Texas DOES have a right to secede according to those who know the law and Constitution

A quirk of a 19th-century Congressional resolution could allow Texas to split up into five states

I can go along with that. It would mean splitting the 100% republican texas, into pieces, one or more of which would vote democratic, depending on how they gerrymandered the pieces.
It's not an act of war. It's an illegal action, that the supreme court already ruled as being null and void.

It has no force of law, and the government can use the force necessary to keep Texas in compliance with it's federal obligations as a member of the union. Such as sending the IRS into Texas to compel income tax.
The court can't make law and there's no law against secession.

LOL...Sending the IRS would be a suicide mission.
But figuring that all out would be THEIR problem, wouldn't it?
Unfortunately they would blame even rainy days on the United States just like every other rogue nation. The idiots would believe it too as whatever asshole running the place loots the place for all it's worth.
The court can't make law and there's no law against secession.

LOL...Sending the IRS would be a suicide mission.
It is illegal to deprive Americans of the protections afforded them under the US constitution. It is therefore illegal to secede.
Trump wasn't colluding with Russia, but...
That’s not what the Mueller report said. It very clearly stated that the Trump campaign was colluding with with Russia. What they were not doing was criminally conspiring with Russia.

Or, more precisely, it provides significant evidence that Trump Campaign associates coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support to the Russia/WikiLeaks election interference activities. The Report documents the following actions (each of which is analyzed in detail in Part II):​
1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.​
2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.​
3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground stateswith a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.​
4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared withPutin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.
5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.​
6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.​
7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.​
8. Russian military hackers may have followed Trump’s July 27, 2016 public statement “Russia if you’re listening …” within hours by targeting Clinton’s personal office for the first time.
9. Trump requested campaign affiliates to get Clinton’s emails, which resulted in an individual apparently acting in coordination with the Campaign claiming to have successfully contacted Russian hackers.​
10. The Trump Campaign—and Trump personally—appeared to have advanced knowledge of future WikiLeaks releases.​
11. The Trump Campaign coordinated campaign-related public communications based on future WikiLeaks releases.​
12. Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Organization, brokered a secret deal for a Trump Tower Moscow project directly involving Putin’s inner circle, at least until June 2016.​
13. During the presidential transition, Jared Kushner and Eric Prince engaged in secret back channel communications with Russian agents. (1) Kushner suggested to the Russian Ambassador that they use a secure communication line from within the Russian Embassy to speak with Russian Generals; and (2) Prince and Kushner’s friend Rick Gerson conducted secret back channel meetings with a Putin agent to develop a plan for U.S.-Russian relations.​
14. During the presidential transition, in coordination with other members of the Transition Team, Michael Flynn spoke with the Russian Ambassador to prevent a tit for tat Russian response to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions for election interference; the Russians agreed not to retaliate saying they wanted a good relationship with the incoming administration.​
If they secede, who will pay the old folks ss payments that these said old folks paid in for 50 to 60 years? I paid in 55 years, where does that money go?
Well, I suppose they will be shit out of luck, unless the government of Texasstan decides to take up the duty of taking care of their senior citizens. Good luck, because the attitude of most Texass pols seems to be "I got mine, fuck all y'all."
Texas DOES have a right to secede according to those who know the law and Constitution

Andrew Napolitano is an attorney who has studied the US Constitution and he says that Lincoln was wrong to go to war to keep the states together, that they have a right to secede

it makes sense

when the country was being formed, the leaders needed all the states to ratify the Union and Constitution

if they have the right to agree to it, they have the right to take back their agreement.. the right to secede... Remember the words of the early documents... that if, after a long string of usurpations... people find it necessary to throw off the bonds... (I will get the exact words soon but you know them or should .)
I was born and raised in Texas--I remember growing up that we were always told that when Texas joined the Union, that we reserved the right to leave when we desired. Don't think the federal government would allow it, but let's face it--Biden is a weak leader who is destroying the US military----Texas could do it and they are quirky enough to do it.
Some kind of corroborating links would help.

Perhaps this link will help. The article is by Andrew Napolitano dated 09/02/2021.

I have been writing for years asking if we still have the U.S. Constitution. That issue has come into sharper focus in the past 18 months as mayors and governors have created dictatorial powers and exercised those powers to interfere with personal autonomy in America. They have done this in utter disregard for the freedoms protected by the Constitution they have sworn to uphold by asserting that public health trumps personal liberty


The underlying value here is that because the Constitution is a voluntary compact, those states that formed it and joined it voluntarily have the sovereign power to leave it.

Nullification and secession as ideas were cast aside by the Supreme Court and by the outcome of the War Between the States. But the defeat of an idea — politically, legally or even militarily — cannot always bury the idea permanently. When an idea's time has come, nothing can stop it.

Jefferson and Madison believed that the Constitution protects the right to leave the government whenever it interferes with or fails to protect fundamental liberties. The very idea of secession terrifies government, whether it be the feds or the states, because — if successful — it diminishes government power and income.
If they secede, who will pay the old folks ss payments that these said old folks paid in for 50 to 60 years? I paid in 55 years, where does that money go?
Congress has already spent that money on other stuff. Don't worry they gave you worthless IOU's.
Well, the Democrats proved that's not true, but if a state secedes, it's citizens are no longer United States citizens.
What about the sensible people who don't want to swear allegiance to the new confederacy and forsake their American citizenship? A new confederacy would damned sure have slaves.
Secession is an act of war.

You guys wouldn't even defend trump when the election was stolen from him, and you're telling me you're going to fight a war against America?
Act of war....bring it on, i and a bunch of other tax paying people are tired of you fuckers.

What about the sensible people who don't want to swear allegiance to the new confederacy and forsake their American citizenship? A new confederacy would damned sure have slaves.
They're free to leave and live somewhere else.

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