Tent Cities Full Of Homeless People Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes

You all are completely full of shit! There were tent cities everywhere when Bush left his mess for Obama.
Why don't some of idiots take a current newspaper & hold it up in front of a tent city today & snap a selfie or while someone snaps a picture.

There are tent cities everywhere now but.....BBUUUUTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!!
They arent everywhere . I see help wanted signs everywhere . Only people in tenTs are mentally ill or on drugs .

Obamas done a damn good job considering what he was left with .
You all are completely full of shit! There were tent cities everywhere when Bush left his mess for Obama. They are few & far between today if at all. That is why there are no current pictures of them in the propaganda posted here.

Why don't some of idiots take a current newspaper & hold it up in front of a tent city today & snap a selfie or while someone snaps a picture?

There are tent cities everywhere now but.....BBUUUUTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!!

When the shoe fits bitch!

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You all are completely full of shit! There were tent cities everywhere when Bush left his mess for Obama. They are few & far between today if at all. That is why there are no current pictures of them in the propaganda posted here.

Why don't some of idiots take a current newspaper & hold it up in front of a tent city today & snap a selfie or while someone snaps a picture?

There are tent cities everywhere now but.....BBUUUUTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!!

When the shoe fits bitch!

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I don't believe your numbers...bitch, our city alone has 8,000, that's one city. Bitch
I call bullflop! If you have kids there's all kinds of programs to help .

Very few programs will prevent homelessness.

They can put a roof over your head.

No they can't. Once again some doofus libturd is blabbering about something he knows little of. I deal with these agencies all the time.
Oh so you're a welfare queen !
Oh, shaddup Daws. She knows more than Timmy, that's for sure.
Of course she knows more about welfare than he does, he has a job.
The dpss ( department of social services )
Defines homelessness as having no fixed address
That's anything from living in a box to staying with friends or living in hotels.
We're seeing more at our Outreach needing help.
Our homeless shelters have been overbooked for years now. And it's summer. Wait til it's ten below.

I'm noticing more and more coming to feedings in vehicles, that's a sign they are newly homeless or about to be.
I wish someone in Washington would figure out that the economy isn't really all that much better. It's like 1984 or Brave New World everytime I hear that shit. I thought maybe it was just our area--we're rural and backward.

It's all over, there is a tent city in our area, I don't go there but the men of the Outreach do and they tell me it's growing each week. Entire families living there and I don't understand why it's being allowed to have children there. Tent cities are bad news
There is one behind one of the malls here at my bunker house in Delaware, it's been there for about 7 years now.....it has done nothing but grow as the Obama chokes the life out of the economy.....
There should be rent control in all cities in all states. If there is a set minimum wage for employees, the same should be done for housing.

San Fran is ridiculous. Same as here. 1 bedrooms 2k and up. STUDIOS are 1K and up. Unless you want to live in the ghetto, then its 600 bucks and up for a studio. Its asinine.
I don't believe your numbers...bitch, our city alone has 8,000, that's one city. Bitch
It is probably akin to the reported unemployment numbers. Once it ran out or someone is not in that system they are no longer counted. The local church run pantry is having a harder time than ever keeping up with the needs as the needs increase.
I don't believe your numbers...bitch, our city alone has 8,000, that's one city. Bitch
It is probably akin to the reported unemployment numbers. Once it ran out or someone is not in that system they are no longer counted. The local church run pantry is having a harder time than ever keeping up with the needs as the needs increase.

It says by sheltered status which probably means they are counting the ones in shelters, there are literally thousands under bridges, in tent cities, or just on the streets. There is a railroad overpass in our area, any given night there will be up to 50-60 there, they are not counted
Poor women shouldn't have kids. Unfortunately our welfare system encourages poor women to have all the kids they can.
A job is not solving the housing problem. Get a job, you STILL don't have enough to pay rent to greedy landlords that take advantage of the poor. And they do exactly that. Read my link above. See for yourself.
The town not far from me is a college town. A 3 bedroom is owned by someone in los angeles. They rent the house HERE for 500 bucks PER HEAD. 2 sets of bunk beds in ONE ROOM is 2000 bucks. Its a THREE bedroom house. 12 students to each house...add it up.

Rent control is needed. Period.
I don't believe your numbers...bitch, our city alone has 8,000, that's one city. Bitch
It is probably akin to the reported unemployment numbers. Once it ran out or someone is not in that system they are no longer counted. The local church run pantry is having a harder time than ever keeping up with the needs as the needs increase.

It says by sheltered status which probably means they are counting the ones in shelters, there are literally thousands under bridges, in tent cities, or just on the streets. There is a railroad overpass in our area, any given night there will be up to 50-60 there, they are not counted
The 1930's all over again just a more modern society. We own our place free and clear but just making taxes, a light bill and Internet is more than we can do at this point. If someone gets sick or anything happens this can be the results. For us it was a triple whammy with WF and their fraud and then me getting covered in chemicals at work and the employer and the chemical company covering up their bullshit. If we had not had this place to go to we could easily be under the bridge with some of those other people as just surviving as all that went on for quite a few years. Rod took a job with a farmer that uses and abuses the programs and people. Broke his hand and the guy told me when I asked if there was a doctor or clinic he would prefer he go to the guy claimed he was exempt because he was a farmer. That creep owns close to a thousand acres and receives a shit load every year in grant money. I've never had a problem with people making good money but when you get too many people willing to f' someone else over and take advantage like that this is the kind of society we end up with.
The town not far from me is a college town. A 3 bedroom is owned by someone in los angeles. They rent the house HERE for 500 bucks PER HEAD. 2 sets of bunk beds in ONE ROOM is 2000 bucks. Its a THREE bedroom house. 12 students to each house...add it up.

Rent control is needed. Period.
Grace you can't just blame a property owner. They have to pay taxes and taxes in Southern California and other place for that matter are ridiculous and California had a pretty good property tax program but the cost and the wages did not maintain in a level manner. When I had rentals the tax man wanted more than their fair share. For the cost and the hassle rentals just were not worth it.

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