Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

Why are you people so unwilling to coordinate and instead dump in the street in the middle of a winter night.
Why are you people so unwilling to coordinate and instead dump illegals in the streets in the middle of a winter night in Del Rio or El Paso, TX? You answer first--you are responsible for them being here in the first place instead of in the first country that they enter outside of their home country--which is policy worldwide for asylum seekers.
Tough. Most American citizens didn't ask them to come here.

Democrapic traitors are responsible for inviting/allowing these invading foreign criminals into our county.

If they care so much about the well-being thereof, let these same traitors do something about caring for these invaders.

(Of course, giving aid and comfort to foreign enemies is the very definition of treason, as found in the Constitution.)
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That's the Cartel's that you Bidenista's aid and abet.
Washington shows tolerance and compassion for those seeking to migrate

Conservatives like Abbott and DeSantis use humans as political pawns to gain favor with their racist base.
Look how nasty we treat these brown people.

Dropping them off in arctic conditions without concern for their well being is typical of todays Republican Party

Merry Christmas

You got your wish motherfucker, they are now in one of YOUR sanctuary cities, so Merry Christmas to you! Hopefully Abbott will continue to send busloads more of them to your doorstep! Enjoy!
Claiming you can’t complain about the abuse of living people as long as there is abortion is pretty lame

Don‘t ya think?

By supporting abortion, you prove that you do not give a shit about the lives or well-being of human beings.

It puts the lie to any such concern that you claim for the same of political expedience.

You want us to welcome hostile foreign invaders into our country, on ersatz humanitarian grounds, and yet you gladly support the cold-blooded murder of thousands of your fellow Americans every day.
Of course, I wouldn’t expect a Republican to say anything different since when they were in control and it was THEIR problem they were busy forcibly removing children from their parents, deporting the parents, and leaving tbe next administration to clean up the mess and try to reunite families.

Your faith is shallow if you regard migrants fleeing bad situations as “the enemy“ and get a thrill watching them freeze their asses off.

Typical fake Christian Republican response.
What you just posted is exactly what Obama did.
Go ahead and deny it.
Why are you people so unwilling to coordinate and instead dump illegals in the streets in the middle of a winter night in Del Rio or El Paso, TX?


You answer first--you are responsible for them being here in the first place instead of in the first country that they enter outside of their home country--which is policy worldwide for asylum seekers.
Why should since I asked first?

By the way, they are not required to stop in the first country they enter, there is no such world wide policy nor is it part of tbe 1951 Geneva Convention.

According to some here who call themselves Christian, these aren’t people but subhuman animals related to Orks [sic].
Apparently it’s ok to kill innocent children by dumping them off a bus at night in the middle of a major winter storm as long as they are migrant kids.

What kind of idiots being children along when they invade a foreign country?

If children die as a result, then their blood is on the invaders that chose to force them to participate in an act of war. And on treasonous filth such as yourself who support this invasion of your own country.

I don't know that Tolkien was at all specific about orcs' reproduction and family structures, but if they had children like humans do, then surely they knew better to drag them into war zones.
No one invited them. Stop, making shit up. You are as much a part of the problem as the Dems when it comes to this issue. You had two full years of complete control of Congress and you could have addressed immigration reform but you diddled around with trying to overturn the ACA with one crap plan or another. Just keep kicking that can down the road Because doing anything means bipartisanship and that is now considered to be a bad thing.

You don’t get to endanger their lives

They endangered their own lives by participating in an illegal hostile invasion of a foreign country.

Part of the problem is that we haven't made it dangerous enough.

We should have troops guarding our borders, using deadly force to repel invaders. It amounts to gross malfeasance on the part of our federal government that we do not.

If invaders were getting shot for crossing our borders, there would be a lot fewer of them.
They endangered their own lives by participating in an illegal hostile invasion of a foreign country.

Part of the problem is that we haven't made it dangerous enough.

We should have troops guarding our borders, using deadly force to repel invaders. It amounts to gross malfeasance on the part of our federal government that we do not.

If invaders were getting shot for crossing our borders, there would be a lot fewer of them.
So you want to kill kids eh?

Why am I not surprised.

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