Thank Terrorism for the Up and Coming Civil War

Won't be a war. Almost everyone with guns is on the same side already. It's gonna be a rise in nationalism.....and just have to deal with liberals however it has to be done.
Notice what's happening across Europe? The fucking Socialists have destroyed many countries economies and cultures.
What's happening? The rise of nationalism is spreading across Europe.
The US is about to experience a seismic shift towards hard right nationalism. The fucking LIBs had their chance to turn America into the Socialist country. They had Obama for seven plus years.
What's happened?
The LIBs became a national PC force.
The LIBs spawned Trump.Trump will make America great again. The fucking LIB PC baby-boy cowards will all find rocks to hide under.
Oh, any nation will eventually collapse or change into something else. But the nonsense being offered is 'up and coming' civil wars. Those in the near future. And that's not happening.

You'll have to wait at least a generation, probably several. As the fighting age folks generally don't value the shit that fringe right conservatives do. Millennials favor gay marriage, immigration reform, progressive politics in general.

Old white guys? That's your demo. And they're not fighting. They're giving us excuses why they shouldn't have to fight. Why someone *else* has to bleed. But not them. And civil wars aren't fought with people unwilling to bleed.

What you've got is a handful of old, white, half assed Jeffersons. And not a Hamilton among them. History is not your friend.

all your proclamations are meaningless...based entirely on DNC propaganda.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Samuel Adams

Good luck with your plan for Civil War because it will never happen in my lifetime, but alas your too stupid to understand this.

I will remind you of this when the GOP win next November, and see if you still want your little Civil War!

more wild exaggeration...I don't have a "plan" for "civil war"..
I just pointed out that no form of government is permanent...and that is correct.

No one is disputing that claim that in the infinity of future time, the US will either change or collapse eventually.

What's being disputed is the nonsense of an 'up and coming' civil war in the near future. Its not happening. As who is going to fight it? The fighting age folks aren't bleeding because some fringe conservative doesn't like gay marriage. And they're certainly not killing anyone over it. Or immigration reform. Or over a wedding cake. Or because fringe conservatives hate Muslims.

So who is gonna fight this civil war? The answer is....nobody. So you guys talk about it. And quote founding fathers who talked. But your ilk still isn't willing to bleed.

Which is why there will be no civil war. Not for *at least* a generation. Probably several. As the folks that will be fighting in your 'civil war' haven't been born yet.

that's what the egyptians said,
that's what the greeks said.
that's what the romans said.
that's what the french said.
that's what the russians said.
that's what the british said.
Go read some history and take your partisan blinders off.

And we've had chicken littles like yourself predicting the 'up and coming' collapse of our country for 2 centuries.

Yet we're still here.

You can't make a plausible argument for our near term collapse, a 'foreign invasion', or a civil war. So you 'allude' to it. Allusions don't win civil wars either. Fighters do.

And you don't have any.
This is no shit my USMB nemesis, malcontents and miscreants.

Thanks to US sponsored terrorism in the US, Obama is making gun owners feel like the South did before the civil war.

I really believe that if O-Tard and/or your thighness Clinton will bring about a violent war if they call for America to turn in their weapons.

I'll be looking for that leader. I went to Nicarauga and Panama and did what I had to do. At 55 I still can. Well, maybe not so much as now t takes me all day just to be ready for what I used to do all night. If you know what I'm saying.


I swear to god!

Every year I read about the end of the world, a civil war, a world war, or some other nutter thing, and yet nothing happens!

I remember when Bill Clinton was President and the kooks claimed that the government was going to strip their rights away, and when George W. Bush became President the kooks ignored the fact that him and the Congress gave us the damn Patriot act, and the NSA was spying more on us.

So as you worry about that leftist President I will remember it was because of voters like you that gave us Bush that caused the Patriot Act, and remember it was Reagan that also wanted to limit what type of gun you could buy!
English isn't your first language obviously. Your parents should have chosen a better 'madras' for you to attend.
It shouldn't surprise me by now, but i never do get used to how much 'conservatives' like Geaux4it, Rotagilla, and Billy_Kinetta hate America and the Constitution

Au contraire, the only thing I hate is abject stupidity, at which you people excel.

And as I said earlier, I am no more a conservative than were Washington, Madison and Jefferson. Even a cursory glance at my posts confirms that. I am a proponent of classical liberalism, the same school attended by the three mentioned above, and deserve the title even as you people do not.
What are the conservative warriors going to do when if their target isn't handicapped accessible? On their HoverRound scooters, they'll be like Daleks, invincible warriors stopped cold by a staircase.

And without their government subsidies, how will the conservatives fund their army o' doom?

And you don't have to be a great shot to outshoot a conservative. You just have to be sober.
It shouldn't surprise me by now, but i never do get used to how much 'conservatives' like Geaux4it, Rotagilla, and Billy_Kinetta hate America and the Constitution

Au contraire, the only thing I hate is abject stupidity, at which you people excel.

And as I said earlier, I am no more a conservative than were Washington, Madison and Jefferson. Even a cursory glance at my posts confirms that. I am a proponent of classical liberalism, the same school attended by the three mentioned above, and deserve the title even as you people do not.
Your posts make it clear you hate America and our Constitution. Why else would you want a civil war?
It shouldn't surprise me by now, but i never do get used to how much 'conservatives' like Geaux4it, Rotagilla, and Billy_Kinetta hate America and the Constitution

Au contraire, the only thing I hate is abject stupidity, at which you people excel.

And as I said earlier, I am no more a conservative than were Washington, Madison and Jefferson. Even a cursory glance at my posts confirms that. I am a proponent of classical liberalism, the same school attended by the three mentioned above, and deserve the title even as you people do not.
Your posts make it clear you hate America and our Constitution.

Feel free to provide examples.

Why else would you want a civil war?

Please post where I have said I want a civil war.
You mean like Al Gore, Colin Powell, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry etc etc who ALL voted to go to war? They had exactly the same intell as Bush had.

You're a fucking joke!
With the exception of Colin Powell, each of those individuals has a legitimate excuse in that their votes were based on the lies constructed by the Bush Crime Family -- which eminently includes Colin Powell.

You are one of the very few who are unaware that Colin Powell's lying before the UN and the world is by far the most convincing of all the lies that led to Congressional approval of the Iraq invasion. Colin Powell, having been Chairman of the Joint Chiefs during Operation Desert Storm, was in a better position than anyone to know that Bush's WMD claims were lies, yet he betrayed the Nation, including the military personnel who trusted him, knowing that thousands would be killed in that wholly unnecessary and unlawful act of war.

You say those others had exactly the same intelligence as Bush had. But the fact is they had intelligence that the Bush gang fabricated. Lies.

The above is for the benefit of those who might be swayed by your ignorant protestations. I know very well it won't affect your twisted partisan mindset in the least. It wouldn't surprise me to learn you think the Iraq invasion was a good idea.
For you to write my comments are homosexual in nature tell me you are a closet case to say the least.

Yep... definitely queer.
You senile old fart, you have already posted your desire to kill fellow Americans. So why should anyone listen to you on any subject? You are one sicko old bastard. The world and this nation will be a better place when you leave it.
This is no shit my USMB nemesis, malcontents and miscreants.

Thanks to US sponsored terrorism in the US, Obama is making gun owners feel like the South did before the civil war.

I really believe that O-Tard and/or your thighness Clinton will bring about a violent war if they call for America to turn in their weapons.

I'll be looking for that leader. I went to Nicarauga and Panama and did what I had to do. At 55 I still can. Well, maybe not so much as now t takes me all day just to be ready for what I used to do all night. If you know what I'm saying.


Read your bible dummy, God has already spoke on this...the clock has been ticking since the creation!! But know that peace will come after all this and then the coming of Christ!! Be ready or go to hell!!

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