Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Umm.... we have video. There's your investigation. It's all Conley and Casebolt needed for both of them to agree that he fucked up.

You have partial video and there is an investigation ongoing.

There is. But the video showed more than enough to put him in the unemployment line. Any charges remain in the future for now. And that's fine, at least a menace is off the street, and that was the immediate concern.

Administrative leave or modified duty could have done the same and preserved the rights of the officer. I know, I know according to you folks he has no rights, justice would be you finding yourself in a similar situation, with the same results.

Here is what the Supreme Court has to say on the subject, OK:

Court Flipping the bird at a cop doesn t warrant arrest - U.S. News

Maybe you should read your own links, the supreme court didn't rule in that case.

Oh, my! Since I said the Supreme Court, and not a Federal court, then that destroys my entire argument, doesn't it?
I'm not beating about any bush, I don't have any respect for the current occupant of the white house and I have no respect for punk kids that have never been taught how to act properly in public. Like you don't go where you're not invited.

Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

Don't give up your day job and go into constitutional law for a living, OK.

This situation has nothing to do with the Constitution, it does however have everything to do with a mob of unruly teens who think they're above the law.

What you call "mouthing off", and 'disorderly conduct", a federal Court calls "freedom of speech"...and just in case you are still not convinced, then I guess that you can cite the charges that the DA has filed against a single one of the citizens involved.

I'm waiting.....

Sorry you have such a short memory, we've already covered that ground.
And, here is another case where a cop suffered the consequences of disrespecting a citizen;

Profanity-laced YouTube video gets officer fired - U.S. News

Too freaking funny, a 17 year old teen fighting with one office, gets cussed and called names by another, poor baby I'm very sure the punk didn't learn one new word. Of course the punk resisting was glossed over.

Well, it certainly appears that the officer's superiors agree with the citizen!
The crazy right winger who spends several hours per day insulting our president wants to give a lecture on respecting authority. Do you realize how much of an ass hole that makes you?

Yep, it will be nice when we get a real president instead of a piece of shit chicago gutter trash community organizer who has no respect for the country that gave him so many opportunities. Unfortunately he would never put his life on the line every day like the cops he and you so readily denigrates.

Just say what you want to say. You and others beat around the bush for tens of pages only to get frustrated and say something similar as you just did.
Be a man and say what you mean.

I hate fucking n*****s!

I'm not beating about any bush, I don't have any respect for the current occupant of the white house and I have no respect for punk kids that have never been taught how to act properly in public. Like you don't go where you're not invited.

Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?
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Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

Don't give up your day job and go into constitutional law for a living, OK.

This situation has nothing to do with the Constitution, it does however have everything to do with a mob of unruly teens who think they're above the law.

What you call "mouthing off", and 'disorderly conduct", a federal Court calls "freedom of speech"...and just in case you are still not convinced, then I guess that you can cite the charges that the DA has filed against a single one of the citizens involved.

I'm waiting.....

Sorry you have such a short memory, we've already covered that ground.

...and yet, you can not come up with a reason why the police department, nor the courts, agree with your position, other than you conjecture that they are all under some sort of liberal conspiracy that they are afraid to go up against.

Ok. That theory, and $15 will get you a latte at Starbucks!
...the cop telling the sitting teens that he will make them "...fucking run around in the sun with 30 pounds of goddamned gear ...." Is enough to get him fired, alone. Our commander at the Aux. made it clear from day one that she had better not even hear a "damn" or a "hell" in the Field Office Room, and citizens are not even allowed in there.
You're right, there is no way to be sure because left wing assholes refuse to wait on an investigation before passing judgment, as is normal for the left, they want instant gratification. Real adults are willing to wait and see what is shown in an investigation.

Umm.... we have video. There's your investigation. It's all Conley and Casebolt needed for both of them to agree that he fucked up.

You have partial video and there is an investigation ongoing.

There is. But the video showed more than enough to put him in the unemployment line. Any charges remain in the future for now. And that's fine, at least a menace is off the street, and that was the immediate concern.

Administrative leave or modified duty could have done the same and preserved the rights of the officer. I know, I know according to you folks he has no rights, justice would be you finding yourself in a similar situation, with the same results.

Here is what the Supreme Court has to say on the subject, OK:

Court Flipping the bird at a cop doesn t warrant arrest - U.S. News

Well considering he was told he was free to go after the initial stop he wasn't arrested for flipping off the officer, he was arrested for what he said at the end of it. The court didn't say the man wasn't disorderly they only ruled on the probable cause for the stop. Carry on.
And, here is another case where a cop suffered the consequences of disrespecting a citizen;

Profanity-laced YouTube video gets officer fired - U.S. News

Too freaking funny, a 17 year old teen fighting with one office, gets cussed and called names by another, poor baby I'm very sure the punk didn't learn one new word. Of course the punk resisting was glossed over.

Well, it certainly appears that the officer's superiors agree with the citizen!

Why do you continue to ignore the obvious? The punk was resisting arrest and fighting with the officer. I also asked you two questions earlier in the thread and you didn't answer them, would the truth make you uncomfortable?
Yep, it will be nice when we get a real president instead of a piece of shit chicago gutter trash community organizer who has no respect for the country that gave him so many opportunities. Unfortunately he would never put his life on the line every day like the cops he and you so readily denigrates.

Just say what you want to say. You and others beat around the bush for tens of pages only to get frustrated and say something similar as you just did.
Be a man and say what you mean.

I hate fucking n*****s!

I'm not beating about any bush, I don't have any respect for the current occupant of the white house and I have no respect for punk kids that have never been taught how to act properly in public. Like you don't go where you're not invited.

Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?

Okie is a fucking idiot. That is all.
...the cop telling the sitting teens that he will make them "...fucking run around in the sun with 30 pounds of goddamned gear ...." Is enough to get him fired, alone. Our commander at the Aux. made it clear from day one that she had better not even hear a "damn" or a "hell" in the Field Office Room, and citizens are not even allowed in there.

You might want to get your hearing checked, he said they were making him do that, not the other way round.
Just say what you want to say. You and others beat around the bush for tens of pages only to get frustrated and say something similar as you just did.
Be a man and say what you mean.

I hate fucking n*****s!

I'm not beating about any bush, I don't have any respect for the current occupant of the white house and I have no respect for punk kids that have never been taught how to act properly in public. Like you don't go where you're not invited.

Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?

Okie is a fucking idiot. That is all.

Heavy denialist too. The Chief and even the cop himself have admitted he was off his nut -- yet he's still trying to defend the indefensible. Takes a special kind of stupid. And now he's trying to run away to some unrelated case since he took the wrong side in this one. Pretty damn sad.
I'm not beating about any bush, I don't have any respect for the current occupant of the white house and I have no respect for punk kids that have never been taught how to act properly in public. Like you don't go where you're not invited.

Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?

Okie is a fucking idiot. That is all.

Heavy denialist too. The Chief and even the cop himself have admitted he was off his nut -- yet he's still trying to defend the indefensible. Takes a special kind of stupid. And now he's trying to run away to some unrelated case since he took the wrong side in this one. Pretty damn sad.

You can tell he is an idiot because he is the only fool contradicting what the officer and his chief said themselves. You cant buy stupidity like that. Its definitely genetic..
Yep, it will be nice when we get a real president instead of a piece of shit chicago gutter trash community organizer who has no respect for the country that gave him so many opportunities. Unfortunately he would never put his life on the line every day like the cops he and you so readily denigrates.

Just say what you want to say. You and others beat around the bush for tens of pages only to get frustrated and say something similar as you just did.
Be a man and say what you mean.

I hate fucking n*****s!

I'm not beating about any bush, I don't have any respect for the current occupant of the white house and I have no respect for punk kids that have never been taught how to act properly in public. Like you don't go where you're not invited.

Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?

Well now I've watched it for the 4th time, still haven't seen a punch and you still can't see or hear what she said or did to be taken into custody, did you notice a second officer is the one who cuffed her?
Last edited:
I'm not beating about any bush, I don't have any respect for the current occupant of the white house and I have no respect for punk kids that have never been taught how to act properly in public. Like you don't go where you're not invited.

Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?

Okie is a fucking idiot. That is all.

Heavy denialist too. The Chief and even the cop himself have admitted he was off his nut -- yet he's still trying to defend the indefensible. Takes a special kind of stupid. And now he's trying to run away to some unrelated case since he took the wrong side in this one. Pretty damn sad.

Hey dummy, I didn't bring up the unrelated, the let's pretend cop did.
Just say what you want to say. You and others beat around the bush for tens of pages only to get frustrated and say something similar as you just did.
Be a man and say what you mean.

I hate fucking n*****s!

I'm not beating about any bush, I don't have any respect for the current occupant of the white house and I have no respect for punk kids that have never been taught how to act properly in public. Like you don't go where you're not invited.

Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?

Well now I've watched it for the 4th time, still haven't seen a punch and you still can't see or hear what she said or did to be taken into custody, did you notice a second officer is the one who cuffed her?

What she did was walk away. What she said, if anything, is inaudible but also irrelevant since there's nothing one can say that deserves assault. Or even arrest. So you agree there's no reason for Casebolt to be assaulting her. Now how about his Disorderly Conduct?

Yes, a second officer cuffs her. Casebolt's cuffs are presumably already on another bystander. Or perhaps he lost them doing his Batman Barrel-Roll®.
I'm not beating about any bush, I don't have any respect for the current occupant of the white house and I have no respect for punk kids that have never been taught how to act properly in public. Like you don't go where you're not invited.

Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?

Okie is a fucking idiot. That is all.

Heavy denialist too. The Chief and even the cop himself have admitted he was off his nut -- yet he's still trying to defend the indefensible. Takes a special kind of stupid. And now he's trying to run away to some unrelated case since he took the wrong side in this one. Pretty damn sad.

Well, I am done with arguing with Mr. Stop sign, and the master of sentence parsing. I really don't care, since I know that the law and the courts agree with me, which means that the fabric of American society agrees with me. Mr. OK can deal with his frustrations of being on the losing side of the law in any way he chooses. I rest easy knowing that, as a citizen, no one can take away my freedom to speak. Also, I have witnessed, when growing up in the South, decades of people defying unconstitutional police actions, and the fascists always loose in the end. I grew up watching police send dogs and spray protesters with fire hoses, all in the name of ending "disorderly conduct". Even the feds did it against Kent State. They were wrong then, and they are wrong, now. And not even Tex and OK have the law perverted enough to change that.

Of course, as soon as the McKinney PD rehires this unemployed cop, I will be forced to eat these words. I figure that the odds of that are pretty much the same as the Chicago Cubs winning this year's World Series.
Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?

Okie is a fucking idiot. That is all.

Heavy denialist too. The Chief and even the cop himself have admitted he was off his nut -- yet he's still trying to defend the indefensible. Takes a special kind of stupid. And now he's trying to run away to some unrelated case since he took the wrong side in this one. Pretty damn sad.

Well, I am done with arguing with Mr. Stop sign, and the master of sentence parsing. I really don't care, since I know that the law and the courts agree with me, which means that the fabric of American society agrees with me. Mr. OK can deal with his frustrations of being on the losing side of the law in any way he chooses. I rest easy knowing that, as a citizen, no one can take away my freedom to speak. Also, I have witnessed, when growing up in the South, decades of people defying unconstitutional police actions, and the fascists always loose in the end. I grew up watching police send dogs and spray protesters with fire hoses, all in the name of ending "disorderly conduct". Even the feds did it against Kent State. They were wrong then, and they are wrong, now. And not even Tex and OK have the law perverted enough to change that.

Of course, as soon as the McKinney PD rehires this unemployed cop, I will be forced to eat these words. I figure that the odds of that are pretty much the same as the Chicago Cubs winning this year's World Series.

Careful with your wording -- the Cubs are quite strong right now. It could happen.

Actually the news may get worse --- I read that Casebolt has been hired by Sheriff Joe Awacko out your way. It wasn't a reliable source but if true, there could be a disorderly cop in your state's future... :ack-1:
I'm not beating about any bush, I don't have any respect for the current occupant of the white house and I have no respect for punk kids that have never been taught how to act properly in public. Like you don't go where you're not invited.

Dajeeria Becton was there by invitation.
So much for that theory.

And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?

Well now I've watched it for the 4th time, still haven't seen a punch and you still can't see or hear what she said or did to be taken into custody, did you notice a second officer is the one who cuffed her?

What she did was walk away. What she said, if anything, is inaudible but also irrelevant since there's nothing one can say that deserves assault. Or even arrest. So you agree there's no reason for Casebolt to be assaulting her. Now how about his Disorderly Conduct?

Yes, a second officer cuffs her. Casebolt's cuffs are presumably already on another bystander. Or perhaps he lost them doing his Batman Barrel-Roll®.

You don't know what she did, it was off camera, and now a cop running and tripping is all of a sudden a Batman Barrel-Roll®, drama queen much?
And? Many didn't and that's why the police were called. Also if she did have any invitation that doesn't excuse her mouthing off at the cops and not doing what she was told. That constitutes disorderly conduct.

"And".... she's the one who was assaulted. The main one anyway. Read your own quote above.

Moreover she DID "do what she was told", lawful order or not, it was Casebolt who went and pulled her back to the scene while she's walking away. MORE moreover, she was charged with absolutely nothing, so your sitting on the internet declaring "disorderly conduct" like some cyber-hangin' judge is worth ... just that. Go get a job with McKinney PD if you want to apply it.

By the definition you supplied, there is indeed disorderly conduct captured on video. Let's be clear where it is: 2:17

You can continue to lie about it but it's right there on video with audio.

Notice also while Casebolt is delivering his profanity-riddled rant, the group of half a dozen girls are off to the side, simply talking with each other, when he gets up and goes after them with the same verbal abuse. Then notice that they disperse, and Dajeeria Becton is almost completely out of the frame -- in other words not only is she walking away per his request, she's gone further away than anybody else. And yet at 2:53 Casebolt advances to her and PULLS HER BACK.

Continue to lie about it but it's right there for all to see.

And by the way 3:08 is where he punches Jahda Bakari in the face. That's another assault.

I still want to know who the fat fuck in the blue shorts is playing sidekick. How come he isn't under arrest for interfering with a police officer?

Okie is a fucking idiot. That is all.

Heavy denialist too. The Chief and even the cop himself have admitted he was off his nut -- yet he's still trying to defend the indefensible. Takes a special kind of stupid. And now he's trying to run away to some unrelated case since he took the wrong side in this one. Pretty damn sad.

Well, I am done with arguing with Mr. Stop sign, and the master of sentence parsing. I really don't care, since I know that the law and the courts agree with me, which means that the fabric of American society agrees with me. Mr. OK can deal with his frustrations of being on the losing side of the law in any way he chooses. I rest easy knowing that, as a citizen, no one can take away my freedom to speak. Also, I have witnessed, when growing up in the South, decades of people defying unconstitutional police actions, and the fascists always loose in the end. I grew up watching police send dogs and spray protesters with fire hoses, all in the name of ending "disorderly conduct". Even the feds did it against Kent State. They were wrong then, and they are wrong, now. And not even Tex and OK have the law perverted enough to change that.

Of course, as soon as the McKinney PD rehires this unemployed cop, I will be forced to eat these words. I figure that the odds of that are pretty much the same as the Chicago Cubs winning this year's World Series.

Careful with your wording -- the Cubs are quite strong right now. It could happen.

Actually the news may get worse --- I read that Casebolt has been hired by Sheriff Joe Awacko out your way. It wasn't a reliable source but if true, there could be a disorderly cop in your state's future... :ack-1:

I'm not worried. Phoenix is a long way from Tucson, and Sheriff Joe has become a caricature of himself. He is costing Phoenix millions to keep him where he is, and his time is just about done. I don't think that he can possibly be reelected. He is actually sort of a scaled down version of Bull Conner from the 1950's. We all knew that the train had left the station without the baggage when he started investigating Obama's birth certificate.

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