Terry McAuliffe? What an embarrassment if He were to be Virginia’s Governor

Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic nominee for governor in Virginia, has officially joined President Obama's war on coal

On Tuesday the Washington Post reported that McAuliffe said for the first time "that he supports EPA rules on coal-fired plants."

During a tour of MicroTech, a Northern Virginia company, a reporter asked McAuliffe if he supported the new EPA coal industry guidelines, which were released two weeks ago, "as they are written right now.” The guidelines will, in effect, prohibit the construction of any new coal fired power plants and force many currently operating coal fired power plants to shut down

McAuliffe Officially Joins Obama's War on Coal

And this is bad, why? Gosh darn, he's against the cutting edge energy technology of the 18th century!!!!

Coal is dirty, dangerous to mine, and we have better forms of energy.

Its bad because people in several states depend on Coal Mines for their jobs,My brother in law and father in law both work in or around Coal Mines...course it doesn't bother you,your livelihood doesn't depend on it.Theirs does.

Its bad because people in several states depend on Coal Mines for their jobs,My brother in law and father in law both work in or around Coal Mines...course it doesn't bother you,your livelihood doesn't depend on it.Theirs does.

my livlihood depends on the Greenhouse effect not destroying the ecosystem, which it is already doing.

So does yours and your relations.
Hey, does anyone else find it ironic that "National Socialist" and "JRoc" are on the same side on coal?
Oh christ another global warming nut.

Yeah, i know. Science is a bitch, isn't it?
I can find scientists who say you are full of shit just as easy as you can find some that say I am.
Hey, does anyone else find it ironic that "National Socialist" and "JRoc" are on the same side on coal?

I am on the side of people not losing their jobs over some democraps wet dream of global warming.

Well, actually a Nazi and a Zionist being on the same side isn't that unsual. Zionists are like abused children who get big enough to beat up on someone else.

But to the point, 95% of climate scientists think the atmosphere is warming and human activity is responsible. So while I am sure you can find some scientist who takes swag from big oil and big coal who will say otherwise, the concensus of science is that this is a real problem.

So are 80 degree days in October in Chicago, which we had until a few weeks ago.
Course its not unusual. We both want to preserve our race and have a nation for our race. I can find a lot more than 5% who say global warming is BS.
Course its not unusual. We both want to preserve our race and have a nation for our race. I can find a lot more than 5% who say global warming is BS.

Maybe, but not climate scientists who are the specialists.

Also, the insane notion of race is kind of silly.

We're all human, and we are all in the same boat, really.
obama's war on coal, is really obama's war on energy. It is his movement to replace cheap energy that works with very expensive energy that doesn't work. The public is supposed to be persuaded that if they just sacrifice their energy needs, they are saving the world. It's a shame that the reality of global warming being a hoax has to intrude like that.

The huge McAuliffe lead has collapsed to only four points so the democrat war on Americans might be getting a little hitch in their get along.
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Course its not unusual. We both want to preserve our race and have a nation for our race. I can find a lot more than 5% who say global warming is BS.

Maybe, but not climate scientists who are the specialists.

Also, the insane notion of race is kind of silly.

We're all human, and we are all in the same boat, really.
No we aren't the same. We are ALL unique and different. As far as global warming here ya go.

Is there a scientific consensus on global warming?

I would say 31,000 scientists is no small drop in the bucket.
obama's war on coal, is really obama's war on energy. It is his movement to replace cheap energy that works with very expensive energy that doesn't work. The public is supposed to be persuaded that if they just sacrifice their energy needs, they are saving the world. It's a shame that the reality of global warming being a hoax has to intrude like that.

The huge McAuliffe lead has collapsed to only four points so the democrat war on Americans might be getting a little hitch in their get along.
Where did you see his lead was only 4?

Virginia (VA) Poll - October 30, 2013 - Mcauliffe Up By 4 Points In Cl | Quinnipiac University Connecticut

He might!

In the three-way matchup, 4 percent of likely voters remain undecided and 7 percent of those who name a candidate say there's a "good chance" they will change their mind in the next six days.

Whew its close...GO CUCCINELLI!
McAuliffe's lead is statistically insignificant. Who will eventually win is anyone's guess.
Quite a bit of similarity of Jroc to National Socialist.

Not hardly idiot. more like you and the liberal, tyrannical, massive, federal government you support tyranny not me.
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Hey, does anyone else find it ironic that "National Socialist" and "JRoc" are on the same side on coal?

He's hijacking the thread...Nobody wants this nutjobs support
I am not hijacking anything I am interested in the election
Quite a bit of similarity of Jroc to National Socialist.

Not hardly idiot. more like you and the liberal, tyrannical, massive, federal government you support tyranny not me.

Aw come on buddy!

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