Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

An ironic false accusation coming from someone who supports the filth who engage in human trafficking, that is inseparably tied to this invasion.

It is surely no mere coincidence that your chosen username on this forum is a word that among other things, refers to the human traffickers that are involved.
Lol, the name predates human endeavors. In the meantime you openly and unabashedly are supporting human traffic trafficking on this thread. Keep trying.
So you want to kill kids eh?

Why am I not surprised.

The blood is on the hands of those who bring children into war zones, and on treasonous filth such as yourself who support the invasion.

Don't you even think of trying to blame me for the consequences of corrupt policies that you support and I oppose.
There is no such thing as an "unwanted baby" in the U.S. Their egg donors may not want them, but there are long waiting lists to adopt babies. There are couples paying fifty to one hundred thousand dollars for women to have babies for them.

How long is the waiting list to sponsor an illegal alien family in your house? With more than eighty million Biden voters, it must be pretty long.

Irrelevant and inaccurate.
They are not hostile.
They are hard working families looking to feed themselves and find a new life.

That action is not worthy of being dumped in the street in sub zero windchills

I hope they freeze. Maybe I could use one of them as a lawn jockey or something. I've always wanted one of those, but they sort of expensive.
He IS concerned about his rightful constituents. His actions to protect his constituents from the invasion of foreign criminals is entirely consistent with his duty.
Just because he is concerned about his voters doesn’t justify dropping off migrants in 18 degree temperatures without concern for their well being
You dehumanize human beings into orcs. You promote shooting them and their children if they try to cross the border.
That’s pretty sick.
Do you plan on participating?

That's how you defend a country from invasion. By shooting the invaders. By making it dangerous enough to invade the country that invaders are discouraged from making the attempt.

And when the invaders are dragging children into a war zone, that's on them; not on those defending the country against that invasion.

It is corrupt policies, that you support, and that I oppose, that are putting children into this situation in the first place.
The blood is on the hands of those who bring children into war zones, and on treasonous filth such as yourself who support the invasion.

Don't you even think of trying to blame me for the consequences of corrupt policies that you support and I oppose.
Ahh…typical rightist. You aren’t at fault it is always someone else even though YOU control your actions.

Shooting people for the misdemeanor of illegally crossing the border isn’t going to solve the problem. Neither is tricking them to take buses and dumping them on the streets in the middle of winter to score political points with their rabid base. The ONLY ones who can really effect change is Congress, both sides, so why aren’t you hounding them instead of pursuing cruel political stunts?
They are not hostile.
They are hard working families looking to feed themselves and find a new life.

That action is not worthy of being dumped in the street in sub zero windchills
The federal government already dumps them in the street and lets them fend for themselves. The Biden administration should enforce the U.S. immigration laws so this won't happen, instead of using it as fodder that only demonstrates their incompetence.
You know…316 Americans a day are killed by guns. Shouldn’t we start shipping their bodies to 2a sanctuary cities? I bet they’d welcome them!

No, they are killed by criminals, not by guns. And yours is the same side that takes the side of criminals, against that of human beings; just as you likewise take the side of traitors and of hostile foreign invaders. And somehow, you delusionally imagine that this gives you some moral high ground from which to look down on actual human beings. Your “high ground” is a bottomless pit of evil and madness.
That's how you defend a country from invasion. By shooting the invaders. By making it dangerous enough to invade the country that invaders are discouraged from making the attempt.

And when the invaders are dragging children into a war zone, that's on them; not on those defending the country against that invasion.

It is corrupt policies, that you support, and that I oppose, that are putting children into this situation in the first place.
It isn’t a war zone. Only nuts like you choose to use the language of war to justify abusive behavior civilians as legitimate enemy targets.
Ahh…typical rightist. You aren’t at fault it is always someone else even though YOU control your actions.

Shooting people for the misdemeanor of illegally crossing the border isn’t going to solve the problem. Neither is tricking them to take buses and dumping them on the streets in the middle of winter to score political points with their rabid base. The ONLY ones who can really effect change is Congress, both sides, so why aren’t you hounding them instead of pursuing cruel political stunts?
Red states are calling the Democrat bluff, and busing them to areas supposedly supportive and against immigration law enforcement. Meanwhile, the Biden administration will be busing illegal immigrants to Red states (such as Tennessee), which only opens up pessimistic outcomes such as trafficking.
The blood is on the hands of those who bring children into war zones, and on treasonous filth such as yourself who support the invasion.

Don't you even think of trying to blame me for the consequences of corrupt policies that you support and I oppose.
It is on you. You are responsible for your actions. You are the one who chooses to justify killing children.
It isn’t a war zone. Only nuts like you choose to use the language of war to justify abusive behavior civilians as legitimate enemy targets.
It is in fact a war zone .. figuratively and literally. Drug trafficking, cartels, sex trafficking, illegal immigration to name a few .. yet, why isn't the federal government enforcing its immigration laws? Why are those who enforce immigration law the bad guys?
I’ve said multiple times that the Feds need to do more to take the load off of border towns.
If the only way to “protect constituents” requires abusing people and human trafficking than that is a pretty pathetic excuse.

The way to do that is to see to it that the border is properly secured and defended. If these invaders were not being allowed to enter our country at all, then we wouldn't even have the problem of arguing where, in our country, they should go.

The current policies of the Biden administration amount to treason and malfeasance.

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