Thank Terrorism for the Up and Coming Civil War

This is no shit my USMB nemesis, malcontents and miscreants.

Thanks to US sponsored terrorism in the US, Obama is making gun owners feel like the South did before the civil war.

I really believe that O-Tard and/or your thighness Clinton will bring about a violent war if they call for America to turn in their weapons.

I'll be looking for that leader. I went to Nicarauga and Panama and did what I had to do. At 55 I still can. Well, maybe not so much as now t takes me all day just to be ready for what I used to do all night. If you know what I'm saying.


Yeah some folks really, really want an excuse to kill other Americans.

No one is coming to grab your guns.

No matter how much you want an excuse to kill other Americans.
Good. Then we won't have to kill you traitors.
You want a civil war, you got it. You lost last time and you will again this time. Light that fuse, bitches...

No idiot. YOU lost last time, and will lose again, easily.
I didn't lose, dumbass. Liberals won, as usual.
The liberals of yesterday are not the same as the death cultist, anti Christian, anti American progressives of today.
We are pro-real America, and damn tired of you little un-American shits.
You want a civil war, you got it. You lost last time and you will again this time. Light that fuse, bitches...

No idiot. YOU lost last time, and will lose again, easily.
I didn't lose, dumbass. Liberals won, as usual.

Your knowledge of history is laughable.

Who do you think will fight for you at this juncture? You won't have the military or the police, guaranteed.

What you would have, should you decide to take that step, are the apes in the Democrat inner cities, financial losers, a few Muslims and other minor offended parties and a handful of Soviet wanna-be's.

The Hollywood types, the metrosexuals, globalists and the few Millennials that make up the rest of your foreign Party are more concerned with how their hair lays upon their heads and frankly, your side of the coin knows they have nothing worth losing their lives over. If you make push come to shove, they will not fight for you.
Liberals founded this place, and we kept it together once. Don't bet the farm we can't do it again, you guys are pussies...

Liberals, yes. Modern-day assumers of title, no.

Your opposition has been collecting and training with firearms for decades. Your threats are silly.
You want a civil war, you got it. You lost last time and you will again this time. Light that fuse, bitches...

No idiot. YOU lost last time, and will lose again, easily.
I didn't lose, dumbass. Liberals won, as usual.
The liberals of yesterday are not the same as the death cultist, anti Christian, anti American progressives of today.
We are pro-real America, and damn tired of you little un-American shits.

You are as American as Barack Obama.

(cue Laff-Trak)
You want a civil war, you got it. You lost last time and you will again this time. Light that fuse, bitches...

No idiot. YOU lost last time, and will lose again, easily.
I didn't lose, dumbass. Liberals won, as usual.

Your knowledge of history is laughable.

Who do you think will fight for you at this juncture? You won't have the military or the police, guaranteed.

What you would have, should you decide to take that step, are the apes in the Democrat inner cities, financial losers, a few Muslims and other minor offended parties and a handful of Soviet wanna-be's.

The Hollywood types, the metrosexuals, globalists and the few Millennials that make up the rest of your foreign Party are more concerned with how their hair lays upon their heads and frankly, your side of the coin knows they have nothing worth losing their lives over. If you make push come to shove, they will not fight for you.
Liberals founded this place, and we kept it together once. Don't bet the farm we can't do it again, you guys are pussies...

Liberals, yes. Modern-day assumers of title, no.

You opposition has been collecting and training with firearms for decades. Your threats are silly.
It's no threat, bitch. We know how to win, and have beaten your ass before.
You want a civil war, you got it. You lost last time and you will again this time. Light that fuse, bitches...

No idiot. YOU lost last time, and will lose again, easily.
I didn't lose, dumbass. Liberals won, as usual.
The liberals of yesterday are not the same as the death cultist, anti Christian, anti American progressives of today.
We are pro-real America, and damn tired of you little un-American shits.

You are as American as Barack Obama.

(cue Laff-Trak)
He's close, I'm far better.

And you are an American in name only.
You want a civil war, you got it. You lost last time and you will again this time. Light that fuse, bitches...

No idiot. YOU lost last time, and will lose again, easily.
I didn't lose, dumbass. Liberals won, as usual.
The liberals of yesterday are not the same as the death cultist, anti Christian, anti American progressives of today.

Not in any way.
No idiot. YOU lost last time, and will lose again, easily.
I didn't lose, dumbass. Liberals won, as usual.

Your knowledge of history is laughable.

Who do you think will fight for you at this juncture? You won't have the military or the police, guaranteed.

What you would have, should you decide to take that step, are the apes in the Democrat inner cities, financial losers, a few Muslims and other minor offended parties and a handful of Soviet wanna-be's.

The Hollywood types, the metrosexuals, globalists and the few Millennials that make up the rest of your foreign Party are more concerned with how their hair lays upon their heads and frankly, your side of the coin knows they have nothing worth losing their lives over. If you make push come to shove, they will not fight for you.
Liberals founded this place, and we kept it together once. Don't bet the farm we can't do it again, you guys are pussies...

Liberals, yes. Modern-day assumers of title, no.

You opposition has been collecting and training with firearms for decades. Your threats are silly.
It's no threat, bitch. We know how to win, and have beaten your ass before.

Then you have nothing to worry about. Let fly.
Won't be a war. Almost everyone with guns is on the same side already. It's gonna be a rise in nationalism.....and just have to deal with liberals however it has to be done.

Uh.. what ya may not be getting, is that THE LEFT... is starting the war and they're determined that they get it... and they always get what they want.

Understand that nature requires that the Aggressor determines if there will be war and the Left is the Aggressor.
My goodness, you senile old bastard, it is not the left that is constantly drooling in anticipation of shooting fellow Americans on this board. It is psychos like you.
I didn't lose, dumbass. Liberals won, as usual.

Your knowledge of history is laughable.

Who do you think will fight for you at this juncture? You won't have the military or the police, guaranteed.

What you would have, should you decide to take that step, are the apes in the Democrat inner cities, financial losers, a few Muslims and other minor offended parties and a handful of Soviet wanna-be's.

The Hollywood types, the metrosexuals, globalists and the few Millennials that make up the rest of your foreign Party are more concerned with how their hair lays upon their heads and frankly, your side of the coin knows they have nothing worth losing their lives over. If you make push come to shove, they will not fight for you.
Liberals founded this place, and we kept it together once. Don't bet the farm we can't do it again, you guys are pussies...

Liberals, yes. Modern-day assumers of title, no.

You opposition has been collecting and training with firearms for decades. Your threats are silly.
It's no threat, bitch. We know how to win, and have beaten your ass before.

Then you have nothing to worry about. Let fly.
I'm not worried, in the slightest.
Your knowledge of history is laughable.

Who do you think will fight for you at this juncture? You won't have the military or the police, guaranteed.

What you would have, should you decide to take that step, are the apes in the Democrat inner cities, financial losers, a few Muslims and other minor offended parties and a handful of Soviet wanna-be's.

The Hollywood types, the metrosexuals, globalists and the few Millennials that make up the rest of your foreign Party are more concerned with how their hair lays upon their heads and frankly, your side of the coin knows they have nothing worth losing their lives over. If you make push come to shove, they will not fight for you.
Liberals founded this place, and we kept it together once. Don't bet the farm we can't do it again, you guys are pussies...

Liberals, yes. Modern-day assumers of title, no.

You opposition has been collecting and training with firearms for decades. Your threats are silly.
It's no threat, bitch. We know how to win, and have beaten your ass before.

Then you have nothing to worry about. Let fly.
I'm not worried, in the slightest.

Good. Revel in your delusion.
Like the Taliban and ISIS, what the 'Conservatives' are terrified of is knowledge and change. And like Al Queda and ISIS all they can think of is destruction of people smarter and more capable than they are. So, they gather an arsenal, and mutter darkly among themselves, sitting on the couch and getting fatter every day.
.... wet dreams of killing your fellow Americans is noted, but there's never going to be another Civil War in the US.


Now Reader, the record is clear, that the above would-be 'Contributor' is an unapologetic public advocate of a RIGHT to take the life of the most innocent of US Citizens, for no reason... 'personal convenience' being the most commonly expressed.

In just 42 years, the body count is well in excess of 50 MILLION INNOCENT, DEFENSELESS HUMAN LIVES.

Again... just to recap.. "theDoctorisin" is a PUBLIC PROPONENT OF THE RIGHT to TAKE THE LIFE OF DEFENSELESS BABIES... .

As ARE each and everyone of the feckless reprobates who've cried about this post tonight, throughout this board, including the author of the OP. BABIES! Still in their mother's womb. Babies who have not offended NO ONE.

But beyond THAT...


They were also all public advocates of Increasing the THRESHOLD FOR FIGHTING THE MUSLIM ENEMY... OKA: The Rules of Engagement, in the US Global War on Terror. Which resulted in the deaths of THOUSANDS OF US TROOPS.

They were all public advocates in DEFENSE OF MUSLIM TERRORISTS. For YEARS They weeped and gnashed their collective tooth, over naked pyramids and leashed Muslims... . Causing a flood of jihadists to flood into the Combat Operation Area... causing the deaths of THOUSANDS OF US TROOPS.

Add to that their chronic braying demanding the legalization of hard illicit drugs... their promotion of unprincipled behavior, debauchery, hedonism... causing the deaths of untold MILLIONS of US Citizens.

But of course, they're getting scared...

Because even the most apolitical of citizens are coming to realize WHY "THIS IS HAPPENING" and WHO IS CAUSING IT.

And there is NOTHING which they consider 'good' that is going to come for them, from that.

And... they dam' well should be.
This is no shit my USMB nemesis, malcontents and miscreants.

Thanks to US sponsored terrorism in the US, Obama is making gun owners feel like the South did before the civil war.

I really believe that if O-Tard and/or your thighness Clinton will bring about a violent war if they call for America to turn in their weapons.

I'll be looking for that leader. I went to Nicarauga and Panama and did what I had to do. At 55 I still can. Well, maybe not so much as now t takes me all day just to be ready for what I used to do all night. If you know what I'm saying.


I swear to god!

Every year I read about the end of the world, a civil war, a world war, or some other nutter thing, and yet nothing happens!

I remember when Bill Clinton was President and the kooks claimed that the government was going to strip their rights away, and when George W. Bush became President the kooks ignored the fact that him and the Congress gave us the damn Patriot act, and the NSA was spying more on us.

So as you worry about that leftist President I will remember it was because of voters like you that gave us Bush that caused the Patriot Act, and remember it was Reagan that also wanted to limit what type of gun you could buy!

Hell all the gun owners are already locked up in those FEMA camps......

Yeah, and my name is Twinkle Toes...

I swear the OP'er make me wonder how many lead paint chips they ate when they were a little kid, and if they are still eating them?
Liberals founded this place, and we kept it together once. Don't bet the farm we can't do it again, you guys are pussies...

Liberals, yes. Modern-day assumers of title, no.

You opposition has been collecting and training with firearms for decades. Your threats are silly.
It's no threat, bitch. We know how to win, and have beaten your ass before.

Then you have nothing to worry about. Let fly.
I'm not worried, in the slightest.

Good. Revel in your delusion.
History is on my side, little Confederate loser...
I swear the OP'er make me wonder how many lead paint chips they ate when they were a little kid, and if they are still eating them?

Oh! What a WONDERFUL means to concede to the "OP'er's standing points."

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Like the Taliban and ISIS, what the 'Conservatives' are terrified of is knowledge and change. And like Al Queda and ISIS all they can think of is destruction of people smarter and more capable than they are. So, they gather an arsenal, and mutter darkly among themselves, sitting on the couch and getting fatter every day.
America's rightwing is no different than ISIS. Like ISIS, and the Nazi's before them, they pine for the day to kill their fellow countrymen for the sake of what they delude themselves to be moral ethnic cleansing.

If nothing else, they prove that Islamic radicalism ... Nazism ... and American Conservatism ..... are all rightwing.
I swear the OP'er make me wonder how many lead paint chips they ate when they were a little kid, and if they are still eating them?

Oh! What a WONDERFUL means to concede to the "OP'er's standing points."

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Did I write I conceded anything?

No, and to claim I did is just a pathetic attempt by some lunatic fanatic to pretend to be the Stewie Griffin of the board ( is victory going to be yours? ).

Only a deranged inbred that plays a banjo with their damn toes would believe America is heading toward a Civil War. I swear the fanatics have been screaming Civil War since the day Obama took office, and yet it has never happen and NEVER WILL!

Now tell me again how Victory Will Be Yours and will you zap me with your death ray?

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