Tell me again why Trump got elected???

Now that we know democrats will never wake up, it's time to vote more out.


You people never learn.

Couldn't have stated it better than that...but ABOUT YOU R-W MORONS !!!!!
Watch what happens in '18. ;)

I will:

March 22, 2017 - Base Erodes As Trump Drops To New Low Scores, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Say 60 - 35 Percent President Is Not Honest

President Donald Trump is losing support among Republicans, white voters and men, leaving him with a negative 37 - 56 percent job approval rating from American voters, his worst score ever, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

QU Poll Release Detail

And this was before today's failure on his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare "Essentially Simultaneously" on day one, and his foolish explanation that the vote failed today because Democrats didn't support TrumpCare or is it Ryancare?
You're one of the biggest right wingers here. You made sure the insurance companies got their slice of the pie. You enjoyed screwing over the public education system. You loved bombing the hell out of people. You wanted to privatize social security. found me out......and I also bleached my hair orange...wish you could see it........(what an asshole.....LOL)

You're a fraud.
Russia did not force her to tell coal miners in Ohio she would put them out of work.

"True"......It is always better to LIE to voters, right moron?

Look up the meaning of DEMAGOGUE (and you'll see the picture of some clown with orange hair.)
Now that we know democrats will never wake up, it's time to vote more out.


You people never learn.

Couldn't have stated it better than that...but ABOUT YOU R-W MORONS !!!!!
Watch what happens in '18. ;)

I will:

March 22, 2017 - Base Erodes As Trump Drops To New Low Scores, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Say 60 - 35 Percent President Is Not Honest

President Donald Trump is losing support among Republicans, white voters and men, leaving him with a negative 37 - 56 percent job approval rating from American voters, his worst score ever, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

QU Poll Release Detail

And this was before today's failure on his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare "Essentially Simultaneously" on day one, and his foolish explanation that the vote failed today because Democrats didn't support TrumpCare or is it Ryancare?
I can only guess I'm like many other Trump supporters who don't like answering a call from a # they don't recognize.

While many on the left have nothing better going on, Trump supporters have a life.
You're one of the biggest right wingers here. You made sure the insurance companies got their slice of the pie. You enjoyed screwing over the public education system. You loved bombing the hell out of people. You wanted to privatize social security. found me out......and I also bleached my hair orange...wish you could see it........(what an asshole.....LOL)

You're a fraud.
Cut him some slack. He's just dumb and confused.
Now that we know democrats will never wake up, it's time to vote more out.


You people never learn.

Couldn't have stated it better than that...but ABOUT YOU R-W MORONS !!!!!
Watch what happens in '18. ;)

I will:

March 22, 2017 - Base Erodes As Trump Drops To New Low Scores, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Say 60 - 35 Percent President Is Not Honest

President Donald Trump is losing support among Republicans, white voters and men, leaving him with a negative 37 - 56 percent job approval rating from American voters, his worst score ever, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

QU Poll Release Detail

And this was before today's failure on his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare "Essentially Simultaneously" on day one, and his foolish explanation that the vote failed today because Democrats didn't support TrumpCare or is it Ryancare?
I can only guess I'm like many other Trump supporters who don't like answering a call from a # they don't recognize.

While many on the left have nothing better going on, Trump supporters have a life.

Hmmmm.... willfully ignorant or fearful of cognitive dissonance?
Now that we know democrats will never wake up, it's time to vote more out.


You people never learn.

Couldn't have stated it better than that...but ABOUT YOU R-W MORONS !!!!!
Watch what happens in '18. ;)

I will:

March 22, 2017 - Base Erodes As Trump Drops To New Low Scores, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Say 60 - 35 Percent President Is Not Honest

President Donald Trump is losing support among Republicans, white voters and men, leaving him with a negative 37 - 56 percent job approval rating from American voters, his worst score ever, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

QU Poll Release Detail

And this was before today's failure on his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare "Essentially Simultaneously" on day one, and his foolish explanation that the vote failed today because Democrats didn't support TrumpCare or is it Ryancare?
I can only guess I'm like many other Trump supporters who don't like answering a call from a # they don't recognize.

While many on the left have nothing better going on, Trump supporters have a life.

Hmmmm.... willfully ignorant or fearful of cognitive dissonance?
Paint it however you like. I've always been good with people telling themselves whatever makes them feel better.
Now that we know democrats will never wake up, it's time to vote more out.


Couldn't have stated it better than that...but ABOUT YOU R-W MORONS !!!!!
Watch what happens in '18. ;)

I will:

March 22, 2017 - Base Erodes As Trump Drops To New Low Scores, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Say 60 - 35 Percent President Is Not Honest

President Donald Trump is losing support among Republicans, white voters and men, leaving him with a negative 37 - 56 percent job approval rating from American voters, his worst score ever, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

QU Poll Release Detail

And this was before today's failure on his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare "Essentially Simultaneously" on day one, and his foolish explanation that the vote failed today because Democrats didn't support TrumpCare or is it Ryancare?
I can only guess I'm like many other Trump supporters who don't like answering a call from a # they don't recognize.

While many on the left have nothing better going on, Trump supporters have a life.

Hmmmm.... willfully ignorant or fearful of cognitive dissonance?
Paint it however you like. I've always been good with people telling themselves whatever makes them feel better.

None are so blind as those who will not see. And, I understand I can lead a horse to water but I can't make him/her think.
I've always been good with people telling themselves whatever makes them feel better.

In other words, a professional liar.........Do others really "feel better" when they discover that they've been repeatedly lied to?
To do what he is doing.....fact he doesnt get everything he campaigned on doesnt make or break a President........Border is being tightened up criminals are being deported,,,...needless regulations are being rolled back.........Ocare has a shelf life......eventually it will have to be fixed as all insurers continue to flee it
How many insurers are left in the program with more set to leave........choice and competition....LLLMAAOOO

Check out HOW republicans like Rubio fought to DENY insurers what the ACA allowed them to be compensated for their losses.....

I am NOIT defending greedy and immoral insurers....but FUCK THEM......I rather send my insurance check to DC than to Humana for their CEO's new Lear jet.
How many insurers are left in the program with more set to leave........choice and competition....LLLMAAOOO

Check out HOW republicans like Rubio fought to DENY insurers what the ACA allowed them to be compensated for their losses.....

I am NOIT defending greedy and immoral insurers....but FUCK THEM......I rather send my insurance check to DC than to Humana for their CEO's new Lear jet.
Artificial markets produce unsustainable prices.....who knew.......
Yes, yes, Trump got elected (at least by the EC if not by the popular vote) because he was not Clinton.....and

Yes, yes, Trump got elected because some right wingers wanted a "change" in the WH by a supposedly "deal maker"....(not to mention a love of orange hair.)

BUT, tell me again if one of the standard PROMISES that got the loudest cheers from Trump acolytes was NOT the "repeal and replace" of Obamacare?

We were told that from day ONE, Trump would have a HC plan that would cover EVERYBODY, be BETTER and be CHEAPER ...................
.........Instead what we got was a dose of demagoguery having a violent confrontation with reality.

...and please let us not (at least for now) go into those other promises about

....easily defeating ISIS since Trump knew more than the generals....
....that a beautiful wall would be built with pesos paying for it....
....that Americans would be "tired of winning.....
....that coal miners could have their jobs back....
....that we could all have a look at trump's tax returns......etc., etc. etc.....

Should we blame Trump (or Putin) for those little white lies?

Drain the Swamp?:eusa_think:

Of course what he has put in the swamp is no better...

Lock her up?:eusa_think:

Well that seem it will never happen nor should it...

Reform the Healthcare system?:eusa_think:

Well the plan that was offered was so bad that his own political party rejected it!:hellno:

Build that wall and have Mexico pay for it?:eusa_think:

Well if Americans pay first expect those same House Republicans to say hell no.

Maybe it is the squirrel on his head?:dunno:

Best reason I can think of!:muahaha:
Yes, yes, Trump got elected (at least by the EC if not by the popular vote) because he was not Clinton.....and

Yes, yes, Trump got elected because some right wingers wanted a "change" in the WH by a supposedly "deal maker"....(not to mention a love of orange hair.)

BUT, tell me again if one of the standard PROMISES that got the loudest cheers from Trump acolytes was NOT the "repeal and replace" of Obamacare?

We were told that from day ONE, Trump would have a HC plan that would cover EVERYBODY, be BETTER and be CHEAPER ...................
.........Instead what we got was a dose of demagoguery having a violent confrontation with reality.

...and please let us not (at least for now) go into those other promises about

....easily defeating ISIS since Trump knew more than the generals....
....that a beautiful wall would be built with pesos paying for it....
....that Americans would be "tired of winning.....
....that coal miners could have their jobs back....
....that we could all have a look at trump's tax returns......etc., etc. etc.....

Should we blame Trump (or Putin) for those little white lies?

"Tell me again why Trump got elected???"
Ok, I'll tell you.
Because more of the same would have run up the national debt another 20 trillion. More of the same would have continued to convert this beautiful country in to the third world shithole that is sanctuary cities. More of the same would have perpetuated more crime, more welfare, more filth and less English. More of the same empowers our lowest grade citizen while shunning our most productive positive contributors.
You see this is all very simple to understand if you just follow along. Trump didn't get elected based on what he'd do politically...most don't even care what he'll do economically...he got elected for what he's accomplishing and establishing socially. Most believe he'll work toward making America American again. He's re-establishing the pecking order in this country by governing on behalf of our higher grade know, those who do and should matter most. He's establishing an understanding of accountability...rather than decriminalizing and empowering our lowest grade he's making them feel like the piece of shits they really are.
Democrats have taken "pride" away from the people, no pride equals no shame. Our criminals, welfare recipients, weirdos and bottom feeders don't even know they should be ashamed...thanks Democrats.
The level of resistance against his presidency is a testament to just how fucked up the people of this country are. What real American in their right mind could or would disagree with his sentiments?
Why do lefties continue to whine about the election? Look at the county electoral map of the U.S. It's all red except for NYC and LA.

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