Terror Attacks of the Day

Twin bombings in Iraq kill at least 70 in anti-Sunni violence
DEBKAfile May 17, 2013, 10:12 PM (GMT+02:00) The first bomb exploded as worshippers left a Sunni mosque in Baquba north of Baghdad Friday; the second as people gathered to help the wounded. Thursday, 25 people were killed in a string of car bombings in Shiite disricts of Baghdad and Kirkuk. Iraqi authorities report sectarian tensions have reached their highest point since the US military pullout from the country in 2011.
Possible Hijacking Attempt on Flight from Pakistan to UK

May 24, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Reports are still sketchy, but this is some of what we know so far. Two men attempted to rush the cockpit of a plane traveling from Pakistan to the United Kingdom.


Two men were arrested on suspicion of endangering an aircraft Friday after a U.K. fighter jet was scrambled to divert their plane as it traveled from Pakistan to Britain, officials said.

A British security official said the situation involving the Pakistan International Airlines flight, which carried more than 300 people, did not appear to be terror-related, but that police were still investigating.

Since Pakistan is a Muslim country, I’m sure that this couldn’t have possibly been an act of terror, because we know Muslims don’t do that.

Possible Hijacking Attempt on Flight from Pakistan to UK | FrontPage Magazine

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