which you would know if you read it.

Also, if someone sued a school, they would have to provide their own recording to make their case, and would likely need a full recording of the entire class, to be acceptable in court. The court would have the recording of the class.
Covered? Yes. The entire idea has been dismissed as unworkable. You sure as shit know nothing about television.
I actually teach in the classroom and talk to hundreds of teachers and parents.

First hand experience. Never had a single parent, student, or teacher discuss this.

Your hearsay means squat.
YOU are the one who is spouting the "hearsay" YOU said most parents don't want televising of their kids' classes, without a shred of evidence to back that up.

Also interesting that the posters in this thread who oppose the idea of televising teachers, happen to be teachers. LOL.. A bit of vested interest, could we suspect ? :biggrin:

Looks like these teachers are a bunch of spoiled brats, who have been working unsupervised all along (contrary to just about all other occupations), and they want to keep it that way. I say >> Hell no. Time to become ACCOUNTABLE.
Unsupervised? You are so full of shit you must have brown eyes, hair and beard. As an administrator, I was in every one of my teacher's classrooms sometime in the course of a day.
I have had 4 kids go through public schools. Not one of them had the school start at 9am. Not one.

Most of the time students are arriving between 7am and 7:30am. Once teh students arrive, the teachers are responsible for them.
Must be something new.
Is there nothing you will admit that you are completely wrong about. Back in the 1970s, my bus picked me up at 6am and deposited me at school, even though class did not start for another hour. We finally got to leave the school about 3:15 in the afternoon. It is not new, any more than the piece of shit beater you probably drive.
Children can relate things to their parents better than you assume. And parents, good parents, can understand what they mean.
The streets are full of moron rioters who were fed a steady diet of CRT when they were in school. You are not seeing what's happening.

Good post, Mac-7.
OK, when did CRT start? It was not as long ago as it seems. Did all of these rioters attend law school where the courses originated? CT has nothing to do with the Marxists who rioted in Portland, Seattle and other major cities last summer and up until today. Antifa is mostly white.

How in the hell do you know what the federal gov't is prepared to fund? They haven't been prepared to fund other programs for schools.

You are just talking out your ass now.
How in hell do you NOT KNOW ?.....when I explained it to you multiple times, using specific numbers, and even links to Pew Research Center (remittances), + information about illegal aliens$$$$ that is commonly known, and in the news every day. Both right & left wing outlets.

What's the matter ? You coming down with Joe Biden disease ?
Congress doesn't have enough Republican in the Senate that will defect and support any expenditures on a great deal of Biden's planed expenditures. If they can stop it, they will. I guess you are the one sufferings from Joe Biden disease because neither can figure out that the filibuster prevents any of Joe's plans from ever coming to fruition. Thank you Sen. Manchin and Senator Sinema.
Sounds to me like what you want is homeschooling or a private school that shares your outlook.
Televising classrooms, besides being totally paranoid, rings of 1984 like nothing else I've heard before. Get lost, Big Brother.
You are mixing up 2 different things. Just because a camera supervises teachers, thereby making them accountable to whom they should be accountble to (parents), that doesn't make it Big Brother.

Big Brother was a government thing. This is PARENTS. Get it ? So get lost, yourself.

And get informed. When you all this "paranoid", then that shows you don't know what the hell is going on, in this issue. Don't come in here ignorant.
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