TENURED professor fired for saying Sandy Hook staged by government

It seems that Tracy was fired for comments made personally to one of the parents of a victim of Sandy Hook. .

He asked for evidence that their alleged child had actually existed. Sort of question the press should be asking but they won't do it.
It seems that Tracy was fired for comments made personally to one of the parents of a victim of Sandy Hook. .

He asked for evidence that their alleged child had actually existed. Sort of question the press should be asking but they won't do it.

Their 'alleged child'? Yeah, that was monumentally stupid on Tracy's part. Especially using school resources to do it.
His wacko personal opinions and conspiracy theories extended to cruel harassment of grieving parents. How can any reasonable person think 911 was staged? Thousands and thousands of people were in on it? Dozens of Sandy Hook parents and hundreds of police, firefighters, EMTs and hospitals were in on it? Where do people come up with this crap?
Simple. They're f-ing stupid.
Right or wrong regarding his conspiracy theory, he's entitled to voice his opinion and a college should stand up for the freedom of speech. The college made the wrong decision.
I second this. He shouldn't lose his job, but if he wasn't ready to deal with any type of response, well then he should have kept his mouth shut until he was ready.

God bless you always!!!


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