Texas : "Socialism save meeeeeee!"

Who are you kidding . Texas will be begging for fed funds in a hot minute .
Texans have already gone on record stating the opposite. It's such a shame that you are so uninformed.

But that being said - Texas should beg for federal funds - they should demand them. The federal government robs the American people blind in the form of taxes. Citizens should capitalize on any opportunity to get their own money back. Like the idiot progressives say when they want to take away rights from the American people "never let a good crisis go to waste".
Only the most extreme anarco-libertarians would argue that protecting citizens from natural disasters is not a proper function of government.
I am not a libertarian nor am I an anarchist. But I will argue right here and now that you are wrong. Dead wrong. In no way, shape, or form is protecting citizens from a natural disaster a "function of government". Especially the federal government. I've read the U.S. Constitution several hundred thousand times now and I've yet to see any article or section that makes natural disasters the responsibility of the federal government.

So long as a state constitution doesn't prevent it, a state, county, or city could make protecting citizens from a natural disaster a "function" of that level of government.

But really, charitable organizations such as the Red Cross are the solution to natural disasters.

lol, you are so out of it.
NY Crabby Queer with another strong argument filled with facts... :laugh:
That's communism, dingbat dupe. "We're all socialists now"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

Socialism is the intermediate step to true communism...you just have to murder the "Racial Trash" according to marx......

Name the countries that went from socialism to communism.
/----/ Here ya go Sparky:
List of socialist states - Wikipedia
Country vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvSince vvvvvvvvv Party
China, People's Republic of 1949 Communist Party of China
Cuba, Republic of 1966 Communist Party of Cuba
Laos People's Democratic Republic 1975 Lao People's Revolutionary Party
Vietnam, Socialist Republic of 1976 Communist Party of Vietnam

None of those countries were socialist before they became Communist.
/----/ "None of those countries were socialist before they became Communist" The most frustrating thing about debating Libtards is their unwillingness to research their points. They just spit out the first lame brain idea that pops in their head.
The 1940 Constitution of Cuba was implemented during the presidency of Federico Laredo Brú and took effect on 10 October 1940. It was primarily influenced by the collectivist ideas that inspired the Cuban Revolution of 1933. Widely considered one of the most progressive constitutions at the time, it provided for land reform, public education, a minimum wage and other social programs.

Now you research the rest and let us know what you find.

You're ignorant of history.

This is what Castro and the Communists rebelled against:

Batista suspended the 1940 Constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He then aligned with the wealthiest landowners who owned the largest sugar plantations, and presided over a stagnating economy that widened the gap between rich and poor Cubans.[6] Eventually it reached the point where most of the sugar industry was in U.S. hands, and foreigners owned 70% of the arable land.[7] As such, Batista's increasingly corrupt and repressive government then began to systematically profit from the exploitation of Cuba's commercial interests, by negotiating lucrative relationships with both the American Mafia, who controlled the drug, gambling, and prostitution businesses in Havana, and with large U.S.-based multinational companies who were awarded lucrative contracts.[6][8] To quell the growing discontent amongst the populace—which was subsequently displayed through frequent student riots and demonstrations—Batista established tighter censorship of the media, while also utilizing his Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities secret police to carry out wide-scale violence, torture and public executions; ultimately killing anywhere from 3,000 to 20,000 people.[9][10][11][12][13]
Only the most extreme anarco-libertarians would argue that protecting citizens from natural disasters is not a proper function of government.
I am not a libertarian nor am I an anarchist. But I will argue right here and now that you are wrong. Dead wrong. In no way, shape, or form is protecting citizens from a natural disaster a "function of government". Especially the federal government. I've read the U.S. Constitution several hundred thousand times now and I've yet to see any article or section that makes natural disasters the responsibility of the federal government.

So long as a state constitution doesn't prevent it, a state, county, or city could make protecting citizens from a natural disaster a "function" of that level of government.

But really, charitable organizations such as the Red Cross are the solution to natural disasters.

lol, you are so out of it.
NY Crabby Queer with another strong argument filled with facts... :laugh:

The Constitution explicitly gives the federal government the power to provide for the common defense and general welfare.

Natural disasters threaten both.
The "not in the constitution " thing is also a big righty go too.
Want to know how ignorant and radicalized the left has become? Look no further than this post right here. Timmy actually mocks the U.S. Constitution. It not only shows how ignorant he is of that document and its significance - but it clearly illustrates that he doesn't even grasp the fact that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

Can you imagine telling a rape victim "eh....fuck section 130 of the penal code - stop using that as a 'go to' for your whining"? Seriously - just think about that for a minute. If a person ever said that to a rape victim, there would be unimaginable outrage. Yet here sits little middle school Timmy saying just that to ever American because he's greedy and selfish and looking for handouts.

We are violated a thousand times a day by progressives who have stripped us of our rights. And Timmy views that and the U.S. Constitution as some silly, ideological construct. It's too bad we don't have a law permitting the deportation of anti-constitutional, anti-American dimwits like him. I'd love to see his soft and weak ass try to survive in North Korea or some other nation run like he wants the U.S. to be run.
The Constitution explicitly gives the federal government the power to provide for the common defense and general welfare.
No it doesn't, you ignorant progressive government-housing dweller. The "General Welfare" clause is explicitly restricted to the 18 enumerated powers. That has been well covered by the people who wrote the damn thing, stupid.

And a natural disaster cannot overthrow the U.S., so trying to use the federal government's authority for defense is idiotic and desperate. It's such a ridiculous stretch it would be like saying defense authorizes the federal government to execute every idiot progressive since they are a threat to the U.S.
I know all about it. We get hurricanes . I've seen many a two faced conservative abuse gov ER programs .
Again...why wouldn't they? The federal government robs us blind. The American people should take every opportunity to rob them back. It's our money to begin with - cash in on every opportunity to get it back.

How about you let us opt out of your illegal and unconstitutional socialism? Oh that's right - you need to mooch off of us.
The Constitution explicitly gives the federal government the power to provide for the common defense and general welfare.
No it doesn't, you ignorant progressive government-housing dweller. The "General Welfare" clause is explicitly restricted to the 18 enumerated powers. That has been well covered by the people who wrote the damn thing, stupid.

And a natural disaster cannot overthrow the U.S., so trying to use the federal government's authority for defense is idiotic and desperate. It's such a ridiculous stretch it would be like saying defense authorizes the federal government to execute every idiot progressive since they are a threat to the U.S.

The general welfare is an enumeration in and of itself.

Do you ever wonder why your view is only held by a tiny minority of kooks in America?
The "not in the constitution " thing is also a big righty go too.
Want to know how ignorant and radicalized the left has become? Look no further than this post right here. Timmy actually mocks the U.S. Constitution. It not only shows how ignorant he is of that document and its significance - but it clearly illustrates that he doesn't even grasp the fact that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

Can you imagine telling a rape victim "eh....fuck section 130 of the penal code - stop using that as a 'go to' for your whining"? Seriously - just think about that for a minute. If a person ever said that to a rape victim, there would be unimaginable outrage. Yet here sits little middle school Timmy saying just that to ever American because he's greedy and selfish and looking for handouts.

We are violated a thousand times a day by progressives who have stripped us of our rights. And Timmy views that and the U.S. Constitution as some silly, ideological construct. It's too bad we don't have a law permitting the deportation of anti-constitutional, anti-American dimwits like him. I'd love to see his soft and weak ass try to survive in North Korea or some other nation run like he wants the U.S. to be run.

I'm mocking conservatives like you .

No one will answer the question! Do you support FEMA and disaster relief type programs ?
This is what Castro and the Communists rebelled against
Oh you poor, mindless, minion. They didn't "rebel" against anything. The mindless minions (such as yourself) were duped (just as you have been). They didn't study history (just as you haven't) and didn't understand what they were supporting (just as you don't).

Castro didn't "rebel" either. Like all communists, he was hungry for power. After he took over, the wealth gap widened even more. He lived like a king, his subjects lived in perpetual poverty (just like you want here in the U.S.)
As such, Batista's increasingly corrupt and repressive government
I can't believe you would make such an astoundingly ignorant statement knowing that Fidel Castro's more corrupt and more repressive regime followed. Good grief, you need to think before you speak.
The general welfare is an enumeration in and of itself.
I live in Orlando and a few years back we got hit by 4 hurricanes in two months. No one came from FEMA, the government didn't give me a penny, i took care of it myself. I don't give a shit what Texas does, but it's true, we don't need the government, or socialism, or left wing nut help of any kind.
I know all about it. We get hurricanes . I've seen many a two faced conservative abuse gov ER programs .
Again...why wouldn't they? The federal government robs us blind. The American people should take every opportunity to rob them back. It's our money to begin with - cash in on every opportunity to get it back.

How about you let us opt out of your illegal and unconstitutional socialism? Oh that's right - you need to mooch off of us.

You admit people use FEMA for help . Why do so if it's so evil ? Either you hate socialism or you don't .

Oh wait , it's not even "socialism " to those two face cons who want to have their cake and eat it too.
The general welfare is an enumeration in and of itself.
Would you like to argue that astoundingly ignorant and idiotic claim with Thomas Jefferson?

Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated; and that, as it was never meant they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action” - Thomas Jefferson (June 6, 1817)

“[We] disavow, and declare to be most false and unfounded, the doctrine that the [Constitution], in authorizing its federal branch to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States, has given them thereby a power to do whatever they may think, or pretend, would promote the general welfare–which construction would make that of itself a complete government, without limitation of powers.… The plain sense and obvious meaning were that they might levy the taxes necessary to provide for the general welfare by the various acts of power therein specified and delegated to them, and by no others. – Thomas Jefferson (December 24, 1825)
I know all about it. We get hurricanes . I've seen many a two faced conservative abuse gov ER programs .
Again...why wouldn't they? The federal government robs us blind. The American people should take every opportunity to rob them back. It's our money to begin with - cash in on every opportunity to get it back.

How about you let us opt out of your illegal and unconstitutional socialism? Oh that's right - you need to mooch off of us.

You admit people use FEMA for help . Why do so if it's so evil ? Either you hate socialism or you don't .

Oh wait , it's not even "socialism " to those two face cons who want to have their cake and eat it too.

Who used FEMA? Oh yeah, poor black democrats in NO who were too stupid to leave the area. Just the kind of people who live socialism.
The "not in the constitution " thing is also a big righty go too.
Want to know how ignorant and radicalized the left has become? Look no further than this post right here. Timmy actually mocks the U.S. Constitution. It not only shows how ignorant he is of that document and its significance - but it clearly illustrates that he doesn't even grasp the fact that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

Can you imagine telling a rape victim "eh....fuck section 130 of the penal code - stop using that as a 'go to' for your whining"? Seriously - just think about that for a minute. If a person ever said that to a rape victim, there would be unimaginable outrage. Yet here sits little middle school Timmy saying just that to ever American because he's greedy and selfish and looking for handouts.

We are violated a thousand times a day by progressives who have stripped us of our rights. And Timmy views that and the U.S. Constitution as some silly, ideological construct. It's too bad we don't have a law permitting the deportation of anti-constitutional, anti-American dimwits like him. I'd love to see his soft and weak ass try to survive in North Korea or some other nation run like he wants the U.S. to be run.

I'm mocking conservatives like you .

No one will answer the question! Do you support FEMA and disaster relief type programs ?
Good grief man...how dumb are you? I've been abundantly clear. I've answered the question and I've done so in a crystal clear manner. Do you have a reading comprehension issue or are you just being disingenuous for some reason?

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