Thank an immigrant, legal or illegal for keeping Americans safe from starving

If your job is threatened by an immigrant who can barely speak English, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and consider a different career path.

Lots of jobs that don't require a lot of communication skill. Your lack of concern for those workers is not an answer to their problems.

OK dum dum allow me to put it another way so even you can understand it.

If your skill level and/or education are so low that even an unskilled immigrant can take your job, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and stop blaming others for your own failures in life.
You talking out of your ass isn't going to ever solve your problems with illegal or legal immigrants, because you depend on them, as much as they depend on you.

And this is why you're fucking stupid and why no one takes you even remotely seriously.

I don't have a single problem with legal immigrants, and I do not depend on the illegal ones, nor do they depend on me. If they did, I assure you, they would be fucked...
Nope! You would be fucked because a large percentage of these people are illegal and everyone knows it. And they're feeding your sorry ass and mine.

What a pitiful glimpse into your sorry state of existence. Depending on illegal aliens.

How sorry your life must be...
My life? What about the lives of those who have to flee their own countries for something they had no hand in producing? The "glimpse" I have in my life is owning up to the truth of what my country did to so many people from other countries, while folks like you in my country scapegoat the blame onto those victims. There is nothing sorry about the truth. That's why it sucks so much for you to have to chew on it like a wet rag. The fact that you cannot lock horns in this debate, and challenge the facts associated with it, is a testament to your own failed, miserable existence. The truth is a bitch and you can't handle it.

The truth is something you obviously don't enjoy even a passing relationship with.

Do you believe we should pay reparations to blacks, too?
It's not just people in the fields you idiot. It's those people running the delivery trucks, and those working in processing plants in cities. What a dumb ass. Suppressing wages for who? US citizens who won't do that work? Answer, yes. Thank an immigrant for saving your miserable fucking life asshole.

US citizens won't drive trucks? Well, maybe if employers weren't using cheap foreign drivers to keep wages down, Americans would do it, and love getting the higher wages.


The problem with the top argument is that BWK is arguing for continued illegal entry into the country with the expectation these people will work in labor intensive areas for subpar wages so he can have a cheaper head of lettuce.

The problem with the bottom argument is that Correll is not considering the fact that Americans would require much higher labor costs to do that work and that would increase the cost of food, hurting lower income Americans the most.

The solution needs to be a balance.
Wrong! More lies. You need to learn what the word "hypocrisy" means, before you can talk about "illegal entry." One or the other, cannot be achieved if you don't get rid of the other. That's the part you ignore. And that is why 'immigration" both legally and illegal is a problem. We made it a problem through our own hypocrisy, dirty dealing, invasion, murder, exploitation, etc. If you can't debate that reality, your hang up with immigration will always be a problem for people like you. Because you are the problem. You can't solve a problem when you are the problem, unless you own up to what is true and set out to solve it.

What's the problem with legal immigration?
Rep. Joaquin Castro: U.S. must protect agricultural workers After WWII, all wars fought were of special interest and were not a threat to our mainland or our safety. But we still thank our vets, as we should, for going into battle thinking they were protecting us. They went there on our behalf with the best intentions and concern for our safety. They are true heroes. But now, today we discover a new army of heroes we never actually thought about, who actually have been essential soldiers fighting for our security this whole time. And those are the soldiers who grow, protect, and harvest our food in the fields. They are the one's on the front lines now. And their interests need protection more than ever, because their survival is our survival. Can anyone show or tell me how I'm wrong?
we have a legal immigration system
No we don't. If we had, we wouldn't be violating everyone else's. Tell us all about how the people in Central and South America asked us to go down there and take over their governments and resources? Have you heard of the country of Chile? Did you know we were responsible for taking over their copper industry and stealing it from the people? Yea, talk to Nixon and Kissinger about that. QWe were responsible for the murder of 3000 people down there when we converted the country to a dictatorship. Do you think the Chilean people wanted us to be there, so as to take over their resources and government? Did anyone ask them if we could just invade their space? Hell no! So no, our legal immigration system carries no more weight than our own hypocritical illegal invasion of others. Get a clue. And you want to talk about "legal immigration.":auiqs.jpg:
Where is your evidence that we "steal" Latin America resources?
Rep. Joaquin Castro: U.S. must protect agricultural workers After WWII, all wars fought were of special interest and were not a threat to our mainland or our safety. But we still thank our vets, as we should, for going into battle thinking they were protecting us. They went there on our behalf with the best intentions and concern for our safety. They are true heroes. But now, today we discover a new army of heroes we never actually thought about, who actually have been essential soldiers fighting for our security this whole time. And those are the soldiers who grow, protect, and harvest our food in the fields. They are the one's on the front lines now. And their interests need protection more than ever, because their survival is our survival. Can anyone show or tell me how I'm wrong?
You lost me when you included illegal immigrant heroes.....are those the same illegal immigrant heroes who are flooding our nation with deadly addicting drugs like fentanyl ?
Wait a minute. I'm talking about those illegal immigrant heroes who came here out of a have to, because of US policies against these countries at no fault of their own. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
Too bad for you that one word response is not going to fly. Without an argument or explanation, you are nothing but a loser. You have no argument.
I don't argue with idiots.They just drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.You have some proving of your own to do.
Rep. Joaquin Castro: U.S. must protect agricultural workers After WWII, all wars fought were of special interest and were not a threat to our mainland or our safety. But we still thank our vets, as we should, for going into battle thinking they were protecting us. They went there on our behalf with the best intentions and concern for our safety. They are true heroes. But now, today we discover a new army of heroes we never actually thought about, who actually have been essential soldiers fighting for our security this whole time. And those are the soldiers who grow, protect, and harvest our food in the fields. They are the one's on the front lines now. And their interests need protection more than ever, because their survival is our survival. Can anyone show or tell me how I'm wrong?
we have a legal immigration system
No we don't. If we had, we wouldn't be violating everyone else's. Tell us all about how the people in Central and South America asked us to go down there and take over their governments and resources? Have you heard of the country of Chile? Did you know we were responsible for taking over their copper industry and stealing it from the people? Yea, talk to Nixon and Kissinger about that. QWe were responsible for the murder of 3000 people down there when we converted the country to a dictatorship. Do you think the Chilean people wanted us to be there, so as to take over their resources and government? Did anyone ask them if we could just invade their space? Hell no! So no, our legal immigration system carries no more weight than our own hypocritical illegal invasion of others. Get a clue. And you want to talk about "legal immigration.":auiqs.jpg:
Where is your evidence that we "steal" Latin America resources?
Exactly....the bad ol' white man.
A country that becomes dependent on cheap foreign labor is a stupid country. That's exactly how we painted ourselves into a corner with China.
A Nicaraguan coffee picker here can knock down about $80-$100 a day CASH. A local spoiled ass block layer or form carpenter will get $50-$60, if he's good. No way in hell he'd take the job at the coffee fields and compete with a Nica. It aint always the money, honey. Work ethic is a huge part. Once those field guys put in their years and hit 40-45 or so they usually go to "easy" work like lawn maintenance, tractor trailer cleaning, installing floor tile, painting or roofing for 1/2 the money as a young field worker-ass buster. 8-10 hours over 14-16, weekends off.
The old timers are often "legal" by then so get some bennies to help make up the difference.A few paid holidays, health care/scrips,discount for trade schools....shit like that.
One ol boy I know installs satellite and internet stuff these years for Claro.
I'm retired from the construction business in NYC. The union is the big equalizer there. But when Americans who aren't protected by unions have to compete with cheap foreign labor, they always lose on the $ side. Cheap labor really doesn't benefit anyone but the employer because no matter what the cost of production is, a company will always charge what the market will bear. So forget about getting anything cheaper because of cheap illegal labor. Cheap labor actually means more profits and lower wages for everyone. Cheap labor is the trap that has made us dependent on Communist China. It's all a rich mans game and the American worker, citizen and taxpayer get hosed. We shouldn't be bitching about millionaires, we should be bitching about free traders, neocons and the establishment who don't hesitate to screw the American worker.
If your job is threatened by an immigrant who can barely speak English, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and consider a different career path.

Lots of jobs that don't require a lot of communication skill. Your lack of concern for those workers is not an answer to their problems.

OK dum dum allow me to put it another way so even you can understand it.

If your skill level and/or education are so low that even an unskilled immigrant can take your job, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and stop blaming others for your own failures in life.

No, I got your point. You don't care about the American workers who are threatened by this.

My point is that they are still Americans, and I see no reason why American policy should benefit immigrants, instead of Americans.

I want those jobs, with better wages, for AMERICANS.
Union drywall hanger/finisher $14-$16/ hr. 5 sheets or 20.(maybe double in Jew Yakk ???)
Beaner by the piece. $6 pp to hang. $5 more/sheet/$11 taped and finished.
3 guys. 600 sheets in a shift
Union drywall hanger/finisher $14-$16/ hr. 5 sheets or 20.(maybe double in Jew Yakk ???)
Beaner by the piece. $6 pp to hang. $5 more/sheet/$11 taped and finished.
3 guys. 600 sheets in a shift

I side with the American worker, vs the beaner. He should go home and let the American worker get the job.
Rep. Joaquin Castro: U.S. must protect agricultural workers After WWII, all wars fought were of special interest and were not a threat to our mainland or our safety. But we still thank our vets, as we should, for going into battle thinking they were protecting us. They went there on our behalf with the best intentions and concern for our safety. They are true heroes. But now, today we discover a new army of heroes we never actually thought about, who actually have been essential soldiers fighting for our security this whole time. And those are the soldiers who grow, protect, and harvest our food in the fields. They are the one's on the front lines now. And their interests need protection more than ever, because their survival is our survival. Can anyone show or tell me how I'm wrong?
we have a legal immigration system
No we don't. If we had, we wouldn't be violating everyone else's. Tell us all about how the people in Central and South America asked us to go down there and take over their governments and resources? Have you heard of the country of Chile? Did you know we were responsible for taking over their copper industry and stealing it from the people? Yea, talk to Nixon and Kissinger about that. QWe were responsible for the murder of 3000 people down there when we converted the country to a dictatorship. Do you think the Chilean people wanted us to be there, so as to take over their resources and government? Did anyone ask them if we could just invade their space? Hell no! So no, our legal immigration system carries no more weight than our own hypocritical illegal invasion of others. Get a clue. And you want to talk about "legal immigration.":auiqs.jpg:
Where is your evidence that we "steal" Latin America resources?

Why this obsession with Venezuela, a country that poses no security threat to the U.S.? As is frequently pointed out, Washington’s Latin America policy is often a product of domestic politics, and the Venezuela obsession—nurtured in part by wealthy, far-right sectors of the Cuban and Venezuelan diaspora in Florida—is an example of this. But, more significantly, a left government in Venezuela poses a unique challenge to U.S. hegemony given its vast oil wealth and its consequent ability to project influence far beyond its borders (as exemplified by the Petrocaribe agreement and other Venezuelan regional initiatives). While both these factors have, for years, contributed to Venezuela’s status as the number one enemy in the hemisphere, the Trump foreign policy team includes a particularly virulent cast of characters that have taken the Venezuela obsession to a new extreme. It's all about the resources for the US with both Right and left administrations.
Union drywall hanger/finisher $14-$16/ hr. 5 sheets or 20.(maybe double in Jew Yakk ???)
Beaner by the piece. $6 pp to hang. $5 more/sheet/$11 taped and finished.
3 guys. 600 sheets in a shift

I side with the American worker, vs the beaner. He should go home and let the American worker get the job.
The American worker can't do the job. They are too fat and lazy.
Union drywall hanger/finisher $14-$16/ hr. 5 sheets or 20.(maybe double in Jew Yakk ???)
Beaner by the piece. $6 pp to hang. $5 more/sheet/$11 taped and finished.
3 guys. 600 sheets in a shift

I side with the American worker, vs the beaner. He should go home and let the American worker get the job.
The American worker can't do the job. They are too fat and lazy.

YOur bigotry is noted and dismissed.

American government policy should be crafted to benefit AMERICANS, not foreigners.
If your job is threatened by an immigrant who can barely speak English, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and consider a different career path.

Lots of jobs that don't require a lot of communication skill. Your lack of concern for those workers is not an answer to their problems.

OK dum dum allow me to put it another way so even you can understand it.

If your skill level and/or education are so low that even an unskilled immigrant can take your job, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and stop blaming others for your own failures in life.

No, I got your point. You don't care about the American workers who are threatened by this.

My point is that they are still Americans, and I see no reason why American policy should benefit immigrants, instead of Americans.

I want those jobs, with better wages, for AMERICANS.
You really can't be this stupid but you are. American policy has two choices, you either pay the immigrants to do the hard work of feeding your sorry ass, or you starve.
If your job is threatened by an immigrant who can barely speak English, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and consider a different career path.

Lots of jobs that don't require a lot of communication skill. Your lack of concern for those workers is not an answer to their problems.

OK dum dum allow me to put it another way so even you can understand it.

If your skill level and/or education are so low that even an unskilled immigrant can take your job, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and stop blaming others for your own failures in life.

No, I got your point. You don't care about the American workers who are threatened by this.

My point is that they are still Americans, and I see no reason why American policy should benefit immigrants, instead of Americans.

I want those jobs, with better wages, for AMERICANS.
You really can't be this stupid but you are. American policy has two choices, you either pay the immigrants to do the hard work of feeding your sorry ass, or you starve.

Your insanity is noted. My point stands. I want those jobs for AMERICANS.
Union drywall hanger/finisher $14-$16/ hr. 5 sheets or 20.(maybe double in Jew Yakk ???)
Beaner by the piece. $6 pp to hang. $5 more/sheet/$11 taped and finished.
3 guys. 600 sheets in a shift

I side with the American worker, vs the beaner. He should go home and let the American worker get the job.
The American worker can't do the job. They are too fat and lazy.

YOur bigotry is noted and dismissed.

American government policy should be crafted to benefit AMERICANS, not foreigners.
Then starve. You don't have another option. And it isn't bigotry. They are facts. Have you seen the obesity rates among US citizens in this country? Half of them can't even bend over. Who the fuck are you trying to kid?
Union drywall hanger/finisher $14-$16/ hr. 5 sheets or 20.(maybe double in Jew Yakk ???)
Beaner by the piece. $6 pp to hang. $5 more/sheet/$11 taped and finished.
3 guys. 600 sheets in a shift

I side with the American worker, vs the beaner. He should go home and let the American worker get the job.
The American worker can't do the job. They are too fat and lazy.

YOur bigotry is noted and dismissed.

American government policy should be crafted to benefit AMERICANS, not foreigners.
Then starve. You don't have another option. And it isn't bigotry. They are facts. Have you seen the obesity rates among US citizens in this country? Half of them can't even bend over. Who the fuck are you trying to kid?

Why are you more loyal to foreigners than to your fellow Americans?
If your job is threatened by an immigrant who can barely speak English, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and consider a different career path.

Lots of jobs that don't require a lot of communication skill. Your lack of concern for those workers is not an answer to their problems.

OK dum dum allow me to put it another way so even you can understand it.

If your skill level and/or education are so low that even an unskilled immigrant can take your job, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and stop blaming others for your own failures in life.

No, I got your point. You don't care about the American workers who are threatened by this.

My point is that they are still Americans, and I see no reason why American policy should benefit immigrants, instead of Americans.

I want those jobs, with better wages, for AMERICANS.
You really can't be this stupid but you are. American policy has two choices, you either pay the immigrants to do the hard work of feeding your sorry ass, or you starve.

Your insanity is noted. My point stands. I want those jobs for AMERICANS.
We'll, your fantasy ain't happening. So get over your fantasy or starve.
If your job is threatened by an immigrant who can barely speak English, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and consider a different career path.

Lots of jobs that don't require a lot of communication skill. Your lack of concern for those workers is not an answer to their problems.

OK dum dum allow me to put it another way so even you can understand it.

If your skill level and/or education are so low that even an unskilled immigrant can take your job, then maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself and stop blaming others for your own failures in life.

No, I got your point. You don't care about the American workers who are threatened by this.

My point is that they are still Americans, and I see no reason why American policy should benefit immigrants, instead of Americans.

I want those jobs, with better wages, for AMERICANS.
You really can't be this stupid but you are. American policy has two choices, you either pay the immigrants to do the hard work of feeding your sorry ass, or you starve.

Your insanity is noted. My point stands. I want those jobs for AMERICANS.
We'll, your fantasy ain't happening. So get over your fantasy or starve.

Your scenario does not make a lick of sense.
Rep. Joaquin Castro: U.S. must protect agricultural workers After WWII, all wars fought were of special interest and were not a threat to our mainland or our safety. But we still thank our vets, as we should, for going into battle thinking they were protecting us. They went there on our behalf with the best intentions and concern for our safety. They are true heroes. But now, today we discover a new army of heroes we never actually thought about, who actually have been essential soldiers fighting for our security this whole time. And those are the soldiers who grow, protect, and harvest our food in the fields. They are the one's on the front lines now. And their interests need protection more than ever, because their survival is our survival. Can anyone show or tell me how I'm wrong?
we have a legal immigration system
No we don't. If we had, we wouldn't be violating everyone else's. Tell us all about how the people in Central and South America asked us to go down there and take over their governments and resources? Have you heard of the country of Chile? Did you know we were responsible for taking over their copper industry and stealing it from the people? Yea, talk to Nixon and Kissinger about that. QWe were responsible for the murder of 3000 people down there when we converted the country to a dictatorship. Do you think the Chilean people wanted us to be there, so as to take over their resources and government? Did anyone ask them if we could just invade their space? Hell no! So no, our legal immigration system carries no more weight than our own hypocritical illegal invasion of others. Get a clue. And you want to talk about "legal immigration.":auiqs.jpg:
Where is your evidence that we "steal" Latin America resources?

Why this obsession with Venezuela, a country that poses no security threat to the U.S.? As is frequently pointed out, Washington’s Latin America policy is often a product of domestic politics, and the Venezuela obsession—nurtured in part by wealthy, far-right sectors of the Cuban and Venezuelan diaspora in Florida—is an example of this. But, more significantly, a left government in Venezuela poses a unique challenge to U.S. hegemony given its vast oil wealth and its consequent ability to project influence far beyond its borders (as exemplified by the Petrocaribe agreement and other Venezuelan regional initiatives). While both these factors have, for years, contributed to Venezuela’s status as the number one enemy in the hemisphere, the Trump foreign policy team includes a particularly virulent cast of characters that have taken the Venezuela obsession to a new extreme. It's all about the resources for the US with both Right and left administrations.
yes, We have tried to stop the Marxist Oppression in Latin America, and the Marxist don't like it

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