Thank You, Founding Fathers, For the Electoral System

When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

Won't happen, why are you people so intent on forcing us to do whatever you decide we should do?
Give it 1, maybe 2 more electoral breakdowns like last election, where a candidate suspected of conspiracy to sabotage the election became President with 3,000,000 less votes than his opponent, and it will happen :thup:

No it won't. I have always found it odd how losers always want to change the rules to suit their needs.
You mean like how republicans changed the rules to get Gorsuch? Or the 27 Constitutional amendments? Or Trump’s constant demands to change the rules so he can pass legislation by decree? :rolleyes:

LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:
The citizens of Athens overthrew the government? And why was that?

Like I said, junior. Read some history. Preferably something by someone who is a non biased historian like your hero, zinn.
No, I’m waiting for you to admit the citizens revolted because of a tyranny of the minority. :laugh: Unless you’re talking about the times Athens was conquered or became part of another empire or nation, in which case it has zero relevance to what we’re talking about.

Tell us how the invasion of Syracuse helped the Athenian cause.
It didn’t. They were defeated. So now that you carried on this farce, I assume you’ll explain how some tyranny of the majority ended Athens?

Aaaaannd? It was the tyranny of the mob that caused the invasion of Syracuse. C'mon little internet commando, do some research. I gave you all the clues you needed. How did invading Syracuse help the cause of Athens?
It was a war. I can turn it right around and say the tyranny of the majority won the war for Sparta or Syracuse or whatever. The point remains that when a civilization is ruled by tyranny of the minority, the civilization will fail or the majority will correct the error.
Won't happen, why are you people so intent on forcing us to do whatever you decide we should do?
Give it 1, maybe 2 more electoral breakdowns like last election, where a candidate suspected of conspiracy to sabotage the election became President with 3,000,000 less votes than his opponent, and it will happen :thup:

No it won't. I have always found it odd how losers always want to change the rules to suit their needs.
You mean like how republicans changed the rules to get Gorsuch? Or the 27 Constitutional amendments? Or Trump’s constant demands to change the rules so he can pass legislation by decree? :rolleyes:

LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

LOL, why do you always lie? It would be litigated all the way up. How do you think the SC would rule?
Otherwise the votes in California, where it's legal to knowingly transmit HIV but you go to prison for handing out a straw, would have mattered.

You're fake news.
And a bald-faced liar.
There is no such law about straws in CA.
Post the statute or STFU.

Giving Out Plastic Straws In Santa Barbara May Land You In Jail For 6 Months
California city OKs jail time for defying plastic straw ban

View attachment 207990 View attachment 207991

If you actually read the articles you link to, no one is going to jail over a plastic straw.
You're fake news.

1.28.020 Penalty for Misdemeanor.
Unless otherwise specified in this Code, a misdemeanor is punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 4408, 1986; Ord. 4067, 1980.)
Give it 1, maybe 2 more electoral breakdowns like last election, where a candidate suspected of conspiracy to sabotage the election became President with 3,000,000 less votes than his opponent, and it will happen :thup:

No it won't. I have always found it odd how losers always want to change the rules to suit their needs.
You mean like how republicans changed the rules to get Gorsuch? Or the 27 Constitutional amendments? Or Trump’s constant demands to change the rules so he can pass legislation by decree? :rolleyes:

LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

LOL, why do you always lie? It would be litigated all the way up. How do you think the SC would rule?
Told ya. He think an online petition can override the Constitution.
They also feared their slaves getting freedom, shit in Chamber pots and thought bleeding people was a valid medical treatment.

Heck, even their original idea for the EC didn't work out that well, which is why they had to amend it with the 12th Amendment after the first couple of tries turned into a train wreck.

Here's the real problem with the EC. It disenfranchises most states. There's really no point in voting Republican in CA or Democratic in TX (at least for now). The election comes down to about 10 swing states, which are often vulnerable to the kind of hacking that went on in 2016.

It also locks us into a two party system that most folks kind of agree is broken. Third parties kind of whither and die after one cycle.

A much better system would be to have a general election and if no one gets more than 50% of the vote, then you have a run-off between the top two vote getters.

It has nothing to do with the 2 party system. The issue is how Progressives have centralized power.

It used to be that states ran their own affairs, but the Federal government increasingly has taken over their power...... <snip>

It has EVERYTHING to do with the Duopoly, which as it works the EC keeps protected from any threat TO that Duopoly.

ANY state ANYWHERE is going to vote for either the so-called "Red" or the so-called "Blue" candidate, and everybody in that state knows it, therefore they're not going to waste a vote on the "Green" or "Purple" candy because they know god damned well it won't count. The only reason anybody anywhere has a reason to vote at all is if that particular state is uncertain about whether it will go "red" or "blue", and that voter wants to lean it this way, or more likely ensure it doesn't lean 'that' way.

EVERYBODY ELSE'S VOTE EVERYWHERE IS TOSSED IN THE SHREDDER. It's recycled to make grocery bags, and thank you for shopping here, have a nice day. And even those in that so-called "swing" state who voted with the "red" or "blue" candy who did not prevail, their vote goes into the same shredder. Worthless. That state then goes to Congress and lies through its teeth, saying "wow it's amazing, literally everybody in our state voted for Doofus, this hasn't happened since the last six dozen times it happened, every four years. Amazing".

So don't come on this board and try to pretend the Electrical College isn't short-circuiting the vast majority of the People's vote and try to shunt off into shiny objects of "oh look over there, what the government is doing". People just ain't that fucking stupid.
Using your Leftard logic, if a popular vote is 100,000,001 to 100,000,000 then 100,000,000 votes got wasted.


Nope. Because those 100,000,000 votes got counted. Dumbass.

Nobody who voted for, say, Rump in California or Clinton in Texas, had their votes counted. Flushed right down the toilet.

And what that also does that we didn't even mention is this --- everybody in California knew their state would go EC-unanimous for Clinton; everybody in Texas knew their state would go all-in for Rump. Therefore there was no point in anybody voting AT ALL. A Texan or Californian could vote for Rump, vote for Clinton, vote for Stein, vote for Howdy Doody, or stay home, learn Hungarian and not bother to vote at all. And all five courses would produce exactly the same result. So what's the point?

That's why we have such an abysmal turnout. The last one, hyperbuzzed as it was, only brought out 55% of eligible voters. Because what's the point. That too is the fault of the EC as it operates.

Oh this is good.

How do they know who I voted for without counting it?

Trump didn’t get one vote in Calif?

How do they count my votes on propositions and dog catcher without counting my choice for POTUS?

So you’re saying California predetermined who would win the State. That’s called fixing the elections. A very Democratic Party thing, glad you admit Dems cheat.

Nnnnope, that's called "the way things work". That's called being fucking observant. Which I guess I should point out is not the same thing as observing fucking. Hard to believe you could get this far in a lifespan without ever noticing the WTA system, which the Electoral College's architect James Madison could see was going to lead to where it did and proposed an Amendment banning the practice.

Rump actually got millions of votes in California, just as Clinton did in Texas. All of them were flushed down the sewer and ignored. Along with all votes everywhere for Stein and Johnson and anybody else. Just as Ross Perot's and John Anderson's (etc etc) were. And that happens every four years.

Again the Duh factor. Start paying attention sometime this century.
Like I said, junior. Read some history. Preferably something by someone who is a non biased historian like your hero, zinn.
No, I’m waiting for you to admit the citizens revolted because of a tyranny of the minority. :laugh: Unless you’re talking about the times Athens was conquered or became part of another empire or nation, in which case it has zero relevance to what we’re talking about.

Tell us how the invasion of Syracuse helped the Athenian cause.
It didn’t. They were defeated. So now that you carried on this farce, I assume you’ll explain how some tyranny of the majority ended Athens?

Aaaaannd? It was the tyranny of the mob that caused the invasion of Syracuse. C'mon little internet commando, do some research. I gave you all the clues you needed. How did invading Syracuse help the cause of Athens?
It was a war. I can turn it right around and say the tyranny of the majority won the war for Sparta or Syracuse or whatever. The point remains that when a civilization is ruled by tyranny of the minority, the civilization will fail or the majority will correct the error.

Do you understand geography? Do you understand that the mob decided to attack a fellow democracy instead of an oligarchy (the normal reason Athens would attack), like I said, junior, you know nothing about the tyranny of the mob. Go read about the Peloponnesian War, I suggest you start with Thucydides, he wrote about the War as it was occurring, and his insights are critical to understanding how the tyranny of the mob led Athens to ruin.
No it won't. I have always found it odd how losers always want to change the rules to suit their needs.
You mean like how republicans changed the rules to get Gorsuch? Or the 27 Constitutional amendments? Or Trump’s constant demands to change the rules so he can pass legislation by decree? :rolleyes:

LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

LOL, why do you always lie? It would be litigated all the way up. How do you think the SC would rule?
Told ya. He think an online petition can override the Constitution.

Don't laugh, once Trump is out of there I could see this happening......
It has nothing to do with the 2 party system. The issue is how Progressives have centralized power.

It used to be that states ran their own affairs, but the Federal government increasingly has taken over their power...... <snip>

It has EVERYTHING to do with the Duopoly, which as it works the EC keeps protected from any threat TO that Duopoly.

ANY state ANYWHERE is going to vote for either the so-called "Red" or the so-called "Blue" candidate, and everybody in that state knows it, therefore they're not going to waste a vote on the "Green" or "Purple" candy because they know god damned well it won't count. The only reason anybody anywhere has a reason to vote at all is if that particular state is uncertain about whether it will go "red" or "blue", and that voter wants to lean it this way, or more likely ensure it doesn't lean 'that' way.

EVERYBODY ELSE'S VOTE EVERYWHERE IS TOSSED IN THE SHREDDER. It's recycled to make grocery bags, and thank you for shopping here, have a nice day. And even those in that so-called "swing" state who voted with the "red" or "blue" candy who did not prevail, their vote goes into the same shredder. Worthless. That state then goes to Congress and lies through its teeth, saying "wow it's amazing, literally everybody in our state voted for Doofus, this hasn't happened since the last six dozen times it happened, every four years. Amazing".

So don't come on this board and try to pretend the Electrical College isn't short-circuiting the vast majority of the People's vote and try to shunt off into shiny objects of "oh look over there, what the government is doing". People just ain't that fucking stupid.
Using your Leftard logic, if a popular vote is 100,000,001 to 100,000,000 then 100,000,000 votes got wasted.


Nope. Because those 100,000,000 votes got counted. Dumbass.

Nobody who voted for, say, Rump in California or Clinton in Texas, had their votes counted. Flushed right down the toilet.

And what that also does that we didn't even mention is this --- everybody in California knew their state would go EC-unanimous for Clinton; everybody in Texas knew their state would go all-in for Rump. Therefore there was no point in anybody voting AT ALL. A Texan or Californian could vote for Rump, vote for Clinton, vote for Stein, vote for Howdy Doody, or stay home, learn Hungarian and not bother to vote at all. And all five courses would produce exactly the same result. So what's the point?

That's why we have such an abysmal turnout. The last one, hyperbuzzed as it was, only brought out 55% of eligible voters. Because what's the point. That too is the fault of the EC as it operates.

Oh this is good.

How do they know who I voted for without counting it?

Trump didn’t get one vote in Calif?

How do they count my votes on propositions and dog catcher without counting my choice for POTUS?

So you’re saying California predetermined who would win the State. That’s called fixing the elections. A very Democratic Party thing, glad you admit Dems cheat.

Nnnnope, that's called "the way things work". That's called being fucking observant. Which I guess I should point out is not the same thing as observing fucking. Hard to believe you could get this far in a lifespan without ever noticing the WTA system, which the Electoral College's architect James Madison could see was going to lead to where it did and proposed an Amendment banning the practice.

Rump actually got millions of votes in California, just as Clinton did in Texas. All of them were flushed down the sewer and ignored. Along with all votes everywhere for Stein and Johnson and anybody else. Just as Ross Perot's and John Anderson's (etc etc) were. And that happens every four years.

Again the Duh factor. Start paying attention sometime this century.
So Democrats lied when they said Trump got 4,483,810 votes?

Keep going, this is fun.
It has EVERYTHING to do with the Duopoly, which as it works the EC keeps protected from any threat TO that Duopoly.

ANY state ANYWHERE is going to vote for either the so-called "Red" or the so-called "Blue" candidate, and everybody in that state knows it, therefore they're not going to waste a vote on the "Green" or "Purple" candy because they know god damned well it won't count. The only reason anybody anywhere has a reason to vote at all is if that particular state is uncertain about whether it will go "red" or "blue", and that voter wants to lean it this way, or more likely ensure it doesn't lean 'that' way.

EVERYBODY ELSE'S VOTE EVERYWHERE IS TOSSED IN THE SHREDDER. It's recycled to make grocery bags, and thank you for shopping here, have a nice day. And even those in that so-called "swing" state who voted with the "red" or "blue" candy who did not prevail, their vote goes into the same shredder. Worthless. That state then goes to Congress and lies through its teeth, saying "wow it's amazing, literally everybody in our state voted for Doofus, this hasn't happened since the last six dozen times it happened, every four years. Amazing".

So don't come on this board and try to pretend the Electrical College isn't short-circuiting the vast majority of the People's vote and try to shunt off into shiny objects of "oh look over there, what the government is doing". People just ain't that fucking stupid.
Using your Leftard logic, if a popular vote is 100,000,001 to 100,000,000 then 100,000,000 votes got wasted.


Nope. Because those 100,000,000 votes got counted. Dumbass.

Nobody who voted for, say, Rump in California or Clinton in Texas, had their votes counted. Flushed right down the toilet.

And what that also does that we didn't even mention is this --- everybody in California knew their state would go EC-unanimous for Clinton; everybody in Texas knew their state would go all-in for Rump. Therefore there was no point in anybody voting AT ALL. A Texan or Californian could vote for Rump, vote for Clinton, vote for Stein, vote for Howdy Doody, or stay home, learn Hungarian and not bother to vote at all. And all five courses would produce exactly the same result. So what's the point?

That's why we have such an abysmal turnout. The last one, hyperbuzzed as it was, only brought out 55% of eligible voters. Because what's the point. That too is the fault of the EC as it operates.

Oh this is good.

How do they know who I voted for without counting it?

Trump didn’t get one vote in Calif?

How do they count my votes on propositions and dog catcher without counting my choice for POTUS?

So you’re saying California predetermined who would win the State. That’s called fixing the elections. A very Democratic Party thing, glad you admit Dems cheat.

Nnnnope, that's called "the way things work". That's called being fucking observant. Which I guess I should point out is not the same thing as observing fucking. Hard to believe you could get this far in a lifespan without ever noticing the WTA system, which the Electoral College's architect James Madison could see was going to lead to where it did and proposed an Amendment banning the practice.

Rump actually got millions of votes in California, just as Clinton did in Texas. All of them were flushed down the sewer and ignored. Along with all votes everywhere for Stein and Johnson and anybody else. Just as Ross Perot's and John Anderson's (etc etc) were. And that happens every four years.

Again the Duh factor. Start paying attention sometime this century.
So Democrats lied when they said Trump got 4,483,810 votes?

Keep going, this is fun.

"Democrats" don't report vote totals.

You really don't have a clue about this planet do you.
No it won't. I have always found it odd how losers always want to change the rules to suit their needs.
You mean like how republicans changed the rules to get Gorsuch? Or the 27 Constitutional amendments? Or Trump’s constant demands to change the rules so he can pass legislation by decree? :rolleyes:

LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

LOL, why do you always lie? It would be litigated all the way up. How do you think the SC would rule?
Told ya. He think an online petition can override the Constitution.

That's the card they will try and play, there is. When you read their logic it's "We feel" or "We think".
No it won't. I have always found it odd how losers always want to change the rules to suit their needs.
You mean like how republicans changed the rules to get Gorsuch? Or the 27 Constitutional amendments? Or Trump’s constant demands to change the rules so he can pass legislation by decree? :rolleyes:

LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

LOL, why do you always lie? It would be litigated all the way up. How do you think the SC would rule?
Told ya. He think an online petition can override the Constitution.

There ain't a goddam thing in the Constitution saying states have to vote unanimously.

Nada. Zero.

There ain't even anything in there that says we have to hold elections at all.

Go ahead peewee --- find it.
You mean like how republicans changed the rules to get Gorsuch? Or the 27 Constitutional amendments? Or Trump’s constant demands to change the rules so he can pass legislation by decree? :rolleyes:

LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

LOL, why do you always lie? It would be litigated all the way up. How do you think the SC would rule?
Told ya. He think an online petition can override the Constitution.

Don't laugh, once Trump is out of there I could see this happening......

I doubt the SC would rule in their favor.
Using your Leftard logic, if a popular vote is 100,000,001 to 100,000,000 then 100,000,000 votes got wasted.


Nope. Because those 100,000,000 votes got counted. Dumbass.

Nobody who voted for, say, Rump in California or Clinton in Texas, had their votes counted. Flushed right down the toilet.

And what that also does that we didn't even mention is this --- everybody in California knew their state would go EC-unanimous for Clinton; everybody in Texas knew their state would go all-in for Rump. Therefore there was no point in anybody voting AT ALL. A Texan or Californian could vote for Rump, vote for Clinton, vote for Stein, vote for Howdy Doody, or stay home, learn Hungarian and not bother to vote at all. And all five courses would produce exactly the same result. So what's the point?

That's why we have such an abysmal turnout. The last one, hyperbuzzed as it was, only brought out 55% of eligible voters. Because what's the point. That too is the fault of the EC as it operates.

Oh this is good.

How do they know who I voted for without counting it?

Trump didn’t get one vote in Calif?

How do they count my votes on propositions and dog catcher without counting my choice for POTUS?

So you’re saying California predetermined who would win the State. That’s called fixing the elections. A very Democratic Party thing, glad you admit Dems cheat.

Nnnnope, that's called "the way things work". That's called being fucking observant. Which I guess I should point out is not the same thing as observing fucking. Hard to believe you could get this far in a lifespan without ever noticing the WTA system, which the Electoral College's architect James Madison could see was going to lead to where it did and proposed an Amendment banning the practice.

Rump actually got millions of votes in California, just as Clinton did in Texas. All of them were flushed down the sewer and ignored. Along with all votes everywhere for Stein and Johnson and anybody else. Just as Ross Perot's and John Anderson's (etc etc) were. And that happens every four years.

Again the Duh factor. Start paying attention sometime this century.
So Democrats lied when they said Trump got 4,483,810 votes?

Keep going, this is fun.

"Democrats" don't report vote totals.

You really don't have a clue about this planet do you.
Your ignorance pains me.

Voter Registration | California Secretary of State to Register to Vote
LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

LOL, why do you always lie? It would be litigated all the way up. How do you think the SC would rule?
Told ya. He think an online petition can override the Constitution.

Don't laugh, once Trump is out of there I could see this happening......

I doubt the SC would rule in their favor.
I wonder how many times Putin signed the online petition.
You mean like how republicans changed the rules to get Gorsuch? Or the 27 Constitutional amendments? Or Trump’s constant demands to change the rules so he can pass legislation by decree? :rolleyes:

LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

LOL, why do you always lie? It would be litigated all the way up. How do you think the SC would rule?
Told ya. He think an online petition can override the Constitution.

There ain't a goddam thing in the Constitution saying states have to vote unanimously.

Nada. Zero.

There ain't even anything in there that says we have to hold elections at all.

Go ahead peewee --- find it.

I know you think you're the smartest girl in the room, but you know full well it go all the way up the SC. Stop acting like a petulant damn child.
Won't happen, why are you people so intent on forcing us to do whatever you decide we should do?
Give it 1, maybe 2 more electoral breakdowns like last election, where a candidate suspected of conspiracy to sabotage the election became President with 3,000,000 less votes than his opponent, and it will happen :thup:

No it won't. I have always found it odd how losers always want to change the rules to suit their needs.
You mean like how republicans changed the rules to get Gorsuch? Or the 27 Constitutional amendments? Or Trump’s constant demands to change the rules so he can pass legislation by decree? :rolleyes:

LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

Zackly. It's a counter to WTA, not the EC.

Summa these klowns prolly think "WTA" is the name of an airline.
You mean like how republicans changed the rules to get Gorsuch? Or the 27 Constitutional amendments? Or Trump’s constant demands to change the rules so he can pass legislation by decree? :rolleyes:

LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

LOL, why do you always lie? It would be litigated all the way up. How do you think the SC would rule?
Told ya. He think an online petition can override the Constitution.

There ain't a goddam thing in the Constitution saying states have to vote unanimously.

Nada. Zero.

There ain't even anything in there that says we have to hold elections at all.

Go ahead peewee --- find it.
I wish California split their electoral votes. Trump would get 40% of them
LOL, if you can get an Amendment through then so be it. That's the way it works. I'll bet you CHEERED the Messiah when he said "I have a phone, and a pen." Are you, with a straight face actually trying to say every amendment was a Republican Amendment?
No amendment needed in this case :itsok:

LOL, why do you always lie? It would be litigated all the way up. How do you think the SC would rule?
Told ya. He think an online petition can override the Constitution.

There ain't a goddam thing in the Constitution saying states have to vote unanimously.

Nada. Zero.

There ain't even anything in there that says we have to hold elections at all.

Go ahead peewee --- find it.

I know you think you're the smartest girl in the room, but you know full well it go all the way up the SC. Stop acting like a petulant damn child.

It go up the SC, do it?

And what do it do when it go up there?

I said "find it". You can't, because it doesn't exist. And there ain't nothing you can do about that. You can go wee wee wee all the way up the SC, and it still won't be there.

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