Ten Gun Myths and Memes-- Shot Down

how did it compare before gun control laws? gun control laws have not reduced their rates any more than the rates in the USA have dropped with out gun control. the same can be said for the UK gun laws. Or the austrailian gun laws.

I somehow didn't think you'd want to answer that....

Canada had 173 gun-related murders last year. The US had 9,147.

So which country has the best record?

Considering Canada has about 10% of the US population, I'd say the US.

Imagine if he looked at Mexico, strictest gun laws in the world, highest gun murder rate in the world...
You posted this claptrap.

You can fact check that all day long, you will end up with the fact that guns don't kill people, yet you called it a myth.

Want to tell me again you aren't pro gun control?

That's part of the article, pasted verbatim. As you already noted. And regardless who wrote it, it still says nothing about "gun control"

Keep going, I have more neg reps available.

Actually no you don't. Not until tomorrow night. Want me to give you a wake-up call?

See, there it is again, you admit you're trying to intimidate free speech. I'm not surprised considering the source, but I'm dumbfounded that you think that would actually ever work. What planet do you people come from where the world works that way, where your subjects just bend over in fear of the mighty Neg? Planet Narcississium? :cuckoo: But thanks for putting that in writing again, I can use it later.

Until tomorrow then sweetie. We've got all night to rock and roll...
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Pogo, you are aware that we are keeping this thread alive (by posting in it frequently), because we want everyone to see what liars the anti-gun people are. Are you aware of that?

I'm aware of what bumping is, yes. But as for what the general outside reader gets out of all this, well you'd be surprised.

As far as "liars", I just challenged Uncensored to demonstrate where I was taking any of the positions he claims, and he couldn't do it. The silence is eloquent.
Pogo, you are aware that we are keeping this thread alive (by posting in it frequently), because we want everyone to see what liars the anti-gun people are. Are you aware of that?

I'm aware of what bumping is, yes. But as for what the general outside reader gets out of all this, well you'd be surprised.

As far as "liars", I just challenged Uncensored to demonstrate where I was taking any of the positions he claims, and he couldn't do it. The silence is eloquent.

LOL Believe it or not you and the forum are not the most important things going on in people's lives.
I know where there is a site on the internet where you can trade your negs for a blender. Just let me know if you need the link...

VH, at this point I think I've got enough for a freaking Porsche :evil:

I wear them like badges of honour. Each one represents where some fascist asshole authoritarian control freak declared "STFU" and I said :fu:. The weird thing is they keep doing it over and over and expecting different results.

They come to defend the Second; I stay to defend the First. It's like we've got guys on First and Second with nobody out... :cool:
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Pogo, you are aware that we are keeping this thread alive (by posting in it frequently), because we want everyone to see what liars the anti-gun people are. Are you aware of that?

I'm aware of what bumping is, yes. But as for what the general outside reader gets out of all this, well you'd be surprised.

As far as "liars", I just challenged Uncensored to demonstrate where I was taking any of the positions he claims, and he couldn't do it. The silence is eloquent.

LOL Believe it or not you and the forum are not the most important things going on in people's lives.

True indeed, thanks for that perspective and don't be shy about repeating it to others. Anyway that bit was just about the definition of "lying".

Until tomorrow then sweetie. We've got all night to rock and roll...

Wait, is Pogo denying the existence of Mexico? Apparently he hasn't responded to the allegations concerning it!

Aye, I must be, because as we all know, when I start a topic I become responsible for everything in it.
It's a gift.

So to clarify, there is no Mexico. Mexico has never existed, and that time I went there never happened. What's more, we have always been at war with Oceania.
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That's part of the article, pasted verbatim. As you already noted. And regardless who wrote it, it still says nothing about "gun control"

Keep going, I have more neg reps available.

Actually no you don't. Not until tomorrow night. Want me to give you a wake-up call?

See, there it is again, you admit you're trying to intimidate free speech. I'm not surprised considering the source, but I'm dumbfounded that you think that would actually ever work. What planet do you people come from where the world works that way, where your subjects just bend over in fear of the mighty Neg? Planet Narcississium? :cuckoo: But thanks for putting that in writing again, I can use it later.

Until tomorrow then sweetie. We've got all night to rock and roll...

Wanna bet?
1. Where there are more guns there is more homicide (literature review).

Our review of the academic literature found that a broad array of evidence indicates that gun availability is a risk factor for homicide, both in the United States and across high-income countries. Case-control studies, ecological time-series and cross-sectional studies indicate that in homes, cities, states and regions in the US, where there are more guns, both men and women are at higher risk for homicide, particularly firearm homicide.
Harvard School of Public Health » Harvard Injury Control Research Center » Homicide

While not all of these papers are available on the net, you can buy them in book form for a few bucks - I did, and found it well worth reading.

so... guns = homicide, or homicide drives demand for guns for self-defense?

or perhaps nothing so simplistic?
I know where there is a site on the internet where you can trade your negs for a blender. Just let me know if you need the link...

And let me know if you need more negs.
Yes asshole. We all know you didn't write the OP. You did post it however, but seem unable to support it or acknowledge its flaws. THIS is why you are being negged. It is not because we want to suppress your 1st Amendment rights or because your opinion differs from ours. Your self righteous attitude is obnoxious. Obviously you feel above responding to criticism of the material you presented. Apparently, you feel that you need not respond to those you deem beneath you.
I suggest you start about post 13 and start addressing the posts critical of your OP.
1. Where there are more guns there is more homicide (literature review).

Our review of the academic literature found that a broad array of evidence indicates that gun availability is a risk factor for homicide, both in the United States and across high-income countries. Case-control studies, ecological time-series and cross-sectional studies indicate that in homes, cities, states and regions in the US, where there are more guns, both men and women are at higher risk for homicide, particularly firearm homicide.
Harvard School of Public Health » Harvard Injury Control Research Center » Homicide

While not all of these papers are available on the net, you can buy them in book form for a few bucks - I did, and found it well worth reading.

so... guns = homicide, or homicide drives demand for guns for self-defense?

or perhaps nothing so simplistic?

You raise a very fair point - I believe this is called negative causation.

In some areas, the rate of gun crime will mean people by more guns because the need for self-defense seems greater - so this does skew the stats.

However, given it has also been proven that more guns = more homicide (both at the level of household, state and country), the negative causation does not change the basic pattern.
I know where there is a site on the internet where you can trade your negs for a blender. Just let me know if you need the link...

And let me know if you need more negs.
Yes asshole. We all know you didn't write the OP. You did post it however, but seem unable to support it or acknowledge its flaws. THIS is why you are being negged. It is not because we want to suppress your 1st Amendment rights or because your opinion differs from ours. Your self righteous attitude is obnoxious. Obviously you feel above responding to criticism of the material you presented. Apparently, you feel that you need not respond to those you deem beneath you.
I suggest you start about post 13 and start addressing the posts critical of your OP.

Nonsense - I think Pogo has done a very honest job of answering and debating points, and he has done so politely and with good arguments.

You may not agree with his conclusions, but there is no question at all that some posters (not you necessarily) have been using neg reps to try and prevent discussion.

I'm puzzled that some posters love the 2nd Amendement so much but hate the 1st!
2nd Amendment -

I'm not sure Mexico has to do with it, but if you post a # for the comment, I'll take a look at it.

Yesterday we established very clearly how effective gun laws have been in Canada and the UK, so it's well worth trying to establish some facts we can all agree upon if possible.
2nd Amendment -

Ha! Are you sure North Korea wouldn't be a more typical example to look at?!

I've never understood at all what people gain by trying to comare the US with Fiji, Switzerland, the Congo or especially bloody Mexico!!

With topics like this it really helps if people can apply a little honest to the debate - coming up with nonsensical red herrings doesn't establish very much.
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2nd Amendment -

I've never understood at all what people gain by trying to compare the US with F Mexico!!

With topics like this it really helps if people can apply a little honest to the debate - coming up with nonsensical red herrings doesn't establish very much.

Is there a reason we cannot analyze the effect of Gun Control Laws in Mexico? Is it because they have the 7th highest gun murder rate in the world?


Also, since you want this discussion to remain within the United States, how is Chicago doing?

Also, are you guys some sort of paid spin artists? You guys almost seem professional at this. Every time I cut off one head, you guys grow two more, kind of like this hydra monster below:


In the end, Hercules triumphed.

Seriously, when someone cuts off my head (disproves my claim), I actually go back and recant, or leave in shame. I don't further disgrace myself and continue lying.
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