Th Report vs The Tapes

I'm struck by the similarities. I'm referring to the Nixon Watergate tapes that brought down Nixon.

The fight over those tapes looks to be very similar to how the Trump Admin is treating the Mueller report.

When the existence of the taping system and the tapes themselves became known a real food fight bgan between Congress, the courts, and the Nixon Administration. The first defense by the Nixon Admin was that they were covered by the ubiquitous "Executive Privilege". The courts struck that down...ruling that the public had a right to know if there were illegal activities taking place in the White House .

The next defense attempt was to release "selected tapes". Obviously with the goal of controlling the message and appearing to be transparent while actually hiding anything deemed damaging. That failed in the Courts.

The next attempt was pretty ridiculous but was presented as serious. The White House offered to let Dem Senator Stennis listen to the tapes and issue a report. That sounds kind of reasonable until you realize that Stennis was effectively deaf. LOL. Yea. That didn't fly either.

Ultimately and rather quickly the Court forced the turnover of the tapes. They really didn't have a "smoking gun" as people talk about it. They alluded to a lot of stuff in cryptic terms but more than anything they showed the President's character..his anti-semitism, his racism, and his paranoia

We don't KNOW what is in the Mueller report but we DO know that this White House is resisting it's release in very similar ways to how the Nixon White House resisted releasing those tapes.

The Report needs to be its entirety...and NOW
It has not been proven that I sneak out at night and mow all my neighbors yards.
I have not been exonerated from it either.
Therefore, an investigation must be warranted to show that I sleep at night?
You worthless leftist traitors crack me up.
Did your neighbors become so concerned about your odd behavior that they did an investigation? Did they find that you were actually out there window peeping? The neighborhood should be made aware of that if it occurred or they should know that you are just an odd duck
A crime is a crime. If there are no crimes..the Report actually WILL exonerate him.

Barr has already said it doesn't.

That's important

Only to an imbecile like you. You just can't stand the fact the Mueller report, which you just knew would frey Trump, did the exact opposite.

Go get your coloring book, crayons and crying towel. You deserve them.

You just can't stand the fact the Mueller report, which you just knew would frey Trump, did the exact opposite.

According to Bill Barr.

Let me know when the report is released and we'll see how accurate he is
Sorry honey. You ain't "shutting me up"
Nixon was all about an actual crime. Trump is all about finding something that could be called a crime.
There were crimes with hacking of servers, and The Boychinkins not reporting overtures from foreign entities. But there in the end doesn't appear to be anything worth indicting a potus over, which is not very surprising.

But with Watergate, when the Senate investigations began after Nixon had Bork do the firing in the Sat Night Massacre, no one thought they'd find tapes with Nixon ordering the coverup. The question still exists, why would Nixon allow himself to be taped? The conventional answer is that in Nixon's mind, anything he ordered as Potus was legal. For the vast maj of us, that mindset was simply unfathomable.

But you're right, there's really no comparison. The only comparison would have been if there were emails from Trump directly telling Stone to get over there and do a deal with Putin or Assange. And Trump operates wayyyy too much like an Organized Crime Don to let that happen. LOL
Wrong again. The Saturday Night Massacre was ABOUT the tapes.
It's not sarcasm if it's accurate...and it's accurate
The Senate learned of the tapes BEFORE the firings. My bad.

But there is no comparison. Just stop.
Saturday Night Massacre[edit]
Main article: Saturday Night Massacre
President Nixon initially refused to release the tapes, for two reasons: first, that the Constitutional principle of executive privilege extends to the tapes and citing the separation of powers and checks and balances within the Constitution, and second, claiming they were vital to national security.[14] On October 19, 1973, he offered a compromise; Nixon proposed that U.S. Senator John C. Stennis review and summarize the tapes for accuracy and report his findings to the special prosecutor's office.[15] Special prosecutor Archibald Cox refused the compromise and on Saturday, October 20, 1973, Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Cox.[15] Richardson refused and resigned instead, then Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus was asked to fire Cox but refused and was subsequently fired. Solicitor General and acting head of the Justice Department Robert Bork fired Cox.[16] Nixon appointed Leon Jaworski special counsel on November 1, 1973.[15]

Do you fuckers ever get anything right?
LOL..The point of course is that the longer Barr can delay releasing it...the more people will believe his original lie
It's not sarcasm if it's accurate...and it's accurate
Funny how you convenitly forget that Rosenstine was also involved in the whole thing. But when you have a lot of air between your ears you have a problem understanding simple English. Good for you. Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you understand very little.
Was he?

Barr says he was. I'd be interested in hearing it from HIS lips
Trump said release it.

He said he'd release his taxes too. How'd that go?

No one gives a shit about Trump's taxes. They give a shit about their own.

The moronic Russian Delusion has now clobbered the Democrats and they just can't let go because they invested everything they had in it. The more you rail about it the more damage you do to your party of misfits and idiotic Socialists.

Now all Trump has to do is point at the back of the room and say Fake News and it isn't just mocking them, everyone knows it's the truth now. You brought it on yourself. Enjoy.


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