Terror Attacks of the Day


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I am not trying to belittle so horrible an attack on Americans in Boston, but it WAS NOT the only such attack. They go on daily around the world and are largely ignored by the main street media. So, as of today, whenever I find a report of a terrorist attack elsewhere, I'll report it here. And, I'm certain those victim's family, friends, and acquaintances suffer just as much as those of the Boston Attack!

Here is today's:

Sixteen injured in India Bangalore blast

The blast happened in a busy residential area
Sixteen people, including eight policemen, have been injured in an explosion near the office of a political party in the southern Indian city of Bangalore, police have said.

Read more @ BBC News - Sixteen injured in India Bangalore blast

and a second report of the same event:

Blast in Bangalore Injures 16



BANGALORE— A blast ripped through the calm in Malleshwaram, a quiet neighborhood in Bangalore, barely 50 meters away from the local office of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). More than 16 people were injured, including 8 policemen.

Read more @ Blast in Bangalore Injures 16 - NYTimes.com

followed by:

Rockets fired at Eilat in southern Israel

April 17, 2013, Associated Press

Israeli security investigates the scene of a rocket attack in Eilat, Israel, Wednesday, April 17, 2013. At least two rockets were fired at Israel's southern resort city of Eilat from Egypt's Sinai peninsula on Wednesday, the Israeli military said. (AP Photo/Ran Shauli) ISRAEL OUT

JERUSALEM (AP) — Militants in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula fired at least two rockets at Israel's southern resort town of Eilat early Wednesday, officials said, highlighting what Israel says is a dire security situation in its southern neighbor.

Read more @ Rockets fired at Eilat in southern Israel | CNS News
U.S. was warned of terror attacks
Source: Look for trail through Sri Lanka, Bangladesh

Although it is not known yet who is responsible for Monday’s heinous bombings at the Boston Marathon that killed three and injured more than 100 people, a source within Iranian intelligence services told WND the Islamic regime was behind them and to look for trails through Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

The source said the bombs were planted near the end of the race so that the horrific images of the blasts would be captured by all the media there and be replayed over and over throughout the world.

A senior commander of the Islamic regime had warned less than two months ago that terrorism was coming to America.

Read more at U.S. was warned of terror attacks

Video: Iraq Hit by Deadly Bombings

Posted on 16 April 2013. Tags: video
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sXNb9XXoeq4]Iraq cities hit by deadly bombings - YouTube[/ame]
Video: Iraq Hit by Deadly Bombings

From Al Jazeera. Any opinions expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.
A wave of bombings across Iraq have killed at least 19 people and wounded more than 100 others, officials said, just days before the country’s first elections since US troops withdrew.

Most of the deadly attacks on Monday morning reported by police officials were bombings, which killed several people in Baghdad, in the western city of Fallujah, the contested northern city of Kirkuk and towns south of the capital.

Read more @ Video: Iraq Hit by Deadly Bombings | Iraq Business News

Video: Attacks Kill Dozens Ahead of Polls
Posted on 16 April 2013.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T1g4I-8FvJs]Wave of Iraq attacks kills dozens ahead of polls - YouTube[/ame]
Dozens of attacks across Iraq on Monday killed at least 24 people just days before the country’s first elections since US troops withdrew.

In Tuz Khurmatu, which lies 175 kilometres (110 miles) north of Baghdad, six people were killed and 60 wounded by three near-simultaneous car bombs:
Read more @ Video: Attacks Kill Dozens Ahead of Polls | Iraq Business News

US drones kill 5 'militants' in South Waziristan strike

By Bill RoggioApril 17, 2013
The US killed five "militants" in a drone strike today in an area of Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of South Waziristan. The strike is the second reported by the US in Pakistan in the past four days.

The CIA-operated, remotely piloted Predators or the more deadly Reapers fired a pair of missiles at what was described by AFP as "a base of the TTP," or the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. Five "militants" were killed in the strike and two more were wounded, Pakistani intelligence officials said. The Taliban "base," which was located in the village of Sararogha, was leveled in the airstrike.

No senior al Qaeda or Taliban commanders or operatives are reported to have been killed in the attack.

Read more: US drones kill 5 'militants' in South Waziristan strike - The Long War Journal

And I'm certain the families of the five consider this a “terrorist attack.”
There Has Been 172 ‘IED’ Incidents In The U.S. In The Last 6 Months
Bombs Frequent In U.S.; 172 ‘IED’ Incidents In Last 6 Months, By 1 Count -- McClatchy News
WASHINGTON — The two explosions that killed three people and wounded more than 170 Monday in Boston were dramatic, the deadliest bombing in the United States since April 19, 1995, when a truck loaded with fertilizer blew up outside the federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168. But the method of attack wasn’t particularly surprising to anti-terrorism experts: a homemade bomb that officials refer to as an IED, or improvised explosive device.

In fact, in the last six months, there have been 172 IEDs reported in the United States, according to a government count that an official revealed Tuesday in answer to questions about U.S. preparedness. The official shared the figures, which were gathered before Monday’s explosion, only on the condition that neither the official nor the official’s office be identified.

Read more ....Blast in Bangalore Injures 16 - NYTimes.com

War News Editor's Comment: This is an astounding number. The skeptic in me says "no way" .... but when I did a brief Google search I surprisingly came up with a number of such incidents .... albeit most were small IEDs that were put together in a garage taht resulted in an explosion. But what is even more frightening .... it appears that the trend for this type of activity (for the U.S.) is increasing .... and the IEDs are getting bigger.

172? Where's the press on this?

Iraq serial blasts kill many puppets
Last update: 15 April 2013, 20:04
Publication time: 15 April 2013, 16:14
At least 33 puppets were killed and over 160 wounded in string of attacks across the country ahead of next week's mockery "provincial elections".

Most of the deadly attacks on Monday morning were bombings, which killed several puppets in Baghdad, in the western city of Fallujah, the northern city of Kirkuk and towns south of the capital.

A total of 14 car bombs and three roadside bombs struck seven cities including Baghdad.

Attacks on a checkpoint close to the airport in the capital was significant because it had never happened before. Today there was a car bomb at this check point ready for the puppets.

Vehicles packed with explosives were detonated in the northern cities of Kirkuk and Tuz Khurmatu, the central city of Samarra, and the cities of Hilla and Nassriyah south of Baghdad.

The attacks come less than a week before "Iraqis are scheduled" to vote for the puppets in the country's first "elections" since the 2011 US troop partly withdrawal.
Source: Agencies
Alawite army bases in capital become secret death prisons
Publication time: 15 April 2013, 13:13
Assad's key military unit in charge of protecting Damascus is running secret prisons holding hundreds of suspected regime opponents.

The illegal Assad's regime's 4th Division runs detention centers in its bases in and around Damascus. The division is commanded by Maher Assad, the tyrant's younger brother. It is considered a pillar of loyalist forces and is charged with defending the capital, the seat of Assad's power.

Muslims are held in small crowded cells and beaten by Alawite guards.

Bashar el-Ahmed, a 31-year-old schoolteacher, said he was taken blindfolded to the detention center and realized after he was arrived that he was underground. He said guards started beating him with batons, electric prods and cables the moment he arrived.

Thousands of opposition members, protesters and their families were detained since the revolution against Assad's rule started in March 2011.

None of the former detainees were able to give the exact location of the secret prison because they had been blindfolded during transfer there from an intelligence branch. They also said they had been held in small cells crammed with dozens of other prisoners.
Source: Agencies
Militants in Egyptian Sinai Fire Rockets Into Israel but Do No Damage

By ISABEL KERSHNER, Published: April 17, 2013

JERUSALEM — Two rockets fired from the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula struck the southern Israeli resort of Eilat on Wednesday, causing no damage or injuries, according to the Israeli military. The first such attack on that city in a year, it underscored the continuing threat from militants operating across the desert border.

Read more @ http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/18/w...-land-in-israel.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0

Yemen: US drone strikes kill 4 al-Qaida suspects

By AHMED AL-HAJ, The Associated Press, Published: April 17, 2013

SANAA, Yemen — Two U.S. drone strikes Wednesday killed at least four suspected al-Qaida militants and destroyed the house of another in a mountainous area south of the capital, Sanaa, a Yemeni security official and witnesses said.

The four were killed in the first strike while riding a vehicle in the desert area of Oussab al-Ali, about 140 kilometers (90 miles) south of Sanaa, the official said.

Read more @ Yemen: US drone strikes kill 4 al-Qaida suspects - Middle East - Stripes

In the eye of the beholder?

And this reports it was five killed @ US drones kill 5 AQAP operatives in Yemen - The Long War Journal
Mortar attack on mosque 'kills seven'

At least seven people have been killed in a mortar attack on a Sunni mosque in northern Iraq, police say.

Dozens more were hurt in the strike as worshippers were leaving the building in Khales after Friday prayers.

It comes a day after at least 27 people were killed in a bomb attack on a cafe in the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

Read more @ BBC News - Iraq violence: Mortar attack on mosque 'kills seven'
UN: Peacekeeper shot dead in Darfur attack

April 20, 2013, By PETER JAMES SPIELMANN, Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. says that a peacekeeper in Sudan's state of East Darfur was shot dead and two others were injured Friday in an attack by unidentified gunmen.

The United Nations says it is working with Sudan's government to investigate the attack on the peacekeeping team's site near Muhajeria in East Darfur State.

Read more @ UN: Peacekeeper shot dead in Darfur attack | CNS News

And, they're forbidden from firing their weapons - even if attacked!
Roadside bomb attack kills 4 army soldiers, injures 4 in volatile northwest Pakistan
Published April 21, 2013, Associated Press

PESHAWAR, Pakistan – Pakistani intelligence officials say a roadside bomb attack on an army convoy in North Waziristan tribal region has killed four soldiers and wounded four others.

Two intelligence officials said the bomb planted in Haider Khel area alongside the main Bannu-Miran Shah Road exploded Sunday when a military convoy was passing, while a civilian curfew was in force.

Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to reporters.

Read more @ Roadside bomb attack kills 4 army soldiers, injures 4 in volatile northwest Pakistan | Fox News

Oh but that doesn't count as a “terrorist” attack does it?
No, they didn't stop or go away!

Video: Car bomb erupts outside French embassy in Tripoli, 3 hurt

Breaking: Canada busts terrorist plot in Quebec; Update: Two in custody; Update: Targeted Niagara Falls train; Update: AQ plot
21 dead in Xinjiang terrorist clash: [A violent clash between suspected terrorists and authorities ]

Taliban blamed for bus crash that killed 30 Afghans - At least 30 people were killed and others badly injured and burned when their bus crashed into a stationary lorry on Afghanistan's main highway [now up to 45]

12 dead in Philippines election ambush – warfare between Muslim clans
Roadside bomb attack kills 4 army soldiers, injures 4 in volatile northwest Pakistan
Published April 21, 2013, Associated Press

PESHAWAR, Pakistan – Pakistani intelligence officials say a roadside bomb attack on an army convoy in North Waziristan tribal region has killed four soldiers and wounded four others.

Two intelligence officials said the bomb planted in Haider Khel area alongside the main Bannu-Miran Shah Road exploded Sunday when a military convoy was passing, while a civilian curfew was in force.

Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to reporters.

Read more @ Roadside bomb attack kills 4 army soldiers, injures 4 in volatile northwest Pakistan | Fox News

Oh but that doesn't count as a “terrorist” attack does it?
As an administration in the past would say, "It all depends on what 'is' is." :doubt:

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