Texas School Will Not Have Students Returning Post Shooting

So then what about the democrats terrorizing them? mudwhistle, didn't you have a video on that?
The only live video they showed was pretty boring.....just a bunch of people filing thru the Capital in a roped off area.....but they were causing Wolf Blitzer to clutch his pearls over all of the scary red hats.
So. . . as proven, folks don't even need to vote, they get this automatically, just by sacrificing their kids to Moloch

Hell, if you study human action and economics, this is even actually an incentive, if one truly were a tin foil hatter, for corrupt communities to sacrifice some of their kids to stage this type of tragedy, or at the very least, not send in their police, so they can get a brand new school. . . .

. . . folks don't really get, how depraved and corrupt some governments and communities, really are.
Thus, local communities benefit, by getting brand new schools, and the ruling and cultural elites benefit by getting PR for gun control/confiscation. :rolleyes:

". . . Gutierrez says the White House contacted his office about allocating a School Emergency Response to Violence grant, commonly referred to as a “Project SERV” distribution.

The money is earmarked specifically to help schools “recover from a violent or traumatic event in which the learning environment is disrupted,” according the Project SERV website.. ."

This program funds short-term and long-term education-related services for local educational agencies (LEAs) and institutions of higher education (IHEs) to help them recover from a violent or traumatic event in which the learning environment has been disrupted.

You can make fun of the facts, and human motivations all you like, but there it is. . .
Ah, so no more votes ever? We'll just let YOU decide?
Why would you be afraid of a vote?
Stop falling for their complex global schemes. WAKE UP, MAN!
Of course not. Don't you realize that all the shooters are Jewish androids who, when not committing mass shootings, are flying around making chemtrails?
The only live video they showed was pretty boring.....just a bunch of people filing thru the Capital in a roped off area.....but they were causing Wolf Blitzer to clutch his pearls over all of the scary red hats.
Yeah, they won't release hundreds of other hours of Capitol Hill footage, nor will that special committee call Pelosi to testify as to what she knew about groups before Jan. 6.

The whole things is garbage.
Yeah, they won't release hundreds of other hours of Capitol Hill footage, nor will that special committee call Pelosi to testify as to what she knew about groups before Jan. 6.

The whole things is garbage.
Just like those two fake impeachments.

If the GOP had any balls they would haul every Democrat in front of congress and charge them with sedition.
Just like those two fake impeachments.

If the GOP had any balls they would haul every Democrat in front of congress and charge them with sedition.
I don't think it is that easy.

People need to stop thinking in terms of DNC & GOP, and start thinking in terms of Globalist, and Federalist.

(TBH, I'm still a bit of a state's rights guy myself, but. . . in the context of the larger fight, against what we are up against, meh, that ship has sailed a century ago. lol)

There are a lot of Globalists in the GOP, they will stand with the DNC. If you want to know who is more concerned with the American economy, American production, energy independence, and American interests, look who voted yes on the 40 billion dollar aid package.

I'm not saying that no aid should have been given, or that we should not concern ourselves on this, but in the end, drawing this out, and increasing the deficit, will only increase inflation, and harm us, and Europe.

Especially if we do not have a corresponding increase in hydrocarbon production, while letting the Russians and Chinese produce all the world's hydrocarbons.

The Globalists seem to want to destroy the west, while the Federalists in the GOP, seem to be more concerned with the strength of the reserve currency and our energy independence.

There are quite a few globalists in the GOP I think . . . this is why they will never attack the DNC, or clean out the corruption in the bureaucracy, the military, or the judiciary.

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(and I hear they are talking about student debt forgiveness? Sometimes, I think they are intentionally trying to destroy the economy.)


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