Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

Good news!

You can stop stressing out about the supposed lack of notice to DC about the illegals they invited to their sanctuary city:

CNN - Several busloads of migrants were dropped off in front of Vice President Kamala Harris’ residence in Washington, DC, on Christmas Eve in 18 degree weather late Saturday.

Amy Fischer, a volunteer with the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network, which has been receiving migrants sent to DC since the spring, said the organization had been prepared for Saturday night’s arrivals, having been informed about it earlier by an NGO working at the border in Texas.

The arrivals included asylum seekers from Ecuador, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru and Colombia, according to Fischer, who told CNN the buses were supposed to go to New York but were diverted to DC due to the weather. Busloads of migrants have been arriving in Washington weekly since April.
SAMU First Response, a nonprofit that has been assisting migrants since the buses began coming to Washington earlier this year, was also on the ground Saturday night helping arrivals.

“The DC community has been welcoming buses from Texas anytime they’ve come since April. Christmas Eve and freezing cold weather is no different,” Fischer said. “We are always here welcoming folks with open arms.”

I hope that clears it up for you.

Wow! People left a country named after the equator, for a northern country experiencing a record cold spell.

I wonder why they came? Ecuador is a multi-party democracy, with government funded and controlled health care, and is a member of many multi-national organizations strongly supported by progressives.

I hope that they are not claiming "asylum." Asylum from what?
What kind of idiots being children along when they invade a foreign country?

If children die as a result, then their blood is on the invaders that chose to force them to participate in an act of war. And on treasonous filth such as yourself who support this invasion of your own country.

I don't know that Tolkien was at all specific about orcs' reproduction and family structures, but if they had children like humans do, then surely they knew better to drag them into war zones.
You dehumanize human beings into orcs. You promote shooting them and their children if they try to cross the border.

That’s pretty sick.

Do you plan on participating?
You seem to know a lot about the border.....when have YOU gone there?
Yes. I am a Texan. A
So, arrest those who give them work. Why take it out on the poor people who come here looking for work?

Take out the suppliers, and the market dries out. Or is that too simple and logical?

Even the orange douchebag is guilty of hiring illegals for his construction work. And yet, he and his fellow Republicans hypocritically blame illegals.
It's not about work. It's that we're now at FIVE THOUSAND A DAY who are processed and then dumped on border locations. Yankees don't give a shit because it's not them. Republicans don't give a shit because they use them to crush wages.
You know…316 Americans a day are killed by guns. Shouldn’t we start shipping their bodies to 2a sanctuary cities? I bet they’d welcome them!
Why not just lock up the killers and throw away the key?

No cash bail, early parole, and refusal to prosecute, seems a poor way to reduce the murder rate.

But, you are welcome to send any guns you don't want to my house. I'll give 'em sanctuary for sure. I'll keep them with me, well cared for, or I'll find a transwoman who needs to defend herself against the criminals being released and give it one to her.

Send me guns, and I will literally do that. The 2A is for every American, regardless of gender.
Only because local people scrambled to help them. Tbey aren’t saying no room, they saying coordinate it instead of dumping them on tbe street in the middle of the night in the middle of a winter storm. But apparently that is too much to ask of Republican traffickers who would rather use them to score political points.

It'd be nice if our treasonous federal government had as much courtesy toward our cities and states near our southern border as you are demanding that they have toward this corrupt government's capital city.
No. You have your own cult centered around human trafficking and child abuse.

An ironic false accusation coming from someone who supports the filth who engage in human trafficking, that is inseparably tied to this invasion.

It is surely no mere coincidence that your chosen username on this forum is a word that among other things, refers to the human traffickers that are involved.
Why wouldn’t a Governor concerned about the health and well being of those under his control make advanced arrangements to make sure someone is there to meet them and proper shelter is available?

He IS concerned about his rightful constituents. His actions to protect his constituents from the invasion of foreign criminals is entirely consistent with his duty.
He also sent "Christmas presents" to the Democratic-controlled cities of Chicago and Philadelphia.

"Three buses carrying migrants from Texas arrived in Washington, D.C. late Saturday evening, including one which dropped its passengers near the home of Vice President Kamala Harris.

The U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) is the official residence of the Vice President of the United States and the Christmas Eve drop-off is the latest of several instances in which Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has bussed migrants to Washington, D.C.

The migrants were then helped by the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network and taken to a local church, according to 7News reporter Christian Flores."

Washington, DC: Bus of migrants dropped off outside VP Kamala Harris's home

More migrants dropped off outside VP Kamala Harris' home on Christmas Eve in frigid temps

Well, she didn't like her 2 miliseconds of being the border czar who turned her visit to the border into a party rather than looking into the frightened and abused immigrants who were being raped, drugged, and used as cartel coyotes, not to mention the child abuses of rape and murder along the Central American and Mexican routes.
It'd be nice if our treasonous federal government had as much courtesy toward our cities and states near our southern border as you are demanding that they have toward this corrupt government's capital city.
I’ve said multiple times that the Feds need to do more to take the load off of border towns.
He IS concerned about his rightful constituents. His actions to protect his constituents from the invasion of foreign criminals is entirely consistent with his duty.
If the only way to “protect constituents” requires abusing people and human trafficking than that is a pretty pathetic excuse.
How many unwanted babies who’s mother’s were denied an abortion do you have living with you?
There is no such thing as an "unwanted baby" in the U.S. Their egg donors may not want them, but there are long waiting lists to adopt babies. There are couples paying fifty to one hundred thousand dollars for women to have babies for them.

How long is the waiting list to sponsor an illegal alien family in your house? With more than eighty million Biden voters, it must be pretty long.
How do you think a country should treat hostile foreign invaders?

Never mind. we already know.

Treason appears to be one of your deepest defining characteristics.
They are not hostile.
They are hard working families looking to feed themselves and find a new life.

That action is not worthy of being dumped in the street in sub zero windchills

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