Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Texas hasn't seceeded yet? Maybe when Governor Adolph Perry is through and installs his electric bleachers for executions, he'll kill the population off enough to where they can slink quietly back to Mexico.
Bush wasn't a narcissistic, power hungry, megalomaniac with a messiah complex either. Wait and see, this guy is another Hitler.

FEMA death camps

After we take your guns, we will brainwash your children.

Too late on the brainwashing part . That has been going on for a few decades. Likely you missed it because you were a part of it.

Obama is on the gun taking bandwagon and the anti-american lemmings cheer him for it.
You can stop clapping anytime .:lol:
No one is going anywhere, it is all simply mental masturbation.

Indeed, But aren't all USMB threads?

At least this tread allows a great opportunity for easy classification of USMB Loons who I'm very happy to hear have every manner of psychotic paranoid fanatacies regarding the Lone Star State.

I should thank Bod, Esmerelda, and Rightwinger for the Happy Finish.
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FEMA death camps

After we take your guns, we will brainwash your children.

Too late on the brainwashing part . That has been going on for a few decades. Likely you missed it because you were a part of it.

Obama is on the gun taking bandwagon and the anti-american lemmings cheer him for it.
You can stop clapping anytime .:lol:

I wonder when Obama is planning to take his dog-and-pony show to Dallas.

Hope its sooner than later.

No one is going anywhere, it is all simply mental masturbation.


but the tread does allow a great opportunity for easy classification of USMB Loons who I'm very happy to hear have every manner of psychotic paranoid fanatacies regarding the Lone Star State.

Do you really think we would pass up an opportunity to bash Texas?

Such an easy target......unlike loyal America
After we take your guns, we will brainwash your children.

Too late on the brainwashing part . That has been going on for a few decades. Likely you missed it because you were a part of it.

Obama is on the gun taking bandwagon and the anti-american lemmings cheer him for it.
You can stop clapping anytime .:lol:

I wonder when Obama is planning to take his dog-and-pony show to Dallas.

Hope its sooner than later.


Texans can't be trusted around a President
Too late on the brainwashing part . That has been going on for a few decades. Likely you missed it because you were a part of it.

Obama is on the gun taking bandwagon and the anti-american lemmings cheer him for it.
You can stop clapping anytime .:lol:

I wonder when Obama is planning to take his dog-and-pony show to Dallas.

Hope its sooner than later.


Texans can't be trusted around a President

Either way, the outcome would be interesting.........:razz:

But I'm sure you're right; Obama would need to grow a pair.

Perhaps he'll send Michelle, or Hillary?
If you can't see it, you're dumber than I thought.

Ya know, some loons thought the same about Dubya, but when his time came - he left. So will Obama.
Bush wasn't a narcissistic, power hungry, megalomaniac with a messiah complex either. Wait and see, this guy is another Hitler.

George W. Bush?

The Bush who started two illegal wars, expanded the size and reach of the Federal government, and oversaw the creation of the likes of the DHS and TSA?

That George W. Bush?
Ya know, some loons thought the same about Dubya, but when his time came - he left. So will Obama.
Bush wasn't a narcissistic, power hungry, megalomaniac with a messiah complex either. Wait and see, this guy is another Hitler.

George W. Bush?

The Bush who started two illegal wars, expanded the size and reach of the Federal government, and oversaw the creation of the likes of the DHS and TSA?

That George W. Bush?

Yeah, you'd better stay out of Texas because Bush may open a can of whoop-ass on you.

Ya know, some loons thought the same about Dubya, but when his time came - he left. So will Obama.
Bush wasn't a narcissistic, power hungry, megalomaniac with a messiah complex either. Wait and see, this guy is another Hitler.

George W. Bush?

The Bush who started two illegal wars, expanded the size and reach of the Federal government, and oversaw the creation of the likes of the DHS and TSA?

That George W. Bush?
First of all, I'm not a Bush supporter. Second, I find it interesting that you would complain about expanding the size and reach of the federal government while supporting the guy who has expanded it more than anyone else. And I don't hear you opposing him for his policies of killing American citizens either. I guess it all depends on their party (or perhaps their color)?
Bush wasn't a narcissistic, power hungry, megalomaniac with a messiah complex either. Wait and see, this guy is another Hitler.

George W. Bush?

The Bush who started two illegal wars, expanded the size and reach of the Federal government, and oversaw the creation of the likes of the DHS and TSA?

That George W. Bush?

Yeah, you'd better stay out of Texas because Bush may open a can of whoop-ass on you.


A can of whoop-ass? Are you 12?
Bush wasn't a narcissistic, power hungry, megalomaniac with a messiah complex either. Wait and see, this guy is another Hitler.

George W. Bush?

The Bush who started two illegal wars, expanded the size and reach of the Federal government, and oversaw the creation of the likes of the DHS and TSA?

That George W. Bush?

Yeah, you'd better stay out of Texas because Bush may open a can of whoop-ass on you.


How, send him hunting with Cheney?
Bye, Texas!!! Don't let the door hit ya in the ass!! And don't try to come back either. You're a pain in the ass.
Oh, here we go again; Texas wants to become a part of Mexico now.
Texas would deal with Mexico quickly and effectively, unlike our spineless politicians in Washington.

With what?

They wouldn't have the military, the National Guard, ATF or Border Patrol. They wouldn't even have National Park Rangers.

Spit balls and pea shooters wouldn't cut it and they wouldn't have the tax base to cover little things like arms and ammo.

Serious question: how many in Texasss are so dumb they think they could survive without the feds? Do they really believe all those minimum wage jobs will generate the revenue they need just to survive?

Hell, within a year, Texasss would be mowing lawns in Mexico.

Many folks in Texas tend not to think things through very well.

Act first, think later is quite a trend here.
Where are all the USMB Texans on this thread?

Shouldn't you be jumping in and saying how much you love your country and that you are ashamed of secessionists?

I'm not a Texan thankfully, but I am stationed in this shithole of a state.

The cities aren't too bad, but once you get out of them it's like banjo country.

I highly doubt too many of these rednecks are intelligent enough to realize how bad things would be were Texas to secede.

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