Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Incorrect. I looked it up. What the cop did to the first boy... by tugging on his arm, at best could be called battery, unwanted touching. That's not the same as Assault. I have a lawyer friend that gave me the heads up. I looked it up and ... well that's the way it is. Now what he did to the two girls.. punching one and throwing the other to the ground... that's assault.

What he did to the girl was battery.

At common law, battery is the tort of intentionally (or, in Australia, negligently) and voluntarily bringing about an unconsented harmful or offensive contact with a person or to something closely associated with them (e.g. a hat, a purse). Unlike assault, battery involves an actual contact.

An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal and/or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is the same in criminal and tort law.
Many people do stupid shit and are detained and not charged. If the little bitch wasn't trying to impress her friends and complied, she would have had a much better day. Why are you ignorant leftist ignoring the group dynamic involved here?

Why are you ignoring the so called "cop warrior" dynamic that has been videoed so often lately?
He was charged with battery? I was unaware of this.

I didn't say he was charged with battery, dumbass. However, the girls parents haven't decided how far they are going to pursue the situation yet. That is certainly a possibility
Oh I got you. You are some fucking douchcanoe talking out of his ass on the internet. Thanks for letting me know. Freaking hilarious watching an idiot like you trying to pretend to be a lawyer :lol:

Never implied I was a lawyer. Those things I linked are pretty much common knowledge. If I said we can only see the moon at night, would you accuse me of pretending to be an astronaut?
Yea, you are just an asshole on the internet slinging aids infested feces on the internet. If it is so fucking obvious, then why didn't they press charges?

The DA in McKinney ought to bring you in as a consultant :lol:
It's a really simple thing, police are human, of course you have never done anything that seemed right at the time but later regretted it, right? The guy was officer of the year at one time, should one incident where no one was hurt end his career? Demanding perfection of any human will lead to certain disappointment. But then you have a record of demanding perfection of people you disagree with, so never mind.
Casebolt's career was ended because he manifested an erratic form of behavior which, if they had tolerated it and allowed him to continue, could have negatively affected his superiors' perceived ability to manage. He presented himself as a loose cannon and the bosses have no way of being sure he won't do it again.

One possibility is Casebolt has lapsed into a psychopathic frame of mind, which that occupation is capable of inducing.

Another possibility is he's using steroids, or he's been experimenting with methamphetamine seized from a dealer. (Don't think it doesn't happen!)

A third possibility is Casebolt has been a developing screwball for some time now and he's finally overdone it and got caught on camera. There are a lot of bad cops out there who will continue to harm people with their malfeasance and brutal disposition until someone points a lens at them. So the time when they finally get caught is not necessarily their only turn at bat.
Talking isnt disorderly conduct moron. Thats why he is unemployed.
So where did she do any of this and why wasnt she ever charged?

Many people do stupid shit and are detained and not charged. If the little bitch wasn't trying to impress her friends and complied, she would have had a much better day. Why are you ignorant leftist ignoring the group dynamic involved here?

"Complied"? "COMPLIED"?? :disbelief: She was already evacuating the area when Casebolt went and got her, pulled her back (by the hair) toward (fortunately) the camera shot. Then he tells her to "get on the ground" -- while she's already on the ground.

And then he gets up to brandish a gun on people stepping in when they see the assault, and leaves her alone for at least ten seconds, more than enough time for her to get away. Does she do so? No, she stays where she is, probably frozen in fear for her life, whereupon he returns to assault her further.

Furthermore he's already acknowledged and apologized for being way out of line, as well as resigned, and may still be charged.

"Bitch"?? Holy shit dood, could you be any more of a racist prick? That girl represents ALL of us who have ever been or might be attacked by what is supposed to be a public servant, but thinks they're some kind of military occupation force. And that's what you all a "bitch"??

Thanks for coming out. Always good to know who's got my back -- and who the sycophants are.

Fuck you asshole, my response would be exactly the same if it were a white mouthy bitch trying to demonstrate to her friends how fucking tough she was. Ignorant assed monday morning quarterbacks like you and your dear leader are what's wrong with this country. You validate people disrespecting authority and cry your little commie asses off when there are consequences. When you've put on the badge and went to calls blind you might have room to talk.

The crazy right winger who spends several hours per day insulting our president wants to give a lecture on respecting authority. Do you realize how much of an ass hole that makes you?

Yep, it will be nice when we get a real president instead of a piece of shit chicago gutter trash community organizer who has no respect for the country that gave him so many opportunities. Unfortunately he would never put his life on the line every day like the cops he and you so readily denigrates.

I predicted waaaay back on page 1 here that some assclown would be in to Blame O'bama, but at least three other assclowns beat you to it.

But DO go on... what exactly did The Obama do or say about this pool party?
It's a really simple thing, police are human, of course you have never done anything that seemed right at the time but later regretted it, right? The guy was officer of the year at one time, should one incident where no one was hurt end his career? Demanding perfection of any human will lead to certain disappointment. But then you have a record of demanding perfection of people you disagree with, so never mind.
Casebolt's career was ended because he manifested an erratic form of behavior which, if they had tolerated it and allowed him to continue, could have negatively affected his superiors' perceived ability to manage. He presented himself as a loose cannon and the bosses have no way of being sure he won't do it again.

One possibility is Casebolt has lapsed into a psychopathic frame of mind, which that occupation is capable of inducing.

Another possibility is he's using steroids, or he's been experimenting with methamphetamine seized from a dealer. (Don't think it doesn't happen!)

A third possibility is Casebolt has been a developing screwball for some time now and he's finally overdone it and got caught on camera. There are a lot of bad cops out there who will continue to harm people with their malfeasance and brutal disposition until someone points a lens at them. So the time when they finally get caught is not necessarily their only turn at bat.

Casebolt unfortunately bought into this "warrior" mentality that has poisoned the police profession into too often acting as some autonomous paramilitary occupying force fighting against the public instead of for them. He's done us a favor by demonstrating where that leads. The other 11 McKinney cops, by contrast, or at least the one we can see up close, demonstrate why that warrior approach isn't even effective -- let alone its illegality.

It's genuinely hard to believe there are still apologists trying to get him off the hook here, even after he's admitted and apologized. That takes a special kind of Obtuse.
So my understanding of the root cause of the whole incident, is that a party was being held by the neighborhood, and some kids from outside the neighborhood crashed the party.
Is this correct ?

It is not clear whether anyone "crashed" a party, or simply went to one.
For those that actually dug deeper and not listen to libtarded news it is clear. Good police officer.
Ex police officer. The baboon is no longer employed. Seems you didnt dig deep enough. :laugh:

Ex-police officer whose own Chief described the actions as "indefensible" and who's already resigned and apologized, admitting through his attorney that he cracked under the pressure. In other words both of them stating the obvious about what the video already shows.
If I was part of this town the first thing I would do is demand this chief of police be let go for being a giant pussy and not standing up for his officer who did NOTHING wrong.
You really are a piece of work, the cop told the girl to leave the area at least three times, he didn't touch her till she stopped and kept running her mouth. If the little bitch had complied with the legal commands of the officer she would have never been cuffed, some people just are too fucking stupid to breath.

The fact that a cop tells you to do something does not automatically make it a "legal command".

Unless you're doing something wrong. In her case...trespassing at a private pool and refusing to leave...3 times.

If that were true. you might have a point, but it isn't. Where did you hear those lies, fox?

You can hear the cop telling her to leave, she gets out of frame and stops and runs her mouth, I guess you lack the ability to recognize disorderly conduct when you see it. Had she kept her mouth shut and kept walking nothing would have happened to her. That's not lies, it's documented on the video.

So that justifies a grown man sitting on top of a 15 old girl? You sound retarded too
he didn't sit on her... Lying only shows how stupid you truly are
Unless you're doing something wrong. In her case...trespassing at a private pool and refusing to leave...3 times.

If that were true. you might have a point, but it isn't. Where did you hear those lies, fox?

You can hear the cop telling her to leave, she gets out of frame and stops and runs her mouth, I guess you lack the ability to recognize disorderly conduct when you see it. Had she kept her mouth shut and kept walking nothing would have happened to her. That's not lies, it's documented on the video.
Talking isnt disorderly conduct moron. Thats why he is unemployed.
You can hear the cop telling her to leave, she gets out of frame and stops and runs her mouth, I guess you lack the ability to recognize disorderly conduct when you see it. Had she kept her mouth shut and kept walking nothing would have happened to her. That's not lies, it's documented on the video.

For over eighteen hundred posts now we've been patiently waiting for somebody to post the "run your mouth" law. And/or the "flap your lips" law or the "uppity statute". We have yet to see it.

What we do have is what Dajeeria Becton was actually charged with, i.e. ........... nothing.

Sec. 42.01. DISORDERLY CONDUCT. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly:

(1) uses abusive, indecent, profane, or vulgar language in a public place, and the language by its very utterance tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace;

So where did she do any of this and why wasnt she ever charged?

Many people do stupid shit and are detained and not charged. If the little bitch wasn't trying to impress her friends and complied, she would have had a much better day. Why are you ignorant leftist ignoring the group dynamic involved here?
Doing stupid shit is not against the law. I asked your monkey ass where she violated any law? She will have many better days than the guy that is no longer a cop. Once her family finishes suing the city it will change her family tree if its not already changed prior to this. She sounds like her family is well educated.
Actually most times doing stupid shit is against the law... Just because someone is black doesn't mean they are exempt from consequences of their stupidity.
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My take is the press got hot video and held hands with black ideologues without all the facts. Who needs facts? This one issue is SOO petty, it is mind boggling it got this much attention. ISIS is committing mass murder. But we got this? Over reach, big time.

Yeah, that is pretty much what all whites in the South was saying about the civil rights movement from 1954 to around 1970.
My guess is you are a white or black ideologue. Casting aspersions. What bothers me is the emphasis on race and police brutality when blacks are by far the biggest threats to themselves, and secondly, what about white suspects and police use of force? I suspect there are just as many as black. So I question the press, people like you, anyone that is so credulous and gullible as to swallow the editorializing and propaganda of the liberal press. Shame on you people.
You can hear the cop telling her to leave, she gets out of frame and stops and runs her mouth, I guess you lack the ability to recognize disorderly conduct when you see it. Had she kept her mouth shut and kept walking nothing would have happened to her. That's not lies, it's documented on the video.
Talking isnt disorderly conduct moron. Thats why he is unemployed.
Sec. 42.01. DISORDERLY CONDUCT. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly:

(1) uses abusive, indecent, profane, or vulgar language in a public place, and the language by its very utterance tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace;

So where did she do any of this and why wasnt she ever charged?

Many people do stupid shit and are detained and not charged. If the little bitch wasn't trying to impress her friends and complied, she would have had a much better day. Why are you ignorant leftist ignoring the group dynamic involved here?

"Complied"? "COMPLIED"?? :disbelief: She was already evacuating the area when Casebolt went and got her, pulled her back (by the hair) toward (fortunately) the camera shot. Then he tells her to "get on the ground" -- while she's already on the ground.

And then he gets up to brandish a gun on people stepping in when they see the assault, and leaves her alone for at least ten seconds, more than enough time for her to get away. Does she do so? No, she stays where she is, probably frozen in fear for her life, whereupon he returns to assault her further.

Furthermore he's already acknowledged and apologized for being way out of line, as well as resigned, and may still be charged.

"Bitch"?? Holy shit dood, could you be any more of a racist prick? That girl represents ALL of us who have ever been or might be attacked by what is supposed to be a public servant, but thinks they're some kind of military occupation force. And that's what you all a "bitch"??

Thanks for coming out. Always good to know who's got my back -- and who the sycophants are.

Fuck you asshole, my response would be exactly the same if it were a white mouthy bitch trying to demonstrate to her friends how fucking tough she was. Ignorant assed monday morning quarterbacks like you and your dear leader are what's wrong with this country. You validate people disrespecting authority and cry your little commie asses off when there are consequences. When you've put on the badge and went to calls blind you might have room to talk.
White boys like you get pretty angry when white males are shown they are not worthy of respect dont you? :laugh:
Racists like you are funny...... Tell me fool why is it you support more and more black killings??
You can hear the cop telling her to leave, she gets out of frame and stops and runs her mouth, I guess you lack the ability to recognize disorderly conduct when you see it. Had she kept her mouth shut and kept walking nothing would have happened to her. That's not lies, it's documented on the video.
Talking isnt disorderly conduct moron. Thats why he is unemployed.
Sec. 42.01. DISORDERLY CONDUCT. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly:

(1) uses abusive, indecent, profane, or vulgar language in a public place, and the language by its very utterance tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace;

So where did she do any of this and why wasnt she ever charged?

Many people do stupid shit and are detained and not charged. If the little bitch wasn't trying to impress her friends and complied, she would have had a much better day. Why are you ignorant leftist ignoring the group dynamic involved here?

"Complied"? "COMPLIED"?? :disbelief: She was already evacuating the area when Casebolt went and got her, pulled her back (by the hair) toward (fortunately) the camera shot. Then he tells her to "get on the ground" -- while she's already on the ground.

And then he gets up to brandish a gun on people stepping in when they see the assault, and leaves her alone for at least ten seconds, more than enough time for her to get away. Does she do so? No, she stays where she is, probably frozen in fear for her life, whereupon he returns to assault her further.

Furthermore he's already acknowledged and apologized for being way out of line, as well as resigned, and may still be charged.

"Bitch"?? Holy shit dood, could you be any more of a racist prick? That girl represents ALL of us who have ever been or might be attacked by what is supposed to be a public servant, but thinks they're some kind of military occupation force. And that's what you all a "bitch"??

Thanks for coming out. Always good to know who's got my back -- and who the sycophants are.

Fuck you asshole, my response would be exactly the same if it were a white mouthy bitch trying to demonstrate to her friends how fucking tough she was.

Yeah I can see that. That's exactly why I say it's good to know who's got my back and who the authoritarian bootlickers are. You've self-identified as the latter. So no, fuck you.

El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
Never tire of watching you lose it when you are shown a liar LMAO You truly are pathetic.
"Complied"? "COMPLIED"?? :disbelief: She was already evacuating the area when Casebolt went and got her, pulled her back (by the hair) toward (fortunately) the camera shot. Then he tells her to "get on the ground" -- while she's already on the ground.

And then he gets up to brandish a gun on people stepping in when they see the assault, and leaves her alone for at least ten seconds, more than enough time for her to get away. Does she do so? No, she stays where she is, probably frozen in fear for her life, whereupon he returns to assault her further.

Furthermore he's already acknowledged and apologized for being way out of line, as well as resigned, and may still be charged.

"Bitch"?? Holy shit dood, could you be any more of a racist prick? That girl represents ALL of us who have ever been or might be attacked by what is supposed to be a public servant, but thinks they're some kind of military occupation force. And that's what you all a "bitch"??

Thanks for coming out. Always good to know who's got my back -- and who the sycophants are.

Fuck you asshole, my response would be exactly the same if it were a white mouthy bitch trying to demonstrate to her friends how fucking tough she was.

Yeah I can see that. That's exactly why I say it's good to know who's got my back and who the authoritarian bootlickers are. You've self-identified as the latter. So no, fuck you.

El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.

That is funny as hell.

The concept is simple.

If approached by police, comply and be polite.
If you disagree with the officer, comply and be polite.
If you don't like the offices actions, comply and be polite.
Failure to do so can result in immediate and possibly serious consequences, so comply and be polite.
If you want to bitch and complain, do it to his superiors after the fact, but comply and be polite.

They must have passed that law when I wasn't looking.

"Article 56.8. Impoliteness. Failure to be polite to an officer of the law is punishable by a term of not less than one year, and not more than five years. Aggravated impoliteness shall be punished by a term of not less than seven years, and more than ten years."

I'm not sure it wasn't Article 47.9: Antigravity Ordinance: "No, person, upon being grabbed by her hair and slammed to the ground by an officer engaging in assault, shall comply with the Law of Gravity and fall to the ground, thereby making the officer look aggressive and rendering the task of authoritarian bootlicker apologists more complex. Failure to comply with the Antigravity Ordinance shall be a misdemeanor, except where the offender is a 'bitch' in a bathing suit" where it shall be a felony punishable by thirty years imprisonment".
Still lying about the hair huh??? Pathetic.
Talking isnt disorderly conduct moron. Thats why he is unemployed.
So where did she do any of this and why wasnt she ever charged?

Many people do stupid shit and are detained and not charged. If the little bitch wasn't trying to impress her friends and complied, she would have had a much better day. Why are you ignorant leftist ignoring the group dynamic involved here?

"Complied"? "COMPLIED"?? :disbelief: She was already evacuating the area when Casebolt went and got her, pulled her back (by the hair) toward (fortunately) the camera shot. Then he tells her to "get on the ground" -- while she's already on the ground.

And then he gets up to brandish a gun on people stepping in when they see the assault, and leaves her alone for at least ten seconds, more than enough time for her to get away. Does she do so? No, she stays where she is, probably frozen in fear for her life, whereupon he returns to assault her further.

Furthermore he's already acknowledged and apologized for being way out of line, as well as resigned, and may still be charged.

"Bitch"?? Holy shit dood, could you be any more of a racist prick? That girl represents ALL of us who have ever been or might be attacked by what is supposed to be a public servant, but thinks they're some kind of military occupation force. And that's what you all a "bitch"??

Thanks for coming out. Always good to know who's got my back -- and who the sycophants are.

Fuck you asshole, my response would be exactly the same if it were a white mouthy bitch trying to demonstrate to her friends how fucking tough she was. Ignorant assed monday morning quarterbacks like you and your dear leader are what's wrong with this country. You validate people disrespecting authority and cry your little commie asses off when there are consequences. When you've put on the badge and went to calls blind you might have room to talk.

The crazy right winger who spends several hours per day insulting our president wants to give a lecture on respecting authority. Do you realize how much of an ass hole that makes you?

Yep, it will be nice when we get a real president instead of a piece of shit chicago gutter trash community organizer who has no respect for the country that gave him so many opportunities. Unfortunately he would never put his life on the line every day like the cops he and you so readily denigrates.

Just say what you want to say. You and others beat around the bush for tens of pages only to get frustrated and say something similar as you just did.
Be a man and say what you mean.

I hate fucking n*****s!
My take is the press got hot video and held hands with black ideologues without all the facts. Who needs facts? This one issue is SOO petty, it is mind boggling it got this much attention. ISIS is committing mass murder. But we got this? Over reach, big time.
There is only one reason this situation got any media attention at all. It is the videotaped bizarre conduct of an out-of-control cop who seems to be acting out some macho/authoritarian fantasy.
I understand that he had just came from a suicide call, and was stressed out. He was a human being not a Robocop. Most cops all have this power/control dominance thing as part of their psyche. But then again when you are expected to make perfect decisions on the fly dealing with wife beaters, hit and run drivers, child molesters, drunk drivers and various other meatheads and make a mistake, it is easy to criticize AFTER the fact. It's like the media screens the race of the accused and only focuses on minorities the and ignores the overall context or other races. This guy was black, include HIM that guy was white, ignore him. That other black guy, lets run him as our first topic and use inflammatory rhetoric. Damn that is piss poor reportage. And it's sooo freekin obvious.
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No where did I say the police are above the law. I simply offered common sense advise on how to deal with encounters with them, it's never failed me. You don't have to follow it, then you might end up like Michael Brown, he had a lets get tough with the cops attitude.
Michael ("Big Mike") Brown's conduct was an extreme departure from the "politeness" toward police which you recommend.

I agree with your advice to be polite in encounters with police -- but only when the police conduct calls for reciprocal politeness. Otherwise a polite response to an unnecessarily oppressive or offensive demeanor amounts to slavish subservience which far too many contemporary cops seem to expect (See, COPS, the tv "ride-along" documentary series).

Unfortunately too many cops are inclined fabricate charges against subjects who fail to behave subserviently toward them, a fact which to a significant extent has much to do with the presently emerging anti-police atmosphere.

I'm not suggesting that all or most cops are guilty of arrogant and/or generally rude conduct toward the public, but enough of them are to have alienated a substantial number of individuals who can recall having unpleasant encounters with nasty cops. And all it takes is one such encounter to form a lasting impression.

Just another example of why you politely comply regardless of the cops attitude, then you take it up with the department if need be. The police in the small town I live near have a very bad reputation if you go by what people say, yet in my few encounters with them I have seen nothing but professionalism and a generally good attitude.
Liberals are fools.... they honestly get surprised that when they call police Racists Pigs the police get irritated......
My take is the press got hot video and held hands with black ideologues without all the facts. Who needs facts? This one issue is SOO petty, it is mind boggling it got this much attention. ISIS is committing mass murder. But we got this? Over reach, big time.
There is only one reason this situation got any media attention at all. It is the videotaped bizarre conduct of an out-of-control cop who seems to be acting out some macho/authoritarian fantasy.
I understand that he had just came from a suicide call, and was stressed out. He was a human being not a Robocop. Most cops all have this power/control dominance thing as part of their psyche. But then again when you are expected to make perfect decisions on the fly dealing with wife beaters, hit and run drivers, child molesters, drunk drivers and various other meatheads and make a mistake, it is easy to criticize AFTER the fact.

Well, it wasn't criticism, so much as it was the chief telling him, "Hand me you badge, gun, and utility belt and get the hell out of here, before you get my ass fired, too. I'll give you your pension if you do. If you don't, I'll keep the pension and fire your ass."
My take is the press got hot video and held hands with black ideologues without all the facts. Who needs facts? This one issue is SOO petty, it is mind boggling it got this much attention. ISIS is committing mass murder. But we got this? Over reach, big time.
There is only one reason this situation got any media attention at all. It is the videotaped bizarre conduct of an out-of-control cop who seems to be acting out some macho/authoritarian fantasy.
I understand that he had just came from a suicide call, and was stressed out. He was a human being not a Robocop. Most cops all have this power/control dominance thing as part of their psyche. But then again when you are expected to make perfect decisions on the fly dealing with wife beaters, hit and run drivers, child molesters, drunk drivers and various other meatheads and make a mistake, it is easy to criticize AFTER the fact.

Well, it wasn't criticism, so much as it was the chief telling him, "Hand me you badge, gun, and utility belt and get the hell out of here, before you get my ass fired, too. I'll give you your pension if you do. If you don't, I'll keep the pension and fire your ass."
Yes... that seems likely...
These were not children and they were in need of restraint. This cop overacted. And no one got hurt, This is so petty. These kids parents aught to be ashamed, these young people should be ashamed. Officer losing his job over this is also a big over reaction. This kind of crap is probably what caused that attack on a Texas police station the other day, over reactions and hysterical pandering by the liberal media that fed the flames of riots in Maryland or Missouri. The media need some self restraint or a leash.
These were not children and they were in need of restraint. This cop overacted. And no one got hurt, This is so petty. These kids parents aught to be ashamed, these young people should be ashamed. Officer losing his job over this is also a big over reaction. This kind of crap is probably what caused that attack on a Texas police station the other day, over reactions and hysterical pandering by the liberal media that fed the flames of riots in Maryland or Missouri. The media need some self restraint or a leash.

Mary, I never figured you to be an absolute nut......

I'll know better in the future.
My take is the press got hot video and held hands with black ideologues without all the facts. Who needs facts? This one issue is SOO petty, it is mind boggling it got this much attention. ISIS is committing mass murder. But we got this? Over reach, big time.
There is only one reason this situation got any media attention at all. It is the videotaped bizarre conduct of an out-of-control cop who seems to be acting out some macho/authoritarian fantasy.
I understand that he had just came from a suicide call, and was stressed out. He was a human being not a Robocop. Most cops all have this power/control dominance thing as part of their psyche. But then again when you are expected to make perfect decisions on the fly dealing with wife beaters, hit and run drivers, child molesters, drunk drivers and various other meatheads and make a mistake, it is easy to criticize AFTER the fact.

Well, it wasn't criticism, so much as it was the chief telling him, "Hand me you badge, gun, and utility belt and get the hell out of here, before you get my ass fired, too. I'll give you your pension if you do. If you don't, I'll keep the pension and fire your ass."
No elaborations, just...pointless ridicule. OK, there is a topic here, not going to get personal.

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