Tent Cities Full Of Homeless People Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes

We're seeing more at our Outreach needing help.
Our homeless shelters have been overbooked for years now. And it's summer. Wait til it's ten below.

I'm noticing more and more coming to feedings in vehicles, that's a sign they are newly homeless or about to be.
I wish someone in Washington would figure out that the economy isn't really all that much better. It's like 1984 or Brave New World everytime I hear that shit. I thought maybe it was just our area--we're rural and backward.

It's all over, there is a tent city in our area, I don't go there but the men of the Outreach do and they tell me it's growing each week. Entire families living there and I don't understand why it's being allowed to have children there. Tent cities are bad news
You can't take someone's kids away just because the parents are poor. A lot of them are probably already on a waiting list or receiving services and there's nothing else to be done. I agree it's a pretty rough start for a kid.
We're seeing more at our Outreach needing help.
Our homeless shelters have been overbooked for years now. And it's summer. Wait til it's ten below.

I'm noticing more and more coming to feedings in vehicles, that's a sign they are newly homeless or about to be.
I wish someone in Washington would figure out that the economy isn't really all that much better. It's like 1984 or Brave New World everytime I hear that shit. I thought maybe it was just our area--we're rural and backward.

It's all over, there is a tent city in our area, I don't go there but the men of the Outreach do and they tell me it's growing each week. Entire families living there and I don't understand why it's being allowed to have children there. Tent cities are bad news
You can't take someone's kids away just because the parents are poor. A lot of them are probably already on a waiting list or receiving services and there's nothing else to be done. I agree it's a pretty rough start for a kid.

Well, yes you can take them away. I've seen it happen. If a parent is unable to provide shelter, food and the necessities of life the state can step in. Look at food lines, see any young mother with infants? In those cases the state steps in immediately
More MORE MORE government spending was supposed to help the poor.

Instead, it helped kleptocrats, and drove private sector jobs out of the country.... and wrecked the future of the US unless it is undone very soon.
More MORE MORE government spending was supposed to help the poor.

Instead, it helped kleptocrats, and drove private sector jobs out of the country.... and wrecked the future of the US unless it is undone very soon.

Look at ten homeless shelters...I promise you at least half of them are doing the bare minimum and pocketing the rest of the money they receive. I'm aware of a shelter that has a six million dollar operating budget...you'd never know it looking at the services they provide
I call bullflop! If you have kids there's all kinds of programs to help .

Very few programs will prevent homelessness.

They can put a roof over your head.

No they can't. Once again some doofus libturd is blabbering about something he knows little of. I deal with these agencies all the time.
Oh so you're a welfare queen !
Oh, shaddup Daws. She knows more than Timmy, that's for sure.

I know a little bit .

Now it's true I dont know how these hillbilly states work. But in Mass there's really no way you can be living in a tent city with school aged kids . Child services would be all up in that shit .
A lot of those homeless shelters just force you to convert to (Zionist) Christianity, and if you do not convert, they do not help you at all.

90% of homeless donations do not help anyone homeless. It is a business.
Our homeless shelters have been overbooked for years now. And it's summer. Wait til it's ten below.

I'm noticing more and more coming to feedings in vehicles, that's a sign they are newly homeless or about to be.
I wish someone in Washington would figure out that the economy isn't really all that much better. It's like 1984 or Brave New World everytime I hear that shit. I thought maybe it was just our area--we're rural and backward.

It's all over, there is a tent city in our area, I don't go there but the men of the Outreach do and they tell me it's growing each week. Entire families living there and I don't understand why it's being allowed to have children there. Tent cities are bad news
You can't take someone's kids away just because the parents are poor. A lot of them are probably already on a waiting list or receiving services and there's nothing else to be done. I agree it's a pretty rough start for a kid.

Well, yes you can take them away. I've seen it happen. If a parent is unable to provide shelter, food and the necessities of life the state can step in. Look at food lines, see any young mother with infants? In those cases the state steps in immediately
Can't compare because all we have is a twice a month food pantry. No soup kitchens. No nuttin. I think your state probably does different than mine. The State here steps in to find emergency housing or find a relative or friend the kids can stay with, or whatever, but it doesn't take custody if the parents are trying and cooperating.
I'm noticing more and more coming to feedings in vehicles, that's a sign they are newly homeless or about to be.
I wish someone in Washington would figure out that the economy isn't really all that much better. It's like 1984 or Brave New World everytime I hear that shit. I thought maybe it was just our area--we're rural and backward.

It's all over, there is a tent city in our area, I don't go there but the men of the Outreach do and they tell me it's growing each week. Entire families living there and I don't understand why it's being allowed to have children there. Tent cities are bad news
You can't take someone's kids away just because the parents are poor. A lot of them are probably already on a waiting list or receiving services and there's nothing else to be done. I agree it's a pretty rough start for a kid.

Well, yes you can take them away. I've seen it happen. If a parent is unable to provide shelter, food and the necessities of life the state can step in. Look at food lines, see any young mother with infants? In those cases the state steps in immediately
Can't compare because all we have is a twice a month food pantry. No soup kitchens. No nuttin. I think your state probably does different than mine. The State here steps in to find emergency housing or find a relative or friend the kids can stay with, or whatever, but it doesn't take custody if the parents are trying and cooperating.

It probably depends on individual state laws but I know they will step in here if the child lacks shelter and food. We worked with a young woman who lost her child to the state, it took about nine months but finally got them reunited. It's a long and frustrating process
I wish someone in Washington would figure out that the economy isn't really all that much better. It's like 1984 or Brave New World everytime I hear that shit. I thought maybe it was just our area--we're rural and backward.

It's all over, there is a tent city in our area, I don't go there but the men of the Outreach do and they tell me it's growing each week. Entire families living there and I don't understand why it's being allowed to have children there. Tent cities are bad news
You can't take someone's kids away just because the parents are poor. A lot of them are probably already on a waiting list or receiving services and there's nothing else to be done. I agree it's a pretty rough start for a kid.

Well, yes you can take them away. I've seen it happen. If a parent is unable to provide shelter, food and the necessities of life the state can step in. Look at food lines, see any young mother with infants? In those cases the state steps in immediately
Can't compare because all we have is a twice a month food pantry. No soup kitchens. No nuttin. I think your state probably does different than mine. The State here steps in to find emergency housing or find a relative or friend the kids can stay with, or whatever, but it doesn't take custody if the parents are trying and cooperating.

It probably depends on individual state laws but I know they will step in here if the child lacks shelter and food. We worked with a young woman who lost her child to the state, it took about nine months but finally got them reunited. It's a long and frustrating process
Glad they made it back home. Yes, we've talked about CPS before, and I think your state does see things differently than mine.
Keep up the good work, Sassy!
From Hoovervilles to Obamavilles.

More like "red state -villes"

Massoftwoshits have their fare share of homeless, Timmy

Homeless family population in Boston rises 25 percent - The Boston Globe

Right . But the definition of "homeless " is not "living in a tent city ." Those kids have a roof over thier heads .

Again you don't know what you're talking about, homeless by definition can include having to stay with relatives due to the inability to afford shelter of your own. I do this all the time Timmy, you're clueless and using the thread to rant on "red states" while homelessness is a chronic problem in every state
From Hoovervilles to Obamavilles.

More like "red state -villes"

Massoftwoshits have their fare share of homeless, Timmy

Homeless family population in Boston rises 25 percent - The Boston Globe

Right . But the definition of "homeless " is not "living in a tent city ." Those kids have a roof over thier heads .

Again you don't know what you're talking about, homeless by definition can include having to stay with relatives due to the inability to afford shelter of your own. I do this all the time Timmy, you're clueless and using the thread to rant on "red states" while homelessness is a chronic problem in every state

That's what I said ! Homeless has a specific definition vs the common use of the word.

So it's ok to blame Obama but not red states .
From Hoovervilles to Obamavilles.

More like "red state -villes"

Massoftwoshits have their fare share of homeless, Timmy

Homeless family population in Boston rises 25 percent - The Boston Globe

Right . But the definition of "homeless " is not "living in a tent city ." Those kids have a roof over thier heads .

Again you don't know what you're talking about, homeless by definition can include having to stay with relatives due to the inability to afford shelter of your own. I do this all the time Timmy, you're clueless and using the thread to rant on "red states" while homelessness is a chronic problem in every state

That's what I said ! Homeless has a specific definition vs the common use of the word.

So it's ok to blame Obama but not red states .

Take your whines about red states and scram. I'm weary of it and you. Furthermore instead of whining about it get off your ass and go help someone.
Homelessness can hit anyone at any time what with the way things are these days. I am thankful I have a friend that is helping us until we get settled. Once that happens...we will begin to look for a nice senior community and purchase a home hopefully. And if that does not happen...well...then we will wait for a unit to come available right back here where I am.
More like "red state -villes"

Massoftwoshits have their fare share of homeless, Timmy

Homeless family population in Boston rises 25 percent - The Boston Globe

Right . But the definition of "homeless " is not "living in a tent city ." Those kids have a roof over thier heads .

Again you don't know what you're talking about, homeless by definition can include having to stay with relatives due to the inability to afford shelter of your own. I do this all the time Timmy, you're clueless and using the thread to rant on "red states" while homelessness is a chronic problem in every state

That's what I said ! Homeless has a specific definition vs the common use of the word.

So it's ok to blame Obama but not red states .

Take your whines about red states and scram. I'm weary of it and you. Furthermore instead of whining about it get off your ass and go help someone.

You don't know what I do to help.

You righties are so two faced . You'll start a thread complaining about homeless numbers , when you would Also eliminate all programs to prevent it !

Right . But the definition of "homeless " is not "living in a tent city ." Those kids have a roof over thier heads .

Again you don't know what you're talking about, homeless by definition can include having to stay with relatives due to the inability to afford shelter of your own. I do this all the time Timmy, you're clueless and using the thread to rant on "red states" while homelessness is a chronic problem in every state

That's what I said ! Homeless has a specific definition vs the common use of the word.

So it's ok to blame Obama but not red states .

Take your whines about red states and scram. I'm weary of it and you. Furthermore instead of whining about it get off your ass and go help someone.

You don't know what I do to help.

You righties are so two faced . You'll start a thread complaining about homeless numbers , when you would Also eliminate all programs to prevent it !

You do nothing is the best guess, as for eliminating programs that's just you and your politics. Now run along you clueless little nothing. Once again you've exhibited how truly ignorant you are
You all are completely full of shit! There were tent cities everywhere when Bush left his mess for Obama. They are few & far between today if at all. That is why there are no current pictures of them in the propaganda posted here.

Why don't some of idiots take a current newspaper & hold it up in front of a tent city today & snap a selfie or while someone snaps a picture?

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