Texas Passes Anti-Abortion Law

…which is not 100 percent reliable.

A husband and wife making a good faith effort to not become pregnant shouldn’t be forced by the state to have a child against their will in the event their contraceptive method fails.

The pill is 99% effective, if they fear a pregnancy the guy can cover

Every single argument you loons try gets shot down
If you folks want to energize the Dem base… you did it
But to what end?

No matter how energized, Republican voter suppression laws will disenfranchise likely Democratic voters.

The authoritarian right has planned carefully and comprehensively to establish and maintain the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

Just as the Supreme Court has allowed this repugnant law to stand, so too will the Court allow Republican voter suppression laws to stand.
But to what end?

No matter how energized, Republican voter suppression laws will disenfranchise likely Democratic voters.

The authoritarian right has planned carefully and comprehensively to establish and maintain the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

Just as the Supreme Court has allowed this repugnant law to stand, so too will the Court allow Republican voter suppression laws to stand.
Link to these “voter suppression laws”?
You wanna kill your baby after that, go to some science denying state and do it.

Not surprising that an arrogant little snot such as yourself thinks he has the right to force women to have babies. Irresponsible, stupid, and thinking he can dictate the lives of others, that's our FuckBoi here.

These are the kinds of men who think that having an abortion is "murder". Someone too young to remember women dying from botched illegal abortions. Or orphanages.

Rich women will get abortions stupid. They always did. The people who will have babies are women too poor to leave the state. They'll have babies they can't afford, can't keep, that have genetic abnormalities they can't deal with.
Not surprising that an arrogant little snot such as yourself thinks he has the right to force women to have babies. Irresponsible, stupid, and thinking he can dictate the lives of others, that's our FuckBoi here.

These are the kinds of men who think that having an abortion is "murder". Someone too young to remember women dying from botched illegal abortions. Or orphanages.

Rich women will get abortions stupid. They always did. The people who will have babies are women too poor to leave the state. They'll have babies they can't afford, can't keep, that have genetic abnormalities they can't deal with.
Your stances are not supposed to vary from one thread to another.

You are saying here that men are not allowing to do what they want to with their bodies. In other threads you and your ilk
are supportive of telling other people what to inject into their bodies. You gotta dance with what brung you to the dance momma.
Yeah, and the women not offering sex will just get their men to go look elsewhere…

Also why not use Birth Control instead while having sex?

I mean the man wears a rubber, the woman takes the pill and wow no need for an abortion and if one is needed there is always Mexico and the coat hanger…
The support for Big Government intruding into private lives has increased over the years, but may have now gone too far for independent-minded Americans to tolerate.
Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 7.38.37 AM.png
Freedom-loving Americans respect the individual's right to make such personal, private decisions in consultation with medical and spiritual advisers and loved ones over ideologically-driven politicians dictating to her.

The fake criterion contrived by Big Government zealots, detection of a heartbeat, is meaningless because a functioning brain is absent. Individuals who have been medically certified as being brain dead customarily have a functioning heart.

The same intrusiveness is evident in the State attempting to usurp local control in matters of public safety. Denying the right of communities, via dictates from on high, to determine how to keep their people safe based upon sound public health policy is repellent as well.

The Big Government fanatics are going too far.
…which is not 100 percent reliable.

A husband and wife making a good faith effort to not become pregnant shouldn’t be forced by the state to have a child against their will in the event their contraceptive method fails.
Pretty close.

And you can always double up like she uses the pill or something else and he uses a condom.

And I'm not supporting this law.
Nah, the Fascist employed all sort of Snitch on your Neighbor programs. Like their Mob Assaults on Government Building to intimidate lawmakers. It was an integral part of their strategy of control.
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Not surprising that an arrogant little snot such as yourself thinks he has the right to force women to have babies. Irresponsible, stupid, and thinking he can dictate the lives of others, that's our FuckBoi here.

These are the kinds of men who think that having an abortion is "murder". Someone too young to remember women dying from botched illegal abortions. Or orphanages.

Rich women will get abortions stupid. They always did. The people who will have babies are women too poor to leave the state. They'll have babies they can't afford, can't keep, that have genetic abnormalities they can't deal with.
Not surprising that an arrogant little snot such as yourself thinks he has the right to force women to have babies.

Link to me saying anything remotely close to that, lying sack?

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