Texas JudgeTells Wisconsin Atheists Perry Will Have His Prayer Event,Like It Or Not !

well as of February 2009, America Has Been Officially DAMMNED !!!!
No, we haven't. We've been saddled with an incompetent, arrogant, petulant child.

But America is stronger than any President. We've survived idiots in the White House before (let me save the Obamabots the trouble: "Yeah! George Bush!! Herp derp!!"), and we'll survive this idiot.

Could a picture of GW saying MISS ME YET be appropriate?
Always. It'll piss off the Obamabots, and that's a good reason to do anything.
What is it? Like 8,000 people in a stadium that holds 71,000?

And it's "free"?

Why is it everytime someone says something about a repub the repubs first instinct is to accuse them of fearing them? Lol it's dumb as shut and was overused on Palin. Lol
If an athiest swears on a Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is he/she lying? How about a president who won't touch a Bible? Even if refraining to avoid self-combusting?
You don't have to swear on a Bible, you can merely "affirm" that you will tell the truth. You've had that option for years.

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