Ten Gun Myths and Memes-- Shot Down

Actually it goes further than saying "All able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45" One of the two men called the Father of the Bill of Rights explained EXACTLY what was meant by a militia, George Mason stated regarding what is the militia; "It is the whole people, except for few public officials." (George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 425-426), another of the Founders who actually voted on the 2nd Amerndment described a militia as; "A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves...and include all men capable of bearing arms." (Richard Henry Lee, Additional Letters from the Federal Farmer (1788) at 169). The other man considered one of the "Father's of the Bill of Rights, James Madison, stated it as such; The highest number to which, according to the best computation, a standing army can be carried in any country, does not exceed one hundredth part of the whole number of souls; or one twenty-fifth part of the number able to bear arms. This proportion would not yield, in the United States, an army of more than twenty-five or thirty thousand men. To these would be opposed a militia amounting to near half a million of citizens with arms in their hands.............." Again indicating EVERY citizen. Madison also said; "Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." (James Madison, The Federalist Papers #46 at 243-244), that word would also indicate EVERY citizen being armed which ties in with the belief that a militia is EVERY citizen capable of bearing arms.
You don't need to guess, you sure as hell don't need to believe what the politicians say or what the 9 whores in DC, the court, say, the Founders where VERY outspoken on what constituted a militia and what the 2nd Amendment was added to the Constitution for, and it was NOT put there to protect your right to go hunting, or to just give you the right to defend yourself and your home from brigands. The Militia is ALL able bodied citizens, the right was included to defend those citizens from a standing army raised by the govt.

OK, please cite the specific Article and Section of the US Constitution that states: "all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"?

I will be waiting. It is not an opening to give people's opinions. You right wing turds always like to use the Constitution as a weapon against liberals. Now is your chance. If it is in the Constitution, it should be easy for you experts to provide where it is written in the Constitution.


OK, please go to your local school board and ask for a refund for the tax payers for what was spent on your education, it was obviously a waste of their money. First off I never said anything about 18-45, I stated a militia is ALL citizens according to the men who wrote the Constitution including the Bill of Rights, debated about it and finally voted to ratify it. Secondly, the poster never said anyone who READ the Constitution, the poster stated anyone who ever STUDIED the Constitution, and to study the Constitution would include reading the writings of those who wrote it and the co-author and one of the Founders considered to be the Father of the Bill of Rights, CLEARLY stated that a militia is ALL citizens except a few govt officials.

Interesting concept you are cornering yourself in. So the Constitution is not really a legal document ratified by the men who signed it. It is open to whatever opinions, arguments and debate that went on before they signed their names to it.

And here I always thought that the opinions, arguments and debate were only opinions, arguments and debate. And what they agreed on was written and ratified. I was wrong

I truly IS a living document...Thanks for that...
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OK, please cite the specific Article and Section of the US Constitution that states: "all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"?

I will be waiting. It is not an opening to give people's opinions. You right wing turds always like to use the Constitution as a weapon against liberals. Now is your chance. If it is in the Constitution, it should be easy for you experts to provide where it is written in the Constitution.


OK, please go to your local school board and ask for a refund for the tax payers for what was spent on your education, it was obviously a waste of their money. First off I never said anything about 18-45, I stated a militia is ALL citizens according to the men who wrote the Constitution including the Bill of Rights, debated about it and finally voted to ratify it. Secondly, the poster never said anyone who READ the Constitution, the poster stated anyone who ever STUDIED the Constitution, and to study the Constitution would include reading the writings of those who wrote it and the co-author and one of the Founders considered to be the Father of the Bill of Rights, CLEARLY stated that a militia is ALL citizens except a few govt officials.

Interesting concept you are cornering yourself in. So the Constitution is not really a legal document ratified by the men who signed it. It is open to whatever opinions and arguments these men forwarded during the process.

Thanks for that...

You still haven't gotten out of that specifics corner yet bub
OK, please go to your local school board and ask for a refund for the tax payers for what was spent on your education, it was obviously a waste of their money. First off I never said anything about 18-45, I stated a militia is ALL citizens according to the men who wrote the Constitution including the Bill of Rights, debated about it and finally voted to ratify it. Secondly, the poster never said anyone who READ the Constitution, the poster stated anyone who ever STUDIED the Constitution, and to study the Constitution would include reading the writings of those who wrote it and the co-author and one of the Founders considered to be the Father of the Bill of Rights, CLEARLY stated that a militia is ALL citizens except a few govt officials.

Interesting concept you are cornering yourself in. So the Constitution is not really a legal document ratified by the men who signed it. It is open to whatever opinions, arguments and debate that went on before they signed their names to it.

And here I always thought that the opinions, arguments and debate were only opinions, arguments and debate. And what they agreed on was written and ratified. I was wrong

I truly IS a living document...Thanks for that...

You still haven't gotten out of that specifics corner yet bub

I will ask you again. If I said "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"

WHERE would you look?
Interesting concept you are cornering yourself in. So the Constitution is not really a legal document ratified by the men who signed it. It is open to whatever opinions, arguments and debate that went on before they signed their names to it.

And here I always thought that the opinions, arguments and debate were only opinions, arguments and debate. And what they agreed on was written and ratified. I was wrong

I truly IS a living document...Thanks for that...

You still haven't gotten out of that specifics corner yet bub

I will ask you again. If I said "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"

WHERE would you look?

So you're expecting that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time?

Where the fuck do you THINK you should look?
You still haven't gotten out of that specifics corner yet bub

I will ask you again. If I said "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"

WHERE would you look?

So you're expecting that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time?

Where the fuck do you THINK you should look?

No, I don't expect that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time. What I DO expect is when someone says: "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia" is that those WORDS would be IN the Constitution.
I will ask you again. If I said "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"

WHERE would you look?

So you're expecting that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time?

Where the fuck do you THINK you should look?

No, I don't expect that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time. What I DO expect is when someone says: "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia" is that those WORDS would be IN the Constitution.

IOW, you don't think there is a necessity to study all the debates, writings and ruminations of the authors of the Constitution in order to actually study the Constitution itself.

You can't build a house without a foundation...
So you're expecting that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time?

Where the fuck do you THINK you should look?

No, I don't expect that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time. What I DO expect is when someone says: "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia" is that those WORDS would be IN the Constitution.

IOW, you don't think there is a necessity to study all the debates, writings and ruminations of the authors of the Constitution in order to actually study the Constitution itself.

You can't build a house without a foundation...

It is interesting but not necessary or essential. But, what IS essential is what is written in the Constitution and ratified by the authors. The rest is opinions.
No, I don't expect that the Constitution also contain a dictionary/thesaurus in order to define the words in common usage at the time. What I DO expect is when someone says: "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia" is that those WORDS would be IN the Constitution.

IOW, you don't think there is a necessity to study all the debates, writings and ruminations of the authors of the Constitution in order to actually study the Constitution itself.

You can't build a house without a foundation...

It is interesting but not necessary or essential. But, what IS essential is what is written in the Constitution and ratified by the authors. The rest is opinions.

Thank you for admitting I was right.

Good thing you're not in the construction business...
IOW, you don't think there is a necessity to study all the debates, writings and ruminations of the authors of the Constitution in order to actually study the Constitution itself.

You can't build a house without a foundation...

It is interesting but not necessary or essential. But, what IS essential is what is written in the Constitution and ratified by the authors. The rest is opinions.

Thank you for admitting I was right.

Good thing you're not in the construction business...

Good thing you are not my customer. Because if I 'TELL' you the house will have a full basement, and it is not in the signed contract, you will be shit out of luck if it has a crawl space.

You right wing turds are really getting hammered trying to defend PaulS1950, who has not defended his own error.

And you have forever abdicated to whole 'Constitution' argument. Now we know it's not important what the Constitution SAYS, it is what small talk surrounded it.

You people are true MORONS.
It is interesting but not necessary or essential. But, what IS essential is what is written in the Constitution and ratified by the authors. The rest is opinions.

Thank you for admitting I was right.

Good thing you're not in the construction business...

Good thing you are not my customer. Because if I 'TELL' you the house will have a full basement, and it is not in the signed contract, you will be shit out of luck if it has a crawl space.

You right wing turds are really getting hammered trying to defend PaulS1950, who has not defended his own error.

And you have forever abdicated to whole 'Constitution' argument. Now we know it's not important what the Constitution SAYS, it is what small talk surrounded it.

You people are true MORONS.

Pissy little bitch has to resort to ad hominems?

Tell me something, is it 'right wing turddom' to support equal rights for gays? How about an end to the drug war? Downsize the military? Get out of the Middle East and Afghanistan? Repeal the Patriot Act? The NDAA?

You are a simpleton, and consequently not worth arguing with.
Interesting concept you are cornering yourself in. So the Constitution is not really a legal document ratified by the men who signed it. It is open to whatever opinions, arguments and debate that went on before they signed their names to it.

And here I always thought that the opinions, arguments and debate were only opinions, arguments and debate. And what they agreed on was written and ratified. I was wrong

I truly IS a living document...Thanks for that...

You still haven't gotten out of that specifics corner yet bub

I will ask you again. If I said "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"

WHERE would you look?
Dumb ass he did not say it was written in the constitution. Why are you saying that he did?
You still haven't gotten out of that specifics corner yet bub

I will ask you again. If I said "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"

WHERE would you look?
Dumb ass he did not say it was written in the constitution. Why are you saying that he did?

Because he thinks "studying the Constitution" means only reading the words on the page. He cannot conceive of any sort of education beyond that.
Pitiful, honestly.
Thank you for admitting I was right.

Good thing you're not in the construction business...

Good thing you are not my customer. Because if I 'TELL' you the house will have a full basement, and it is not in the signed contract, you will be shit out of luck if it has a crawl space.

You right wing turds are really getting hammered trying to defend PaulS1950, who has not defended his own error.

And you have forever abdicated to whole 'Constitution' argument. Now we know it's not important what the Constitution SAYS, it is what small talk surrounded it.

You people are true MORONS.

Pissy little bitch has to resort to ad hominems?

Tell me something, is it 'right wing turddom' to support equal rights for gays? How about an end to the drug war? Downsize the military? Get out of the Middle East and Afghanistan? Repeal the Patriot Act? The NDAA?

You are a simpleton, and consequently not worth arguing with.

And you are a right wing turd. You prove it every time you open your pie hole.
I will ask you again. If I said "Anyone who has studied the constitution knows that all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"

WHERE would you look?
Dumb ass he did not say it was written in the constitution. Why are you saying that he did?

Because he thinks "studying the Constitution" means only reading the words on the page. He cannot conceive of any sort of education beyond that.
Pitiful, honestly.

You can 'study' what our founders talked about before they agreed on, put to paper and signed their names to each and every words in the Constitution. But the Constitution IS THE WORDS WRITTEN ON THE PAGES. It is a contract, not an op-ed piece on Breitbart.

If one of the framers said during the debate citizens should be able to shoot slaves, would THAT become law PEA BRAIN???
Good thing you are not my customer. Because if I 'TELL' you the house will have a full basement, and it is not in the signed contract, you will be shit out of luck if it has a crawl space.

You right wing turds are really getting hammered trying to defend PaulS1950, who has not defended his own error.

And you have forever abdicated to whole 'Constitution' argument. Now we know it's not important what the Constitution SAYS, it is what small talk surrounded it.

You people are true MORONS.

Pissy little bitch has to resort to ad hominems?

Tell me something, is it 'right wing turddom' to support equal rights for gays? How about an end to the drug war? Downsize the military? Get out of the Middle East and Afghanistan? Repeal the Patriot Act? The NDAA?

You are a simpleton, and consequently not worth arguing with.

And you are a right wing turd. You prove it every time you open your pie hole.

See what I mean?

Pissy little bitch has to resort to ad hominems?

Tell me something, is it 'right wing turddom' to support equal rights for gays? How about an end to the drug war? Downsize the military? Get out of the Middle East and Afghanistan? Repeal the Patriot Act? The NDAA?

You are a simpleton, and consequently not worth arguing with.

And you are a right wing turd. You prove it every time you open your pie hole.

See what I mean?


When I hear you say something that isn't 'right wing turddom' I will reconsider.
Dumb ass he did not say it was written in the constitution. Why are you saying that he did?

Because he thinks "studying the Constitution" means only reading the words on the page. He cannot conceive of any sort of education beyond that.
Pitiful, honestly.

You can 'study' what our founders talked about before they agreed on, put to paper and signed their names to each and every words in the Constitution. But the Constitution IS THE WORDS WRITTEN ON THE PAGES. It is a contract, not an op-ed piece on Breitbart.

If one of the framers said during the debate citizens should be able to shoot slaves, would THAT become law PEA BRAIN???

Where does the Constitution say slave owners can shoot slaves?
And Joe Biden shoots down the biggest myth: that an assault weapons ban will save lives.

[ame=http://youtu.be/fgA-Ub4uY7k]Caught on Camera: Joe Biden admits gun control will not stop mass shootings or save lives - YouTube[/ame]
Because he thinks "studying the Constitution" means only reading the words on the page. He cannot conceive of any sort of education beyond that.
Pitiful, honestly.

You can 'study' what our founders talked about before they agreed on, put to paper and signed their names to each and every words in the Constitution. But the Constitution IS THE WORDS WRITTEN ON THE PAGES. It is a contract, not an op-ed piece on Breitbart.

If one of the framers said during the debate citizens should be able to shoot slaves, would THAT become law PEA BRAIN???

Where does the Constitution say slave owners can shoot slaves?

The Constitution doesn't say slave owners can shoot slaves. Just like the Constitution doesn't say "all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"
You can 'study' what our founders talked about before they agreed on, put to paper and signed their names to each and every words in the Constitution. But the Constitution IS THE WORDS WRITTEN ON THE PAGES. It is a contract, not an op-ed piece on Breitbart.

If one of the framers said during the debate citizens should be able to shoot slaves, would THAT become law PEA BRAIN???

Where does the Constitution say slave owners can shoot slaves?

The Constitution doesn't say slave owners can shoot slaves. Just like the Constitution doesn't say "all able bodied men between the ages of 18 and 45 constitute the militia"

The Second Militia Act, passed May 8, 1792, provided for the organization of the state militias. It conscripted every "free able-bodied white male citizen" between the ages of 18 and 45 into a local militia company.

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