Ten Gun Myths and Memes-- Shot Down

I will ask you again. If I said "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"

WHERE would you look?

So you're expecting that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time?

Where the fuck do you THINK you should look?

No, I don't expect that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time. What I DO expect is when someone says: "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia" is that those WORDS would be IN the Constitution.

Oh you mean like you having the right to burn an American flag is written in those words right? Or you mean how you have the right to abort a progancy is written in those words right? Or you mean how it's written that two men have the right to get married right?
No, I don't expect that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time. What I DO expect is when someone says: "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia" is that those WORDS would be IN the Constitution.

IOW, you don't think there is a necessity to study all the debates, writings and ruminations of the authors of the Constitution in order to actually study the Constitution itself.

You can't build a house without a foundation...

It is interesting but not necessary or essential. But, what IS essential is what is written in the Constitution and ratified by the authors. The rest is opinions.

I can clearly see every penny the tax payers spent on your education was a colossal waste of funds better used elsewhere. When looking for the definition or meaning of something someone else wrote, don't you think it's a good idea to actaully see what that person meant by what they wrote. If every little thing was added to the Constitution, as you are seeming to imply, our Constitution would look like the obamacare bill, 20,000 pages of nonsense. Back in those days our Politicians didn't have the time to write crap like that, they had lives to lead and livings to earn, nor did they have the inclination to obfusate like our professional politicians do today. Cleary and simple put; A well regulated Militia (which is an armed citizenry made up of ALL citizens save a few politicians), being necessary to the security of a free State, (secure from the tyranny of a centralized govt) the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,(keep weapons equal to those of the military) shall not be infringed (not be f*&^%d with EVER, or at all by said govt). How do I know that the meanings in parenthesis are accurate? Simple, I looked to the words of those that wrote the Amendment and voted on the Amendment to see what they meant.
Dumb ass he did not say it was written in the constitution. Why are you saying that he did?

Because he thinks "studying the Constitution" means only reading the words on the page. He cannot conceive of any sort of education beyond that.
Pitiful, honestly.

You can 'study' what our founders talked about before they agreed on, put to paper and signed their names to each and every words in the Constitution. But the Constitution IS THE WORDS WRITTEN ON THE PAGES. It is a contract, not an op-ed piece on Breitbart.

If one of the framers said during the debate citizens should be able to shoot slaves, would THAT become law PEA BRAIN???

Actaully THAT WAS THE LAW pea brain.
That right was clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence.

And how does a disarmed population exercise that God given right?

No one is calling for disarming the populace. Nothing even close to disarming the populace. That is your paranoid, polarized dysfunctional small brain overwhelmed by chicken little fear.

Now you need to answer my question. What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers???

BTW, the only God given rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All of those God given rights were cruelly ripped away from 20 beautiful children by a weapon that should be banned.

Really? Maybe you should stop trying to tell us about our history and our Constitution, it's obvious you know little about either, and start studying up on current events because I can gibe you quote, after quote, after quote of liberal democrats, both in govt and out of govt, that are calling for just that. A 100% ban on private firearms ownership to include a mandatory buy back of currently owned firearms. See that is the problem with liberal democrats in this nation. They don't base their opinions on facts, they base their opinions on the propoganda sppon fed to them by Pravda West and party spokespeople without ever looking for the truth for themselves. I mean I bet you really think obama is pushing this gun control policy of his to make us all safer right? I mean that's what the media is saying, right? That's what the white house is saying, right? That's what the democrats in Congress are saying right? So explain to me why he gave a presidential pardon to a felon convicted of being in possession of a firearm with the serial numbers on it taken off? He's pushing for new gun laws, yet pardoning criminals that have broken our existing gun laws so who's bs-ing who here son? More proof positive that there is no more ingorant a creature on God's green earth than an American liberal.
And how does a disarmed population exercise that God given right?

No one is calling for disarming the populace. Nothing even close to disarming the populace. That is your paranoid, polarized dysfunctional small brain overwhelmed by chicken little fear.

Now you need to answer my question. What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers???

BTW, the only God given rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All of those God given rights were cruelly ripped away from 20 beautiful children by a weapon that should be banned.

Really? Maybe you should stop trying to tell us about our history and our Constitution, it's obvious you know little about either, and start studying up on current events because I can gibe you quote, after quote, after quote of liberal democrats, both in govt and out of govt, that are calling for just that. A 100% ban on private firearms ownership to include a mandatory buy back of currently owned firearms. See that is the problem with liberal democrats in this nation. They don't base their opinions on facts, they base their opinions on the propoganda sppon fed to them by Pravda West and party spokespeople without ever looking for the truth for themselves. I mean I bet you really think obama is pushing this gun control policy of his to make us all safer right? I mean that's what the media is saying, right? That's what the white house is saying, right? That's what the democrats in Congress are saying right? So explain to me why he gave a presidential pardon to a felon convicted of being in possession of a firearm with the serial numbers on it taken off? He's pushing for new gun laws, yet pardoning criminals that have broken our existing gun laws so who's bs-ing who here son? More proof positive that there is no more ingorant a creature on God's green earth than an American liberal.

English Logic Translator:

"Oh yeah? Well I looked around for days until I found three guys (I won't say who they are) who said just that (I won't quote what they said), what's more I know how they made their conclusions (I won't say how I know) so even though none of them post in this thread, I'm gonna use that to blanket-label not only you but an entire side of the political spectrum everywhere, because I'm Stuporman and not only does my Super Hearing tell me this through Super Voices, but I also have the powers of Super Extrapolation and Super Assumption. Proof positive that yer all ingorant".


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Bfgrn, are you denying that Hamilton clearly stated that the people, as a final and last resort, have the natural right to overthrow an abusive natural government and its standing army (In Federalist 28)?

That right was clearly stated in the Declaration of Independence.

You still have not answered my question: what was the purpose of the Federalist Papers? Without that knowledge, you cherry picking things that are not the focus of the papers.

to promote ratification of the constitution. in those letters tha authors, hamilton, jay and madison expressed their points of view on many subjects. so the points are valid. even moreso with madison who authored the amendments
Americans have more AR15's than they do iPads.


From the radical left hate site Slate;

{from 1986 to 2007, at least 1,626,525 AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles were produced and not exported from the United States. Overstreet suggested that you could use trends in NICS background checks to project future sales of AR-15-style rifles. As of Nov. 30, 2012, the total number of NICS background checks increased by 50.4 percent since the end of 2007. If the number of AR-15 rifles increased similarly, then that means there are at least 2,446,294 AR-15 rifles currently available in the United States.}

Assault weapon stats: How many assault weapons are there in America?

Learn your own bullshit, sparky.
Americans have more AR15's than they do iPads.


From the radical left hate site Slate;

{from 1986 to 2007, at least 1,626,525 AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles were produced and not exported from the United States. Overstreet suggested that you could use trends in NICS background checks to project future sales of AR-15-style rifles. As of Nov. 30, 2012, the total number of NICS background checks increased by 50.4 percent since the end of 2007. If the number of AR-15 rifles increased similarly, then that means there are at least 2,446,294 AR-15 rifles currently available in the United States.}

Assault weapon stats: How many assault weapons are there in America?

Learn your own bullshit, sparky.

and what is even more interesting is these deadly assualt weapons who anti gun nuts claim that there only purpose is to kill humans have killed less people than hammers.
Americans have more AR15's than they do iPads.


From the radical left hate site Slate;

{from 1986 to 2007, at least 1,626,525 AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles were produced and not exported from the United States. Overstreet suggested that you could use trends in NICS background checks to project future sales of AR-15-style rifles. As of Nov. 30, 2012, the total number of NICS background checks increased by 50.4 percent since the end of 2007. If the number of AR-15 rifles increased similarly, then that means there are at least 2,446,294 AR-15 rifles currently available in the United States.}

Assault weapon stats: How many assault weapons are there in America?

Learn your own bullshit, sparky.

Gettin' behind on our reading there, Gumby? Doesn't compare to 35 million iPads, does it? Of course I only showed that TEN PAGES AGO, sometime last week, back here to be exact.

It pays to catch up on reading before you dig yourself in the same hole twice. :eek:

From the radical left hate site Slate;

{from 1986 to 2007, at least 1,626,525 AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles were produced and not exported from the United States. Overstreet suggested that you could use trends in NICS background checks to project future sales of AR-15-style rifles. As of Nov. 30, 2012, the total number of NICS background checks increased by 50.4 percent since the end of 2007. If the number of AR-15 rifles increased similarly, then that means there are at least 2,446,294 AR-15 rifles currently available in the United States.}

Assault weapon stats: How many assault weapons are there in America?

Learn your own bullshit, sparky.

and what is even more interesting is these deadly assualt weapons who anti gun nuts claim that there only purpose is to kill humans have killed less people than hammers.

Must take exception, Spoon. Fewer people, not "less". :tongue:

By the way what's the effective range of a hammer? Could you, say, hide in the trunk of a Chevy and throw hammers through the trunk keyhole?
From the radical left hate site Slate;

{from 1986 to 2007, at least 1,626,525 AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles were produced and not exported from the United States. Overstreet suggested that you could use trends in NICS background checks to project future sales of AR-15-style rifles. As of Nov. 30, 2012, the total number of NICS background checks increased by 50.4 percent since the end of 2007. If the number of AR-15 rifles increased similarly, then that means there are at least 2,446,294 AR-15 rifles currently available in the United States.}

Assault weapon stats: How many assault weapons are there in America?

Learn your own bullshit, sparky.

and what is even more interesting is these deadly assualt weapons who anti gun nuts claim that there only purpose is to kill humans have killed less people than hammers.

Must take exception, Spoon. Fewer people, not "less". :tongue:

By the way what's the effective range of a hammer? Could you, say, hide in the trunk of a Chevy and throw hammers through the trunk keyhole?

obviously the element of surprise is more deadly with a hammer.

From the radical left hate site Slate;

{from 1986 to 2007, at least 1,626,525 AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles were produced and not exported from the United States. Overstreet suggested that you could use trends in NICS background checks to project future sales of AR-15-style rifles. As of Nov. 30, 2012, the total number of NICS background checks increased by 50.4 percent since the end of 2007. If the number of AR-15 rifles increased similarly, then that means there are at least 2,446,294 AR-15 rifles currently available in the United States.}

Assault weapon stats: How many assault weapons are there in America?

Learn your own bullshit, sparky.

and what is even more interesting is these deadly assualt weapons who anti gun nuts claim that there only purpose is to kill humans have killed less people than hammers.

How many assault rifles are there quickly at hand compared to hammers? How much does an assault rifle cost compared to a hammer? Try again.
From the radical left hate site Slate;

{from 1986 to 2007, at least 1,626,525 AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles were produced and not exported from the United States. Overstreet suggested that you could use trends in NICS background checks to project future sales of AR-15-style rifles. As of Nov. 30, 2012, the total number of NICS background checks increased by 50.4 percent since the end of 2007. If the number of AR-15 rifles increased similarly, then that means there are at least 2,446,294 AR-15 rifles currently available in the United States.}

Assault weapon stats: How many assault weapons are there in America?

Learn your own bullshit, sparky.

and what is even more interesting is these deadly assualt weapons who anti gun nuts claim that there only purpose is to kill humans have killed less people than hammers.

How many assault rifles are there quickly at hand compared to hammers? How much does an assault rifle cost compared to a hammer? Try again.

and all that means nothing. fact is, hammer proved more deadly than deadly assualt weapons. why aren't you banning hammers and registering them? why aren't you requiring background checks? hammers are so easy to get. you can even buy them at yard sales. no one is tracking these deadly weapons.
and what is even more interesting is these deadly assualt weapons who anti gun nuts claim that there only purpose is to kill humans have killed less people than hammers.

How many assault rifles are there quickly at hand compared to hammers? How much does an assault rifle cost compared to a hammer? Try again.

and all that means nothing. fact is, hammer proved more deadly than deadly assualt weapons. why aren't you banning hammers and registering them? why aren't you requiring background checks? hammers are so easy to get. you can even buy them at yard sales. no one is tracking these deadly weapons.

Maybe because you can't fix anything with an assault weapon?
"I dunno Bob, I was just using my AR-15 to drive a nail into the wall, and boom!"

False comparison. Like the car fatalities one, which I noticed has driven itself into the sunset...
How many assault rifles are there quickly at hand compared to hammers? How much does an assault rifle cost compared to a hammer? Try again.

and all that means nothing. fact is, hammer proved more deadly than deadly assualt weapons. why aren't you banning hammers and registering them? why aren't you requiring background checks? hammers are so easy to get. you can even buy them at yard sales. no one is tracking these deadly weapons.

Maybe because you can't fix anything with an assault weapon?
"I dunno Bob, I was just using my AR-15 to drive a nail into the wall, and boom!"

False comparison. Like the car fatalities one, which I noticed has driven itself into the sunset...

now the relatives of people killed by hammers would tend to disagree with you.

and all that means nothing. fact is, hammer proved more deadly than deadly assualt weapons. why aren't you banning hammers and registering them? why aren't you requiring background checks? hammers are so easy to get. you can even buy them at yard sales. no one is tracking these deadly weapons.

Maybe because you can't fix anything with an assault weapon?
"I dunno Bob, I was just using my AR-15 to drive a nail into the wall, and boom!"

False comparison. Like the car fatalities one, which I noticed has driven itself into the sunset...

now the relatives of people killed by hammers would tend to disagree with you.


No, I don't think they wood, pun intended, if they have any sense of rational reason at all or if they live in a house or work in a building that was put up through the use of "nails".
Keep in mind, if nails are analogous to bullets: nails hold together; bullets rip apart.

(For the slower windbags, the above ^^ is simply to deconstruct a false rhetorical analogy. Neither guns nor hammers are being banned anyway)
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Maybe because you can't fix anything with an assault weapon?
"I dunno Bob, I was just using my AR-15 to drive a nail into the wall, and boom!"

False comparison. Like the car fatalities one, which I noticed has driven itself into the sunset...

now the relatives of people killed by hammers would tend to disagree with you.


No, I don't think they wood, pun intended, if they have any sense of rational reason at all or if they live in a house or work in a building that was put up through the use of "nails".

Keep in mind, if nails are analogous to bullets: nails hold together; bullets rip apart.

put a nail out of a nail gun into someone and it will rip apart. there are nailguns that use nails that have the same gun powder charge the same as a .22 bullet
No one is calling for disarming the populace. Nothing even close to disarming the populace. That is your paranoid, polarized dysfunctional small brain overwhelmed by chicken little fear.

Now you need to answer my question. What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers???

BTW, the only God given rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All of those God given rights were cruelly ripped away from 20 beautiful children by a weapon that should be banned.

Really? Maybe you should stop trying to tell us about our history and our Constitution, it's obvious you know little about either, and start studying up on current events because I can gibe you quote, after quote, after quote of liberal democrats, both in govt and out of govt, that are calling for just that. A 100% ban on private firearms ownership to include a mandatory buy back of currently owned firearms. See that is the problem with liberal democrats in this nation. They don't base their opinions on facts, they base their opinions on the propoganda sppon fed to them by Pravda West and party spokespeople without ever looking for the truth for themselves. I mean I bet you really think obama is pushing this gun control policy of his to make us all safer right? I mean that's what the media is saying, right? That's what the white house is saying, right? That's what the democrats in Congress are saying right? So explain to me why he gave a presidential pardon to a felon convicted of being in possession of a firearm with the serial numbers on it taken off? He's pushing for new gun laws, yet pardoning criminals that have broken our existing gun laws so who's bs-ing who here son? More proof positive that there is no more ingorant a creature on God's green earth than an American liberal.

English Logic Translator:

"Oh yeah? Well I looked around for days until I found three guys (I won't say who they are) who said just that (I won't quote what they said), what's more I know how they made their conclusions (I won't say how I know) so even though none of them post in this thread, I'm gonna use that to blanket-label not only you but an entire side of the political spectrum everywhere, because I'm Stuporman and not only does my Super Hearing tell me this through Super Voices, but I also have the powers of Super Extrapolation and Super Assumption. Proof positive that yer all ingorant".



Hey dumbass, I'm not your freaking teacher. Try reading a newspaper or watching the news, you'd be surprised what you'd learn even when you watch/read/listen to Pravda West. NUMEROUS democratic politicians have said they support not only a 100% ban, but support a mandatrory buyback/confiscation of already owned firearms. Are you really so ill-informed? Do you live under a rock?
now the relatives of people killed by hammers would tend to disagree with you.


No, I don't think they wood, pun intended, if they have any sense of rational reason at all or if they live in a house or work in a building that was put up through the use of "nails".

Keep in mind, if nails are analogous to bullets: nails hold together; bullets rip apart.

put a nail out of a nail gun into someone and it will rip apart. there are nailguns that use nails that have the same gun powder charge the same as a .22 bullet

You could hit someone over the head with a tire iron but that doesn't make the instrument not-designed-for-tires...

You could take your hammer, break your glasses and use the sharp glass to slice somebody up; doesn't make eyeglasses an assault weapon...

You could strangle somebody with the same hands you use to play Chopin on the piano; doesn't mean either one is what hands are for...

We can do this all day. Doesn't mean the point gets conveyed I guess ...
Gettin' behind on our reading there, Gumby? Doesn't compare to 35 million iPads, does it? Of course I only showed that TEN PAGES AGO, sometime last week, back here to be exact.

It pays to catch up on reading before you dig yourself in the same hole twice. :eek:

Here's the deal, you can't have it both ways. Either these evil "assault weapons" are selling a million units a year - leaving 40 million in the hands of Americans, as Slate claims, or they are rare and are of no consequence.

Since I go shooting regularly, which you don't, I know that 4 out of 5 people at the range have some sort of AR15 knock-off. (Not me, I'm a Mini-14 guy.) So the idea that a million units a year sold, going back to 1970, makes perfect sense to me. These things are more common than the iPad...

Look, you want to revoke civil rights, I get it. But the game that so-called "assault weapons" are unusual is absurd. Of the 200 million guns in this nation, about a quarter of them are what you of the left call assault type weapons.

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