Thank You, Founding Fathers, For the Electoral System

It has/had two purposes:

1) Protect smaller pop states from being railroaded by larger, which is the same as the allocation of senators. That would still be accomplished if EVs were allocated by each state to reflect the % of the vote each candidate go in-state.

2) Protect the nation from a person was elected for illegitimate ends. I don't think that was certain with Trump in Jan 2016, but currently he can't get a maj of his own party in either the House or Senate, and he's trying to get congress to fire the deputy AG because he's told his presidency might not survive him doing it himself.
You just articulated exactly why you should support that. Unless your preference is to just sit there and wallow so you have more to whine about. Which I strongly suspect is indeed your plan.

I have no interest in whining. I realized years ago that here in Bew England there aren’t actually enough of us Conservatives to make a difference at the polls. Nor are there any candidates who would listen to us if we did try. Not a complaint, just a realization.

I stay here as an agent provocateur for the real change that is coming... by blood and flame.
Just think people, if progressives had their way, the same people who voted for Ocasio-Cortez would elect our POTUS too.

Yes our founding fathers were smart as fuck
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Not just no, but hell no! The Electoral College defends the country from the tyranny of the Mob. As the Founders intended.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.
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Not just no, but hell no! The Electoral College defends the country from the tyranny of the Mob. As the Founders intended.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

Your opening statement is spot on. I blame Lincoln for not carrying thru
his initial plans. Abolish slavery and ship all their black asses to central
America. We wouldn't be plagued with that tyranny of a minority now,
BUT there is still time to fix it.
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Not just no, but hell no! The Electoral College defends the country from the tyranny of the Mob. As the Founders intended.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

I suggest you read some history. Athens fell because of the tyranny of the Mob. Well known history proves your claim to be wrong.
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Not just no, but hell no! The Electoral College defends the country from the tyranny of the Mob. As the Founders intended.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

I suggest you read some history. Athens fell because of the tyranny of the Mob. Well known history proves your claim to be wrong.
Which mob? :laugh:
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Not just no, but hell no! The Electoral College defends the country from the tyranny of the Mob. As the Founders intended.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

I suggest you read some history. Athens fell because of the tyranny of the Mob. Well known history proves your claim to be wrong.
Which mob? :laugh:

The mob that was the citizenry of Athens. Ignorance of history is no reason to repeat it. Try educating yourself before you make stupid suggestions. Amazingly enough, your ideas have already been tried. And they failed. Badly.
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Not just no, but hell no! The Electoral College defends the country from the tyranny of the Mob. As the Founders intended.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

I suggest you read some history. Athens fell because of the tyranny of the Mob. Well known history proves your claim to be wrong.
Which mob? :laugh:

The mob that was the citizenry of Athens. Ignorance of history is no reason to repeat it. Try educating yourself before you make stupid suggestions. Amazingly enough, your ideas have already been tried. And they failed. Badly.
The citizens of Athens overthrew the government? And why was that?
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Not just no, but hell no! The Electoral College defends the country from the tyranny of the Mob. As the Founders intended.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

Won't happen, why are you people so intent on forcing us to do whatever you decide we should do?
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Not just no, but hell no! The Electoral College defends the country from the tyranny of the Mob. As the Founders intended.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

Won't happen, why are you people so intent on forcing us to do whatever you decide we should do?
Give it 1, maybe 2 more electoral breakdowns like last election, where a candidate suspected of conspiracy to sabotage the election became President with 3,000,000 less votes than his opponent, and it will happen :thup:
How ironic that the electoral college was designed precisely to keep a person like Trump out of the white house....the founding fathers miscalculation was not knowing how many stupid people would exist in 2016...
How ironic that the electoral college was designed precisely to keep a person like Trump out of the white house....the founding fathers miscalculation was not knowing how many stupid people would exist in 2016...
They also let the south dictate terms to appease their lust for slavery. The founders were very smart for the time, but also so sadly primitive.
Not just no, but hell no! The Electoral College defends the country from the tyranny of the Mob. As the Founders intended.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

I suggest you read some history. Athens fell because of the tyranny of the Mob. Well known history proves your claim to be wrong.
Which mob? :laugh:

The mob that was the citizenry of Athens. Ignorance of history is no reason to repeat it. Try educating yourself before you make stupid suggestions. Amazingly enough, your ideas have already been tried. And they failed. Badly.
The citizens of Athens overthrew the government? And why was that?

Like I said, junior. Read some history. Preferably something by someone who is a non biased historian like your hero, zinn.
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Also, VOTE this November

Not just no, but hell no! The Electoral College defends the country from the tyranny of the Mob. As the Founders intended.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

Won't happen, why are you people so intent on forcing us to do whatever you decide we should do?
Give it 1, maybe 2 more electoral breakdowns like last election, where a candidate suspected of conspiracy to sabotage the election became President with 3,000,000 less votes than his opponent, and it will happen :thup:

No it won't. I have always found it odd how losers always want to change the rules to suit their needs.
When a civilization is ruled by the tyranny of a minority, that’s when it fails. The conditions under which the electoral college was negotiated no longer exist. Connecticut signed on to the NPV this year, bringing us a step closer to repairing our completely broken electoral system.

I suggest you read some history. Athens fell because of the tyranny of the Mob. Well known history proves your claim to be wrong.
Which mob? :laugh:

The mob that was the citizenry of Athens. Ignorance of history is no reason to repeat it. Try educating yourself before you make stupid suggestions. Amazingly enough, your ideas have already been tried. And they failed. Badly.
The citizens of Athens overthrew the government? And why was that?

Like I said, junior. Read some history. Preferably something by someone who is a non biased historian like your hero, zinn.
No, I’m waiting for you to admit the citizens revolted because of a tyranny of the minority. :laugh: Unless you’re talking about the times Athens was conquered or became part of another empire or nation, in which case it has zero relevance to what we’re talking about.
How ironic that the electoral college was designed precisely to keep a person like Trump out of the white house....the founding fathers miscalculation was not knowing how many stupid people would exist in 2016...
You constantly amaze. That is not why the electoral College was designed.

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