Tennessee 5-year-old detained after firing handgun in school cafeteria

You mean like how you tried to deflect that 2 black thugs beat to death an old white veteran by comparing it to Zimmerman in not one but at least two threads? Like that?

I did that in this thread? Point out the post, please.

Please post where he said you did.
You mean like how you tried to deflect that 2 black thugs beat to death an old white veteran by comparing it to Zimmerman
Yea, let's begin with the parents of the latest thugz who slaughtered an Australian boy and a WWII Vet.. Go arrest their parents, right now.. Nutbag above^^ demands it!

So...no comments about the topic of this thread?

I did make a comment or can't you read? Just because I didn't say what you wanted me to say, doesn't mean I didn't comment on the thread and even its intent.. you just don't like what I fucking said.. Did you get your ticket to Russia yet? Have the Olympics been moved yet?

You have yet to comment ON TOPIC.

Do you not understand how this works?
the parents let their kid have access to a handgun and he took it to school loaded, yeah, the parents should get a GOP reward and medal, for teaching their 5 year old how to carry a concealed weapon to defend himself.
No, they can just prosecute the boy and make him pay a fine, which the boy will need to get a job to pay for.

I didn't see anything about how the kid got the gun. What if he found it on the way to school? What if he took it from a teacher? What if some stranger put the gun in his backpack? Not saying it happened that way, just saying "What if?" Seems to me, until we know more facts, we can't say if the parents are responsible or not.
Please post where he said you did.
You mean like how you tried to deflect that 2 black thugs beat to death an old white veteran by comparing it to Zimmerman

Shall I finish the quote, or is lying what you will go to when caught being amazingly stupid?

Go right ahead.....it doesn't change the FACT that you are accusing me of something that has NOTHING to do with this thread and this topic whatsoever.

And Rabbi....:bye1: How's that whiny report going?
the parents let their kid have access to a handgun and he took it to school loaded, yeah, the parents should get a GOP reward and medal, for teaching their 5 year old how to carry a concealed weapon to defend himself.
No, they can just prosecute the boy and make him pay a fine, which the boy will need to get a job to pay for.

I didn't see anything about how the kid got the gun. What if he found it on the way to school? What if he took it from a teacher? What if some stranger put the gun in his backpack? Not saying it happened that way, just saying "What if?" Seems to me, until we know more facts, we can't say if the parents are responsible or not.

Dont be silly. It was a gun. In Tennessee. That automatically makes it the GOP's fault. Don't you read posts around here?
the parents let their kid have access to a handgun and he took it to school loaded, yeah, the parents should get a GOP reward and medal, for teaching their 5 year old how to carry a concealed weapon to defend himself.
No, they can just prosecute the boy and make him pay a fine, which the boy will need to get a job to pay for.

I didn't see anything about how the kid got the gun. What if he found it on the way to school? What if he took it from a teacher? What if some stranger put the gun in his backpack? Not saying it happened that way, just saying "What if?" Seems to me, until we know more facts, we can't say if the parents are responsible or not.

Hey...get with the program. It's a "non-issue."

I'm sure the other parents at that school agree.
So...no comments about the topic of this thread?

I did make a comment or can't you read? Just because I didn't say what you wanted me to say, doesn't mean I didn't comment on the thread and even its intent.. you just don't like what I fucking said.. Did you get your ticket to Russia yet? Have the Olympics been moved yet?

You have yet to comment ON TOPIC.

Do you not understand how this works?

I wonder if she can.
Yea, let's begin with the parents of the latest thugz who slaughtered an Australian boy and a WWII Vet.. Go arrest their parents, right now.. Nutbag above^^ demands it!

Why are you totally going off topic?? Is it because your reasoning process is flawed?? If you had a strong one then you would be able to stay on topic and address the issue presented. All you did was make a fool of yourself, as usual.
5 year old boy with a REAL gun...a REAL loaded gun...a REAL loaded gun that goes off...................................non-issue.

Boy suspended for gun shaped poptart......IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!

Shall I finish the quote, or is lying what you will go to when caught being amazingly stupid?

Go right ahead.....it doesn't change the FACT that you are accusing me of something that has NOTHING to do with this thread and this topic whatsoever.

And Rabbi....:bye1: How's that whiny report going?

So to be clear, you admit you lied, you admit you tried to deflect in the other threads and got caught, why should we believe a thing you have to say, you just proved you are a liar and that you deflect when you don;t like the facts. But hey keep on lying it suits you.
How many kids in Chicago schools were found with drug paraphernalia? And no word from the Left about that.
Democrats are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.

Clear, unadulterated deflection from the topic.

You mean like how you tried to deflect that 2 black thugs beat to death an old white veteran by comparing it to Zimmerman in not one but at least two threads? Like that?

Jesus Christ people stay on topic.
Shall I finish the quote, or is lying what you will go to when caught being amazingly stupid?

Go right ahead.....it doesn't change the FACT that you are accusing me of something that has NOTHING to do with this thread and this topic whatsoever.

And Rabbi....:bye1: How's that whiny report going?

So to be clear, you admit you lied, you admit you tried to deflect in the other threads and got caught, why should we believe a thing you have to say, you just proved you are a liar and that you deflect when you don;t like the facts. But hey keep on lying it suits you.

I have not lied at all...I have not deflected on this thread....that would be YOU...by bringing stuff from other threads onto this one. You...you..you. Now....wouldn't it be nice if YOU could stay on topic on this thread about this boy...this five year old boy...this five year old boy with a gun...this five year old boy with a loaded gun...this five year old boy with a loaded gun that went off in the school cafeteria.

You know....the "non-issue".
As a faux news watching, tea bagging, racist, birther, inbred nazi (or whatever liberals would like to call me), I think this would be under the laws of child endangerment and should be conducted as any other child endangerment case. If I were in charge of the world (i.e. we lived in a perfect world) I would propose the parents to pay a large fine, take parent classes along with gun safety classes. If this incident would happen again, then I might consider taking the child away from the parents.
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I can see the letter home from the school now:

Dear Parents,

You may have heard that we had a "little accident" in the cafeteria the other day. But, we've determined it to be a non-issue.


The Administration
Go right ahead.....it doesn't change the FACT that you are accusing me of something that has NOTHING to do with this thread and this topic whatsoever.

And Rabbi....:bye1: How's that whiny report going?

So to be clear, you admit you lied, you admit you tried to deflect in the other threads and got caught, why should we believe a thing you have to say, you just proved you are a liar and that you deflect when you don;t like the facts. But hey keep on lying it suits you.

I have not lied at all...I have not deflected on this thread....that would be YOU...by bringing stuff from other threads onto this one. You...you..you. Now....wouldn't it be nice if YOU could stay on topic on this thread about this boy...this five year old boy...this five year old boy with a gun...this five year old boy with a loaded gun...this five year old boy with a loaded gun that went off in the school cafeteria.

You know....the "non-issue".

You lied about what I said and tried to deflect what someone else said and now are trying to pretend you did no such thing. Or was your quote function broken when you purposefully left off the important part of what I said, you know the part that proves you lied when you claimed I said it about this thread?

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