Ten Gun Myths and Memes-- Shot Down

2nd Amendment -

I suggest reading the material linked here and actually absorbing the facts.

The fact that the US has a relatively high rate of assaults is not disputed. The UK is quite a violence society - however - people in the UK are not being killed.

Those stats again:

Australia had 30 gun-related homicides. England had 41. The US had 4,971.

Last year the UK had the lowest murder rate since 1983 - thanks to changes in the gun laws.

The police on patrol in the UK do not carry firearms. Could you imagine the American police not carrying firearms?
2nd Amendment -

I suggest reading the material linked here and actually absorbing the facts.

The fact that the US has a relatively high rate of assaults is not disputed. The UK is quite a violence society - however - people in the UK are not being killed.

Those stats again:

Australia had 30 gun-related homicides. England had 41. The US had 4,971.

Last year the UK had the lowest murder rate since 1983 - thanks to changes in the gun laws.

The police on patrol in the UK do not carry firearms. Could you imagine the American police not carrying firearms?

UK police resist calls to give cops guns despite double murder - World News
2nd Amendment -

I suggest reading the material linked here and actually absorbing the facts.

The fact that the US has a relatively high rate of assaults is not disputed. The UK is quite a violence society - however - people in the UK are not being killed.

Those stats again:

Australia had 30 gun-related homicides. England had 41. The US had 4,971.

Last year the UK had the lowest murder rate since 1983 - thanks to changes in the gun laws.

The police on patrol in the UK do not carry firearms. Could you imagine the American police not carrying firearms?

UK police resist calls to give cops guns despite double murder - World News

They have talking about this for years, same as here in Ireland. If the UK was as violent as the US, the police would have guns
The police on patrol in the UK do not carry firearms. Could you imagine the American police not carrying firearms?

UK police resist calls to give cops guns despite double murder - World News

They have talking about this for years, same as here in Ireland. If the UK was as violent as the US, the police would have guns

If the country wasn't violent there wouldn't be calls for arming the polkice.
Yesterday we established very clearly how effective gun laws have been in Canada and the UK, so it's well worth trying to establish some facts we can all agree upon if possible.

Have you determined how well Gun Control Laws have been in Mexico? Mexico ranks top 10 in strictest gun control laws in the world.

Mexico is third world country with a weak central government.

While some conservatives might want to emulate it, I don't.

The valid comparisons are other first world countries- Western Europe, Canada and Japan.

Compared to them (all with strong social welfare states, strong gun laws and a penal system not based on profit) we are doing very poorly in terms of crime and violence.
With all the stats the OP has armed himself with, he's made a pretty good case for himself why he should choose to stay away from guns.

I on the other hand enjoy guns immensely, and will continue to collect and shoot them as I see fit.
They did not change their gun laws last year, but thanks for showing how desperate you are to take away everyone's guns.

No one claimed the UK did change their laws last year.

The law changed some years ago now - with the net result that homicide rates are now at their lowest numbers since 1983.

There is a graph in the link presented earlier that demostrates this quite well.

btw. I don't support taking away everyone's guns, so do spare us the paranoia.
I know where there is a site on the internet where you can trade your negs for a blender. Just let me know if you need the link...

And let me know if you need more negs.
Yes asshole. We all know you didn't write the OP. You did post it however, but seem unable to support it or acknowledge its flaws. THIS is why you are being negged. It is not because we want to suppress your 1st Amendment rights or because your opinion differs from ours. Your self righteous attitude is obnoxious. Obviously you feel above responding to criticism of the material you presented. Apparently, you feel that you need not respond to those you deem beneath you.
I suggest you start about post 13 and start addressing the posts critical of your OP.

Nonsense - I think Pogo has done a very honest job of answering and debating points, and he has done so politely and with good arguments.

You may not agree with his conclusions, but there is no question at all that some posters (not you necessarily) have been using neg reps to try and prevent discussion.

I'm puzzled that some posters love the 2nd Amendement so much but hate the 1st!
How does clicking a couple buttons and typing a few words prevent Pogo from discussing anything? Reputation is nothing more than reward or punishment. Occasionally I neg someone because their premise is so flawed that they need to be slapped, but more often it is for how a person posts. Anyone with a superior attitude like Pogo is going to get a neg from time to time. I believe I've negged you for the same thing.
Pogo started a thread full of assumptions and made up statistics that various people have questioned. Rather than address the questions, he distances himself from the material presented.
Yesterday we established very clearly how effective gun laws have been in Canada and the UK, so it's well worth trying to establish some facts we can all agree upon if possible.

Have you determined how well Gun Control Laws have been in Mexico? Mexico ranks top 10 in strictest gun control laws in the world.

Mexico is third world country with a weak central government.

While some conservatives might want to emulate it, I don't.

The valid comparisons are other first world countries- Western Europe, Canada and Japan.

Compared to them (all with strong social welfare states, strong gun laws and a penal system not based on profit) we are doing very poorly in terms of crime and violence.
No Joe, Western Europe, Canada and Japan are not valid comparisons. They do not have the 2nd Amendment and never had anything like the percentage of citizens that own guns. Switzerland would be a better choice.
Actually no you don't. Not until tomorrow night. Want me to give you a wake-up call?

See, there it is again, you admit you're trying to intimidate free speech. I'm not surprised considering the source, but I'm dumbfounded that you think that would actually ever work. What planet do you people come from where the world works that way, where your subjects just bend over in fear of the mighty Neg? Planet Narcississium? :cuckoo: But thanks for putting that in writing again, I can use it later.

Until tomorrow then sweetie. We've got all night to rock and roll...


I have not and will not neg rep you.

I have exposed the chicanery of both you and the hate site you cut and pasted from. I will continue to do so. The very first "myth" has been proven a lie, yet you lack the integrity or class to withdraw your claims.

This is why I view those of your party as "shameful."
ook at?!

I've never understood at all what people gain by trying to compare the US... bloody Mexico!!

It's not a comparison. It's the exact same thing. A=A.

Clearly, you've never been to the Southwest border region.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Illegals-Unacceptable-Americas-Failure-Control/dp/B005DIAKSG]Illegals: The Unacceptable Cost of America's Failure to Control Its Borders: Darrell Ankarlo: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

Last brutal rape I heard of didn't happen here in the US, it was in India.

That's a sad fact, given the reality of rape in America today.

Mexico is third world country with a weak central government.

Sounds like Michigan or Illinois....
No Joe, Western Europe, Canada and Japan are not valid comparisons. They do not have the 2nd Amendment and never had anything like the percentage of citizens that own guns. Switzerland would be a better choice.

You have to laugh, don't you?

Pick the country in the world that is most like the US - that is very large, has a massive population, is urbanized, a democracy, and a western life style.

Answer: Switzerland.

When I see things like I do realise that there is very little chance of any sensible discussion.

Australia had 30 gun-related homicides. England had 41. The US had 4,971.

Yep, and the guy beaten to death with an iron rod by a Soccer Hooligan thinks with their dying breath, "Thank Obama I wasn't killed by a gun, it's so much better to be murdered this way..."

The way you Obamunists "think" is astounding.

Honestly.....I just don't know what to say about the level of intellectual merit on display here....

So, the nations you tout as models have a higher rate of violent crime - but you think that supports your call to end civil rights....

Honestly.....I just don't know what to say about the level of intellectual merit on display here....
That quote is from THE TELEGRAPH, King of UK news.

Yes, so is this -

How the murder rate has fallen
Last year saw the lowest murder rate since 1983 and a fall in overall crime, according to figures released today by the Office of National Statistics.

Graphic: how the murder rate has fallen - Telegraph

{Violent crime, which has been falling for five years, decreased 4 percent in 2011, according to the Preliminary Annual Uniform Crime Report. Murders are at the lowest point in 40 years. Violent crime, according to the FBI, includes murder, rape, robbery and assault.}

Crime Drops to All-Time Low : Discovery News

Yet you demand that civil rights be stripped...
Uncensored -

If someone was beaten to death by a metal bar - that would be a homicide.

And UK homicide rates are a tiny fracton of those in the US. I can post them if you like.
The police on patrol in the UK do not carry firearms. Could you imagine the American police not carrying firearms?

The first time I flew to England, I was in total shock. All my life I had heard that the police don't carry guns, and all that rot. Set down in Birmingham, got through customs, and started across the concourse. EVERYWHERE I looked, there were police with automatic weapons strolling about. This was prior to 9/11, and prior to the USA becoming a police state; so this was a shock to me. Train stations and Airports throughout the UK had machine gun toting police. The Bobby in London may be unarmed to please the tourists, but the police in the UK are heavily armed.
Mexico is third world country with a weak central government.

While some conservatives might want to emulate it, I don't.

The valid comparisons are other first world countries- Western Europe, Canada and Japan.

Compared to them (all with strong social welfare states, strong gun laws and a penal system not based on profit) we are doing very poorly in terms of crime and violence.

Comrade Stalin, you're a fucking moron.

Mexico is NOT a third world country.

{Mexico is quickly becoming an emerging market heavy-weight. Its economic output, as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was nearly $1.7 trillion in 2011. This was much less than its primary trading partner, the U.S. ($14 trillion) but larger than its other NAFTA partner, Canada ($1.4 trillion). Mexico's geographic size is equivalent to Saudi Arabia, but supports five times as many people while exporting 1/4 of the oil.}

Mexico Economy Facts

Is Canada "third world," shit fer brains?
Uncensored -

Airports in the UK are very heavily patrolled these days - but how heavily also varies. If there is an alert of some kind it really is overwhelming - other times it's just a few guys here and there, but always with serious weapons.

But out in the streets....not many guns to be seen anywhere.

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