Tell me again why Trump got elected???

Because he was the best candidate for the job.
In no way, no how.
We're seeing this every single day in failure after failure Hillary would not have made.
Fox News host Shep Smith on Friday torched the Republican party’s failure to pass the American Healthcare Act, noting the GOP has been “screaming” about repealing and replacing Obamacare for seven years and still could not come up with a solution.
Yes, yes, Trump got elected (at least by the EC if not by the popular vote) because he was not Clinton.....and

Yes, yes, Trump got elected because some right wingers wanted a "change" in the WH by a supposedly "deal maker"....(not to mention a love of orange hair.)

BUT, tell me again if one of the standard PROMISES that got the loudest cheers from Trump acolytes was NOT the "repeal and replace" of Obamacare?

We were told that from day ONE, Trump would have a HC plan that would cover EVERYBODY, be BETTER and be CHEAPER ...................
.........Instead what we got was a dose of demagoguery having a violent confrontation with reality.

...and please let us not (at least for now) go into those other promises about

....easily defeating ISIS since Trump knew more than the generals....
....that a beautiful wall would be built with pesos paying for it....
....that Americans would be "tired of winning.....
....that coal miners could have their jobs back....
....that we could all have a look at trump's tax returns......etc., etc. etc.....

Should we blame Trump (or Putin) for those little white lies?
Well, for one, we didn't want that bitch Clinton going through with her plan to "eliminate" borders and let in hundreds of thousands if not millions of migrants and so-called refugees. We would essentially be eliminating ourselves as a sovereign nation. Our veteran cemeteries are filled with men and women who fought for and in many cases died for, this nation to be a free, secular, sovereign nation. To betray that is to render their sacrifices meaningless. If you do your research and actually study what is going on in Europe, you will see that our MSM is ignoring the raping, rioting and growing dangerous regions growing across Europe since they ended their borders. So, we want strong borders coupled with extreme vetting to ensure that whoever comes in, does so without the intent to commit the violent acts committed against the Europeans. Also, since NAFTA American companies abandoned the U.S. and set up shops outside the country so they could use cheap non-union labor, while here, job after job, after job was lost due to that abandonment. The companies need to be brought back and taxing them for products that they make outside the U.S. and try to sell back should be heavily taxed, unless they agree to come back.
Because the country was tired of Os lies.
What lies, can you be specific?

Keep your health care, premiums will be lower and plenty more of assorted lies.
Most people did keep their health care, yet you conveniently ignore the DAILY lies coming from the white house. So long as its a republican who lies to you, it dont matter

Actually, millions lost their insurance, millions more couldn't afford to pay for the obama leeches, and millions are dying because of obamacare and republicans are too spineless to remove it when the vote matters.
Because he was the best candidate for the job.
In no way, no how.
We're seeing this every single day in failure after failure Hillary would not have made.

Hillary was completely corrupt, sick, inept, demented, and incompetent. She's lucky she's not in prison.
She would be one hell of a lot better president that this piece of crap

She would have been the best Republican president ever.
Because the country was tired of Os lies.
What lies, can you be specific?

Keep your health care, premiums will be lower and plenty more of assorted lies.
Most people did keep their health care, yet you conveniently ignore the DAILY lies coming from the white house. So long as its a republican who lies to you, it dont matter

Actually, millions lost their insurance, millions more couldn't afford to pay for the obama leeches, and millions are dying because of obamacare and republicans are too spineless to remove it when the vote matters.

It's not that they are spineless. It's that it was all theater and it was great because the ball was not in their court.
Because he was the best candidate for the job.
In no way, no how.
We're seeing this every single day in failure after failure Hillary would not have made.

Hillary was completely corrupt, sick, inept, demented, and incompetent. She's lucky she's not in prison.
She would be one hell of a lot better president that this piece of crap
Because he was the best candidate for the job.
In no way, no how.
We're seeing this every single day in failure after failure Hillary would not have made.

Hillary was completely corrupt, sick, inept, demented, and incompetent. She's lucky she's not in prison.
She would be one hell of a lot better president that this piece of crap

She would do great in places like yemen.
Because the country was tired of Os lies.
What lies, can you be specific?

Keep your health care, premiums will be lower and plenty more of assorted lies.
Most people did keep their health care, yet you conveniently ignore the DAILY lies coming from the white house. So long as its a republican who lies to you, it dont matter

Actually, millions lost their insurance, millions more couldn't afford to pay for the obama leeches, and millions are dying because of obamacare and republicans are too spineless to remove it when the vote matters.

It's not that they are spineless. It's that it was all theater and it was great because the ball was not in their court.

Thats what I mean. They knew it was going nowhere.
Because he was the best candidate for the job.
In no way, no how.
We're seeing this every single day in failure after failure Hillary would not have made.

Hillary was completely corrupt, sick, inept, demented, and incompetent. She's lucky she's not in prison.
She would be one hell of a lot better president that this piece of crap
Because he was the best candidate for the job.
In no way, no how.
We're seeing this every single day in failure after failure Hillary would not have made.

Hillary was completely corrupt, sick, inept, demented, and incompetent. She's lucky she's not in prison.
She would be one hell of a lot better president that this piece of crap

She would do great in places like yemen.
You must be very proud of the Trump presidency to date, Are you tired of all that winning yet, or how about the daily lies?
Because he was the best candidate for the job.

Didn't know you felt so poorly about who passes for POTUS candidacy in this country..Go figure, an orange clown was the "best candidate for the job"..Really?
So, no right winger on this thread really voted for Trump based on the "repeal and replace" the ACA with something MUCH better, from day one.......???

Amazing coincidence or very short memory span from right wingers?

On this issue, Trump so far is the loser.
Time now for the next issue.
Donald Trump on Wednesday pledged to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act “essentially simultaneously,” a position that bucks congressional Republicans who had advocated repealing the health care law this winter but delaying passing a replacement plan for months or years.

The president-elect, addressing reporters at a news conference in New York, said his administration will submit a plan to repeal and replace the law, known as Obamacare, “almost simultaneously, shortly thereafter” his pick for secretary of Health and Human Services, Rep. Tom Price, is confirmed.

“It will be repeal and replace,” Trump said. “It will be essentially simultaneously. It will be various segments, you understand, but will most likely be on the same day or the same week, but probably the same day. Could be the same hour.”

Trump promises to repeal and replace Obamacare 'essentially simultaneously'

Q. How do you spell a loser-liar?

A. T R U M P
And what are you Ratbots going to do when the GOPers rewrite Ryan's mess and bring it back for a vote in a week or two? You can't stop can't stop anything....we OWN you. :lol:
And what are you Ratbots going to do when the GOPers rewrite Ryan's mess and bring it back for a vote in a week or two? You can't stop can't stop anything....we OWN you. :lol:
Its not going to happen, didn't you listen to your leaders comments today?

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