
Wetbacks do the real work around here. The state wouldn't survive without them. It is what it is.
What state is that, the "state of dependency"?
A state that knows who butters its bread.
Again. isn't that democrats all day long? Promise minorities everything in the world and then not only fail to deliver but treat them like shit along the way? Democrat policies have worked so well for blacks...it's the model for Hispanics to follow right?
The wetbacks were promised work, that the ******* are too lazy to do, right?
And your plan for them is to become the next voting block of welfare blacks right? I mean everything you have done for the black community has worked out so well that's your selling point to Hispanics. Poverty and crime for a government check is your sales point for votes. We've seen what your kind of help results in. I think you're afraid the next group in line isn't going to fall for thee bullshit you spew.
As long as you want to deport all the wetbacks, we don't have to offer them a damn thing.
Y'all progressives should vote for Cruz. If the liberal Bush wins, you won't have anything to complain about for at least four years. How boring would that be?
Rafael Jr. can work in the Rose Garden, tending the flowers, where the wetbacks belong...
But, are you going to vote for Cruz? Come on, cough it up. This is four years of message board material we are talking about...

I got two years out of magic underpants and the dancing horse. If I feel low I watch Romney supporters crying on election night. Canada Ted is worth half that much.

Think of your future vote for Cruz as an investment. You will be bored silly if anyone else is the President.

I was bored silly before Johnson took his stolen items off to Texas...
I wonder if Greyhound goes to Kenya?

To the joy of democrats everywhere.

Cruz should provide democrats with a treasure trove of ignorant, hateful soundbites to use against republican candidate throughout all of 2016.
Y'all progressives should vote for Cruz. If the liberal Bush wins, you won't have anything to complain about for at least four years. How boring would that be?
Rafael Jr. can work in the Rose Garden, tending the flowers, where the wetbacks belong...
But, are you going to vote for Cruz? Come on, cough it up. This is four years of message board material we are talking about...

I got two years out of magic underpants and the dancing horse. If I feel low I watch Romney supporters crying on election night. Canada Ted is worth half that much.

Think of your future vote for Cruz as an investment. You will be bored silly if anyone else is the President.

I was bored silly before Johnson took his stolen items off to Texas...
There you go, perfect. You are getting in the right frame of mind. You need to avoid the dull boring stuff, and go for the new interesting stuff. When you vote for Cruz, who would be your preferred running mate?

Rafael Jr. can work in the Rose Garden, tending the flowers, where the wetbacks belong...
But, are you going to vote for Cruz? Come on, cough it up. This is four years of message board material we are talking about...

I got two years out of magic underpants and the dancing horse. If I feel low I watch Romney supporters crying on election night. Canada Ted is worth half that much.

Think of your future vote for Cruz as an investment. You will be bored silly if anyone else is the President.

I was bored silly before Johnson took his stolen items off to Texas...
I wonder if Greyhound goes to Kenya?
Kenya shouldn't concern you since Cuba is what's going to bounce your boy back to picking fruit.
Good bye democrats! It's ALL over.

My add to the list..
6, Put Holder in jail.
7, Put Hillary in jail.
8, Put Pelosi in a mental hospital.
9, Ban abortion.
10 Ban gay marriage.

And YES thank God HE's IN!!
Ted Cruz will launch his presidential campaign Monday. His model Ronald Reagan. - Vox

Finally a man that a country CAN be proud of!!

Your additions sound like a police state.

Only looking to put KNOWN criminals in jail. Just happens most are democrat.

Sounds like Cruz is another Fidel Castro.

No, not at all. He will make a GREAT leader unlike that idiot now in office.
But, are you going to vote for Cruz? Come on, cough it up. This is four years of message board material we are talking about...

I got two years out of magic underpants and the dancing horse. If I feel low I watch Romney supporters crying on election night. Canada Ted is worth half that much.

Think of your future vote for Cruz as an investment. You will be bored silly if anyone else is the President.

I was bored silly before Johnson took his stolen items off to Texas...
I wonder if Greyhound goes to Kenya?
Kenya shouldn't concern you since Cuba is what's going to bounce your boy back to picking fruit.
I SOOO look forward to your post election whine.

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