Thank Terrorism for the Up and Coming Civil War

Like the Taliban and ISIS, what the 'Conservatives' are terrified of is knowledge and change. And like Al Queda and ISIS all they can think of is destruction of people smarter and more capable than they are. So, they gather an arsenal, and mutter darkly among themselves, sitting on the couch and getting fatter every day.
America's rightwing is no different than ISIS. Like ISIS, and the Nazi's before them, they pine for the day to kill their fellow countrymen for the sake of what they delude themselves to be moral ethnic cleansing.

If nothing else, they prove that Islamic radicalism ... Nazism ... and American Conservatism ..... are all rightwing.
Reactionaries of a feather, flock together...
Liberals, yes. Modern-day assumers of title, no.

You opposition has been collecting and training with firearms for decades. Your threats are silly.
It's no threat, bitch. We know how to win, and have beaten your ass before.

Then you have nothing to worry about. Let fly.
I'm not worried, in the slightest.

Good. Revel in your delusion.
History is on my side, little Confederate loser...

So said Adolf Hitler.

BTW, I am from New York, and have never been a Democrat.
Did I write I conceded anything?

So what?

All one need do to concede is engage the point and fail to sustain a viable opposition. Which is, what you did.

Sure, and you are the judge of this?

Look you stupid inbred of a imbecile the fact is I have not conceded and because you make the claim does not mean it is true.

The fact is white racist nutters like you dream of the day that you can kill some Liberals or those you believe are Liberals and some Muslims or those you believe are Muslims because it give you a sexual rise out of it.

The Government is not grabbing your guns anymore than they were when Reagan was in office or when Clinton was in office, so please kiss my ass on that subject.

You have the right to bear arms and be a lunatic rightwing nutter that hate America all you want, and you know what I have no fucking problem with that, but where I draw the line is when you call for a Civil War or masturbate at the idea of wanting a civil war because it will never happen!

You actually believe President Obama has limited your rights more than Bush did?

If so then you are a MORON because it was Bush that signed the Patriot Act into law, so thank the GOP for being the traitors and get off the Democrats jockstrap on this issue!

Now did I concede in your mental midget of a twanger of mind?
Did I write I conceded anything?

So what?

All one need do to concede is engage the point and fail to sustain a viable opposition. Which is, what you did.

Sure, and you are the judge of this?

No scamp... the judge of that rest in the laws of reason.

Of which, your ignorance is decidedly NOT a defense.


Your concession is duly noted... and summarily accepted!

Whatever twanger!

The fact is you have yet to discuss the fact that Bush took more of your liberties than Obama has ever, and yet you claim I have conceded?

Thank for you concession and ignoring the actual fact you do not want to write about the facts but instead prefer to scream victory is yours little Stewie Griffin!
This is no shit my USMB nemesis, malcontents and miscreants.

Thanks to US sponsored terrorism in the US, Obama is making gun owners feel like the South did before the civil war.

I really believe that if O-Tard and/or your thighness Clinton will bring about a violent war if they call for America to turn in their weapons.

I'll be looking for that leader. I went to Nicarauga and Panama and did what I had to do. At 55 I still can. Well, maybe not so much as now t takes me all day just to be ready for what I used to do all night. If you know what I'm saying.


I swear to god!

Every year I read about the end of the world, a civil war, a world war, or some other nutter thing, and yet nothing happens!

I remember when Bill Clinton was President and the kooks claimed that the government was going to strip their rights away, and when George W. Bush became President the kooks ignored the fact that him and the Congress gave us the damn Patriot act, and the NSA was spying more on us.

So as you worry about that leftist President I will remember it was because of voters like you that gave us Bush that caused the Patriot Act, and remember it was Reagan that also wanted to limit what type of gun you could buy!

if you read some history you'll learn that no nation/empire/monarchy/republic/dictatorship or emirate is permanent...they all eventually fail or collapse due to rampant corruption and oppression.

this nation was born in blood and revolution and it'll collapse the same way .Our turn is coming again. No big deal..happens all the's how humans operate.
Collapse, partitioning to stop the bloodshed and then reconstruction of several new "countries" inside our current borders is how it'll happen..Think the " Balkans"......unless we get an american patriot in office this time.
Did I write I conceded anything?

So what?

All one need do to concede is engage the point and fail to sustain a viable opposition. Which is, what you did.

Sure, and you are the judge of this?

No scamp... the judge of that rest in the laws of reason.

Of which, your ignorance is decidedly NOT a defense.


Your concession is duly noted... and summarily accepted!

Whatever twanger!

The fact is you have yet to discuss the fact that Bush took more of your liberties than Obama has ever, and yet you claim I have conceded?

Thank for you concession and ignoring the actual fact you do not want to write about the facts but instead prefer to scream victory is yours little Stewie Griffin!

This is no shit my USMB nemesis, malcontents and miscreants.

Thanks to US sponsored terrorism in the US, Obama is making gun owners feel like the South did before the civil war.

I really believe that if O-Tard and/or your thighness Clinton will bring about a violent war if they call for America to turn in their weapons.

I'll be looking for that leader. I went to Nicarauga and Panama and did what I had to do. At 55 I still can. Well, maybe not so much as now t takes me all day just to be ready for what I used to do all night. If you know what I'm saying.


I swear to god!

Every year I read about the end of the world, a civil war, a world war, or some other nutter thing, and yet nothing happens!

I remember when Bill Clinton was President and the kooks claimed that the government was going to strip their rights away, and when George W. Bush became President the kooks ignored the fact that him and the Congress gave us the damn Patriot act, and the NSA was spying more on us.

So as you worry about that leftist President I will remember it was because of voters like you that gave us Bush that caused the Patriot Act, and remember it was Reagan that also wanted to limit what type of gun you could buy!

if you read some history you'll learn that no nation/empire/monarchy/republic/dictatorship or emirate is permanent...they all eventually fail or collapse due to rampant corruption and oppression.

this nation was born in blood and revolution and it'll collapse the same way .Our turn is coming again. No big deal..happens all the's how humans operate.
Collapse, partitioning to stop the bloodshed and then reconstruction of several new "countries" inside our current borders is how it'll happen..Think the " Balkans"......unless we get an american patriot in office this time.

Sure, and eight years from next year keep on screaming Civil War when the next Democrat get elected!
Whatever twanger!

OH! A Re-Concession? How sweet... .

Your Re-Concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

A Twanger says what?

Reagan and Bush are the hero's of the fringe right, and yet they were more of a traitor than Clinton and Obama have ever been to your way of life...

Can't argue the facts so you will double down on stupidity and just cut out the rest of what I wrote and declare Victory is yours little Stewie Griffin!
This is no shit my USMB nemesis, malcontents and miscreants.

Thanks to US sponsored terrorism in the US, Obama is making gun owners feel like the South did before the civil war.

I really believe that if O-Tard and/or your thighness Clinton will bring about a violent war if they call for America to turn in their weapons.

I'll be looking for that leader. I went to Nicarauga and Panama and did what I had to do. At 55 I still can. Well, maybe not so much as now t takes me all day just to be ready for what I used to do all night. If you know what I'm saying.


I swear to god!

Every year I read about the end of the world, a civil war, a world war, or some other nutter thing, and yet nothing happens!

I remember when Bill Clinton was President and the kooks claimed that the government was going to strip their rights away, and when George W. Bush became President the kooks ignored the fact that him and the Congress gave us the damn Patriot act, and the NSA was spying more on us.

So as you worry about that leftist President I will remember it was because of voters like you that gave us Bush that caused the Patriot Act, and remember it was Reagan that also wanted to limit what type of gun you could buy!

if you read some history you'll learn that no nation/empire/monarchy/republic/dictatorship or emirate is permanent...they all eventually fail or collapse due to rampant corruption and oppression.

this nation was born in blood and revolution and it'll collapse the same way .Our turn is coming again. No big deal..happens all the's how humans operate.
Collapse, partitioning to stop the bloodshed and then reconstruction of several new "countries" inside our current borders is how it'll happen..Think the " Balkans"......unless we get an american patriot in office this time.

Sure, and eight years from next year keep on screaming Civil War when the next Democrat get elected!

your premise is that the u.s. is permanent and nothing will ever break it?

LMAO...comical...Like I more history and less partisan propaganda and broaden your horizons.
Did I write I conceded anything?

So what?

All one need do to concede is engage the point and fail to sustain a viable opposition. Which is, what you did.

Sure, and you are the judge of this?

No scamp... the judge of that rest in the laws of reason.

Of which, your ignorance is decidedly NOT a defense.


Your concession is duly noted... and summarily accepted!

Whatever twanger!

The fact is you have yet to discuss the fact that Bush took more of your liberties than Obama has ever, and yet you claim I have conceded?

Thank for you concession and ignoring the actual fact you do not want to write about the facts but instead prefer to scream victory is yours little Stewie Griffin!


Wow, so Bush did nothing wrong?

Got to admit how those like you live in this bubble and believe a Civil war will happen when every Democrat get elected to office, and yet your wet dream never happens, why?

Bush signed the Patriot Act into law, so would you like to comment on it or will you punt it and blame Obama for what Bush did even though Obama was not a Senator at the time of the passing of the Patriot Act?

Complain about a dictatorship while ignoring the facts the GOP set all this up years before President Obama was even a Senator is just sad and pathetic, but that is what the fringe right has always been!
This is no shit my USMB nemesis, malcontents and miscreants.

Thanks to US sponsored terrorism in the US, Obama is making gun owners feel like the South did before the civil war.

I really believe that if O-Tard and/or your thighness Clinton will bring about a violent war if they call for America to turn in their weapons.

I'll be looking for that leader. I went to Nicarauga and Panama and did what I had to do. At 55 I still can. Well, maybe not so much as now t takes me all day just to be ready for what I used to do all night. If you know what I'm saying.


I swear to god!

Every year I read about the end of the world, a civil war, a world war, or some other nutter thing, and yet nothing happens!

I remember when Bill Clinton was President and the kooks claimed that the government was going to strip their rights away, and when George W. Bush became President the kooks ignored the fact that him and the Congress gave us the damn Patriot act, and the NSA was spying more on us.

So as you worry about that leftist President I will remember it was because of voters like you that gave us Bush that caused the Patriot Act, and remember it was Reagan that also wanted to limit what type of gun you could buy!

if you read some history you'll learn that no nation/empire/monarchy/republic/dictatorship or emirate is permanent...they all eventually fail or collapse due to rampant corruption and oppression.

this nation was born in blood and revolution and it'll collapse the same way .Our turn is coming again. No big deal..happens all the's how humans operate.
Collapse, partitioning to stop the bloodshed and then reconstruction of several new "countries" inside our current borders is how it'll happen..Think the " Balkans"......unless we get an american patriot in office this time.

Sure, and eight years from next year keep on screaming Civil War when the next Democrat get elected!

your premise is that the u.s. is permanent and nothing will ever break it?

LMAO...comical...Like I more history and less partisan propaganda and broaden your horizons.

Never said that and you can not even point to a word that would even suggest that. It will never happen in my lifetime that I will tell you and I still have another thirty years to go!

So keep on masturbating at the wet dream of a Civil War because reality is not on your side!
So what?

All one need do to concede is engage the point and fail to sustain a viable opposition. Which is, what you did.

Sure, and you are the judge of this?

No scamp... the judge of that rest in the laws of reason.

Of which, your ignorance is decidedly NOT a defense.


Your concession is duly noted... and summarily accepted!

Whatever twanger!

The fact is you have yet to discuss the fact that Bush took more of your liberties than Obama has ever, and yet you claim I have conceded?

Thank for you concession and ignoring the actual fact you do not want to write about the facts but instead prefer to scream victory is yours little Stewie Griffin!


Wow, so Bush did nothing wrong?

Got to admit how those like you live in this bubble and believe a Civil war will happen when every Democrat get elected to office, and yet your wet dream never happens, why?

Bush signed the Patriot Act into law, so would you like to comment on it or will you punt it and blame Obama for what Bush did even though Obama was not a Senator at the time of the passing of the Patriot Act?

Complain about a dictatorship while ignoring the facts the GOP set all this up years before President Obama was even a Senator is just sad and pathetic, but that is what the fringe right has always been!

bush?...the "patriot" act? we aren't talking about bush or the "patriot" act, though...but since you bring it up...

When is obama going to repeal the patriot act? Oh?..he's not?...gee...why not?
This is no shit my USMB nemesis, malcontents and miscreants.

Thanks to US sponsored terrorism in the US, Obama is making gun owners feel like the South did before the civil war.

I really believe that if O-Tard and/or your thighness Clinton will bring about a violent war if they call for America to turn in their weapons.

I'll be looking for that leader. I went to Nicarauga and Panama and did what I had to do. At 55 I still can. Well, maybe not so much as now t takes me all day just to be ready for what I used to do all night. If you know what I'm saying.


I swear to god!

Every year I read about the end of the world, a civil war, a world war, or some other nutter thing, and yet nothing happens!

I remember when Bill Clinton was President and the kooks claimed that the government was going to strip their rights away, and when George W. Bush became President the kooks ignored the fact that him and the Congress gave us the damn Patriot act, and the NSA was spying more on us.

So as you worry about that leftist President I will remember it was because of voters like you that gave us Bush that caused the Patriot Act, and remember it was Reagan that also wanted to limit what type of gun you could buy!

if you read some history you'll learn that no nation/empire/monarchy/republic/dictatorship or emirate is permanent...they all eventually fail or collapse due to rampant corruption and oppression.

this nation was born in blood and revolution and it'll collapse the same way .Our turn is coming again. No big deal..happens all the's how humans operate.
Collapse, partitioning to stop the bloodshed and then reconstruction of several new "countries" inside our current borders is how it'll happen..Think the " Balkans"......unless we get an american patriot in office this time.

Sure, and eight years from next year keep on screaming Civil War when the next Democrat get elected!

your premise is that the u.s. is permanent and nothing will ever break it?

LMAO...comical...Like I more history and less partisan propaganda and broaden your horizons.

Never said that and you can not even point to a word that would even suggest that. It will never happen in my lifetime that I will tell you and I still have another thirty years to go!

that's what the egyptians said,
that's what the greeks said.
that's what the romans said.
that's what the french said.
that's what the russians said.
that's what the british said.
Go read some history and take your partisan blinders off.

So keep on masturbating at the wet dream of a Civil War because reality is not on your side!
no one here is interested in your homosexual fantasies...try to stay on topic.
Sure, and you are the judge of this?

No scamp... the judge of that rest in the laws of reason.

Of which, your ignorance is decidedly NOT a defense.


Your concession is duly noted... and summarily accepted!

Whatever twanger!

The fact is you have yet to discuss the fact that Bush took more of your liberties than Obama has ever, and yet you claim I have conceded?

Thank for you concession and ignoring the actual fact you do not want to write about the facts but instead prefer to scream victory is yours little Stewie Griffin!


Wow, so Bush did nothing wrong?

Got to admit how those like you live in this bubble and believe a Civil war will happen when every Democrat get elected to office, and yet your wet dream never happens, why?

Bush signed the Patriot Act into law, so would you like to comment on it or will you punt it and blame Obama for what Bush did even though Obama was not a Senator at the time of the passing of the Patriot Act?

Complain about a dictatorship while ignoring the facts the GOP set all this up years before President Obama was even a Senator is just sad and pathetic, but that is what the fringe right has always been!

bush?...the "patriot" act? we aren't talking about bush or the "patriot" act, though...but since you bring it up...

When is obama going to repeal the patriot act? Oh?..he's not?...gee...why not?

Why am I bringing up the Patriot Act and that Bush signed it into law?

Well because the fact is those like you scream about how your rights are being taken away, and yet sat silently when Bush was President and even supported him and his power grabbing ways.

So if you did not object to the fact that Bush signed the act into law then why would you Object to President Obama having the same abusive rights that Bush had?

Simple, you fear a man of color having any power over you, and will scream for a Civil War while ignoring the same powers Obama is abusing are the same ones Bush had and you never once utter to overthrow the U.S. government then!

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but at alas you will write you never supported the abusive powers Bush obtained and just write about how Obama should not be allow to act like every other President before him!
I swear to god!

Every year I read about the end of the world, a civil war, a world war, or some other nutter thing, and yet nothing happens!

I remember when Bill Clinton was President and the kooks claimed that the government was going to strip their rights away, and when George W. Bush became President the kooks ignored the fact that him and the Congress gave us the damn Patriot act, and the NSA was spying more on us.

So as you worry about that leftist President I will remember it was because of voters like you that gave us Bush that caused the Patriot Act, and remember it was Reagan that also wanted to limit what type of gun you could buy!

if you read some history you'll learn that no nation/empire/monarchy/republic/dictatorship or emirate is permanent...they all eventually fail or collapse due to rampant corruption and oppression.

this nation was born in blood and revolution and it'll collapse the same way .Our turn is coming again. No big deal..happens all the's how humans operate.
Collapse, partitioning to stop the bloodshed and then reconstruction of several new "countries" inside our current borders is how it'll happen..Think the " Balkans"......unless we get an american patriot in office this time.

Sure, and eight years from next year keep on screaming Civil War when the next Democrat get elected!

your premise is that the u.s. is permanent and nothing will ever break it?

LMAO...comical...Like I more history and less partisan propaganda and broaden your horizons.

Never said that and you can not even point to a word that would even suggest that. It will never happen in my lifetime that I will tell you and I still have another thirty years to go!

that's what the egyptians said,
that's what the greeks said.
that's what the romans said.
that's what the french said.
that's what the russians said.
that's what the british said.
Go read some history and take your partisan blinders off.

So keep on masturbating at the wet dream of a Civil War because reality is not on your side!
no one here is interested in your homosexual fantasies...try to stay on topic.

For you to write my comments are homosexual in nature tell me you are a closet case to say the least.

Also the British are still a country within their own borders on their own Island, so very poor example to say the least.

Also how long did those empires last before their collapse, and how old is the U.S.?

So I am safe to bet the U.S. will be here long after you masturbate yourself to death for wishing for a Civil War in your pathetic wet dreams!
No scamp... the judge of that rest in the laws of reason.

Of which, your ignorance is decidedly NOT a defense.


Your concession is duly noted... and summarily accepted!

Whatever twanger!

The fact is you have yet to discuss the fact that Bush took more of your liberties than Obama has ever, and yet you claim I have conceded?

Thank for you concession and ignoring the actual fact you do not want to write about the facts but instead prefer to scream victory is yours little Stewie Griffin!


Wow, so Bush did nothing wrong?

Got to admit how those like you live in this bubble and believe a Civil war will happen when every Democrat get elected to office, and yet your wet dream never happens, why?

Bush signed the Patriot Act into law, so would you like to comment on it or will you punt it and blame Obama for what Bush did even though Obama was not a Senator at the time of the passing of the Patriot Act?

Complain about a dictatorship while ignoring the facts the GOP set all this up years before President Obama was even a Senator is just sad and pathetic, but that is what the fringe right has always been!

bush?...the "patriot" act? we aren't talking about bush or the "patriot" act, though...but since you bring it up...

When is obama going to repeal the patriot act? Oh?..he's not?...gee...why not?

Why am I bringing up the Patriot Act and that Bush signed it into law?
to deflect

Well because the fact is those like you scream about how your rights are being taken away, and yet sat silently when Bush was President and even supported him and his power grabbing ways.
incorrect. You assume much and then just make up the rest, hyperpartisan.

So if you did not object to the fact that Bush signed the act into law then why would you Object to President Obama having the same abusive rights that Bush had?
You assume much and then just make up the rest.

Simple, you fear a man of color having any power of you, and will scream for a Civil War while ignoring the same powers Obama is abusing are the same ones Bush had and you never once utter to overthrow the U.S. government then!

you've come unhinged now, racist

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but at alas you will write you never supported the abusive powers Bush obtained and just write about how Obama should not be allow to act like every other President before him!

again, you're assumptions are incorrect, hyperpartisan.
No scamp... the judge of that rest in the laws of reason.

Of which, your ignorance is decidedly NOT a defense.


Your concession is duly noted... and summarily accepted!

Whatever twanger!

The fact is you have yet to discuss the fact that Bush took more of your liberties than Obama has ever, and yet you claim I have conceded?

Thank for you concession and ignoring the actual fact you do not want to write about the facts but instead prefer to scream victory is yours little Stewie Griffin!


Wow, so Bush did nothing wrong?

Got to admit how those like you live in this bubble and believe a Civil war will happen when every Democrat get elected to office, and yet your wet dream never happens, why?

Bush signed the Patriot Act into law, so would you like to comment on it or will you punt it and blame Obama for what Bush did even though Obama was not a Senator at the time of the passing of the Patriot Act?

Complain about a dictatorship while ignoring the facts the GOP set all this up years before President Obama was even a Senator is just sad and pathetic, but that is what the fringe right has always been!

bush?...the "patriot" act? we aren't talking about bush or the "patriot" act, though...but since you bring it up...

When is obama going to repeal the patriot act? Oh?..he's not?...gee...why not?

Why am I bringing up the Patriot Act and that Bush signed it into law?

Because... you're an idiot?



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