Terrorist Pals Launch Hundreds Of Rockets at Civilians

So not only do you reject rights for the Jewish people, you actively call for their disappearance and destruction (literal genocide) due to your religious beliefs.

Which puts you in the same category as ISIS and Islamic Jihad.

I don't support erasing Jews by force, like many Zionists here call for erasing Muslims by force.

You just called for the wholesale destruction of the Jewish people. You DO support erasing Jews.

It is a vile and disgusting ideology.

How about just assimilate to Jesus, instead of butchering Palestinians, insulting your host nations, and former host nations, spreading anti-Jesus, Liberal, and degenerate values, with your hands open looking for property restitution from your host, and former host nations.

You actually have no idea how vile you sound, do you?

When are you taking on the yoke of Islam and submitting to Allah and His Prophet?

I'm a Catholic, not a Muslim.

As for vile, take a look at all the Zionists here, appeasing, or even calling more bloodshed for Israel.

Yes, it's also vile, that Jews never assimilated to countries like Poland, spending 1,000 years in Poland rejecting it's Jesus culture.

Now the f*cking filthy Yids, are looking for Poland to pay them money, and blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

You are an insult in your existence.

The Pollack :asshole:speaks again. I’m another post I mentioned approx eight religions in this Country that don’t believe in Jesus. These are the ones I mentioned before;
Does that mean they are rejecting American Culture? Hitler had the same mentality. They are not like us so we have to exterminate them? That’s why your vile brethren is paying Jews back . Don’t like it because Jews are demanding payback for what your Vile, despicable, Savage brethren did? Too bad
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I don't support erasing Jews by force, like many Zionists here call for erasing Muslims by force.

You just called for the wholesale destruction of the Jewish people. You DO support erasing Jews.

It is a vile and disgusting ideology.

How about just assimilate to Jesus, instead of butchering Palestinians, insulting your host nations, and former host nations, spreading anti-Jesus, Liberal, and degenerate values, with your hands open looking for property restitution from your host, and former host nations.

You actually have no idea how vile you sound, do you?

When are you taking on the yoke of Islam and submitting to Allah and His Prophet?

I'm a Catholic, not a Muslim.

As for vile, take a look at all the Zionists here, appeasing, or even calling more bloodshed for Israel.

Yes, it's also vile, that Jews never assimilated to countries like Poland, spending 1,000 years in Poland rejecting it's Jesus culture.

Now the f*cking filthy Yids, are looking for Poland to pay them money, and blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

You are an insult in your existence.

The Pollack :asshole:speaks again. I’m another post I mentioned approx eight religions in this Country that don’t believe in Jesus. These are the ones I mentioned before;
Does that mean they are rejecting American Culture? Hitler had the same mentality. They are not like us so we have to exterminate them? That’s why your vile brethren is paying Jews back . Don’t like it because Jews are demanding payback for what your Vile, despicable, Savage brethren did? Too bad

Only one of those, (Jews) mocks Jesus in their texts, saying Jesus is boiling in excrement in the Jewish Hell, or Gehenna.

Oh please, Poles didn't even do close of what Jews have done to Palestinians.

Yet, you're calling for Poles to pay you, but you won't pay Palestinians, instead you pay Palestinians with more blood shed by Terrorist Israel.
Palestinians have lived there for a 1,000 years as a majority.

Only a sadistic Jewish psycho Zionist would think they have no rights to this land.

Especially considering the Arabs owned more land than Jews in Palestine up into the 1940's.

Ah. And now you are attributing ideas to me which I have not said. The Arab Palestinians absolutely have rights to land and self-determination. I have not said otherwise.

Now, do you say the same for the Jewish people?

Jews only exist as an insult to their host nations they refused to assimilate to.

No, I don't support any Jewish homeland, I think the Jews ought to stop spending 2,000 years rejecting the love of Christ, and finally assimilate.

Enough is enough of this disgraceful mob.

They tried that in Nazi Germany.

A lot more people on this forum, are calling for more blood Palestinian / Arabic / Islamic genocide, war, nuking, etc. than for Jews.

I just think Jews should have the decency to assimilate, and quit their silly tiff with Jesus.

Stupid ignorant Pollack remark. There are many groups/ religions who don’t believe in Jesus. There are NOT all
The list goes on. He’s too stupid and ignorant to know the difference. Anyone who states that if you don’t believe in exactly what they believe in you’re not assimilating to the general Culture is a Racist, bigot, and too stupid to even be on this planet

If they decide to live in a Christian country, they should eventually assimilate, indeed.

But, that's a different story.

This story is about why you support Terrorist Israel's ethnic cleansing upon Palestine?
Yes, it's horrible that Israel has caused so much problems.

The Jewish people are seeking safety and self-determination in their ancestral homelands. The HORROR!

The principle of self-determination for peoples is one of the guiding principles of the international community. The problem is caused by those who refuse to give the Jewish people the same rights given to all other peoples.

You, yourself, are arguing that the Jewish people have no such rights. Your argument is that the Jewish people LOST those rights because they were conquered and then ethnically cleansed and reduced to a minority in their own homeland.

If that is your objective criteria for a people to lose their collective rights, then the Arab people of "Palestine" have no rights to self-determination.

The Palestinians are fighting against brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine.

You should go and help Hamas. See how that works out. You're not doing much these days anyway.

I believe in a land for the Polish . It’s called POLLACK LAND. Seriously, you cares what you think?

Dude is such a hater for something I cannot control that it’s comical.

You can convert to Christianity, at this point practicing Judaism is a choice.

It's also a choice, that you support genocide upon Palestinian Arabs.
I don't support erasing Jews by force, like many Zionists here call for erasing Muslims by force.

You just called for the wholesale destruction of the Jewish people. You DO support erasing Jews.

It is a vile and disgusting ideology.

How about just assimilate to Jesus, instead of butchering Palestinians, insulting your host nations, and former host nations, spreading anti-Jesus, Liberal, and degenerate values, with your hands open looking for property restitution from your host, and former host nations.

You actually have no idea how vile you sound, do you?

When are you taking on the yoke of Islam and submitting to Allah and His Prophet?

I'm a Catholic, not a Muslim.

As for vile, take a look at all the Zionists here, appeasing, or even calling more bloodshed for Israel.

Yes, it's also vile, that Jews never assimilated to countries like Poland, spending 1,000 years in Poland rejecting it's Jesus culture.

Now the f*cking filthy Yids, are looking for Poland to pay them money, and blaming Poland for the Holocaust.

You are an insult in your existence.

You need to give up your heritage and your religious faith and become Muslim. Why do you resist?

Catholics aren't very fond of Jews, either.
Why should we be, exactly?

But, that's a different discussion.

Why do you support Israel's brutal ethnic cleansing upon Arab Palestinians?

You bounce all over the place and have a painful lack of knowledge about the conflict beyond sound bytes and propaganda but most disturbing is that the foundation of your argument is a religious belief in a replacement theology and an assignment of evil to those who resist replacement and erasure.

This ideology is identical to radical, extremist Islam.
You're the one who lacks knowledge by ignorance, or on purpose.

Arabs owned more land, and made up the majority of Palestine / Israel up until the 1940's.
Ah. And now you are attributing ideas to me which I have not said. The Arab Palestinians absolutely have rights to land and self-determination. I have not said otherwise.

Now, do you say the same for the Jewish people?

Jews only exist as an insult to their host nations they refused to assimilate to.

No, I don't support any Jewish homeland, I think the Jews ought to stop spending 2,000 years rejecting the love of Christ, and finally assimilate.

Enough is enough of this disgraceful mob.

They tried that in Nazi Germany.

A lot more people on this forum, are calling for more blood Palestinian / Arabic / Islamic genocide, war, nuking, etc. than for Jews.

I just think Jews should have the decency to assimilate, and quit their silly tiff with Jesus.

Stupid ignorant Pollack remark. There are many groups/ religions who don’t believe in Jesus. There are NOT all
The list goes on. He’s too stupid and ignorant to know the difference. Anyone who states that if you don’t believe in exactly what they believe in you’re not assimilating to the general Culture is a Racist, bigot, and too stupid to even be on this planet

If they decide to live in a Christian country, they should eventually assimilate, indeed.

But, that's a different story.

This story is about why you support Terrorist Israel's ethnic cleansing upon Palestine?

You’re the one who Initiated the post that Jews should give up their Religion to assimilate! You start something yet when challenged there is nobody home. Why should anybody give up their religion? Why should a Country be ALL Christian, ALL Muslim, ALL Hindu, etc, etc?
You are so stupid you HONESTLY don’t understand that was the Hitler mentality. Of course the Pollacks being Jew Haters themselves saw nothing wrong with it
Jews only exist as an insult to their host nations they refused to assimilate to.

No, I don't support any Jewish homeland, I think the Jews ought to stop spending 2,000 years rejecting the love of Christ, and finally assimilate.

Enough is enough of this disgraceful mob.

They tried that in Nazi Germany.

A lot more people on this forum, are calling for more blood Palestinian / Arabic / Islamic genocide, war, nuking, etc. than for Jews.

I just think Jews should have the decency to assimilate, and quit their silly tiff with Jesus.

Stupid ignorant Pollack remark. There are many groups/ religions who don’t believe in Jesus. There are NOT all
The list goes on. He’s too stupid and ignorant to know the difference. Anyone who states that if you don’t believe in exactly what they believe in you’re not assimilating to the general Culture is a Racist, bigot, and too stupid to even be on this planet

If they decide to live in a Christian country, they should eventually assimilate, indeed.

But, that's a different story.

This story is about why you support Terrorist Israel's ethnic cleansing upon Palestine?

You’re the one who Initiated the post that Jews should give up their Religion to assimilate! You start something yet when challenged there is nobody home. Why should anybody give up their religion? Why should a Country be ALL Christian, ALL Muslim, ALL Hindu, etc, etc?
You are so stupid you HONESTLY don’t understand that was the Hitler mentality. Of course the Pollacks being Jew Haters themselves saw nothing wrong with it

Refusing to assimilate for 1,000 years is appalling, and insulting.
You exist as an insult to Humanity, especially considering your silly tiff with Jesus.

But, that's a different discussion, why are Israel's actions against Palestine acceptable?
The Jewish people are seeking safety and self-determination in their ancestral homelands. The HORROR!

The principle of self-determination for peoples is one of the guiding principles of the international community. The problem is caused by those who refuse to give the Jewish people the same rights given to all other peoples.

You, yourself, are arguing that the Jewish people have no such rights. Your argument is that the Jewish people LOST those rights because they were conquered and then ethnically cleansed and reduced to a minority in their own homeland.

If that is your objective criteria for a people to lose their collective rights, then the Arab people of "Palestine" have no rights to self-determination.

The Palestinians are fighting against brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine.

You should go and help Hamas. See how that works out. You're not doing much these days anyway.

I believe in a land for the Polish . It’s called POLLACK LAND. Seriously, you cares what you think?

Dude is such a hater for something I cannot control that it’s comical.

You can convert to Christianity, at this point practicing Judaism is a choice.

It's also a choice, that you support genocide upon Palestinian Arabs.

I don’t practice. Don’t you support genocide of the Jews? Hypocrisy
The Palestinians are fighting against brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine.

You should go and help Hamas. See how that works out. You're not doing much these days anyway.

I believe in a land for the Polish . It’s called POLLACK LAND. Seriously, you cares what you think?

Dude is such a hater for something I cannot control that it’s comical.

You can convert to Christianity, at this point practicing Judaism is a choice.

It's also a choice, that you support genocide upon Palestinian Arabs.

I don’t practice. Don’t you support genocide of the Jews? Hypocrisy

Of course he does. He’s a Pollack
The Palestinians are fighting against brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine.

You should go and help Hamas. See how that works out. You're not doing much these days anyway.

I believe in a land for the Polish . It’s called POLLACK LAND. Seriously, you cares what you think?

Dude is such a hater for something I cannot control that it’s comical.

You can convert to Christianity, at this point practicing Judaism is a choice.

It's also a choice, that you support genocide upon Palestinian Arabs.

I don’t practice. Don’t you support genocide of the Jews? Hypocrisy

No one is engaging in genocide currently against Jews, but terrorist Israel has done a bunch of terrorist massacres & wars upon Palestinian Arabs.

Many Jews want White Christians, and Arab Muslims to vanish from the Earth.
So, why should we tolerate Jews?
They tried that in Nazi Germany.

A lot more people on this forum, are calling for more blood Palestinian / Arabic / Islamic genocide, war, nuking, etc. than for Jews.

I just think Jews should have the decency to assimilate, and quit their silly tiff with Jesus.

Stupid ignorant Pollack remark. There are many groups/ religions who don’t believe in Jesus. There are NOT all
The list goes on. He’s too stupid and ignorant to know the difference. Anyone who states that if you don’t believe in exactly what they believe in you’re not assimilating to the general Culture is a Racist, bigot, and too stupid to even be on this planet

If they decide to live in a Christian country, they should eventually assimilate, indeed.

But, that's a different story.

This story is about why you support Terrorist Israel's ethnic cleansing upon Palestine?

You’re the one who Initiated the post that Jews should give up their Religion to assimilate! You start something yet when challenged there is nobody home. Why should anybody give up their religion? Why should a Country be ALL Christian, ALL Muslim, ALL Hindu, etc, etc?
You are so stupid you HONESTLY don’t understand that was the Hitler mentality. Of course the Pollacks being Jew Haters themselves saw nothing wrong with it

Refusing to assimilate for 1,000 years is appalling, and insulting.
You exist as an insult to Humanity, especially considering your silly tiff with Jesus.

But, that's a different discussion, why are Israel's actions against Palestine acceptable?

Every time you post you’re just exposing your Pollack hatred, bigotry, racism and stupidity. I asked you why any of the above Religions should convert and there is no response. We should be tolerant of sexual preference, lifestyle, etc. but not religion? So there should not be any Christians in Hindu Countries, Muslim Countries, etc. As stated earlier, there are many religions that don’t believe in Jesus. I honestly believe you are too stupid to understand
A lot more people on this forum, are calling for more blood Palestinian / Arabic / Islamic genocide, war, nuking, etc. than for Jews.

I just think Jews should have the decency to assimilate, and quit their silly tiff with Jesus.

Stupid ignorant Pollack remark. There are many groups/ religions who don’t believe in Jesus. There are NOT all
The list goes on. He’s too stupid and ignorant to know the difference. Anyone who states that if you don’t believe in exactly what they believe in you’re not assimilating to the general Culture is a Racist, bigot, and too stupid to even be on this planet

If they decide to live in a Christian country, they should eventually assimilate, indeed.

But, that's a different story.

This story is about why you support Terrorist Israel's ethnic cleansing upon Palestine?

You’re the one who Initiated the post that Jews should give up their Religion to assimilate! You start something yet when challenged there is nobody home. Why should anybody give up their religion? Why should a Country be ALL Christian, ALL Muslim, ALL Hindu, etc, etc?
You are so stupid you HONESTLY don’t understand that was the Hitler mentality. Of course the Pollacks being Jew Haters themselves saw nothing wrong with it

Refusing to assimilate for 1,000 years is appalling, and insulting.
You exist as an insult to Humanity, especially considering your silly tiff with Jesus.

But, that's a different discussion, why are Israel's actions against Palestine acceptable?

Every time you post you’re just exposing your Pollack hatred, bigotry, racism and stupidity. I asked you why any of the above Religions should convert and there is no response. We should be tolerant of sexual preference, lifestyle, etc. but not religion? So there should not be any Christians in Hindu Countries, Muslim Countries, etc. As stated earlier, there are many religions that don’t believe in Jesus. I honestly believe you are too stupid to understand

This discussion is about terrorist Israel vs terrorist Palestine.

You obviously have extreme difficulty staying on topic, because you're a Jewish Zionist simpleton.

Even Gypsies from Hindu India assimilated to Poland better than Jews had.
Polish Gypsies mostly spoke Polish, and practiced Catholic faith.

You should be embarrassed.
You should go and help Hamas. See how that works out. You're not doing much these days anyway.

I believe in a land for the Polish . It’s called POLLACK LAND. Seriously, you cares what you think?

Dude is such a hater for something I cannot control that it’s comical.

You can convert to Christianity, at this point practicing Judaism is a choice.

It's also a choice, that you support genocide upon Palestinian Arabs.

I don’t practice. Don’t you support genocide of the Jews? Hypocrisy

No one is engaging in genocide currently against Jews, but terrorist Israel has done a bunch of terrorist massacres & wars upon Palestinian Arabs.

Many Jews want White Christians, and Arab Muslims to vanish from the Earth.
So, why should we tolerate Jews?

Not one Jew wants that. How are you not in jail?
I believe in a land for the Polish . It’s called POLLACK LAND. Seriously, you cares what you think?

Dude is such a hater for something I cannot control that it’s comical.

You can convert to Christianity, at this point practicing Judaism is a choice.

It's also a choice, that you support genocide upon Palestinian Arabs.

I don’t practice. Don’t you support genocide of the Jews? Hypocrisy

No one is engaging in genocide currently against Jews, but terrorist Israel has done a bunch of terrorist massacres & wars upon Palestinian Arabs.

Many Jews want White Christians, and Arab Muslims to vanish from the Earth.
So, why should we tolerate Jews?

Not one Jew wants that. How are you not in jail?

What happened to talking about terrorist Israel's brutalization of Palestine?

Over 91,000 Palestinian Arabs have been killed by Jewish Zionists.

Dude is such a hater for something I cannot control that it’s comical.

You can convert to Christianity, at this point practicing Judaism is a choice.

It's also a choice, that you support genocide upon Palestinian Arabs.

I don’t practice. Don’t you support genocide of the Jews? Hypocrisy

No one is engaging in genocide currently against Jews, but terrorist Israel has done a bunch of terrorist massacres & wars upon Palestinian Arabs.

Many Jews want White Christians, and Arab Muslims to vanish from the Earth.
So, why should we tolerate Jews?

Not one Jew wants that. How are you not in jail?

What happened to talking about terrorist Israel's brutalization of Palestine?

Over 91,000 Palestinian Arabs have been killed by Jewish Zionists.


Terrorists need to be killed. I like that you’re scared of me. I am A scary dude. Boo!
Arabs owned more land, and made up the majority of Palestine / Israel up until the 1940's.

Arabs were the majority in the territory because they invaded, conquered and replaced the remaining indigenous Jewish people from the previous invasions, conquests and replacement.

Are you claiming that invasion, conquest and replacement is a legitimate means of obtaining sovereignty?
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