Texas is suffering ...wheres Biden ?

The grid in Texas is privatized and strictly for profit.

No - ERCOT is nonprofit.

It appears so.

Gov. Abbott Says ERCOT is ‘Anything But Reliable’ With ...
2 days ago · ERCOT, which is subject to oversight by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Texas Legislature, was founded in 1970 as an independent, nonprofit responsible for overseeing Texas' power ...

Texas' power outages: Why does the state have its own grid?
2 days ago · AUSTIN, Texas – As winter storm blackouts roil Texas, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the nonprofit that operates Texas' electrical grid, ... which oversees ERCOT, ...
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
Maybe he was drowned out by all the Texas Energy people making excuses for not building with the right equipment because they did not justify the costs. What is it you would like him to do? Go ahead, tell us. Are you asking for the federal government to step in and take over control of energy production and distribution in Texas? Forget it. Not happening. They wanted their own grid. They got it.

Wow, you’re the type of person that doesn’t wave to your neighbor aren‘t you?
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
He approved disaster aid days ago. You just weren't paying attention.

Cmon on man....here is the deal....a real president would go down there and see things for himself.....maybe he is waiting on the puppetmasters orders???
Maybe he's waiting for Ted Cruz to get back from Cancun?
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
Maybe he was drowned out by all the Texas Energy people making excuses for not building with the right equipment because they did not justify the costs. What is it you would like him to do? Go ahead, tell us. Are you asking for the federal government to step in and take over control of energy production and distribution in Texas? Forget it. Not happening. They wanted their own grid. They got it.
hes the POTUS ! Americans are in danger and suffering ! if Trump were being so silent nonchalant and absent about a blue state in crisis you and your comrades would be screaming !
Abbott made emergency declaration request on the afternoon of the 13th. Biden signed it on the morning of the 14th. FEMA sent personnel and 60 generators for key infrastructure facilities, along with blankets and helped coordinate water. The declaration will open the way for low interests loans, just as if they had been hit by tornadoes, floods or hurricanes )as that state often is), but instead had been hit with Republican incompetence and shortsightedness. Only trump would try to talk the cold to death with his hot air. Quit whining, trying to make mountains out of mole hills.
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
Maybe he was drowned out by all the Texas Energy people making excuses for not building with the right equipment because they did not justify the costs. What is it you would like him to do? Go ahead, tell us. Are you asking for the federal government to step in and take over control of energy production and distribution in Texas? Forget it. Not happening. They wanted their own grid. They got it.

Wow, you’re the type of person that doesn’t wave to your neighbor aren‘t you?
You are the type that bitches and moans like a child without understanding. Go back to your room and cry it out. Then come back when you are ready to be more adult.
While Flyin' Lyin' Cruz was kicking his daughter under the bus for jetting off to Cancun, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez raised One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for Texas Relief.

The Canadian/Cuban/Texan could NOT be bothered to get off his fat pimpled ass and help his constituents and AOC could.
If you live in Texas and are suffering because you don't have electricity then it is your own damn fault.

You should have bought an emergency generator.

Like the Boy Scouts say "be prepared".
well just where is Joe ? unless i missed it i havent heard anything from biden about the disaster in Texas .....
The president of ALL Americans would prefer Texas just die

Which is why PRESIDENT BIDEN signed off on FEMA Relief for Texas right?


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