Terrorist car bombing attack from America to Canada.

So, white supremacists or soccer moms? The two biggest threats to national security. My money's on soccer moms. Whoever it was 100% they were on the FBI's radar.
All those illegals and got-always are not high school valedictorians and hard working future Dem / Socialist voters.
MSN I can guarantee that the people in the car were not MAGA hat wearing individuals who wanted to blow up the area. I guess Joe Biden will call this Thanksgiving Day, workplace violence, as Barry Sorento called it during his Admin. Is there more to come, with weak president Biden? Time will tell.
Uh-huh...and 9/11??? (happened on whose watch?)...jeez...:rolleyes:
The next report from Director Wray will be that the two individuals
that blew up the bridge crossing had been under investigation.
MSN I can guarantee that the people in the car were not MAGA hat wearing individuals who wanted to blow up the area. I guess Joe Biden will call this Thanksgiving Day, workplace violence, as Barry Sorento called it during his Admin. Is there more to come, with weak president Biden? Time will tell.
Maybe conscientious white parents on the way to a school board meeting?
This attack is no different that the Oklahoma bombing. It's a terrorist attack not a traffic accident.
People like you are the reason America is being attacked by her enemies.
No evidence this was a terror attack. These two idiots were speeding and crashed. The truck blew up because the gas tank exploded.

The vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed when it hit the structure, caught fire and exploded. An initial search did not find a secondary explosive or device, the law enforcement officials said, noting this was preliminary information.
This is a random act of violence until they can create a good cover story blaming the right. Lets be honest there is no way Biden can prevent stacks like this and concentrate on how cute a little girls ears are, and he’s made his choice.

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