Temperture prediction graph..

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Lol I stumbled on the graph looking for something else... Talk about fear mongering. Remind me when they can tell us what the weather is next Saturday...

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Lol I stumbled on the graph looking for something else... Talk about fear mongering. Remind me when they can tell us what the weather is next Saturday...


Doesn't it look like a kid using crayons?

OK here is my temperature prediction..

Lol I stumbled on the graph looking for something else... Talk about fear mongering. Remind me when they can tell us what the weather is next Saturday...

We have to offer up some scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and little mention of any doubts one might have. …Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective, and being honest. --Stephen H. Schneider
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... inna Revelation it says it gonna get real hot...

... inna end times fer `bout 5 months...

... den we all gonna die."
Lol I stumbled on the graph looking for something else... Talk about fear mongering. Remind me when they can tell us what the weather is next Saturday...


You are a true moron, barefarts, ignorant, clueless, retarded and full of misinformation and bullshit.

In the real world inhabited by intelligent people.....

‘We can’t even predict the weather next week’–But weather is not climate
By Coby Beck
Nov 22, 2006
Denier myth: 'Scientists can’t even predict the weather next week, so why should we believe what some climate model tells us about 100 years from now?'

Answer: Climate and weather are very different things, and the level of predictability is comparably different.

Climate is defined as weather averaged over a period of time — generally around 30 years. This averaging smooths out the random and unpredictable behaviour of weather. Think of it as the difference between trying to predict the height of the fifth wave from now versus predicting the height of tomorrow’s high tide. The former is a challenge — to which your salty, wet sneakers will bear witness — but the latter is routine and reliable.

This is not to say it’s easy to predict climate changes. But seizing on meteorologists’ failures to cast doubt on a climate model’s 100-year projection is an argument of ignorance.
I listen to Denis Pager. I am seeing the area I live. The place that is warming up and drying out. It is. I am neither a snarky liberal or left winger , I am a realist. Pay attention, Denis. What a coincidence we have like almost 8 billion of us? THAT dosen't effect the environment? Of course not, it never effects rich people. The rest of us? You bet your bippy. My front yard is dying, for starters.
Lol I stumbled on the graph looking for something else... Talk about fear mongering. Remind me when they can tell us what the weather is next Saturday...


You are a true moron, barefarts, ignorant, clueless, retarded and full of misinformation and bullshit.

In the real world inhabited by intelligent people.....

‘We can’t even predict the weather next week’–But weather is not climate
By Coby Beck
Nov 22, 2006
Denier myth: 'Scientists can’t even predict the weather next week, so why should we believe what some climate model tells us about 100 years from now?'

Answer: Climate and weather are very different things, and the level of predictability is comparably different.

Climate is defined as weather averaged over a period of time — generally around 30 years. This averaging smooths out the random and unpredictable behaviour of weather. Think of it as the difference between trying to predict the height of the fifth wave from now versus predicting the height of tomorrow’s high tide. The former is a challenge — to which your salty, wet sneakers will bear witness — but the latter is routine and reliable.

This is not to say it’s easy to predict climate changes. But seizing on meteorologists’ failures to cast doubt on a climate model’s 100-year projection is an argument of ignorance.

I found out where that graph came from... These guys took the extreme from NOAA

Global Warming Future Timeline | Technology | Singularity | 2020 | 2050 | 2100 | 2150 | 2200 | 21st century | 22nd century | 23rd century | Humanity | Predictions | Events

Lol I stumbled on the graph looking for something else... Talk about fear mongering. Remind me when they can tell us what the weather is next Saturday...


You are a true moron, barefarts, ignorant, clueless, retarded and full of misinformation and bullshit.

In the real world inhabited by intelligent people.....

‘We can’t even predict the weather next week’–But weather is not climate
By Coby Beck
Nov 22, 2006
Denier myth: 'Scientists can’t even predict the weather next week, so why should we believe what some climate model tells us about 100 years from now?'

Answer: Climate and weather are very different things, and the level of predictability is comparably different.

Climate is defined as weather averaged over a period of time — generally around 30 years. This averaging smooths out the random and unpredictable behaviour of weather. Think of it as the difference between trying to predict the height of the fifth wave from now versus predicting the height of tomorrow’s high tide. The former is a challenge — to which your salty, wet sneakers will bear witness — but the latter is routine and reliable.

This is not to say it’s easy to predict climate changes. But seizing on meteorologists’ failures to cast doubt on a climate model’s 100-year projection is an argument of ignorance.

I found out where that graph came from... These guys took the extreme from NOAA

Global Warming Future Timeline | Technology | Singularity | 2020 | 2050 | 2100 | 2150 | 2200 | 21st century | 22nd century | 23rd century | Humanity | Predictions | Events


Micheal Mann only used tree ring samples from Siberia, but you obviously have no fuckin' idea how much empirical data can be gleaned from core samples from old trees.
It's almost as much as can be found in ice and rock cores, both of which have been vigorously pursued for the last 50 years.
Isotopic analysis of the carbon and oxygen contained in samples of ancient material can reveal exactly the temperature, CO2 and O2 concentrations, and many other things.
Educate yourself, or keep your trap shut, and be thought a fool, rather than open it and confirm the fact.
Lol I stumbled on the graph looking for something else... Talk about fear mongering. Remind me when they can tell us what the weather is next Saturday...


You are a true moron, barefarts, ignorant, clueless, retarded and full of misinformation and bullshit.

In the real world inhabited by intelligent people.....

‘We can’t even predict the weather next week’–But weather is not climate
By Coby Beck
Nov 22, 2006
Denier myth: 'Scientists can’t even predict the weather next week, so why should we believe what some climate model tells us about 100 years from now?'

Answer: Climate and weather are very different things, and the level of predictability is comparably different.

Climate is defined as weather averaged over a period of time — generally around 30 years. This averaging smooths out the random and unpredictable behaviour of weather. Think of it as the difference between trying to predict the height of the fifth wave from now versus predicting the height of tomorrow’s high tide. The former is a challenge — to which your salty, wet sneakers will bear witness — but the latter is routine and reliable.

This is not to say it’s easy to predict climate changes. But seizing on meteorologists’ failures to cast doubt on a climate model’s 100-year projection is an argument of ignorance.

So the graph represents the very probably pretty accurate, science based forecasts of the professional climate scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, working with the best data available.

And your sneering denigration of that graph in your moronic OP, and your idiotic comparison of long range climate prediction and weather prediction (debunked in post #11) are both based on your severe retardation, utter ignorance and lack of education, and, of course, the massive brainwashing by anti-science fossil fuel industry propaganda, delivered to your little confused brain by Rush, FauxNews, Breitbart, and all of the other pushers of fraudulent rightwingnut propaganda and lies.
Micheal Mann only used tree ring samples from Siberia, but you obviously have no fuckin' idea how much empirical data can be gleaned from core samples from old trees.
It's almost as much as can be found in ice and rock cores, both of which have been vigorously pursued for the last 50 years.
Isotopic analysis of the carbon and oxygen contained in samples of ancient material can reveal exactly the temperature, CO2 and O2 concentrations, and many other things.
Educate yourself, or keep your trap shut, and be thought a fool, rather than open it and confirm the fact.

Don't deflect Micheal Mann only used tree rings from Siberia for his hockey stick graph...

That's a fact....



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