Texas : "Socialism save meeeeeee!"

God bless Texas. Good luck. We socialists are there for you.

Yes.....except putting innocent men, women and children in mass graves isn't the kind of help they want....
That's communism, dingbat dupe. "We're all socialists now"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

Socialism is the intermediate step to true communism...you just have to murder the "Racial Trash" according to marx......

Name the countries that went from socialism to communism.
/----/ Here ya go Sparky:
List of socialist states - Wikipedia
Country vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvSince vvvvvvvvv Party
China, People's Republic of 1949 Communist Party of China
Cuba, Republic of 1966 Communist Party of Cuba
Laos People's Democratic Republic 1975 Lao People's Revolutionary Party
Vietnam, Socialist Republic of 1976 Communist Party of Vietnam
That's communism DUHHHHH> Socialism is ALWAYS democratic. Start there. Call it social democratic. Only in the USA is everyone so confused.
That's communism, dingbat dupe. "We're all socialists now"- Finland PM when ACA passed.

Socialism is the intermediate step to true communism...you just have to murder the "Racial Trash" according to marx......

Name the countries that went from socialism to communism.
/----/ Here ya go Sparky:
List of socialist states - Wikipedia
Country vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvSince vvvvvvvvv Party
China, People's Republic of 1949 Communist Party of China
Cuba, Republic of 1966 Communist Party of Cuba
Laos People's Democratic Republic 1975 Lao People's Revolutionary Party
Vietnam, Socialist Republic of 1976 Communist Party of Vietnam

None of those countries were socialist before they became Communist.
/----/ "None of those countries were socialist before they became Communist" The most frustrating thing about debating Libtards is their unwillingness to research their points. They just spit out the first lame brain idea that pops in their head.
The 1940 Constitution of Cuba was implemented during the presidency of Federico Laredo Brú and took effect on 10 October 1940. It was primarily influenced by the collectivist ideas that inspired the Cuban Revolution of 1933. Widely considered one of the most progressive constitutions at the time, it provided for land reform, public education, a minimum wage and other social programs.

Now you research the rest and let us know what you find.
Then Batista came in with a corrupt US dominated dictatorship duh...

With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

You might not realize how close you are to the truth. Trump, and his appointees are out to hurt as many people as they can.
Trump FEMA Chief Supports Cutting Coverage for Flood-Prone Homes
Trump FEMA Chief Supports Cutting Coverage for Flood-Prone Homes
About time. Taxpayers paying for idiots building on barrier islands should stop.

News flash: if you cannot get insurance...that should be your FIRST clue that maybe you shouldn't build a house there!
Texas has the resources to not need the feds. Looks to me from reading this forum all liberals do is cry about things and lie.

No, actually TX does not.

Educate yourself. If you really do live in deepest darkest Texasss, your ignorance is expected but if you don't - get a clue.

Start with how much aid TX gets from federal sources.

And please do it without your usual whining.

Thx ~
Texas pays more to the Federal government than they get back.
What it should be.

Texas to FEMA, big storm coming.
FEMA to Texas, Fuck You!

Oh yeah, the governor of Texas declared a statewide disaster already. He's ready for the federal funds to roll in now.
They always hate big government right up until it is the only thing that can't save their hypocritical asses.

What part are you not grasping Texans pay federal income taxes? LOTS of taxes

Everyone pays taxes .

So when guy loses his job and gets food stamps and unemployment, he's a lazy taker .

But the fema / disaster relief guy is not ?

How do you figure ?

Well yabut, FEMA has all those coffins and ammo. Then there's Jade Helm and chem-trails.

This is important stuff, ya know.


Seriously, people need help. They need assistance after these horrendous storms. RWNJs want to end that assistance.

Until they're the ones who need the help, that is.

Naah, that's just those voices in your head. Here is a revolutionary concept: personal responsibility!
Most Dem voters have very limited reasoning power. They are motivated by their hate and fueled by their ignorance. Every time that there is a natural disaster they slither out from under their rocks and start ridiculing the victims.

Should we eliminate FEMA type programs ? Simple yes/ no question .

Why won't any of you answer ?
Yes. Next question.
The children exist despite their mom's bad decision. But stay with me. Are you listening? THOSE KIDS STILL EXIST EITHER WAY AND IT ISNT THEIR FAULT.
NOT MY FAULT EITHER!!! Fuck those worthless ankle biters. It sucks for them, but I do not give one single flying fuck.

Not guilt. No shame. No remorse.

If the parents of those kids survived, they would deserve immediate execution by the most slow and painful means possible. Hell, crucifixion. Anal torture. Get creative.
Whose sock are you, kid?
The general welfare is an enumeration in and of itself.
Dumb ass...there are 18 enumerated powers. That would make a 19th. :lmao:


Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States."
Yeah - the power there is to create and collect taxes to pay debts which provide for defense and the other 17 enumerated powers. The power is not "general welfare".

Thomas Jefferson himself already explained this to you. Twice.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
  • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.
early 19th cent.: from French socialisme, from social (see social).
The general welfare is an enumeration in and of itself.
Dumb ass...there are 18 enumerated powers. That would make a 19th. :lmao:


Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States."
Yeah - the power there is to create and collect taxes to pay debts which provide for defense and the other 17 enumerated powers. The power is not "general welfare".

Thomas Jefferson himself already explained this to you. Twice.

Section 8 Clause 18
The Necessary and Proper Clause is as follows:

The Congress shall have Power ... To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Who are you kidding . Texas will be begging for fed funds in a hot minute .

You righties post anti socialism threads 24/7 . What am I lying about . Socialist programs like FEMA are just the type of thing you want to eliminate .

Y'all talk big , but when push comes to shove you'll have your welfare hand out for help.

You might not realize how close you are to the truth. Trump, and his appointees are out to hurt as many people as they can.
Trump FEMA Chief Supports Cutting Coverage for Flood-Prone Homes
Trump FEMA Chief Supports Cutting Coverage for Flood-Prone Homes

As it should be!

I can't think of his name at the moment but a Libertarian had his own show and is on TV frequently, once intentionally bought a house on the New England coast in a storm zone to make a point. TWICE the house was totally destroyed and twice the government rebuilt it at NO COST TO HIM.

He also bought an electric car, several in fact a few years back and his credits etc. exceeded the cost of the vehicles. They were free. He donated them to charities.
When the private sector starts providing services for profit in the disaster relief industry to an effective level, give us a call.

Happens every single time someone has an automobile accident or falls down a flight of stairs.

It will happen millions of times after Hugo as hazard insurance will pay for repairs or replacement construction for homes, apartments, condominiums and the tens of thousands if not million cars and trucks destroyed.
With hurricane Harvey being sent by God to
Punish the right wing state of Texas , FEMA is already in position to help.

I say stop! We don't want to offend our anti socialist Texans now do we . Obviously they can take care of themselves . If they don't have flood insurance , well that's personal responsibility now is it?

FEMA sending supplies to South Texas ahead of Harvey: NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Ah the left just rejoices when their "enemies" get hit by a hurricane, they are loving this. What great upstanding citizens, cheering on a hurricane...but don't you dare use the word illegal alien, that's offensive.

Yayy let's watch a hurricane tear apart people's houses no matter what their individual political affiliation is, and then not help them, because it's a red state...because a hurricane that was BLOWN WAY OUT OF PROPORTION, used as an election campaign, and they voted against outrageous Fed aid proposed...

Just goes to show, the left doesn't really care about people, or individuals, they care about winning. They don't see you as neighbors, when something bad happens to you they clap, and call it justice, when something bad happens to them they call it oppression. There is no desire for equal rights, it's my rights over yours.

The deflection noted. I've been through many hurricanes in one which one on anyone.

It's the left like me who help people in time of need. It's the right like you who tells him to go screw off.
/----/ Yeah we see how you LiIbtards HELP people in need:
Michigan governor appeals Obama's denial of disaster aid for Flint
Jan 20, 2016 6:36 PM EST

LANSING, Mich. -- Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder asked President Barack Obama on Wednesday to reconsider his denial of a federal disaster declaration to address the drinking water crisis in Flint, saying its severity poses an "imminent and long-term threat" to residents.

Obama admin. denied Texas' request for disaster declaration to help fight wildfires

By Ciara O'Rourke on Monday, May 30th, 2011 at 6:00 a.m.

Todd Staples, the Texas agriculture commissioner, takes issue with the Obama administration’s refusal to declare a major disaster in response to wildfires scorching parts of Texas.
As if any more proof were needed that libs are vile.

Er... isn't it the right that demands that healthcare be affordable for many? And claims that this isn't vile?

The point the OP is making is not that he wishes to withhold money from Texas for this disaster, but that actual right wing logic/policy/thought is that Texas shouldn't have this money because if the right were 100% in charge, they'd say "you don't have insurance, you fucking problem, fuck off" as the right does with things like healthcare.
Section 8 Clause 18
The Necessary and Proper Clause is as follows:

The Congress shall have Power ... To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Exactly.... and no where in the U.S. Constitution does it "vest" the federal government with the power to redistribute wealth, provide healthcare, supply housing and food, or any of the other idiotic left-wing failed programs.
Most Dem voters have very limited reasoning power. They are motivated by their hate and fueled by their ignorance. Every time that there is a natural disaster they slither out from under their rocks and start ridiculing the victims.

Should we eliminate FEMA type programs ? Simple yes/ no question .

Why won't any of you answer ?
Yes. Next question.

Thank you for answering !

You monster !

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