Thank Terrorism for the Up and Coming Civil War

if you read some history you'll learn that no nation/empire/monarchy/republic/dictatorship or emirate is permanent...they all eventually fail or collapse due to rampant corruption and oppression.

this nation was born in blood and revolution and it'll collapse the same way .Our turn is coming again. No big deal..happens all the's how humans operate.
Collapse, partitioning to stop the bloodshed and then reconstruction of several new "countries" inside our current borders is how it'll happen..Think the " Balkans"......unless we get an american patriot in office this time.

Sure, and eight years from next year keep on screaming Civil War when the next Democrat get elected!

your premise is that the u.s. is permanent and nothing will ever break it?

LMAO...comical...Like I more history and less partisan propaganda and broaden your horizons.

Never said that and you can not even point to a word that would even suggest that. It will never happen in my lifetime that I will tell you and I still have another thirty years to go!

that's what the egyptians said,
that's what the greeks said.
that's what the romans said.
that's what the french said.
that's what the russians said.
that's what the british said.
Go read some history and take your partisan blinders off.

So keep on masturbating at the wet dream of a Civil War because reality is not on your side!
no one here is interested in your homosexual fantasies...try to stay on topic.

For you to write my comments are homosexual in nature tell me you are a closet case to say the least.
you're the one that brought up masturbation and wet dreams, not me. look, if you're gay, go for it, but don't complain about people noticing...

Also the British are still a country within their own borders on their own Island, so very poor example to say the least.

yes, they are? so?
The british used to say the sun never sets on the british empire....and it didn't...for a while.
Now all they have left is their little empire...Like I said, son, read some history..broaden your horizons past DNC propaganda

Also how long did those empires last before their collapse, and how old is the U.S.?
Son, I'm not going to run down the whole list and give you dates and times for each...go. read. some. history. educate yourself.

So I am safe to bet the U.S. will be here long after you masturbate yourself to death for wishing for a Civil War in your pathetic wet dreams!

more homosexual fantasies...can't you stay on topic and suppress your proclivities?
Whatever twanger!

The fact is you have yet to discuss the fact that Bush took more of your liberties than Obama has ever, and yet you claim I have conceded?

Thank for you concession and ignoring the actual fact you do not want to write about the facts but instead prefer to scream victory is yours little Stewie Griffin!


Wow, so Bush did nothing wrong?

Got to admit how those like you live in this bubble and believe a Civil war will happen when every Democrat get elected to office, and yet your wet dream never happens, why?

Bush signed the Patriot Act into law, so would you like to comment on it or will you punt it and blame Obama for what Bush did even though Obama was not a Senator at the time of the passing of the Patriot Act?

Complain about a dictatorship while ignoring the facts the GOP set all this up years before President Obama was even a Senator is just sad and pathetic, but that is what the fringe right has always been!

bush?...the "patriot" act? we aren't talking about bush or the "patriot" act, though...but since you bring it up...

When is obama going to repeal the patriot act? Oh?..he's not?...gee...why not?

Why am I bringing up the Patriot Act and that Bush signed it into law?
to deflect

Well because the fact is those like you scream about how your rights are being taken away, and yet sat silently when Bush was President and even supported him and his power grabbing ways.
incorrect. You assume much and then just make up the rest, hyperpartisan.

So if you did not object to the fact that Bush signed the act into law then why would you Object to President Obama having the same abusive rights that Bush had?
You assume much and then just make up the rest.

Simple, you fear a man of color having any power of you, and will scream for a Civil War while ignoring the same powers Obama is abusing are the same ones Bush had and you never once utter to overthrow the U.S. government then!

you've come unhinged now, racist

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but at alas you will write you never supported the abusive powers Bush obtained and just write about how Obama should not be allow to act like every other President before him!

again, you're assumptions are incorrect, hyperpartisan.

Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE!

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!
Whatever twanger!

The fact is you have yet to discuss the fact that Bush took more of your liberties than Obama has ever, and yet you claim I have conceded?

Thank for you concession and ignoring the actual fact you do not want to write about the facts but instead prefer to scream victory is yours little Stewie Griffin!


Wow, so Bush did nothing wrong?

Got to admit how those like you live in this bubble and believe a Civil war will happen when every Democrat get elected to office, and yet your wet dream never happens, why?

Bush signed the Patriot Act into law, so would you like to comment on it or will you punt it and blame Obama for what Bush did even though Obama was not a Senator at the time of the passing of the Patriot Act?

Complain about a dictatorship while ignoring the facts the GOP set all this up years before President Obama was even a Senator is just sad and pathetic, but that is what the fringe right has always been!

bush?...the "patriot" act? we aren't talking about bush or the "patriot" act, though...but since you bring it up...

When is obama going to repeal the patriot act? Oh?..he's not?...gee...why not?

Why am I bringing up the Patriot Act and that Bush signed it into law?

Because... you're an idiot?



Oh lord!

They had the MAJORITY DAMN IT, as you write, but what was the actual count in that majority back then?

It was a slight Majority, and hell yes Democrats were going to pass a law or act to suppress the rights of the American people, and yet you just admitted the GOP supported it to, so why so much hate for Obama having the same right to abuse the American Public?

I swear you love those laws when a Republican has the power to abuse it but then write about how Democrats should have gotten rid of it when I know fully well they wanted more than you did, and knew one day they would get into power to abuse that one act!

Now which one of us is the stupid one you simpleton of a fool!

Wow, so Bush did nothing wrong?

Got to admit how those like you live in this bubble and believe a Civil war will happen when every Democrat get elected to office, and yet your wet dream never happens, why?

Bush signed the Patriot Act into law, so would you like to comment on it or will you punt it and blame Obama for what Bush did even though Obama was not a Senator at the time of the passing of the Patriot Act?

Complain about a dictatorship while ignoring the facts the GOP set all this up years before President Obama was even a Senator is just sad and pathetic, but that is what the fringe right has always been!

bush?...the "patriot" act? we aren't talking about bush or the "patriot" act, though...but since you bring it up...

When is obama going to repeal the patriot act? Oh?..he's not?...gee...why not?

Why am I bringing up the Patriot Act and that Bush signed it into law?
to deflect

Well because the fact is those like you scream about how your rights are being taken away, and yet sat silently when Bush was President and even supported him and his power grabbing ways.
incorrect. You assume much and then just make up the rest, hyperpartisan.

So if you did not object to the fact that Bush signed the act into law then why would you Object to President Obama having the same abusive rights that Bush had?
You assume much and then just make up the rest.

Simple, you fear a man of color having any power of you, and will scream for a Civil War while ignoring the same powers Obama is abusing are the same ones Bush had and you never once utter to overthrow the U.S. government then!

you've come unhinged now, racist

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but at alas you will write you never supported the abusive powers Bush obtained and just write about how Obama should not be allow to act like every other President before him!

again, you're assumptions are incorrect, hyperpartisan.

Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.
no one is calling for a civil war...

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?
I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations...

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE! your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

if-then fallacy

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan
Sure, and eight years from next year keep on screaming Civil War when the next Democrat get elected!

your premise is that the u.s. is permanent and nothing will ever break it?

LMAO...comical...Like I more history and less partisan propaganda and broaden your horizons.

Never said that and you can not even point to a word that would even suggest that. It will never happen in my lifetime that I will tell you and I still have another thirty years to go!

that's what the egyptians said,
that's what the greeks said.
that's what the romans said.
that's what the french said.
that's what the russians said.
that's what the british said.
Go read some history and take your partisan blinders off.

So keep on masturbating at the wet dream of a Civil War because reality is not on your side!
no one here is interested in your homosexual fantasies...try to stay on topic.

For you to write my comments are homosexual in nature tell me you are a closet case to say the least.
you're the one that brought up masturbation and wet dreams, not me. look, if you're gay, go for it, but don't complain about people noticing...

Also the British are still a country within their own borders on their own Island, so very poor example to say the least.

yes, they are? so?
The british used to say the sun never sets on the british empire....and it didn't...for a while.
Now all they have left is their little empire...Like I said, son, read some history..broaden your horizons past DNC propaganda

Also how long did those empires last before their collapse, and how old is the U.S.?
Son, I'm not going to run down the whole list and give you dates and times for each...go. read. some. history. educate yourself.

So I am safe to bet the U.S. will be here long after you masturbate yourself to death for wishing for a Civil War in your pathetic wet dreams!

more homosexual fantasies...can't you stay on topic and suppress your proclivities?

First off don't call me your son because I know the person that fucked the bitch that gave birth to me, and I damn well know that pathetic excuse of piece of shit is still smarter than you.

You brought history and I pointed out the fact those empires lasted longer than the age of this country is now.

You're too fucking ignorant to understand that when Clinton was President those like you screamed Civil War, and When Bush became President you all went silent, and when Obama became President your pussies got hurt again and when the GOP win next year those like you will go silent for eight years until the next Democrat get into power.

So rinse, wash and repeat but it will never happen in my fucking lifetime you worthless asshat of a twanger!
Wow, so Bush did nothing wrong?

Got to admit how those like you live in this bubble and believe a Civil war will happen when every Democrat get elected to office, and yet your wet dream never happens, why?

Bush signed the Patriot Act into law, so would you like to comment on it or will you punt it and blame Obama for what Bush did even though Obama was not a Senator at the time of the passing of the Patriot Act?

Complain about a dictatorship while ignoring the facts the GOP set all this up years before President Obama was even a Senator is just sad and pathetic, but that is what the fringe right has always been!

bush?...the "patriot" act? we aren't talking about bush or the "patriot" act, though...but since you bring it up...

When is obama going to repeal the patriot act? Oh?..he's not?...gee...why not?

Why am I bringing up the Patriot Act and that Bush signed it into law?
to deflect

Well because the fact is those like you scream about how your rights are being taken away, and yet sat silently when Bush was President and even supported him and his power grabbing ways.
incorrect. You assume much and then just make up the rest, hyperpartisan.

So if you did not object to the fact that Bush signed the act into law then why would you Object to President Obama having the same abusive rights that Bush had?
You assume much and then just make up the rest.

Simple, you fear a man of color having any power of you, and will scream for a Civil War while ignoring the same powers Obama is abusing are the same ones Bush had and you never once utter to overthrow the U.S. government then!

you've come unhinged now, racist

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but at alas you will write you never supported the abusive powers Bush obtained and just write about how Obama should not be allow to act like every other President before him!

again, you're assumptions are incorrect, hyperpartisan.

Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.
no one is calling for a civil war...

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?
I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations...

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE! your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

if-then fallacy

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.
This is no shit my USMB nemesis, malcontents and miscreants.

Thanks to US sponsored terrorism in the US, Obama is making gun owners feel like the South did before the civil war.

I really believe that O-Tard and/or your thighness Clinton will bring about a violent war if they call for America to turn in their weapons.

I'll be looking for that leader. I went to Nicarauga and Panama and did what I had to do. At 55 I still can. Well, maybe not so much as now t takes me all day just to be ready for what I used to do all night. If you know what I'm saying.


Thank you for sharing.
bush?...the "patriot" act? we aren't talking about bush or the "patriot" act, though...but since you bring it up...

When is obama going to repeal the patriot act? Oh?..he's not?...gee...why not?

Why am I bringing up the Patriot Act and that Bush signed it into law?
to deflect

Well because the fact is those like you scream about how your rights are being taken away, and yet sat silently when Bush was President and even supported him and his power grabbing ways.
incorrect. You assume much and then just make up the rest, hyperpartisan.

So if you did not object to the fact that Bush signed the act into law then why would you Object to President Obama having the same abusive rights that Bush had?
You assume much and then just make up the rest.

Simple, you fear a man of color having any power of you, and will scream for a Civil War while ignoring the same powers Obama is abusing are the same ones Bush had and you never once utter to overthrow the U.S. government then!

you've come unhinged now, racist

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but at alas you will write you never supported the abusive powers Bush obtained and just write about how Obama should not be allow to act like every other President before him!

again, you're assumptions are incorrect, hyperpartisan.

Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.
no one is calling for a civil war...

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?
I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations...

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE! your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

if-then fallacy

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:
  1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
  2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
  3. From courage to liberty;
  4. From liberty to abundance;
  5. From abundance to complacency;
  6. From complacency to apathy;
  7. From apathy to dependence;
  8. From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A
Why am I bringing up the Patriot Act and that Bush signed it into law?
to deflect

Well because the fact is those like you scream about how your rights are being taken away, and yet sat silently when Bush was President and even supported him and his power grabbing ways.
incorrect. You assume much and then just make up the rest, hyperpartisan.

So if you did not object to the fact that Bush signed the act into law then why would you Object to President Obama having the same abusive rights that Bush had?
You assume much and then just make up the rest.

Simple, you fear a man of color having any power of you, and will scream for a Civil War while ignoring the same powers Obama is abusing are the same ones Bush had and you never once utter to overthrow the U.S. government then!

you've come unhinged now, racist

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but at alas you will write you never supported the abusive powers Bush obtained and just write about how Obama should not be allow to act like every other President before him!

again, you're assumptions are incorrect, hyperpartisan.

Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.
no one is calling for a civil war...

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?
I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations...

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE! your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

if-then fallacy

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh fucking Lord, and you call me a racist!

Please kiss my ass on this subject because idiots like you scream Civil War every time you discover a new person in your neighborhood!

Next year when a GOP is elected to office you will slink away from your wet dream of a Civil War, and stay silent while that asshole abuses the powers he has, and eight years later when a Democrat get into power those like you will slither out again screaming Civil War and the end of your great white society.

Also I am whiter than Casper the fucking Friendly Ghost!

Also I am neither Progressive Liberal nor Ultra Tea Panties wetting my depends conservative like you.

I am a moderate, and those illegals you worry so much about are going to be here long after the next President, and more will come because that is what happens when you have a nation as large as the U.S. with two massive borders to it north and south!

So again no Civil War, and when the Irish, Italians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups came to this country America grew stronger and became the nation it is today, so learn your damn history you stupid fucking redneck cracker!

I bet you long for the days when a Black rode in the back of the bus, walked up to your back door, and were told to call you sir and if they refused to do any of that you would be able to have them arrested and beaten.

Yeah, and you call me a racist you fucking moron!
to deflect

incorrect. You assume much and then just make up the rest, hyperpartisan.

You assume much and then just make up the rest.

you've come unhinged now, racist

again, you're assumptions are incorrect, hyperpartisan.

Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.
no one is calling for a civil war...

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?
I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations...

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE! your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

if-then fallacy

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh fucking Lord, and you call me a racist!

Please kiss my ass on this subject because idiots like you scream Civil War every time you discover a new person in your neighborhood!

Next year when a GOP is elected to office you will slink away from your wet dream of a Civil War, and stay silent while that asshole abuses the powers he has, and eight years later when a Democrat get into power those like you will slither out again screaming Civil War and the end of your great white society.

Also I am whiter than Casper the fucking Friendly Ghost!

Also I am neither Progressive Liberal nor Ultra Tea Panties wetting my depends conservative like you.

I am a moderate, and those illegals you worry so much about are going to be here long after the next President, and more will come because that is what happens when you have a nation as large as the U.S. with two massive borders to it north and south!

So again no Civil War, and when the Irish, Italians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups came to this country America grew stronger and became the nation it is today, so learn your damn history you stupid fucking redneck cracker!

I bet you long for the days when a Black rode in the back of the bus, walked up to your back door, and were told to call you sir and if they refused to do any of that you would be able to have them arrested and beaten.

Yeah, and you call me a racist you fucking moron!

now you're off on another racist tangent...more worried about calling me names than discussing facts and history...but do carry on with the namecalling and makes you look SOOOO intelligent.
Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.
no one is calling for a civil war...

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?
I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations...

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE! your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

if-then fallacy

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh fucking Lord, and you call me a racist!

Please kiss my ass on this subject because idiots like you scream Civil War every time you discover a new person in your neighborhood!

Next year when a GOP is elected to office you will slink away from your wet dream of a Civil War, and stay silent while that asshole abuses the powers he has, and eight years later when a Democrat get into power those like you will slither out again screaming Civil War and the end of your great white society.

Also I am whiter than Casper the fucking Friendly Ghost!

Also I am neither Progressive Liberal nor Ultra Tea Panties wetting my depends conservative like you.

I am a moderate, and those illegals you worry so much about are going to be here long after the next President, and more will come because that is what happens when you have a nation as large as the U.S. with two massive borders to it north and south!

So again no Civil War, and when the Irish, Italians, Chinese and many other ethnic groups came to this country America grew stronger and became the nation it is today, so learn your damn history you stupid fucking redneck cracker!

I bet you long for the days when a Black rode in the back of the bus, walked up to your back door, and were told to call you sir and if they refused to do any of that you would be able to have them arrested and beaten.

Yeah, and you call me a racist you fucking moron!

now you're off on another racist tangent...more worried about calling me names than discussing facts and history...but do carry on with the namecalling and makes you look SOOOO intelligent.


You wrote I am a homosexual, and that is not name calling?

You wrote that you believe I am a racist, and that is not name calling?

You keep on calling me your son, and I am willing to bet I have slept with more women older than you, so you might actually be the bastard that I left out there in the world.

Discussing the facts is not your strong suit.

You do not care about the fact that Bush signed into law the Patriot Act, and are only worried about some illegal that might get the same rights you have, and did you know Reagan granted them amnesty?

So why deny Obama the same right?

The reason why is because Reagan was a GOP and the God of your life and President Obama is a color man that is a Democrat and the Satan of your pathetic life.

Also I pointed out the fact that the empires you wrote about lasted a long ass time, and I am pretty safe to say I will be dead before any Civil War happen between these borders no matter how much you masturbate at the wet dream you are having!

Tell you what and I will bet in the next thirty years a Civil War will never happen within these borders, and if it does then I will find a billboard and write your screen name on it and admit I am wrong but if I am correct just remember which one of us was the simpleton fool, wait that is you no matter what!
Why am I bringing up the Patriot Act and that Bush signed it into law?
to deflect

Well because the fact is those like you scream about how your rights are being taken away, and yet sat silently when Bush was President and even supported him and his power grabbing ways.
incorrect. You assume much and then just make up the rest, hyperpartisan.

So if you did not object to the fact that Bush signed the act into law then why would you Object to President Obama having the same abusive rights that Bush had?
You assume much and then just make up the rest.

Simple, you fear a man of color having any power of you, and will scream for a Civil War while ignoring the same powers Obama is abusing are the same ones Bush had and you never once utter to overthrow the U.S. government then!

you've come unhinged now, racist

So what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but at alas you will write you never supported the abusive powers Bush obtained and just write about how Obama should not be allow to act like every other President before him!

again, you're assumptions are incorrect, hyperpartisan.

Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.
no one is calling for a civil war...

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?
I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations...

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE! your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

if-then fallacy

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh, any nation will eventually collapse or change into something else. But the nonsense being offered is 'up and coming' civil wars. Those in the near future. And that's not happening.

You'll have to wait at least a generation, probably several. As the fighting age folks generally don't value the shit that fringe right conservatives do. Millennials favor gay marriage, immigration reform, progressive politics in general.

Old white guys? That's your demo. And they're not fighting. They're giving us excuses why they shouldn't have to fight. Why someone *else* has to bleed. But not them. And civil wars aren't fought with people unwilling to bleed.

What you've got is a handful of old, white, half assed Jeffersons. And not a Hamilton among them. History is not your friend.
to deflect

incorrect. You assume much and then just make up the rest, hyperpartisan.

You assume much and then just make up the rest.

you've come unhinged now, racist

again, you're assumptions are incorrect, hyperpartisan.

Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.
no one is calling for a civil war...

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?
I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations...

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE! your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

if-then fallacy

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh, any nation will eventually collapse or change into something else. But the nonsense being offered is 'up and coming' civil wars. Those in the near future. And that's not happening.

You'll have to wait at least a generation, probably several. As the fighting age folks generally don't value the shit that fringe right conservatives do. Millennials favor gay marriage, immigration reform, progressive politics in general.

Old white guys? That's your demo. And they're not fighting. They're giving us excuses why they shouldn't have to fight. Why someone *else* has to bleed. But not them. And civil wars aren't fought with people unwilling to bleed.

What you've got is a handful of old, white, half assed Jeffersons. And not a Hamilton among them. History is not your friend.

all your proclamations are meaningless...based entirely on DNC propaganda.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Samuel Adams
Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.
no one is calling for a civil war...

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?
I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations...

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE! your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

if-then fallacy

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh, any nation will eventually collapse or change into something else. But the nonsense being offered is 'up and coming' civil wars. Those in the near future. And that's not happening.

You'll have to wait at least a generation, probably several. As the fighting age folks generally don't value the shit that fringe right conservatives do. Millennials favor gay marriage, immigration reform, progressive politics in general.

Old white guys? That's your demo. And they're not fighting. They're giving us excuses why they shouldn't have to fight. Why someone *else* has to bleed. But not them. And civil wars aren't fought with people unwilling to bleed.

What you've got is a handful of old, white, half assed Jeffersons. And not a Hamilton among them. History is not your friend.

all your proclamations are meaningless...based entirely on DNC propaganda.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Samuel Adams

Good luck with your plan for Civil War because it will never happen in my lifetime, but alas your too stupid to understand this.

I will remind you of this when the GOP win next November, and see if you still want your little Civil War!
Sure it is.

Also I am not the one calling for a Civil War because a man of color is sitting in the Oval office, but you seem to support the idea.
no one is calling for a civil war...

Also where are all your objections to when Bush was abusing such powers like the Patriot Act or having the NSA spy on us?

I am sure you have countless of posts, right great Patriot?
I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations...

Wait, you'll tell me to do my own research and it will come up empty because the fact is you have no problem with a abusive government as long as the abuse is done by the GOP and not a Democrat and not by one that is not WHITE! your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

So if you were fine with the abuse done by President Bush then you should not have any problem allowing President Obama the same right to be a abusive asshole in office, right?

if-then fallacy

Also I am as partisan as you are smart, and neither can be factual or proven because I dislike President Obama almost as much as I dislike assholes that masturbate at the idea of having a Civil War to protect suppose rights they love when a Democrat is in office but forget about them when a Republican is in power!

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh, any nation will eventually collapse or change into something else. But the nonsense being offered is 'up and coming' civil wars. Those in the near future. And that's not happening.

You'll have to wait at least a generation, probably several. As the fighting age folks generally don't value the shit that fringe right conservatives do. Millennials favor gay marriage, immigration reform, progressive politics in general.

Old white guys? That's your demo. And they're not fighting. They're giving us excuses why they shouldn't have to fight. Why someone *else* has to bleed. But not them. And civil wars aren't fought with people unwilling to bleed.

What you've got is a handful of old, white, half assed Jeffersons. And not a Hamilton among them. History is not your friend.

all your proclamations are meaningless...based entirely on DNC propaganda.

Says who? Your argument amounts to 'uh-uh'. Which historically hasn't had a very good track record.

Demonstrate which part of my argument is inaccurate. You can't. As we both know I'm right.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Samuel Adams

Adams didn't fight either. Keep quoting folks that won't fight. You'll demonstrate my point yet again.
no one is calling for a civil war...

I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations... your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

if-then fallacy

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh, any nation will eventually collapse or change into something else. But the nonsense being offered is 'up and coming' civil wars. Those in the near future. And that's not happening.

You'll have to wait at least a generation, probably several. As the fighting age folks generally don't value the shit that fringe right conservatives do. Millennials favor gay marriage, immigration reform, progressive politics in general.

Old white guys? That's your demo. And they're not fighting. They're giving us excuses why they shouldn't have to fight. Why someone *else* has to bleed. But not them. And civil wars aren't fought with people unwilling to bleed.

What you've got is a handful of old, white, half assed Jeffersons. And not a Hamilton among them. History is not your friend.

all your proclamations are meaningless...based entirely on DNC propaganda.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Samuel Adams

Good luck with your plan for Civil War because it will never happen in my lifetime, but alas your too stupid to understand this.

I will remind you of this when the GOP win next November, and see if you still want your little Civil War!

more wild exaggeration...I don't have a "plan" for "civil war"..
I just pointed out that no form of government is permanent...and that is correct.This one will collapse as well. The paths of history are strewn with the wreckage of nations that never believed it would happen...and you can make all the denials you want....seriously..type less propaganda and insults and read some'll be better for it.

now call me some vulgar names, make more references to your homosexuality, mention something about "bush" and reference todays DNC talking points, partisan...
The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh, any nation will eventually collapse or change into something else. But the nonsense being offered is 'up and coming' civil wars. Those in the near future. And that's not happening.

You'll have to wait at least a generation, probably several. As the fighting age folks generally don't value the shit that fringe right conservatives do. Millennials favor gay marriage, immigration reform, progressive politics in general.

Old white guys? That's your demo. And they're not fighting. They're giving us excuses why they shouldn't have to fight. Why someone *else* has to bleed. But not them. And civil wars aren't fought with people unwilling to bleed.

What you've got is a handful of old, white, half assed Jeffersons. And not a Hamilton among them. History is not your friend.

all your proclamations are meaningless...based entirely on DNC propaganda.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Samuel Adams

Good luck with your plan for Civil War because it will never happen in my lifetime, but alas your too stupid to understand this.

I will remind you of this when the GOP win next November, and see if you still want your little Civil War!

more wild exaggeration...I don't have a "plan" for "civil war"..
I just pointed out that no form of government is permanent...and that is correct.

No one is disputing that claim that in the infinity of future time, the US will either change or collapse eventually.

What's being disputed is the nonsense of an 'up and coming' civil war in the near future. Its not happening. As who is going to fight it? The fighting age folks aren't bleeding because some fringe conservative doesn't like gay marriage. And they're certainly not killing anyone over it. Or immigration reform. Or over a wedding cake. Or because fringe conservatives hate Muslims.

So who is gonna fight this civil war? The answer is....nobody. So you guys talk about it. And quote founding fathers who talked. But your ilk still isn't willing to bleed.

Which is why there will be no civil war. Not for *at least* a generation. Probably several. As the folks that will be fighting in your 'civil war' haven't been born yet.
no one is calling for a civil war...

I dunno how many..Maybe I wasn't even a member when bush was pres..I don't know or really care...stop making proclamations and wild, unfounded exaggerations... your REAL purpose is disparage white people...racist

if-then fallacy

LMAO..sure, sure...whatever you say, gay hyperpartisan

The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh, any nation will eventually collapse or change into something else. But the nonsense being offered is 'up and coming' civil wars. Those in the near future. And that's not happening.

You'll have to wait at least a generation, probably several. As the fighting age folks generally don't value the shit that fringe right conservatives do. Millennials favor gay marriage, immigration reform, progressive politics in general.

Old white guys? That's your demo. And they're not fighting. They're giving us excuses why they shouldn't have to fight. Why someone *else* has to bleed. But not them. And civil wars aren't fought with people unwilling to bleed.

What you've got is a handful of old, white, half assed Jeffersons. And not a Hamilton among them. History is not your friend.

all your proclamations are meaningless...based entirely on DNC propaganda.

Says who? Your argument amounts to 'uh-uh'. Which historically hasn't had a very good track record.

Demonstrate which part of my argument is inaccurate. You can't. As we both know I'm right.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Samuel Adams

Adams didn't fight either. Keep quoting folks that won't fight. You'll demonstrate my point yet again.

demonstrate to me how there is still a greek empire, roman, russian, british...there aren't..why?..they collapsed?..why? corruption and oppression caused either revolution or allowed foreign invasion.
Read some history.
and good for you knowing that samuel adams wasn't a soldier! most middle school kids know that...very good!
*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh, any nation will eventually collapse or change into something else. But the nonsense being offered is 'up and coming' civil wars. Those in the near future. And that's not happening.

You'll have to wait at least a generation, probably several. As the fighting age folks generally don't value the shit that fringe right conservatives do. Millennials favor gay marriage, immigration reform, progressive politics in general.

Old white guys? That's your demo. And they're not fighting. They're giving us excuses why they shouldn't have to fight. Why someone *else* has to bleed. But not them. And civil wars aren't fought with people unwilling to bleed.

What you've got is a handful of old, white, half assed Jeffersons. And not a Hamilton among them. History is not your friend.

all your proclamations are meaningless...based entirely on DNC propaganda.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Samuel Adams

Good luck with your plan for Civil War because it will never happen in my lifetime, but alas your too stupid to understand this.

I will remind you of this when the GOP win next November, and see if you still want your little Civil War!

more wild exaggeration...I don't have a "plan" for "civil war"..
I just pointed out that no form of government is permanent...and that is correct.

No one is disputing that claim that in the infinity of future time, the US will either change or collapse eventually.

What's being disputed is the nonsense of an 'up and coming' civil war in the near future. Its not happening. As who is going to fight it? The fighting age folks aren't bleeding because some fringe conservative doesn't like gay marriage. And they're certainly not killing anyone over it. Or immigration reform. Or over a wedding cake. Or because fringe conservatives hate Muslims.

So who is gonna fight this civil war? The answer is....nobody. So you guys talk about it. And quote founding fathers who talked. But your ilk still isn't willing to bleed.

Which is why there will be no civil war. Not for *at least* a generation. Probably several. As the folks that will be fighting in your 'civil war' haven't been born yet.

that's what the egyptians said,
that's what the greeks said.
that's what the romans said.
that's what the french said.
that's what the russians said.
that's what the british said.
Go read some history and take your partisan blinders off.
The OP is about Civil war you stupid fucking asshole!

So yes the OP'er writing about their wish of a Civil War!

Tell me to go read something and then forget what the actual topic of the thread is about is fucking priceless as can be!

Also go read and discover the count in the senate or are you too lazy to discover the fact it was a slight majority.

*Pro Tip*
history, son... The key is history. The past is prologue.

This nation is no different.

I got this in an email a few years ago..don't know the original author but the QUOTES by Tyler are accurate.

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government."

"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury."
"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years"
"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;
    • From spiritual faith to great courage;
    • From courage to liberty;
    • From liberty to abundance;
    • From abundance to complacency;
    • From complacency to apathy;
    • From apathy to dependence;
    • From dependence back into bondage"
Consider this,
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million plus criminal invaders called "illegal's" and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the US of A

Oh, any nation will eventually collapse or change into something else. But the nonsense being offered is 'up and coming' civil wars. Those in the near future. And that's not happening.

You'll have to wait at least a generation, probably several. As the fighting age folks generally don't value the shit that fringe right conservatives do. Millennials favor gay marriage, immigration reform, progressive politics in general.

Old white guys? That's your demo. And they're not fighting. They're giving us excuses why they shouldn't have to fight. Why someone *else* has to bleed. But not them. And civil wars aren't fought with people unwilling to bleed.

What you've got is a handful of old, white, half assed Jeffersons. And not a Hamilton among them. History is not your friend.

all your proclamations are meaningless...based entirely on DNC propaganda.

Says who? Your argument amounts to 'uh-uh'. Which historically hasn't had a very good track record.

Demonstrate which part of my argument is inaccurate. You can't. As we both know I'm right.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Samuel Adams

Adams didn't fight either. Keep quoting folks that won't fight. You'll demonstrate my point yet again.

demonstrate to me how there is still a greek empire, roman, russian, british...there aren't..why?..they collapsed?..why? corruption and oppression caused either revolution or allowed foreign invasion.
Read some history.

The Roman empire didn't collapse because of immigration. The Vandals didn't show up to flip burgers, put up dry wall and do landscaping. The Goths didn't come to the Roman Empire to clean houses and pick produce.

So what 'foreign invasion' are you referring to? There isn't one.

Our economy is one of the strongest in the world, our military is one of the largest, the most advanced, and arguably the most powerful. Our culture is the most influential on the planet. And there's no plausible threat of foreign invasion. As there's no one to the South strong enough. And no one North of us with the inclination. We have the strongest alliances, the most powerful trading partners, and the most respected leaders.

There are no near term threats that make the idiot 'up and coming civil war' narrative even remotely plausible. Its Ayn Rand fan fiction. And you can't make a plausible argument for it.

and good for you knowing that samuel adams wasn't a soldier! most middle school kids know that...very good!

Your little 'civil war' doesn't have soldiers either. It has talkers. And talkers don't win wars. Those willing to bleed do. And that's where the 'up and coming civil war' narrative just shatters. As you don't have fighters.

You have bloggers.
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