Tell me why to vote Democrat

Vote Democrat if you are a Minority living in a Democrat Shit Hole with the strictest gun control legislation in America and you want Shot on your Front Porch by a Criminal who doesn't give a shit about Gun Control.
I am curious. I am certain that I will not change my mind. But in all seriousness, I am not trolling or looking to fight and argue. So, why should I vote for the Democratic Party.

Answers like, Trump sucks, or Republicans are Racist are not answers.


Do you believe America is good?
Do you believe America is good?
Of course, but I also have educated myself enough to know that we are not perfect, and that individuals within government and outside of governnent have not been good to us or other countries.

And, I dont spend much time pointing out what is bad about the republican party. If one has read all my posts you could see I have been very critical of many republicans.

Democrats, the party is not the same as it was in the 70's.
Vote Democrat if you want your Jobs shipped to China, you want your Family Car sent to The Crusher simply because it burns gas, and you want to ride a bus or a bike to work every day.
Jobs shipped to China. I have researched that subject, very little if any information is available. One thing I tried searching, is which factory of ours was the first to move to China. I never found the answer.
Truly one of recent History's most obvious display of " Irony "
While Al Gore and his Global Warming treatis/narrative was still
looming Large with - An Inconvenient Truth - being used nationwide
in public school to hoodwink notions like The Arctic caps will be
melting as Gore named the year.We have an Arctic Expedition Ship
{ The Russian MV Akademik Shokalskiy } back not quite 10
years ago getting stuck so bad in thick arctic ice around Christmas
time that 2 Icebreakers were called.Both getting stuck,as well.
Where only penguins and seals and the white cliffs of the great
East Antarctic Ice Sheet towered high and mighty.
I guess they { Climate Change frauds } won't mention too often
or make a Documentary.In fact,just manage to delete at all possible
it ever happenned.That's The Democrat approach.Like how it was
Democrats who held slaves and promoted Slavery.
Moving on to Jim Crow and lunch counters and forcing
sitting at the Back of a Bus.For Blacks.
If you want Free Crack Pipes and all The Heroin and Fentanyl you can handle, vote Democrat.
Huh! What! No Obama phones this time around.
Tell me it ain't true ... Tammy.
You mean Obama is now a cheapskate.The Obama's arguably only
profitting more than any President in History after leaving office.
Jobs shipped to China. I have researched that subject, very little if any information is available. One thing I tried searching, is which factory of ours was the first to move to China. I never found the answer.
A lot of that happened when Bill Clinton was president and pushed to have China's status changed as a "favored trading partner" then Bill removed restrictions on US Manufacturers working in China.
Democrats, the party is not the same as it was in the 70's.
Yep, I keep hearing Republicans speak about the Grand Old Democrats.....but Republicans had all the same drivel against the Democrats back then


But this time you are sure it's totally different.
The Obama's arguably only profitting more than any President in History after leaving office.
Yep, how can any "successful businessman" keep up with that devil Obama.

..oh wait, here is one way:

Mnuchin’s newly formed commercial enterprise “received $500 million commitments from the Emiratis, Kuwaitis and Qataris,” plus $1 billion from the Saudi sovereign wealth fund, within a few short months of his time at the Treasury Department ending. And while Kushner took slightly longer to get things off the ground, his new firm “reached an agreement for a $2 billion investment from the Saudis six months after he left government.

Yep, I keep hearing Republicans speak about the Grand Old Democrats.....but Republicans had all the same drivel against the Democrats back then


But this time you are sure it's totally different.
How old were you back then?
Yep, how can any "successful businessman" keep up with that devil Obama.

..oh wait, here is one way:

Mnuchin’s newly formed commercial enterprise “received $500 million commitments from the Emiratis, Kuwaitis and Qataris,” plus $1 billion from the Saudi sovereign wealth fund, within a few short months of his time at the Treasury Department ending. And while Kushner took slightly longer to get things off the ground, his new firm “reached an agreement for a $2 billion investment from the Saudis six months after he left government.

Yes, very true, those successful corporations received business from other businesses.

I forget what the Obama corporation sells, what service or product does Obama sell.

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