Texas : "Socialism save meeeeeee!"

Good luck to those in the path of this storm.

Be safe and wish you the best.

All looks good. Got up at 4AM drove out to my Place by a small town in I10 east. It was already a wet gooy mess out there. I helped the neighbor load horses and came back. I drove to the doughnut joint on 45 and 518 and saw Fox News guys getting ready to go stand in puddles. All our creeks and bayous are rising. Other then that foads in my area are dead. Now I'm going to eat food and have beer for breakfast until Monday.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Yeah because as we all know Texans don't pay any portion of the funding FEMA receives, bunch of freeloading cowpokes down there, let 'em suffer.:rolleyes:

......Meanwhile back in reality inquiring minds wanna know who the fuck left the gate to the Asylum open again, one of the inmates escaped.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth
What it should be.

Texas to FEMA, big storm coming.
FEMA to Texas, Fuck You!

LOL....You ready to pay four bucks for a gallon of gas?
Ever heard of Supply and Demand? I guess not, Welfare Queen.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Only a moron thinks natural disaster relief is the same as free college.
Texas has the resources to not need the feds. Looks to me from reading this forum all liberals do is cry about things and lie.

Who are you kidding . Texas will be begging for fed funds in a hot minute .

You righties post anti socialism threads 24/7 . What am I lying about . Socialist programs like FEMA are just the type of thing you want to eliminate .

Y'all talk big , but when push comes to shove you'll have your welfare hand out for help.

Poor Timmy...you're unable to differentiate between the simplest of things.
Let me try to spell it out for you.
Government protecting / helping citizens from natural disasters = GOOD
Government stealing from hard working taxpayers to give to lazy filth = BAD
So simple....if you're still confused have a third grader help you understand.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

YOur desire to conflate all government activity with socialism is noted and dismissed as silly.
Is that in the constitution somewhere ? Maybe in the back ?

The "not in the constitution " thing is also a big righty go too.
I suppose I could use the routine commie go-to of the "general welfare" clause to justify FEMA, but I am assuming you even know what that is and how it has been abused repeatedly by the commie left.

Sure ! But if we are talking health care you say it's not the govs business .

You moron.

The government performing disaster relief is actually within the bounds of its constitutionally mandated duties. This has nothing to do with "healthcare" and more to do with saving lives in the interim. The storm hasn't even made landfall and you're politicizing it.
What part are you not grasping Texans pay federal income taxes? LOTS of taxes
That's for bullets and bibles, not things people actually need.

Trust me, plenty of both in Texas, go down and piss one off, you'll find out
I live here, bitch. Texans are pussies.

Remember the Alamo? They got slaughtered.
1800 vs aprox 200......and the texans were the pussies?....
Losers. No statues for losers.
if you were there you would have been the one hiding with the woman and children im sure....
What part are you not grasping Texans pay federal income taxes? LOTS of taxes

Please ! Is there a big city in Texas that DOESNT rely on sucking off some large military base. !?

Why do you start threads about shit you're obviously clueless about?

Why don't you answer my question. ?
why did you not reply to what i said in the beginning timmy?....was i right?....

What was that? Texans paying taxes ? What's that got to do with anything ? Everyone pays taxes .
no that wasnt it timmy.....post no 2....
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth
What it should be.

Texas to FEMA, big storm coming.
FEMA to Texas, Fuck You!

LOL....You ready to pay four bucks for a gallon of gas?
Ever heard of Supply and Demand? I guess not, Welfare Queen.

Yeah dumbass. When there's no supply the price goes up moron.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth
What it should be.

Texas to FEMA, big storm coming.
FEMA to Texas, Fuck You!

LOL....You ready to pay four bucks for a gallon of gas?
Ever heard of Supply and Demand? I guess not, Welfare Queen.

Yeah dumbass. When there's no supply the price goes up moron.

Just like in Obamacare that big pharma can only make so much of certain products and when their supplies run low they can charge more.

But the far left still thinks this is a great system!
No, I'm going support helping fellow Americans, unlike most of you people or Texans. Good luck and good nite....
and FINALLY the real point has arrived.

Help people because you want to. Don't force others to help people by threat of violence or death using government. That is not charity. It's robbery.
The scumbuckets who are such crappy citizens can try jail then lol. Brainwashed, ignorant hater dupes....life's a bitch.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth
What it should be.

Texas to FEMA, big storm coming.
FEMA to Texas, Fuck You!

LOL....You ready to pay four bucks for a gallon of gas?
Ever heard of Supply and Demand? I guess not, Welfare Queen.

Yeah dumbass. When there's no supply the price goes up moron.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth
What it should be.

Texas to FEMA, big storm coming.
FEMA to Texas, Fuck You!

LOL....You ready to pay four bucks for a gallon of gas?
Ever heard of Supply and Demand? I guess not, Welfare Queen.

Yeah dumbass. When there's no supply the price goes up moron.

Just like in Obamacare that big pharma can only make so much of certain products and when their supplies run low they can charge more.

But the far left still thinks this is a great system!
It was all we could pass against the bought off GOP/Big Health/Pharma/dupe scam system, dunce. It will be tinkered with forever. Like hopefully soon.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Only a moron thinks natural disaster relief is the same as free college.

WOW, now that it's not about Katrina hitting New Orleans, republicans are flip-flopping.
Time to come together as Americans. The storm surge and the rainfall forecast are too high to quibble about details. 12 hours without electricity, and 8 inches of rainfall look like a summer shower next to what Harvey is bringing.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Curious, what does emergency services have to do with socialism?
Everything, duh. Socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net. For example, the US with ACA qualifies, barely, despite being a pander to the rich GOP/dupe mess.
Poor Timmy...you're unable to differentiate between the simplest of things.
Let me try to spell it out for you.
Government protecting / helping citizens from natural disasters = GOOD.

Except when it came to Bush and Hurricane Katrina

That's when it wasn't the federal governments job, because "Brownie" ran FEMA.

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