Texas JudgeTells Wisconsin Atheists Perry Will Have His Prayer Event,Like It Or Not !

Feb 13, 2011
Although some of you may have already found out the outcome of this case,I just found out that it was a Wisconsin Group. Now wait., Why would a Wisconsin Based Religious Group give a Chit over what happens in Texas? This would be like a Catholic group in Massachusetts having a cow over a Mormon event in Utah. Right? So can someone tell us why all these atheists in Wisconsin are crying like babies over a Christian Prayer Event in Texas?
Hmmm,maybe they fear Rick Perry? could that be it? What next? will MSNBC protest a Marco Rubio event in a packed stadium in Colorado?
If an athiest swears on a Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is he/she lying? How about a president who won't touch a Bible? Even if refraining to avoid self-combusting?
Although some of you may have already found out the outcome of this case,I just found out that it was a Wisconsin Group. Now wait., Why would a Wisconsin Based Religious Group give a Chit over what happens in Texas? This would be like a Catholic group in Massachusetts having a cow over a Mormon event in Utah. Right? So can someone tell us why all these atheists in Wisconsin are crying like babies over a Christian Prayer Event in Texas?
Hmmm,maybe they fear Rick Perry? could that be it? What next? will MSNBC protest a Marco Rubio event in a packed stadium in Colorado?

Its a Wisconsin based ANTI -religion group of atheists who believe it is their God given calling to impose THEIR lack of beliefs on all others. These people want to impose an oligarchy and tyranny of the minority on us all. They see no problem with demanding some court order people NOT to pray. THAT they don't believe is a constitutional violation at all -using one's freedom of speech to address God gets their panties in a major bunch though and will get them running to the nearest court screeching about all the mental ANGUISH at hearing people exercise their rights! Like there is a right to demand others NOT exercise their rights because it gets your panties in a twist! They understand that government ordering people to pray is a violation of first amendment rights but pretend they don't get why it is actually no less a violation if government orders people NOT to pray! Government is not supposed to do EITHER -it is the right of people to pray or not pray if THEY want. Not if government wants and not if some Wisconsin based group of asshole atheists want. Government may neither order people to pray or NOT to pray! And it may not prevent people from doing on even on government property or government sponsored events. Which is why in spite of their tightly twisted panties, Congress opens with a prayer and the Supreme Court opens with "God save this honorable court".

Their lack of intolerance just keeps growing - these activist atheists pushing their anti-religious agenda are truly THE most intolerant hate-filled, angry people in the country.

The reason you can never trust liberals to protect your rights is they have a a really nasty habit of judging the value of YOUR rights by their own standard. Any right they personally have no use for -they are more than willing to see stripped from YOU no matter how much value YOU place on that right. YOUR judgment about that is irrelevant to them and they seriously demand their own judgment is the ONLY one that counts -after all being the tolerant, wonderful, caring, humane and non-judgmental people and all. ROFLMAO! Their definition of "tolerance" never includes tolerance for those who have different political opinions from their own which gives lie to any claim to being "tolerant". Its pretty easy to be tolerant of only those who share your own political beliefs while pretending those who don't share them are actually the "intolerant" ones. One thing to always remember -the left will always accuse their political opponents of their OWN worst sins. But their LIE claiming to be far more tolerant would be like me claiming to be tolerant because I have no problem tolerating those with my own religious beliefs -and then claiming those who have different religious beliefs from my own are actually the intolerant ones! Yet among liberals that kind of dumb ass mentality actually flies! LOL
This just in from MSNBC: Michele Obama has filed a suit against a Burger King Rally somewhere near Disney World. Apparently she is having a cow that children between 5 and 27 are being allowed to eat at Burger King without any adult supervision. More on this story as soon as humanly possible.
Makes me wonder if the anti-religious groups will sue the Federal Govt because the money they use says 'In God We Trust"?
well isn't it odd that Obama went to a so-called Christian,or, anti-white church before he ran for president? Hmm, I don't recall the atheists complaining in 2007/2008.
Makes me wonder if the anti-religious groups will sue the Federal Govt because the money they use says 'In God We Trust"?

Oh great! Now you've given them the idea!!!! Actually, i think there's already been some talk of doing just that, they want the name of God taken out of EVERYTHING.
Because we need God to bring rain. Finally. Obviously the only thing that will work. They should have asked God a long time ago and gotten this drought over with. Instead of letting it drag on and on.
we all know the atheists fear Rick Perry, GOD FORBID A TRUE CHRISTIAN EVER BECOMES PRESIDENT!!
So... you guys want a theocracy, I take it... yeah, that's working out real well in the Middle East.

OK... first of all, I don't give a crap about some prayer meeting. Go for it. As a fellow Christian, I am for calling upon God for help... I do it all the time. But just remember... God may not have the same plan for this country as you guys do.
we all know the atheists fear Rick Perry, GOD FORBID A TRUE CHRISTIAN EVER BECOMES PRESIDENT!!

Fear seems to be the only parameter you can grasp.

Why shouold anyone fear Perry or any christian?

Do you know something that you are not telling us?

Do you and Perry plan to kill non christians?
If an athiest swears on a Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is he/she lying? How about a president who won't touch a Bible? Even if refraining to avoid self-combusting?

Kind of like a vampire with a cross

or a Republican with a tax increase for the wealthy....they cringe
So... you guys want a theocracy, I take it... yeah, that's working out real well in the Middle East.

OK... first of all, I don't give a crap about some prayer meeting. Go for it. As a fellow Christian, I am for calling upon God for help... I do it all the time. But just remember... God may not have the same plan for this country as you guys do.

Where did they ask for that?

I am not a bible thumper but I tire of the continued double standard.

I read your post about working with challenged individuals. Hat tip. But you want to lump all conservatives into a tiny box. So dont complain when I return the favor.
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I think "Perry's Prayer" is absurd pandering to his base.

I also think there is nothing illegal about it. He isn't compelling people to pray and he doesn't have a captive audience.

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