Tesla guy says go, go on fossil fuels!!

And how funny is this? Nearly all of congress bought up energy stocks early this year...and I'm laughing. They aren't green stocks :iyfyus.jpg:

More massive AGW kOOk lOsiNg.

20 years of the science not mattering for shit!!

Hey Crick...Rocks...et. al......

Where are they getting the hydrogen from?

A number of sources, including oil companies and natural gas producers. The best bet will be from developing electrolysis, and the best source of electricity for that will be nuclear powered plants.

We're about 8-10 years away from cheap sources even without the nuclear plants, which is actually sooner than all the wind and solar farces can get truly productive, if ever. From the link:

Fortunately, there’s a much lower risk way to bet on hydrogen. In fact, the most promising players already have secure and growing earnings, and many pay generous and growing dividends as well.

Basically, they’re the same companies that today dominate "conventional" energy now. At the top of the list are the super major oils, which today are deploying windfall profits from oil and gas sales to launch hydrogen and carbon capture development.

Also up there are leading utilities and electricity generators. They’ll enjoy a massive potential new source of contracted and/or regulated power sales, magnified by the fact that energy needed for electrolysis is much greater than what’s in the hydrogen produced.

Not only do these companies have the scale and financial power to dominate hydrogen as they have energy in general the past century plus. But if the hydrogen dream is again derailed by inability to bring down costs enough, they’ll still prosper and reward investors with rising share prices and dividends.

There are already hydrogen fuel stations up and running in Cali.

A number of sources, including oil companies and natural gas producers. The best bet will be from developing electrolysis, and the best source of electricity for that will be nuclear powered plants.

We're about 8-10 years away from cheap sources even without the nuclear plants, which is actually sooner than all the wind and solar farces can get truly productive, if ever. From the link:

Fortunately, there’s a much lower risk way to bet on hydrogen. In fact, the most promising players already have secure and growing earnings, and many pay generous and growing dividends as well.

Basically, they’re the same companies that today dominate "conventional" energy now. At the top of the list are the super major oils, which today are deploying windfall profits from oil and gas sales to launch hydrogen and carbon capture development.

Also up there are leading utilities and electricity generators. They’ll enjoy a massive potential new source of contracted and/or regulated power sales, magnified by the fact that energy needed for electrolysis is much greater than what’s in the hydrogen produced.

Not only do these companies have the scale and financial power to dominate hydrogen as they have energy in general the past century plus. But if the hydrogen dream is again derailed by inability to bring down costs enough, they’ll still prosper and reward investors with rising share prices and dividends.

There are already hydrogen fuel stations up and running in Cali.

How many new nuclear plants will we need?

How will you get the greens to agree?
So you have nothing, just trolling. Fuck the Greens; they will disappear along with the rest of the Useful Idiots, left or right wing.

No he is being rational since YOU still overlook the enormous energy flow needed to separate Hydrogen to make it worth the effort.
You need oil to make plastics and oil to supply 90% of the world's sulphur. Sulphur is required to vulcanize rubber. Alarmists need both plastic and rubber tyres for EV's, but want to ditch oil drilling. Idiots.
No he is being rational since YOU still overlook the enormous energy flow needed to separate Hydrogen to make it worth the effort.

And you overlook research is reducing the amount needed by huge margins, but you babbling about 'being rational' was hilarious enough to make it worth reading. lol
And you overlook research is reducing the amount needed by huge margins, but you babbling about 'being rational' was hilarious enough to make it worth reading. lol

I notice you didn't post any evidence to support your assertion meanwhile most people who had Chemistry in HS knows how hard it is to split Hydrogen economically.

I notice you didn't post any evidence to support your assertion meanwhile most people who had Chemistry in HS knows how hard it is to split Hydrogen economically.


Actually I did; you're just a dumbass who didn't read the links, nor are you bright enough to google the issues anyway, so it doesn't matter whether I ever post any or not.
I do so with every post I make; you're stuck with lame attempts at snarky innuendo, as always.

You said......

A number of sources, including oil companies and natural gas producers. The best bet will be from developing electrolysis, and the best source of electricity for that will be nuclear powered plants.

I asked how many nukes. You accused me of trolling.

Should I ask again when your period is over?
Actually I did; you're just a dumbass who didn't read the links, nor are you bright enough to google the issues anyway, so it doesn't matter whether I ever post any or not.

I read yoru link which is why I brought up the ECONOMIC angle which you have yet to address in your stumbling replies.

Heck they even admit they have a long ways to go before it could become feasible.

You are running waay too optimistic about it.
I read yoru link which is why I brought up the ECONOMIC angle which you have yet to address in your stumbling replies.

Heck they even admit they have a long ways to go before it could become feasible.

You are running too optimistic about it.
Yes, you're now trying to pretend you know something. lol you're just sad.
You said......

A number of sources, including oil companies and natural gas producers. The best bet will be from developing electrolysis, and the best source of electricity for that will be nuclear powered plants.

I asked how many nukes. You accused me of trolling.

Should I ask again when your period is over?

60,000 3,000 MW reactors. Happy now, lil bunny?

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