Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

It's not the right time for states to secede.

In the coming decades, things will become so bad that some states WILL definitely secede, and the federal government at that time will know better than to stop them with force.

Texas, I believe, will NOT be one of them. I have read that Texas is turning blue as many "progressives" leave their blue states and move to red states, where they promptly start voting for Dems. Go figure.
Texas is turning blue because of open borders.
That is why the Racist Democrats such as AOC want to abolish the INS and ban deportation.
This is a lie.

There are no open borders.

Nah, it's not a lie, we have open an uncontrolled borders with Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico.

Our border with Mexico is controlled, but open, as opposed to closed.
Yeah, it's a lie.
It's not the right time for states to secede.

In the coming decades, things will become so bad that some states WILL definitely secede, and the federal government at that time will know better than to stop them with force.

Texas, I believe, will NOT be one of them. I have read that Texas is turning blue as many "progressives" leave their blue states and move to red states, where they promptly start voting for Dems. Go figure.
Texas is turning blue because of open borders.
That is why the Racist Democrats such as AOC want to abolish the INS and ban deportation.
This is a lie.

There are no open borders.
Bullshit. Biden just announced open borders.
This is a lie as well.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

This is a bill with NO Co-sponsors offered by ONE YAHOO in the Texas House. I'm sure there's been a dozen bills introduced that way to make Ceasar Chavez the patron saint of Texas. Dont get your hopes up, More likely that California impeaches Gavin Newsome and elects a Republican.

What a shame.
Biden should then send federal troops and arrest these people.

Excellent idea, Tovarich! I hope they wear the snow camo when they march in...

Sorry bout that,

That might make driving cross-country on Hwy 40 a bit problematic.

But, California has border checkpoints on their highways, why not Texas?

1. You will need a visa to gain entry, visa's won't always be issued, may be a entry fee for a visa.
2. We don't have to let you in.

The U.S. then can build a wall....and make Texas pay for it. :heehee:
Sorry bout that,

1. We want out, and we want it NOW!
2. Law makers in Texas have proposed we the people vote to secede/succeed same thing these days.

3. Its time to cut bait and fish in our local rivers and lakes.
4. I say walk away from USA, and start TEXAS.
5. All the shits thats going on in DC. we don't want a part of it.
6. It might not be easy, but its looking like its for the best.
7. Texas Rep. Introduces Bill For Residents To Vote on Seceding From the U.S.
8. We want out and we want it NOW!!!


Good point. How soon?
FYI: for anyone in Texas or cheering for Texas to do this, listen up. Secession is unconstitutional cite: The Supreme declared it so in Texas v. White (April 1869).

More up to date: Former (now deceased) Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia stated: "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."
That can be overlooked.....it's to the U.S.'s advantage to let Texas go.
"A Texan and a Mexican are arguing. The Texan says, "Why y'all hate us so much?". To which the Mexican replied, "Senior, not only did you steal HALF our country...

you stole the half with ALL THE PAVED ROADS!"
Sorry bout that,

That might make driving cross-country on Hwy 40 a bit problematic.

But, California has border checkpoints on their highways, why not Texas?

1. You will need a visa to gain entry, visa's won't always be issued, may be a entry fee for a visa.
2. We don't have to let you in.

The U.S. then can build a wall....and make Texas pay for it. :heehee:
You assholes have said countless times that walls don't work. Now that your guy is in the Whitehouse, all of a sudden they do. Do you believe we didn't know you were lying?
It's not the right time for states to secede.

In the coming decades, things will become so bad that some states WILL definitely secede, and the federal government at that time will know better than to stop them with force.

Texas, I believe, will NOT be one of them. I have read that Texas is turning blue as many "progressives" leave their blue states and move to red states, where they promptly start voting for Dems. Go figure.
Texas is turning blue because of open borders.
That is why the Racist Democrats such as AOC want to abolish the INS and ban deportation.
This is a lie.

There are no open borders.
Bullshit. Biden just announced open borders.
This is a lie as well.
It sure as hell isn't.
Sorry bout that,

That might make driving cross-country on Hwy 40 a bit problematic.

But, California has border checkpoints on their highways, why not Texas?

1. You will need a visa to gain entry, visa's won't always be issued, may be a entry fee for a visa.
2. We don't have to let you in.


2. We don't have to let you in.

Especially if you're from California, New York, Illinois, etc. You know, those shithole blue states that you fucked up good, and now you want to come to Texas? GTFO.
That's fine....it's a Win/Win.

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