Texans for Trump......

Texans For Trump on Twitter


Here is the latest poll at Breitbart:


less bias poll

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
AKA democratic poll.
Well based on the polls from the last two elections, they seemed to be really wrong making it seem close when really Obama killed Romney and McCain. So I would only believe a Democratic poll because they seem to be a lot more accurate. Isn't that that the ultimate goal when quoting a poll? To forecast what's going to happen? If polls aren't even close, why even look at them?

Show me a Democratic poll that was way off. You can't? Well I can show you Romney, Rove and McCain were really confident they were going to win based on Rassmussen polls. Me thinks Rassmusin is a fox poll where they only poll people like Rush Limbaugh and you.
Texans For Trump on Twitter

Same state that gave us GW? No thanks. Democrats aren't going to win Texas anyways, are they? I know it is becoming more and more liberal with all the immigrants they employ and all the poor people that work in that state barely eeking out an existence but I don't think Texas is ready to go Blue so fuck them!
Lol. Democrats won't win Texas but imagine a swing state going to Trump and now Shillary because Democrats put him over the hump! LMAO...
Don't LMAO until it happens moron.
You can keep denying the inevitable. I am going to sit back and enjoy it either way. Trump wins,great we can fix a few things,Trump loses to a bitch that managed to kill soldiers and ambassador at Libya,lies about emails,lets husband fuck everything on 2 legs in DC then she can speed destruction of America up and we can start over.
It was Pedophile Dennis Hastert, Tom Delay and GW Bush who almost ruined America. It wasn't Carter, Clinton, Pelosi, Reed or Obama and it won't be Hillary. If she's anything like Bill we will have 8 great years.

Of course the entire 8 years Republicans won't stop crying but we won't care because we'll all be too busy working.
Texans For Trump on Twitter


Here is the latest poll at Breitbart:


less bias poll

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
AKA democratic poll.
Well based on the polls from the last two elections, they seemed to be really wrong making it seem close when really Obama killed Romney and McCain. So I would only believe a Democratic poll because they seem to be a lot more accurate. Isn't that that the ultimate goal when quoting a poll? To forecast what's going to happen? If polls aren't even close, why even look at them?

Show me a Democratic poll that was way off. You can't? Well I can show you Romney, Rove and McCain were really confident they were going to win based on Rassmussen polls. Me thinks Rassmusin is a fox poll where they only poll people like Rush Limbaugh and you.

The recent poll which claimed Trump numbers were down. They were up by 4% not down by 12.
Texans For Trump on Twitter

Same state that gave us GW? No thanks. Democrats aren't going to win Texas anyways, are they? I know it is becoming more and more liberal with all the immigrants they employ and all the poor people that work in that state barely eeking out an existence but I don't think Texas is ready to go Blue so fuck them!
Lol. Democrats won't win Texas but imagine a swing state going to Trump and now Shillary because Democrats put him over the hump! LMAO...
Don't LMAO until it happens moron.
You can keep denying the inevitable. I am going to sit back and enjoy it either way. Trump wins,great we can fix a few things,Trump loses to a bitch that managed to kill soldiers and ambassador at Libya,lies about emails,lets husband fuck everything on 2 legs in DC then she can speed destruction of America up and we can start over.
It was Pedophile Dennis Hastert, Tom Delay and GW Bush who almost ruined America. It wasn't Carter, Clinton, Pelosi, Reed or Obama and it won't be Hillary. If she's anything like Bill we will have 8 great years.

Of course the entire 8 years Republicans won't stop crying but we won't care because we'll all be too busy working.
Yall enjoy it. Enjoy her leaving a team of SEALS or Rangers or Green Berets overseas...in a war zone and then just saying WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE! I will NOT be around to deal with that shit.
Same state that gave us GW? No thanks. Democrats aren't going to win Texas anyways, are they? I know it is becoming more and more liberal with all the immigrants they employ and all the poor people that work in that state barely eeking out an existence but I don't think Texas is ready to go Blue so fuck them!
Lol. Democrats won't win Texas but imagine a swing state going to Trump and now Shillary because Democrats put him over the hump! LMAO...
Don't LMAO until it happens moron.
You can keep denying the inevitable. I am going to sit back and enjoy it either way. Trump wins,great we can fix a few things,Trump loses to a bitch that managed to kill soldiers and ambassador at Libya,lies about emails,lets husband fuck everything on 2 legs in DC then she can speed destruction of America up and we can start over.
It was Pedophile Dennis Hastert, Tom Delay and GW Bush who almost ruined America. It wasn't Carter, Clinton, Pelosi, Reed or Obama and it won't be Hillary. If she's anything like Bill we will have 8 great years.

Of course the entire 8 years Republicans won't stop crying but we won't care because we'll all be too busy working.
Yall enjoy it. Enjoy her leaving a team of SEALS or Rangers or Green Berets overseas...in a war zone and then just saying WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE! I will NOT be around to deal with that shit.
OR, like GW Bush, after a terrorist attack kills over 3000 Americans, what if Hillary went to a press conference and said she wasn't really that concerned with catching the terrorist?

Same state that gave us GW? No thanks. Democrats aren't going to win Texas anyways, are they? I know it is becoming more and more liberal with all the immigrants they employ and all the poor people that work in that state barely eeking out an existence but I don't think Texas is ready to go Blue so fuck them!
Lol. Democrats won't win Texas but imagine a swing state going to Trump and now Shillary because Democrats put him over the hump! LMAO...
Don't LMAO until it happens moron.
You can keep denying the inevitable. I am going to sit back and enjoy it either way. Trump wins,great we can fix a few things,Trump loses to a bitch that managed to kill soldiers and ambassador at Libya,lies about emails,lets husband fuck everything on 2 legs in DC then she can speed destruction of America up and we can start over.
It was Pedophile Dennis Hastert, Tom Delay and GW Bush who almost ruined America. It wasn't Carter, Clinton, Pelosi, Reed or Obama and it won't be Hillary. If she's anything like Bill we will have 8 great years.

Of course the entire 8 years Republicans won't stop crying but we won't care because we'll all be too busy working.
Yall enjoy it. Enjoy her leaving a team of SEALS or Rangers or Green Berets overseas...in a war zone and then just saying WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE! I will NOT be around to deal with that shit.

so what difference do you make yammering about something Republicans couldn't prove after trying 9 times?
Lol. Democrats won't win Texas but imagine a swing state going to Trump and now Shillary because Democrats put him over the hump! LMAO...
Don't LMAO until it happens moron.
You can keep denying the inevitable. I am going to sit back and enjoy it either way. Trump wins,great we can fix a few things,Trump loses to a bitch that managed to kill soldiers and ambassador at Libya,lies about emails,lets husband fuck everything on 2 legs in DC then she can speed destruction of America up and we can start over.
It was Pedophile Dennis Hastert, Tom Delay and GW Bush who almost ruined America. It wasn't Carter, Clinton, Pelosi, Reed or Obama and it won't be Hillary. If she's anything like Bill we will have 8 great years.

Of course the entire 8 years Republicans won't stop crying but we won't care because we'll all be too busy working.
Yall enjoy it. Enjoy her leaving a team of SEALS or Rangers or Green Berets overseas...in a war zone and then just saying WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE! I will NOT be around to deal with that shit.

so what difference do you make yammering about something Republicans couldn't prove after trying 9 times?
Only if you IGNORE facts. No need to reply. We know you do. We know ALL democraps do.
Oh noes Democrats supporting Trump :laugh: Poor liberals just nothing is going their way lately. Obama claims he has contained ISIS and they attack France. Obama claims ISIS is no threat to us here at home and they attack California. Now democrats are abandoning Hillary to support Trump. I told you that liberals are on their way out of power, sped up by a long string of failures and lies. The country is swinging back to the right folks they are fed up with this liberal crap.
Don't LMAO until it happens moron.
You can keep denying the inevitable. I am going to sit back and enjoy it either way. Trump wins,great we can fix a few things,Trump loses to a bitch that managed to kill soldiers and ambassador at Libya,lies about emails,lets husband fuck everything on 2 legs in DC then she can speed destruction of America up and we can start over.
It was Pedophile Dennis Hastert, Tom Delay and GW Bush who almost ruined America. It wasn't Carter, Clinton, Pelosi, Reed or Obama and it won't be Hillary. If she's anything like Bill we will have 8 great years.

Of course the entire 8 years Republicans won't stop crying but we won't care because we'll all be too busy working.
Yall enjoy it. Enjoy her leaving a team of SEALS or Rangers or Green Berets overseas...in a war zone and then just saying WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE! I will NOT be around to deal with that shit.

so what difference do you make yammering about something Republicans couldn't prove after trying 9 times?
Only if you IGNORE facts. No need to reply. We know you do. We know ALL democraps do.

and you're ignoring Republicans couldn't prove Clinton was guilty about anything on your hit list ...

Democrap much ?

sure you are.


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