Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
That may be that the US citizens with permanent residence in Texas will be allowed to stay there and keep their property. But they wont have a say in Texas' politics (wont have a right to take part in referendums, state and local elections, form parties etc).

What right have you to change their status and subject them to disenfranchisement? Absolutely NONE.

You morons should move to Guyana.
They will be the residents of a foreign country. And this country will have a right to impose its own rules. Not giving political rights to foreign residents is a common practice worldwide.

I dont live in the US. So, relax.
What is wrong, man? That a sovereign nation should be (and is) able to decide how to govern on their land?

Texas isn't a sovereign nation.
lol texans thinking they can leave teh union is even more delusional than californians.

Can you imagine having to try to figure out how to defend texas with their paltry 30 million and open plains? Mexico might make a play for it too hahah

At least Cali has geographic reasons to imagine you might maybe be able to defend it (mountain ranges)

This is the type of thinking that shows why the Confederates lost the war. Rebels are generally not great strategic thinkers.
Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
That may be that the US citizens with permanent residence in Texas will be allowed to stay there and keep their property. But they wont have a say in Texas' politics (wont have a right to take part in referendums, state and local elections, form parties etc).

Like Syria.....
Not only. How many countries in Europe can you list which allow non-citizens to take part in their elections?
Well good luck to the Texans in this initiative. I am not sure what benefits they will get from it but if they feel Texan and not American it must be the right way to go.
Well, it is up to the people to decide. I would support significant increase of the States' sovereignty rather than breaking up the Union. But, as I said, it is up to them. If I were an American, I would also be in disagreement with some developments going on there. So, I somewhat understand these people.

Not in Texas. We can't petition for a statewide ballot referendum. It has to go through the legislature. So I wouldn't get your hopes up because one state rep proposed it.
I dont have any particular hopes. Besides, as I said above, I would support 'loosing' the Union rather than its breaking up.
Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
That may be that the US citizens with permanent residence in Texas will be allowed to stay there and keep their property. But they wont have a say in Texas' politics (wont have a right to take part in referendums, state and local elections, form parties etc).

What right have you to change their status and subject them to disenfranchisement? Absolutely NONE.

You morons should move to Guyana.
They will be the residents of a foreign country. And this country will have a right to impose its own rules. Not giving political rights to foreign residents is a common practice worldwide.

I dont live in the US. So, relax.
What is wrong, man? That a sovereign nation should be (and is) able to decide how to govern on their land?

Texas isn't a sovereign nation.
We were talking about if Texas becomes a sovereign nation.
Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
That may be that the US citizens with permanent residence in Texas will be allowed to stay there and keep their property. But they wont have a say in Texas' politics (wont have a right to take part in referendums, state and local elections, form parties etc).

Like Syria.....
Not only. How many countries in Europe can you list which allow non-citizens to take part in their elections?
Well good luck to the Texans in this initiative. I am not sure what benefits they will get from it but if they feel Texan and not American it must be the right way to go.
Well, it is up to the people to decide. I would support significant increase of the States' sovereignty rather than breaking up the Union. But, as I said, it is up to them. If I were an American, I would also be in disagreement with some developments going on there. So, I somewhat understand these people.

Not in Texas. We can't petition for a statewide ballot referendum. It has to go through the legislature. So I wouldn't get your hopes up because one state rep proposed it.
I dont have any particular hopes. Besides, as I said above, I would support 'loosing' the Union rather than its breaking up.

The States have a great deal of power, Just look at how the swing states were able to stand up to the full power of Trumps assaults on their elections.
Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
That may be that the US citizens with permanent residence in Texas will be allowed to stay there and keep their property. But they wont have a say in Texas' politics (wont have a right to take part in referendums, state and local elections, form parties etc).

Like Syria.....
Not only. How many countries in Europe can you list which allow non-citizens to take part in their elections?
Well good luck to the Texans in this initiative. I am not sure what benefits they will get from it but if they feel Texan and not American it must be the right way to go.
Well, it is up to the people to decide. I would support significant increase of the States' sovereignty rather than breaking up the Union. But, as I said, it is up to them. If I were an American, I would also be in disagreement with some developments going on there. So, I somewhat understand these people.

Not in Texas. We can't petition for a statewide ballot referendum. It has to go through the legislature. So I wouldn't get your hopes up because one state rep proposed it.
I dont have any particular hopes. Besides, as I said above, I would support 'loosing' the Union rather than its breaking up.

The States have a great deal of power, Just look at how the swing states were able to stand up to the full power of Trumps assaults on their elections.
What assaults?
Go Texas! But I'd rather see a vote to remove DC, the illegitimate government, and the (real) blue States from our Nation. They'd have enough to do oppressing each other while their people starved.
Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
That may be that the US citizens with permanent residence in Texas will be allowed to stay there and keep their property. But they wont have a say in Texas' politics (wont have a right to take part in referendums, state and local elections, form parties etc).

Like Syria.....
Not only. How many countries in Europe can you list which allow non-citizens to take part in their elections?
Well good luck to the Texans in this initiative. I am not sure what benefits they will get from it but if they feel Texan and not American it must be the right way to go.
Well, it is up to the people to decide. I would support significant increase of the States' sovereignty rather than breaking up the Union. But, as I said, it is up to them. If I were an American, I would also be in disagreement with some developments going on there. So, I somewhat understand these people.

Not in Texas. We can't petition for a statewide ballot referendum. It has to go through the legislature. So I wouldn't get your hopes up because one state rep proposed it.
I dont have any particular hopes. Besides, as I said above, I would support 'loosing' the Union rather than its breaking up.

The States have a great deal of power, Just look at how the swing states were able to stand up to the full power of Trumps assaults on their elections.
What assaults?

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump pressured Georgia’s Republican secretary of state to “find” enough votes to overturn Joe Biden’s win in the state’s presidential election, repeatedly citing disproven claims of fraud and raising the prospect of a “criminal offense” if officials did not change the vote count, according to a recording of the conversation.

The phone call with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Saturday was the latest step in an unprecedented effort by a sitting president to press a state official to reverse the outcome of a free and fair election that he lost. The Republican president, who has refused to accept his loss to Democratic President-elect Biden, repeatedly argued that Raffensperger could change the certified results.

“I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state,” said Trump, who is scheduled to be at a rally in Georgia Monday evening.

Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
That may be that the US citizens with permanent residence in Texas will be allowed to stay there and keep their property. But they wont have a say in Texas' politics (wont have a right to take part in referendums, state and local elections, form parties etc).

Like Syria.....
Not only. How many countries in Europe can you list which allow non-citizens to take part in their elections?
Well good luck to the Texans in this initiative. I am not sure what benefits they will get from it but if they feel Texan and not American it must be the right way to go.
Well, it is up to the people to decide. I would support significant increase of the States' sovereignty rather than breaking up the Union. But, as I said, it is up to them. If I were an American, I would also be in disagreement with some developments going on there. So, I somewhat understand these people.

Not in Texas. We can't petition for a statewide ballot referendum. It has to go through the legislature. So I wouldn't get your hopes up because one state rep proposed it.
I dont have any particular hopes. Besides, as I said above, I would support 'loosing' the Union rather than its breaking up.

The States have a great deal of power, Just look at how the swing states were able to stand up to the full power of Trumps assaults on their elections.
Well, that is not what I meant. The States cant pursue their own policy in say health care field, taxes, election matters etc which contradicts the decisions made on the federal level. Can they?
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I am with you, I would love to see Texas secede. They should be part of Mexico. We can send QAnon, Proud Boys, White Supremacist, Nazis, the the true Trumpists to Texas. It would make America so much better.

And they can frack all they want.....and get rid of all the health and EPA and OSHA laws they want....and they can get rid of public education all they want....and be an object lesson to us in the U.S.
I wish them success, but I don't see it happening.

If it does happen, it would be good news, and would set a positive precedent.
I hope the whole group does not let the door hit them on their collective asses on their wy out the door.
No one from a blue state will be admitted after the election unless they can prove Republican Party registration for the last two elections.
What a wonderful country you are planning....so very...........................fascist.
Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
That may be that the US citizens with permanent residence in Texas will be allowed to stay there and keep their property. But they wont have a say in Texas' politics (wont have a right to take part in referendums, state and local elections, form parties etc).

Like Syria.....
Not only. How many countries in Europe can you list which allow non-citizens to take part in their elections?
Well good luck to the Texans in this initiative. I am not sure what benefits they will get from it but if they feel Texan and not American it must be the right way to go.
Well, it is up to the people to decide. I would support significant increase of the States' sovereignty rather than breaking up the Union. But, as I said, it is up to them. If I were an American, I would also be in disagreement with some developments going on there. So, I somewhat understand these people.

Not in Texas. We can't petition for a statewide ballot referendum. It has to go through the legislature. So I wouldn't get your hopes up because one state rep proposed it.
I dont have any particular hopes. Besides, as I said above, I would support 'loosing' the Union rather than its breaking up.

The States have a great deal of power, Just look at how the swing states were able to stand up to the full power of Trumps assaults on their elections.
Well, that is not what I meant. The States cant pursue their own policy in say health care field, taxes, election matters etc which contradicts the decisions made on the federal level. Can they?

They can't make laws that contradict federal law if that's what you mean. What I mean is the President doesn't have the power to declare a nationwide lockdown, but most Governors can order lockdowns in their states.

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