THANK YOU CNN, NBC, MSM general; W/O you Trump would cover this virus up and let us just be sick

Without the courage of the “mainstream media” speaking truth to power, this pandemic may have been censored to Americans. Sure it wasnt Trumps fault it happened, I admit that in fairness, and he probably couldn’t have done too much to change how its gone.

But he would have covered it all up to not cause the crisis. He would’ve just let us all be sick and say “Its just flu season” and we probably wouldn’t have even known the difference.

THANK YOU to everyone at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC for leading us in this crisis
There is help for you to get TDS treated, watch real news fox.. your welcome
Couldnt have done much? Howbout being prepared?

Just watch fox:
this whole virus thing is just a plot to impeach Trump.
Turn on CNN : it’s trumps fault! Lol
The irony of Trump acting like a whiny little bitch about the media's coverage is that it has helped immeasurably in people understanding the risk to the public and what to do to minimize exposure to the virus. That has become the recognized best strategy for containing the spread now that community transmission has accelerated. The dire warnings have aided in slowing the spread. Thank goodness, because if people were listening to Trump's advice ("It's no big deal") the spread rate would be much worse.

You're just mad that Trump confronts the lying POS liberal media and wins. Tissue?
To whoever laughed at my post, this isnt funny. Thank God for freedom of the press or we’d be in the dark on the truth.

The answer is NO.

Bernie is not going to be your next President, so cut it out already.
Obviously you people have no respect for the 1st amendment. It could actually be said that Obama may have done the same, like covering up the BP oil spill. HE wouldnt have but without the media he would have had that option.

Fox is propaganda so no thanks
To whoever laughed at my post, this isnt funny. Thank God for freedom of the press or we’d be in the dark on the truth.
WE are laughing AT you, you pathetic, trolling bitch. This worthless, puerile, pointless, incendiary thread has no basis in reality or fact whatsoever. You're so disconnected, you even disprove and admit your own claims are wrong!
The lame stream media is lying out of their collective asses.. These fools created a panic where there shouldn't be one.
Obviously you people have no respect for the 1st amendment. It could actually be said that Obama may have done the same, like covering up the BP oil spill. HE wouldnt have but without the media he would have had that option.

Fox is propaganda so no thanks

Oh God the irony of defending the 1st amendment then bashing Fox News. :auiqs.jpg:
Without the courage of the “mainstream media” speaking truth to power, this pandemic may have been censored to Americans. Sure it wasnt Trumps fault it happened, I admit that in fairness, and he probably couldn’t have done too much to change how its gone.

But he would have covered it all up to not cause the crisis. He would’ve just let us all be sick and say “Its just flu season” and we probably wouldn’t have even known the difference.

THANK YOU to everyone at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC for leading us in this crisis
I had to look at who the trumpscum are who think this is funny
To whoever laughed at my post, this isnt funny. Thank God for freedom of the press or we’d be in the dark on the truth.

This isn't the "press". The moderators just tolerate your insipid opinions because they like the revenue their sponsors pay them.

Your First Amendment rights are just as invalid here as my Second Amendment right to pull out a gun and start shooting everyone who disagrees with me.

Obviously you people have no respect for the 1st amendment. It could actually be said that Obama may have done the same, like covering up the BP oil spill. HE wouldnt have but without the media he would have had that option.

Fox is propaganda so no thanks
Years ago I was trained in Chemical, Nuclear, and Biological Warfare. FOX is the only one that got it right from the beginning. Trump is following established protocols for protecting the populace.

Its idiots like you that create fear and panic.
To whoever laughed at my post, this isnt funny. Thank God for freedom of the press or we’d be in the dark on the truth.
WE are laughing AT you, you pathetic, trolling bitch. This worthless, puerile, pointless, incendiary thread has no basis in reality or fact whatsoever. You're so disconnected, you even disprove and admit your own claims are wrong!
The lame stream media is lying out of their collective asses.. These fools created a panic where there shouldn't be one.
Yes how terrible they told the truth about Donald’s incompetence
Obviously you people have no respect for the 1st amendment. It could actually be said that Obama may have done the same, like covering up the BP oil spill. HE wouldnt have but without the media he would have had that option.

Fox is propaganda so no thanks
Years ago I was trained in Chemical, Nuclear, and Biological Warfare. FOX is the only one that got it right from the beginning. Trump is following established protocols for protecting the populace.

Its idiots like you that create fear and panic.
No. It’s ignorant trumpscum who think it’s ok that Donald was fine with letting people die

I guess he figured it was mostly smart, educated people who work in cities and not angry stupid white trash
Obviously you people have no respect for the 1st amendment. It could actually be said that Obama may have done the same, like covering up the BP oil spill. HE wouldnt have but without the media he would have had that option.

Fox is propaganda so no thanks
Years ago I was trained in Chemical, Nuclear, and Biological Warfare. FOX is the only one that got it right from the beginning. Trump is following established protocols for protecting the populace.

Its idiots like you that create fear and panic.
No. It’s ignorant trumpscum who think it’s ok that Donald was fine with letting people die

I guess he figured it was mostly smart, educated people who work in cities and not angry stupid white trash
Two words.... FUCK YOU!

Obama let over 1000 die and waited 6 months to act.... Pull your head out of your ass.
Without the courage of the “mainstream media” speaking truth to power, this pandemic may have been censored to Americans. Sure it wasnt Trumps fault it happened, I admit that in fairness, and he probably couldn’t have done too much to change how its gone.

But he would have covered it all up to not cause the crisis. He would’ve just let us all be sick and say “Its just flu season” and we probably wouldn’t have even known the difference.

THANK YOU to everyone at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC for leading us in this crisis

America would have never known about the toilet paper shortage or that they needed to hoard bottled water.

THANK YOU to everyone at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC for the 24/7 message of
Without the courage of the “mainstream media” speaking truth to power, this pandemic may have been censored to Americans. Sure it wasnt Trumps fault it happened, I admit that in fairness, and he probably couldn’t have done too much to change how its gone.

But he would have covered it all up to not cause the crisis. He would’ve just let us all be sick and say “Its just flu season” and we probably wouldn’t have even known the difference.

THANK YOU to everyone at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC for leading us in this crisis

You mean the same MSM that ignored the Coronavirus while it was spreading like crazy in December and January because their number one priority was the impeachment hoax?
go hide under your bed covers snowflake, its just the flu.
Fox News is downplaying the risk of coronavirus. That could get people killed.
Fox News is downplaying the risk of coronavirus. That could get people killed.

As coronavirus continues to spread around the globe, with over 113,000 cases worldwide and a global death count of over 4,000, Fox News is continuing to downplay the severity, accusing Democrats and the media of purposefully fearmongering in order to hurt President Donald Trump’s reelection chances.

From the moment coronavirus became the dominant news story, right-wing conspiracy theories and narratives began to come out about the origins of the virus and other aspects of its spread. Fox News in particular has tried to minimize the risk posed by coronavirus, in an effort to shield Trump from any political backlash.

Given Trump’s tendency to make decisions based on what he sees on Fox, and Fox’s older viewer base -- a population most at risk of adverse reactions to the virus -- the network’s efforts to downplay the risk of coronavirus are dangerous.

And it’s possible that the impact of Fox’s coverage is already being felt. A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that Americans are divided on party lines over the risk from coronavirus -- Democrats are about twice as likely as Republicans to say that the virus poses an imminent threat to the United States. Here are some of the ways Fox has downplayed the coronavirus or misrepresented responses to the outbreak:

  • Fox prime-time host Sean Hannity claimed people are faking concern about coronavirus just to “bludgeon Trump with this new hoax.”

  • Edited copyright violation-meister
Last edited by a moderator:
Without the courage of the “mainstream media” speaking truth to power, this pandemic may have been censored to Americans. Sure it wasnt Trumps fault it happened, I admit that in fairness, and he probably couldn’t have done too much to change how its gone.

But he would have covered it all up to not cause the crisis. He would’ve just let us all be sick and say “Its just flu season” and we probably wouldn’t have even known the difference.

THANK YOU to everyone at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC for leading us in this crisis
You are a hyper-partisan and quite stupid. The two tend to go hand in hand. How old are you, child? Unless you are aged and infirm, this virus stands almost no chance of affecting you. What IS affecting you is the hysteria over it that has been whipped up by the very same deep state media you praise.

This virus is probably going to effect everyone. It’s transmission is on an evil genius level. Testing won’t do much because you’ll be walking around infecting people for a week without having any symptoms. Unless you force everyone to test periodically, and put those who are positive on house arrest. Outside of that, testing the herd of cats that need to work and go out to buy shit isn’t going to help. But it’s a flu. Buck up. It’ll hit the elderly hard, could be a knockout punch to those close to death. So urge your elderly loved ones to self quarantine themselves from the outside world. Stop fucking panicking. TP isn’t going to save you from this, masks aren’t going to save you from this unless you get a fitted mask that seals off you’re entire mouth and nose. Don’t go out and buy those masks either. Hospitals are running low and they kind of need them for the people who are actually going to help the ones this virus will hit hard. Consider this a PSA you dumb fucks. It’s ridiculous I can’t buy chili or Clorox wipes to clean my sink. This idiotic panic is gonna fuck us even more than the virus will. We’re on the bottom end of the parabola approaching the slope, and our shelves are already empty. What happens in a month when half the truck drivers delivering the food to the market are out with the flu for a week and the shelves are already empty? Fucking idiots.
To whoever laughed at my post, this isnt funny. Thank God for freedom of the press or we’d be in the dark on the truth.
WE are laughing AT you, you pathetic, trolling bitch. This worthless, puerile, pointless, incendiary thread has no basis in reality or fact whatsoever. You're so disconnected, you even disprove and admit your own claims are wrong!
The lame stream media is lying out of their collective asses.. These fools created a panic where there shouldn't be one.
Yes how terrible they told the truth about Donald’s incompetence
His only “incompetence” was not mobilizing the private sector sooner. Your incompetence is for all to see —- your posts here.

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