Texas is suffering ...wheres Biden ?

Texas is turning a corner. You’ll see, like magic this cold weather is going to just disappear. No need to worry. The media is blowing it out of proportion. People aren’t dying from the cold weather, they’re dying with cold weather. Fake news.
Texas is turning a corner. You’ll see, like magic this cold weather is going to just disappear. No need to worry. The media is blowing it out of proportion. People aren’t dying from the cold weather, they’re dying with cold weather. Fake news.
you can say the same think about covid,,
This will pass. The ice will thaw. It is time to kill all vestiges of green energy until even the memory is buried.
Andrew. Katrina. The people of the United States help. I remember when Andrew hit, firehouses in DC collected donations and we brought our contributions there to be loaded onto trucks and shipped to the people of Florida. Same with Katrina. People got even new underwear because people like me bought it and paid for it.

This is not to say I am wonderful. This is to say that we are ALL IN. If I could invite the people of texas to sleep in my heated home and serve them a warm meal, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever, I would do it.
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
Maybe he was drowned out by all the Texas Energy people making excuses for not building with the right equipment because they did not justify the costs. What is it you would like him to do? Go ahead, tell us. Are you asking for the federal government to step in and take over control of energy production and distribution in Texas? Forget it. Not happening. They wanted their own grid. They got it.
hes the POTUS ! Americans are in danger and suffering ! if Trump were being so silent nonchalant and absent about a blue state in crisis you and your comrades would be screaming !
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....

Don't bother Joe he is down in the basement playing video games with some kids.

You should address any real concerns or questions to the puppetmaster....not the puppet
The drooling fucktard called a lid on it at 8am. Funny we never heard the term "calling a lid on it" until this slack-jawed shitstain was installed by Dominion. Apparently he left a nasty load in the bedsheets that slowed things down and then wanted to lick the windows in the Lincoln bedroom and see if his tongue would stick..... fucking dementia patients, what are you gonna do...we'll circle back on this of course...

Here's Jen with an update:
Poor baby, sucks to be you. :itsok:
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
He approved disaster aid days ago. You just weren't paying attention.

Cmon on man....here is the deal....a real president would go down there and see things for himself.....maybe he is waiting on the puppetmasters orders???
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
Maybe he was drowned out by all the Texas Energy people making excuses for not building with the right equipment because they did not justify the costs. What is it you would like him to do? Go ahead, tell us. Are you asking for the federal government to step in and take over control of energy production and distribution in Texas? Forget it. Not happening. They wanted their own grid. They got it.
hes the POTUS ! Americans are in danger and suffering ! if Trump were being so silent nonchalant and absent about a blue state in crisis you and your comrades would be screaming !

Cmon man....here is the deal ....no one expects much from Slo Joe.
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
Maybe he was drowned out by all the Texas Energy people making excuses for not building with the right equipment because they did not justify the costs. What is it you would like him to do? Go ahead, tell us. Are you asking for the federal government to step in and take over control of energy production and distribution in Texas? Forget it. Not happening. They wanted their own grid. They got it.
hes the POTUS ! Americans are in danger and suffering ! if Trump were being so silent nonchalant and absent about a blue state in crisis you and your comrades would be screaming !


We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.
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